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Convention Etiquette: Discussion and Advice on Do's and Don'ts

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    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
    Yeah....what the heck is a cat call???
    my cat says moouuuuuuuuuuuuuw
    and now for something really different...


      actually, ,as to the acgtor in the bar, i'd ask his/her permission first. they are off duty after all.

      I'd ask 'can i?' and if they say no, then no. respect thier time off and allow them to chill out
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        actually, ,as to the acgtor in the bar, i'd ask his/her permission first. they are off duty after all.

        I'd ask 'can i?' and if they say no, then no. respect thier time off and allow them to chill out
        When an actor goes to the bar ('specially if he/she has a security escort) then they prolly just want to chill.
        You can be sure that if they are escorted, the security WILL tell you no pictures and autographs.
        If people frell up and take the picts anyway, the chances of that actor, going to a fan filled bar the next time goes WAY down.
        All you have to do, is have some respect for the actor and for the poor slob who is STILL working (when she wants to be drinking) and then you can say "yeah (insert name here) was in the bar just drinking and chilling"

        Always remember that the escort is not being mean they are making the actors feel comfy just hanging out... being "one of the herd"
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          the escorts are also following thier orders, and they are to 'protect' the actor, and sometimes, be a 'chaperone' against any 'guess what happened in the elevator' nonsense

          I'd let the actors keep thier time off and instead, ask to sit down and chat with them. That experience will last a lot longer and mean more than a snapshot
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            I totally agree.... my friend stopped blatently taking pictures and the night continued....

            I never meant to sound like I wasn't being respectful...
            I have to say that the handlers do a wonderful job of watching over their talent....
            awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              the escorts are also following thier orders, and they are to 'protect' the actor, and sometimes, be a 'chaperone' against any 'guess what happened in the elevator' nonsense

              I'd let the actors keep thier time off and instead, ask to sit down and chat with them. That experience will last a lot longer and mean more than a snapshot
              *BiiiiiiiiiG hugz*
              You understand how hard it is sometimes to 'be the bad guy' the name calling is to be expected, but sometimes very hard to cope with
              and now for something really different...


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                actually, ,as to the acgtor in the bar, i'd ask his/her permission first. they are off duty after all.
                I'd ask 'can i?' and if they say no, then no. respect thier time off and allow them to chill out
                Absolutely...that's what we did at the dinner last year with Connor...we asked if he would mind having a few pics done at the end of the evening to which he was happy to had he said no sorry not tonight,...then I would have been cool with that too...I think it all comes down to respecting others...unfortunately the world isn't as nice as we might like it to be and there's always that one in a hundred that has to spoil it for everyone else.
                As to the whole camera and flash issue...I rarely use my flash at cons...I test my camera out first before the actor comes out to find the right setting that gives me the best natural light...of course the pictures never comes out clear for me but I don't think it's just the operator at fault here.
                Most people at the cons I've been to have always been respectful and mindful of the rules and generally speaking, we're too enthralled with the show than to be bothered with picture taking.
                Originally posted by Sa'Hut_IH' View Post
                You understand how hard it is sometimes to 'be the bad guy' the name calling is to be expected, but sometimes very hard to cope with
       may think you can deal with it...but when it comes down to the's hard...and mentally draining...but on the flip's also very rewarding working at a con/'s that one in a hundred that just has to make life difficult for everyone else.
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Just a question about security. Who decides the talent needs the protection when they are among the fans in the bar? Is it the talent themselves, or the Con organizers?
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                    it might be a bit of both.

                    at one gatecon, colin cunningham outright said 'i will not have an escort' and refused. Other actors have had issues in the past with fan allegations or stalkers and feel better having an 'objective third party' around, just to keep things honest

                    i THINK, most cons offer escorts of some type (nice platonic escorts, get yer minds out of the gutter) to thier paid guests. Those that just show up - like they tend to do at Gatecon - might have to take what's handy (they're working for free or what they make off signings, so are kinda on their own) while those that have been booked and are 'headlining' will likely have security as part of thier contract

                    I know, at least of a few years ago, amanda needed close to professional security because she'd had some issues with a stalker or two, so a volunteer fan escort wasn't quite going to fit the bill.

