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Convention Etiquette: Discussion and Advice on Do's and Don'ts

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    Originally posted by BruTak View Post
    4) Remove Unseemly Types. You know who I mean... Round up everyone with a "Free Hug!" sign and put them in a pen until the adults have finished having fun. Glompers should be informed that if they engage in such a practice, you will release the hounds.

    Glompers are irritating. At Anime Evolution there was a Glomp Game, it was banned on convention grounds (the convention centre a little up Vancouver's waterfront from the Pan Pacific hotel and that other 'sailing boat' convention centre) so they held it outside on the waterfront blocking both the bicycle path and pedestrians.

    I've heard of worse at anime cons. (standing for Cosplay F***s) was set up after the creator and her sister were asked to make out by a creepy older man at an anime convention. When they told him "we're sisters!" he offered them money...

    Another poster on the same Cosfu thread said he was in costume as L from Death Note when two thirteen year old girls ran up to him, grabbed him in the groin area and then ran off giggling. He was 19 and was horrified.

    Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
    A 'glomper' is a person who excitedly runs up to and tackles people with hugs. It's usually well-meaning, but it's a bit painful and inappropriate, and I think most would prefer them to just ask permission for a hug first.
    Exactly. It's a combo of a rugby tackle and a hug. I've never had it happen to me at a con, but when I at my Sub Aqua club doing lenghts with my snorkle and fins some member's seven year old brat (who for some reason was being allowed to swim in the pool even though he was too young to be an official member) jumped on my back and that hurt my shoulder and neck and was smaller than a teenager.

    Also, it's ten o'clock at night. A two year old has no business being at the evening entertainment of a convention particularly if it's screaming in a fashion that suggests it doesn't want to be there. And shame on the parents for inflicting it on the rest of us, I could hear it from the other side of the room. This was a few weeks back at a small con in London and I wasn't the only one who was annoyed by it.

    In regards to Creation Vancouver one year, there was a stroller blocking the aisle. There was no kid in it most of the time yet folding it and stowing it out of the way was obviously too much of an effort for the parents.
    Last edited by Demonique; 15 September 2009, 09:34 AM.


      I know it's difficult for people, but, sometimes, the best thing you can do is to speak up when a person is being annoying. Often, the offender has no idea that he or she is bothering other people. Some of us are not lazy or mean spirited. We are often just oblivious due to the excitement, or because we are tired. I know I've made an error or two at a convention in the past and only learned of it second hand when someone complained to me thinking I was someone else. I realized that they must be talking about me, so I apologized. So, just a suggestion, but maybe ask politely for the person to cease the behaviour, and explain why. I appreciate it when someone tells me I've messed up. I may not be aware of it otherwise.
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        One of the panels we almost ALWAYS have at our Cons is: "How To Host A Con Party: Want to throw a party at the Con WITHOUT getting thrown out of both the Con and the Hotel? come to this panel and learn the ins and outs of throwing a party in a hotel room." We have our Party Mavens run the panel and it is usually well attended. Since we've started doing this, we've noticed a drop in the amount of "problem" parties that our security has had to go deal with. (No more smurfs being set on fire and thrown over the balconey into the pool. Funny, but hard on hotel relations!). Anyway, that's just one thing we do. BTW, I'm in Phoenix, AZ. Take care all....Nyki


          Originally posted by KhyrhaJade View Post
          One of the panels we almost ALWAYS have at our Cons is: "How To Host A Con Party: Want to throw a party at the Con WITHOUT getting thrown out of both the Con and the Hotel? come to this panel and learn the ins and outs of throwing a party in a hotel room." We have our Party Mavens run the panel and it is usually well attended. Since we've started doing this, we've noticed a drop in the amount of "problem" parties that our security has had to go deal with. (No more smurfs being set on fire and thrown over the balconey into the pool. Funny, but hard on hotel relations!). Anyway, that's just one thing we do. BTW, I'm in Phoenix, AZ. Take care all....Nyki
          Great idea. What con do you offer this at?
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            Originally posted by KhyrhaJade View Post
            One of the panels we almost ALWAYS have at our Cons is: "How To Host A Con Party: Want to throw a party at the Con WITHOUT getting thrown out of both the Con and the Hotel? come to this panel and learn the ins and outs of throwing a party in a hotel room." We have our Party Mavens run the panel and it is usually well attended. Since we've started doing this, we've noticed a drop in the amount of "problem" parties that our security has had to go deal with. (No more smurfs being set on fire and thrown over the balconey into the pool. Funny, but hard on hotel relations!). Anyway, that's just one thing we do. BTW, I'm in Phoenix, AZ. Take care all....Nyki
            That sounds like a great idea. Having a panel on the very first day as an introduction panel to give those attending people who are new to cons or need a refresher would be good. Giving people some basic con information that can be useful.

