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Stargate Fandom Music Videos

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    Originally posted by Space Monkey52
    It's about 13.5 MB
    Make an Angelfire account, and upload the vid.

    If you want you could make a simple HTML page to display it on and upload it too.


    <body bgcolor="black">
    <font color="white">
    <p>Song: Name of song
    <br>length; file size mbs; format
    <p><a href="filename.wmv">Download Here</a>


    That's how I put the format. And of course, put that it's by you.

    Just copy that code, change whatever, and save the file as 'whateveryouwant.html' and then upload it and you can use that as a link to give to everyone. Or you could just make that the index file or whatever.


    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


      Some on nominate one of my two vids off my site, i want to see what happens!

      If you do i will nominate one of yours depending on how i feel about it
      Last edited by Stricken; 01 September 2005, 12:15 AM.


        And the vid is up!

        Song - "Somebody Help Me" by Full Blown Rose
        Edited by - SpaceMonkey52
        Description - Jonas needs some help. (Shown at the 2005 Creation NJ area SG-1 con)
        Spoilers - Prophecy
        Size - 13.4mb
        Length - 00:03:16
        Format - WMV

        See it here

        Feel free to nominate it if you think it is worthy!

        "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

        Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
        Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


          Since we're all pimping out our vids for nomination time...

          Come over to my site!

          After three months of being unable to have an update, my site has been updated to add my latest (and my sister's latest) vids!

          I have three not-so-new-to-the-internet but new-to-my-site Atlantis vids, and my sister has one.

          Also if you're interested, six Alias vids have been added.

          Also, all of my livejournal icons have been added.


          Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
          Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


            MartoufMarty - I always love ur videos. I'll make sure to nom. you now

            Rodney/Carson shipper

            Finally after eight years Daniel gets possessed by a Goa'uld. Oh dear!

            SG-1 Atlantis Charmed Harry Potter


              Originally posted by SG.Jackson
              MartoufMarty - I always love ur videos. I'll make sure to nom. you now



              It seems like hardly anyone ever nominates me so I'm going to be nominating myself lol.

              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                Anyone wanna nominate me? lol

                Rodney/Carson shipper

                Finally after eight years Daniel gets possessed by a Goa'uld. Oh dear!

                SG-1 Atlantis Charmed Harry Potter


                  BTW, any feedback people can give me on my vid would be welcome.

                  "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

                  Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
                  Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


                    I've given up on vidding...

                    Windows Movie Maker hates does Adobe Premiere...Pinnacle at least liked me...

                    I'm so broke...

                    I need more RAM...

                    A few more harddrives...

                    Now I'llnever get to make my Carter vid...

                    *mopes in corner*
                    TEAM SG1 LIVES


                      Originally posted by Osiris-RA
                      I've given up on vidding...

                      Windows Movie Maker hates does Adobe Premiere...Pinnacle at least liked me...

                      I'm so broke...

                      I need more RAM...

                      A few more harddrives...

                      Now I'llnever get to make my Carter vid...

                      *mopes in corner*

                      DONT CRY! Sometimes windows movie maker hates me too... but damn I keep trying until I get my video done. Pinnacle confused me so I deleted it.. I need more RAM too..

                      ya know what... WE NEED MONEY!!!!

                      Rodney/Carson shipper

                      Finally after eight years Daniel gets possessed by a Goa'uld. Oh dear!

                      SG-1 Atlantis Charmed Harry Potter


                        Don't worry...from what I've heard, Windows Movie Maker hates everyone. Myself included. I still use it though - and believe me, hitting ctrl+alt+delete has become as autonomic for me as breathing. Sometimes I'm restarting the program every few minutes...sigh. I just can't help but keep vidding, lol. I'll warn you though, while more RAM is always a good thing, it might not help with the WMM problem - I recently upgraded from 256mb to 1gb and it did nothing (my computer-whiz uncle spent hours checking it out for me - after that and several online forums and articles we learned that it's just not a very good program, relatively unstable, and is only really good if you're doing really simple, short vids). Apparently there are some hardward incompatibilities, but I'm not sure exactly what. I've entertained the idea of actually purchasing a new program to use, but alas I am a poor university student and will likely have to continue using an annoying yet free program, because I won't give up vidding (no matter how many times I threaten to throw my computer out the window, lol).

                        The only other thing I might suggest (and this might not even apply) is, if you haven't already done it, to go to the microsoft website and get the free upgrade to Version 2...might not help the main problem, but lets you do more fun things in the vid - if you're gonna suffer through it, might as well go all the way!

                        The Cardboard Experience - 41 music videos in 10 fandoms


                          Version 2?

                          GOD NO!

                          That was what I did wrong.

                          A couple years ago - back from... Grade 9 I think - when we were studying Romeo and Juliet we had to do a bunch of end projects and I came up with making a vid. So I borrowed the 1995 movie from a friend, and made a vid in Windows Movie Maker 2.

                          There was nothing really wrong with the program at the time, but when I went to save my vid it said first that it would take (in minutes) about 6 years to save.

                          And the more I tried and tried to save it, it numbers kept on going higher.

                          Finally it started to become laughable and I started pretending to hand in my assignment when I'm eighty or so (it was saying that it would take 66 years to save).

                          Finally, I burnt the project file, the movie, and the song to a CD and put it on my sister's laptop and it worked fine.

                          The computer screwed up not long after that and I swore never to go back to Movie Maker 2...

                          But I eventually did.

                          It was fine for a bit, and then I just started to get errors galore and it started pissing me off real bad.

                          So I kind of dealt with it until one day I decided that I was going to use Pinnacle for my new Angel vid. I recorded the episodes I needed in MPEG format and made the vid.

                          I have not looked back to Windows Movie Maker since...

                          If you can afford it or know good places *cough*, get something better like Aodbe Premiere or Pinnacle or Ulead...

                          Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                          Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                            I use WMM and its fine for me as long as im quick

                            My site has been updated and now features The Siege In Too Deep which was removed after i discovered it was the original and note the finished version,

                            Here Or Here

                            I need help deciding an address for the site any suggestion welcomed, as you can see by the bit at the bottom it says the site with no name!
                            Last edited by Stricken; 02 September 2005, 08:36 AM.


                              I use WMM too. It's currently being a pain though and won't allow me to save files as movies. Now it won't even let me play certain clips or even what I've put together so far. So annoying. I think I may have to call up Microsoft and complain. (Something I do very well. )

                              "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

                              Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
                              Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


                                I haven't had any more/different problems with Version 2 than I did with the original (I've had 2 for a couple years now, made around 15 or so vids with it)...although my problems don't really involve saving or playback - except playback is usually screwed up just because the program runs slowly (the clips are still "there"). So long as I'm saving it as a wmv and not over 100mb (which I never need to do, anyway), it works fine. My problem involves the frequent freezing of the program while I'm actually trying to cut or move around the clips...if frequent saving wasn't drilled into me by teachers and professors before, it has been now!

                                I actually do have a copy of Pinnacle Studio 8, although I've been having trouble figuring it out on my own...I played around a bit with it yesterday, actually, and think I have the hand of some basic vid-abilities, but until I can get a better handle on it, I'll stick with WMM - despite having to continually restart it, I've been using for a long time and I believe I still may be faster with it (strange, I know). We'll see though...I would eventually like to buy a better program, even if WMM was cooperative, since I'd like to play around with more advanced editing toys, anyway.

                                The Cardboard Experience - 41 music videos in 10 fandoms