                    During the season six gatecon, MGM demanded that gatecon provide professional security for some of hte actors since fan passions were running very high and there had been some inappropriate letters sent and threats posted.

                    so there was a half dozen or so blue shirted security folks around the actors
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      it might be a bit of both.

                      at one gatecon, colin cunningham outright said 'i will not have an escort' and refused.
                      Yup, sounds about right.

                      I had the pleasure of meeting Colin Cunningham at Wolf SG-6 a few years ago. He is - putting it bluntly - an absolute loon, but in the nicest possible way of course.
                      Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                      To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                      Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                      And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                        Originally posted by Sa'Hut_IH' View Post
                        All you have to do, is have some respect for the actor and for the poor slob who is STILL working (when she wants to be drinking) and then you can say "yeah (insert name here) was in the bar just drinking and chilling"
                        Oh, I wouldn't feel sorry for the "poor slob" so quickly. I've just recently seen a couple volunteer security escorts have a few drinks while still working. Having as much fun as anyone else in the room.


                          Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                          Just a question about security. Who decides the talent needs the protection when they are among the fans in the bar? Is it the talent themselves, or the Con organizers?
                          As a con organizer I take my cue from the actor. Some actors feel perfectly comfortable on their own, especially outside of their official duties. Others are more comfortable having someone from the convention with them to look out for them.

                          During the hours when the actor is "on duty" I always have someone assigned to them. Even then I instruct the escorts to take their cue from the actor. Some actors don't want to touch the money so that they can concentrate entirely on the fans. Others don't really want someone else sitting with them and are fine with taking in their own money. My motto has always been "Whatever the actor wants is what I want."

                          The only time that we insist upon an escort is when they are scheduled to be somewhere. The escort's job is to make sure that the actor knows when and where and to make sure that they get there.

                          Some other things that I preach to the guest escorts:
                          1) While it's fine to chat with the actor when no one's at their table -- when a fan approaches the table stop talking. The actor is there for the fans not for the escort.
                          This a pet peeve of mine that I've encountered when I'm the fan standing at the table. The fan deserves the actor's complete attention at that moment. The escort can finish the conversation later.
                          2) Along the same lines -- the escort should be as unobtrusive as possible. While the escort does have to take the money and make the change, the attention of the fan should still be on the actor - not the escort.
                          I will admit that this is one rule that I break from time to time. Sometimes a fan walks up to the table with something really cool. I find myself commenting on the item and then reminding myself that they didn't approach the table to talk to me!
                          3) If a fan has already had their moment and is not moving along after a reasonable amount of time-- then it's the escort's job to find a nice way to move them along. This is tough to do in a tactful way, but that's the job.
                          4) Look after the actor and make sure that they're comfortable and happy. Ask if they need water, food, a break. A happy actor makes for happy fans!

                          As for after-hours -- we let the actor decide. Our escorts provide their assigned actor with their cell phone numbers. If the actor needs to contact them and wants them to join them for dinner or at the bar - the actor is the one that initiates that. I find that most actors that will go to the bar are the ones that don't need their escort with them anyway.



                            Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post
                            As a con organizer I take my cue from the actor. Some actors feel perfectly comfortable on their own, especially outside of their official duties. Others are more comfortable having someone from the convention with them to look out for them.

                            During the hours when the actor is "on duty" I always have someone assigned to them. Even then I instruct the escorts to take their cue from the actor. Some actors don't want to touch the money so that they can concentrate entirely on the fans. Others don't really want someone else sitting with them and are fine with taking in their own money. My motto has always been "Whatever the actor wants is what I want."

                            The only time that we insist upon an escort is when they are scheduled to be somewhere. The escort's job is to make sure that the actor knows when and where and to make sure that they get there.