            As some who are new to the con circut may not know how things work. And may genuinely not know what is acceptable and what is not. When to ask for photos and autographs and when not to. When to get or not get hugs etc. Even knowing if it is ok to give gifts and or what would be appropriate gifts to give to a guest (ie don't give large items that they have to figure out how to get home), and maybe go through each guest and specify if they do or don't mind gifts or maybe don't want gifts but rather donations to a charity in leu of or maybe just notes/postcards

            Sometimes just knowing some of the basics and having a bit of an understanding of the con culture can save a lot of unnecessary grief and embarrassment for the fans, guests and event organizers/vollunteers
            My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
            "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


              The next Con we will be offering it at will be CopperCon 30 September 3-6, 2010 in Mesa, Arizona. Somehow I ended up as Program Director, so I can guarantee this will be offered! Take care....Nyki


                We also offer a Fandom 101, which tells people what to expect at their first Con and takes them on a tour of the ConSuite, the Dealer's Room, the Artshow, the freebies table, and other areas of note. In it we go over how to behave when they meet the GoH (guest of honor), when it is permissiable to approach for autographs, etc. what to do if they find themselves in a difficult spot, where to go for help, and how to behave in general. We also go over how the Con Chairs get selected and who pickes the "theme" for the Con, and different administerial stuff, as well. It is an hour and a half panel and is usually well attended. We encourage parents whose teens are getting into fandom to attend this one, as we also explain "fandom" in it. Take care all....Nyki


                  Originally posted by KhyrhaJade View Post
                  The next Con we will be offering it at will be CopperCon 30 September 3-6, 2010 in Mesa, Arizona. Somehow I ended up as Program Director, so I can guarantee this will be offered! Take care....Nyki
                  "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it woth your effort."


                    While there are some who do know that what they are doing is inappropriate, there are going to be those who are first time con goers and won't know what the expected behavior is. May not know the ins and outs of the cons such as when to ask for photos and autographs from the guests and when not to, when hugs and other kind and well meaninged gestures are appropriate or not appropriate. And some basics on how to approach the guests and what is expected in terms of boundaries and personal space.

                    And often one panel of say an hour or so at the beginning of each con could potentially solve many problems and lessen the fears of first time con goers.

                    When I was at GateCon last year, I felt like a fish out of water because I had never been to a con before other than gamming conventions (not really any "guests" at those). And being a shy person, I was nervous about approaching the guests to chat, get pics and autographs because I was concerned about boundaries and not wanting to invade their personal space and what not. And that was even in situations where it was expected such as at the meet-and-greet, photo ops, and autograph sessions. In fact for my photo op with RDA, I practically froze and it took me about 30 seconds to get off my chair and get over to where he was standing for the photo op. I can only thank one of my roommates for the con, for helping to make it less intimidating when meeting the guests
                    My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
                    "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


                      well this was my first con in LA that i have ever been to and i was star struck when i met joe flanigan and paul mcgillion (sorry for the typos) and i did not act weird, nor say weird things or pass out neither did my little sister. we both acted very mature and both actors where very very nice to us even though my sister was really shy but not as much as i was . we kept our distance and never did anything to make our selfs look weird . we where very lucky to have met some great people at this con and this was an unbelievable experience and we both guarantee we will be at next yrs con.


                        Glad to know you both had a good time, & that your first convention experience was a happy one.
                        Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                        To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                        Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                        And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                          Originally posted by BruTak View Post
                          Glad to know you both had a good time, & that your first convention experience was a happy one.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Originally posted by BruTak View Post
                            Glad to know you both had a good time, & that your first convention experience was a happy one.

                            When I was at GateCon in '08, it was my first con and I had a lot of troubles getting up the nerve to even meet any of the guests and introduce myself. And as much as I would love to meet a few specific guests (Paul McGillion, Amanda Tapping and Joe Flannigan), I almost feel that for myself it would be better if I didn't, just because I am extremely shy and don't do so well at the whole meeting people thing.

                            Then again I wouldn't really know how it would turn out till the opportunity arose.
                            My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
                            "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


                              I have found that at most Stargate conventions, people generally behave themselves. It may be because of the age of the fans, since Stargate seems to attract people who are a bit older and who have a bit more self control then, say, the tweens who go gaga over some of the shows and films directed at them. It's nice to see that people will politely keep their distance or approach a celebrity for a quick comment or photo, and then leave them alone. I've heard the horror stories, but I am fortunate that the only negative things I've seen have been during panels when a fan asked an inappropriate question, or tried to show an actor how to salute properly. I think that the celebrities have come to know how to deal with this sort of thing.

                              However, with the new SGU cast beginning to attend conventions, and not having any idea what to expect, maybe those of us who are veterans of conventions, should be more vigilant of the people who may cause problems for them, and be willing to say something to those people. After all, we do want the SGU cast to have a positive experience at these events.
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                                It seems to me that Mr. Carlyle, being a Scotsman, will brook no nonsense from anybody.
                                Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                                To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                                Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                                And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.

