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Convention Etiquette: Discussion and Advice on Do's and Don'ts

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    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    Although he did try to get Tom to say the "F" word...and being the good boy he is, Tom refused...although that may have been because I was sitting right next to him and telling him to not even try!!!
    LOL! That Chris Judge, he's quite a character.

    I can just picture you sitting next to your young 'un and muttering "Drop the F bomb, and you get no birthday or Christmas presents again, ever." into his ear.
    Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
    To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

    Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
    And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


      Originally posted by BruTak View Post
      LOL! That Chris Judge, he's quite a character.
      I can just picture you sitting next to your young 'un and muttering "Drop the F bomb, and you get no birthday or Christmas presents again, ever." into his ear.
      Tempted as I was to say that, I actually just kept saying "Don't you dare" then looked at Chris who was trying to block my son's view to was actually quite funny in a way!
      Chris I'm sure was just having a ball at my expense! When he asked my son if we (his parents) cussed, Tom didn't understand the term so I tried to tell him what he meant and Chris thought I was trying to tell Tom what to say and he told me to stay out of it and not influence his was fun. I haven't got the dvd to the event yet but I've heard that my little family feature on the dvd...go figure!! I'm not sure whether I should be happy about that or totally embarrassed.
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post
        Here! Here!

        Another thing that happens over and over is fans coming through the autograph line to tell the actor about what disease they have, or their sister has, or their mother has, etc. I've spent years working next to actors on autograph lines and this happens to every single one of them.
        Yes, the actor cares -- they really do. However, I have seen the emotional toll it takes on them. I've even had an actor have to take a break from signing because they were crying.

        What the fan gets out of it is a hug. It makes them feel special. I understand that.

        What the fan that does this doesn't realize is that it is a totally selfish act on their part. They are "taking" from that actor. Plus there will be another person about 30 people back in the line that will do the same thing. Another 30 people after that will be another one.

        I have become a very close friend of one of the Star Trek actors. After knowing them for a number of years I inquired as to why me? Why did I get to cross the line from fan to friend? Their answer -- because I didn't want anything. The first time that I approached them it was to tell them that they'd made a positive impact on my life.

        The next time you feel the need to tell one of the actors about your misfortune -- ask yourself why you are doing it. If you're primarily doing it because it will get that actor to pay more attention to you than to the next person -- then don't do it.

        If, on the other hand you have something to tell them about how they inspired you to accomplish things in life - that's giving, not taking. You're giving them thanks. No one can ever hear too much of that.

        I agree and disagree at the same time... I think this situation depends solely on the circumstance... The day I met Michael and Tony was the 6th anniversary of my father's death... I chose not to tell any actor that, instead let the people I was with know... On the other hand, I told Tony not to feel bad about his hair cause I had lost all mine 2 years ago due to cancer... He asked if I was ok and all healthy now and I was proud to say yes... Then it was over... I think people need to pay attention to their motives and the way they word things... This show has given me something positive to concentrate on when I have nothing but negative around me... That's not showing off or trying to get attention... It's letting them know what the brought to our lives...


          I have two children under the age of 10 and I would never bring them to a con. While my son is a fan of some Sci Fi shows, like Doctor Who he is still to young to appreciate a convention. If he is still interested as a preteen I will possibly rethink my postion but right now I think he would be bored, he might also be disruptive and I would never want to inflict that on other con goers.

          Plus its a little selfish on my part. While I love spending time with my children, I pick places that the entire family will enjoy. Attending a convention is a treat for myself. Attending anything with children shifts the focus on child friendly events or you wind up with grumpy children.

          As for the people that don't leave the room when junior starts to fuss its just selfish and rude. Believe me I understand not wanting to miss out on something, but if you are going to bring a small child somewhere you must be prepared to leave because its just good manners not to disrupt the people around you. These are the same people that sit and enjoy their meal while their child howls and disrupts yours. As for not having a babysitter, that really shouldn't be my problem. If I don't have a sitter, I don't go. Its too bad for me, but thats no reason to drag my kids to a place they don't want to be. No matter how much your little on might like a certain actor or actress on television, taking them to a convention where they have to sit still and listen to a discussion that is mostly over their head just doesn't seem age appropriate to me. I do know all children are different, but very small children at conventions just seems like a bad idea. Especially if you are using your child to get a celebrities attention. That is just sad.


            "That's just sad"


            I agree... Bragging about how your kid is the cutest in the world is fine sometimes, but actually bringing them to "get in" with an actor... -shakes head-


              Originally posted by MSBurned08 View Post
              "That's just sad"


              I agree... Bragging about how your kid is the cutest in the world is fine sometimes, but actually bringing them to "get in" with an actor... -shakes head-
              I don't know if this will get me into hot water, but a certain couple have shown up in Vancouver every April with their child. First as a baby and then, this year as a toddler. Of course, guess who wins the costume contest every time...the wee one with his cute little costume... That child has become a great little money maker for the parents. And, of course, with all the Stargate actors having kids of their own, the little guy becomes the center of attention at many Q & A's. Are the parents doing this on purpose to gain attention and booty? I don't know. But somehow, it seems like they have become quite accustomed to being treated like VIPs. Does anyone else know who I'm talking about, and what is your opinion?
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                I've seen a few people do certain things to draw attention to themselves.....personally it never bothers me....I'm too busy having a good time with my friends........if I let those who do happen to annoy me at Cons get to me then my holiday would be spoiled and I have NO intention of letting that happen....I'm quite sure the actors know EXACTLY who these people are, what their motives are and I'm also quite sure that they forget completely about them the minute they return to their own lives away from the I do....