                            Some other things that I preach to the guest escorts:
                            1) While it's fine to chat with the actor when no one's at their table -- when a fan approaches the table stop talking. The actor is there for the fans not for the escort.
                            This a pet peeve of mine that I've encountered when I'm the fan standing at the table. The fan deserves the actor's complete attention at that moment. The escort can finish the conversation later.
                            2) Along the same lines -- the escort should be as unobtrusive as possible. While the escort does have to take the money and make the change, the attention of the fan should still be on the actor - not the escort.
                            I will admit that this is one rule that I break from time to time. Sometimes a fan walks up to the table with something really cool. I find myself commenting on the item and then reminding myself that they didn't approach the table to talk to me!
                            3) If a fan has already had their moment and is not moving along after a reasonable amount of time-- then it's the escort's job to find a nice way to move them along. This is tough to do in a tactful way, but that's the job.
                            4) Look after the actor and make sure that they're comfortable and happy. Ask if they need water, food, a break. A happy actor makes for happy fans!

                            As for after-hours -- we let the actor decide. Our escorts provide their assigned actor with their cell phone numbers. If the actor needs to contact them and wants them to join them for dinner or at the bar - the actor is the one that initiates that. I find that most actors that will go to the bar are the ones that don't need their escort with them anyway.

                            Thanks for that. I find that there are one or two that are happy to hang out at the bar, but have an escort with them as well. As an example, I as a fan, may not know what I should do in that situation. Can I approach or should I pretend they are some stranger and not speak to them? I know this is a common concern of fans. In Vancouver at the Creation convention, I was in a crowded bar at the hotel when Jason Momoa, Alexis Cruz and Bam Bam came in. Since there was really nowhere for them to sit on their own, they sat with a couple of fans who had seats open. This irritated some other fans who approached me and said, "Why do those guys get to sit with Jason and Alexis?" I had to answer, they are on their own time, and that's where they chose to sit. I suppose there is never going to be a solution to keep everyone happy.
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                              Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                              Thanks for that. I find that there are one or two that are happy to hang out at the bar, but have an escort with them as well. As an example, I as a fan, may not know what I should do in that situation. Can I approach or should I pretend they are some stranger and not speak to them? I know this is a common concern of fans. In Vancouver at the Creation convention, I was in a crowded bar at the hotel when Jason Momoa, Alexis Cruz and Bam Bam came in. Since there was really nowhere for them to sit on their own, they sat with a couple of fans who had seats open. This irritated some other fans who approached me and said, "Why do those guys get to sit with Jason and Alexis?" I had to answer, they are on their own time, and that's where they chose to sit. I suppose there is never going to be a solution to keep everyone happy.
                              I know the answer to that one!!!
                              Most of them don't mind people stopping for a sec or two at a small distance (the escorts will let you know 'no closer') to say 'hi' but then you should move along to another area. Sometimes (as with Jason) he is absorbed in who he is talking with, and dont really pay attention to say 'hi' to others. Adding chairs is right out as it can make them feel as tho they are being surrounded and trapped.

                              Jason sat where he wanted, the others followed, and thats that. Security stays with Jason (and a few of the others) always, otherwise the boy gets overwhelmed.
                              Security was not assigned by the event for that one, Jason told Mama "c'mon Mama we are going to the bar" then asked her what she was drinking, when she gave him a look, he said "Oh... yeah, thats right, YOU are still working" (course a bit later he talked her into doing a car bomb, but as one car bomb isn't likely to even make mama remotely buzzed no harm no foul) Jason was about making Jason happy at that time, and make no mistake Security would rather have had him NOT at the bar.

                              Colin never needs an escort when going to the hotel bar and such, sometimes (poor Anika) he needs help getting poured into a cab to go back to his hotel... or a steadying hand to get back to his room.

                              Sometimes you can look at the talent and say:
                              "you are SOOOOOO not going to the bar in this hotel" and they listen
                              Occasionally the Talent look at the Security Escort and say:
                              "Im going to the bar, and you are going with me"

                              and on occasion, when a well known Escort is at a convention and not working the event AT ALL they get grabbed by the talent to escort, or phone calls because they are needed for something
                              Last edited by Sa'Hut_IH'; 27 April 2008, 04:31 AM.
                              and now for something really different...


                                I've just been reading through this thread and I wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the great input. Guess I have some familiarity with fan-type-things from working on the road selling merch for a band for a coupla years, but Chicago this August will be my first con EVER (eee!) and it's been great to get some idea of how all this works.
                                Still overwhelmed by it all but maybe a little less so, thanks to y'all.

                                Thank you!

                                ps. Guess since I'm a newbie here I should also say "hello!!"