                Deeds xx
                Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                  Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                  I don't know if this will get me into hot water, but a certain couple have shown up in Vancouver every April with their child. First as a baby and then, this year as a toddler. Of course, guess who wins the costume contest every time...the wee one with his cute little costume... That child has become a great little money maker for the parents. And, of course, with all the Stargate actors having kids of their own, the little guy becomes the center of attention at many Q & A's. Are the parents doing this on purpose to gain attention and booty? I don't know. But somehow, it seems like they have become quite accustomed to being treated like VIPs. Does anyone else know who I'm talking about, and what is your opinion?
                  I think I know who you're talking about. I object to someone who has, let's say, purchased a 'day pass' and somehow gains front row status through questionable means.


                    Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                    I think I know who you're talking about. I object to someone who has, let's say, purchased a 'day pass' and somehow gains front row status through questionable means.
                    Since RDA has a child he handled the child screaming pretty well this past week but I am not sure if the actor that muttered about quieting the child was joking or not. I guess bringing a child is like seeing a guy with a puppy.
                    Last edited by sabrina_lane03; 31 August 2008, 06:36 AM.


                      I found this article on digg the other day, and I think anybody not sure what constitutes inappropriate behavior should all take notice that these are things you should NOT do to your favorite celebrity!

                      The 15 Nuttiest Celebrity Stalkers of All Time


                        Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                        I don't know if this will get me into hot water, but a certain couple have shown up in Vancouver every April with their child. First as a baby and then, this year as a toddler. Of course, guess who wins the costume contest every time...the wee one with his cute little costume... That child has become a great little money maker for the parents. And, of course, with all the Stargate actors having kids of their own, the little guy becomes the center of attention at many Q & A's. Are the parents doing this on purpose to gain attention and booty? I don't know. But somehow, it seems like they have become quite accustomed to being treated like VIPs. Does anyone else know who I'm talking about, and what is your opinion?
                        I hate treading a razor line sometimes...
                        I wasn't going to comment, and then I remembered something...
                        I know who you're talking about (at least I think I know who you're talking about... I hope I know who you're talking about.... alright let's say theoretically I know who you're talking about....)
                        Anyways, I have to say that when I first met them I had the same thoughts, but after the last con that I was at with them I noticed something: the small amount of money that was won, was put to buying action figures for the little one, which definately were enjoyed by the tot....
                        The only benefit that I saw that said person really got was an aisle seat, which did help them a lot... but IMHO, it's no different than seating a person with handicapped abilities there as well...
                        awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                          Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                          I hate treading a razor line sometimes...
                          I wasn't going to comment, and then I remembered something...
                          I know who you're talking about (at least I think I know who you're talking about... I hope I know who you're talking about.... alright let's say theoretically I know who you're talking about....)
                          Anyways, I have to say that when I first met them I had the same thoughts, but after the last con that I was at with them I noticed something: the small amount of money that was won, was put to buying action figures for the little one, which definately were enjoyed by the tot....
                          The only benefit that I saw that said person really got was an aisle seat, which did help them a lot... but IMHO, it's no different than seating a person with handicapped abilities there as well...
                          Well, heaven knows that everyone has a right to enter contests, but if the same people win over and over again, somehow, it doesn't seem fair to others who put in a great deal of effort with their submissions. I'm not saying this as a person with sour grapes, because I never enter costume contests. It's not my thing. But I do get a might irritated when people take unfair advantage. One win is fine. But lets not hog the event. Also, why bring the wee one up to the mic to ask a question if it's not to get more attention. An 18 month old isn't about to be able to ask a coherent question. And yes, both parents were there. The one sitting down was capable of looking after the child while the other asked the question. Because, for sure, the mom and tot got plenty of attention from people like Shanks and Bacic who have little ones of their own when she was up at the mic.
                          Visit me on


                            How would you suggest that children should avoid taking unfair advantage when entering a costume contest? I can't think that they are doing it deliberately.



                              Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                              Well, heaven knows that everyone has a right to enter contests, but if the same people win over and over again, somehow, it doesn't seem fair to others who put in a great deal of effort with their submissions. I'm not saying this as a person with sour grapes, because I never enter costume contests. It's not my thing. But I do get a might irritated when people take unfair advantage. One win is fine. But lets not hog the event. Also, why bring the wee one up to the mic to ask a question if it's not to get more attention. An 18 month old isn't about to be able to ask a coherent question. And yes, both parents were there. The one sitting down was capable of looking after the child while the other asked the question. Because, for sure, the mom and tot got plenty of attention from people like Shanks and Bacic who have little ones of their own when she was up at the mic.
                              I think if the effort is there, then it's okay.... I agree with the bringing the little one up to the mic if both the parental units are there... However if both parents aren't there, that's a little different....

                              *deep breath before treading out further onto the edge* I have a friend who's daughter is just a little older than said little one, and I have to say that while I wouldn't bring her along to a convention, unless it was for the Wiggles.... She does get excited for certain people, and will have conversations with them....

                              I don't know, I guess it's all relative.... Only they will know deep down what their motives are, and if they are to use the chitlin to get closer to the actor(resses) then we have to remember that Karma does come around....
                              awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                                i have a niece that's gonna be 2 in february. I wouldn't take her to the movies much less a con. she's too full of energy to sit and i'd spend teh whole time out in the hall letting her run lest she spend the session dashing up and down the aisle.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


