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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    No, because we have DST and BST (Daylight Savings Time and British Summer Time) but whichever one we are in is generally termed GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). So although there are sometimes one or two weeks where you change clocks before/after us, the time difference stays constant..... I think.
    Technically GMT never changes (since it's the atomic clock in Greenwich). So when the world goes on Day light savings time (which I was mistakenly thinking was in the fall and not summer, but corrected myself in my following post - and blamed the cold) technically London is no longer on GMT, but is actually on GMT -1. So while we always stay constant relative to other time zones (at least those that go on day light saving time), we do not stay constant to GMT:

    02:12:44 Sunday October 12, 2008 in GMT converts to
    03:12:44 Sunday October 12, 2008 in Europe/London

    But whatever. Talking DST and timezones gives me a headache. That site I posted is wonderfully helpful since you can specify a date. Yay.
    Last edited by antoa; 11 October 2008, 06:28 PM.


      Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!


        Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
        Tickets for AT4 will go on sale on Saturday 3rd January 2009.
        Registration will open at 15.30 hours GMT.

        Further information including ticket prices will be available in due course. Please keep an eye on the website.

        Julia, Becky, Kay & John
        The G4

        I think that pretty much sums up how I feel.

        Originally posted by antoa View Post
        *does the math* Since we will be on Daylight savings time, the west coast will be at GMT -9, so that will be at 6:30am.

        Awe...going by your last calculation, that would make it 9.30am for me. Pwerfect! I'll be home from work by then and raring to buy my ticket.

        Eve...guess what? Me too!

        Julia, lovely video! Watching it brought back alot of great memories of London and my first AT event. Thanks for sharing it. Can't wait for the next one!
        Last edited by Celandine; 12 October 2008, 06:37 AM. Reason: Cos I hate typos! I blame my itouch for auto-correcting my typing!


          Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
          Tickets for AT4 will go on sale on Saturday 3rd January 2009.
          Registration will open at 15.30 hours GMT.
          Further information including ticket prices will be available in due course. Please keep an eye on the website.
          Julia, Becky, Kay & John
          The G4

          Do keep an eye on the website. We'll be adding things in the next few weeks to include photos and information on the two new Gabit hearing dogs from AT3 chosen by Amanda. They're amazingly cute! Wait til you see the photos.

          And we finally got around to putting up the video footage of my closing speech to Amanda from AT3. I caved in after so many people emailed me asking for it. So only five months after the event, it's finally there.

          You'll find it on a link just beneath the new photo of Amanda with the beautiful Spaniel Hearing Dog under the heading AT3.
          Watch out for more items in the coming months.
          Thank you Julia..and that speech was just wonder there were tears flowing...and so beautifully spoken on earth are you going to top that one?
          Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
          One reason why it's a Saturday!
          And we're trying to be fair to everyone.
          You will have to get up early, true, (and then you can fall back into bed once you've registered) and the Australian/New Zealand contingent can stop propping their eyes open with matchsticks and can fall into bed on a very early Sunday morning.
          I'll be working that weekend...dang...and I was hoping to take that day off but the other girl is on holidays so I'll be doing extra shifts...dang dang dang!
          Not to worry..I'll figure it out...even it if kills me!! Not literally though, as I really wouldn't be any good showing up dead now would I?
          Originally posted by antoa View Post
          I lied. It's 7:30am PST.
          We will be standard time, not daylight. I suck. I blame the cold. And the fact that I am stuck at work on a Saturday morning.

          15:30:00 Saturday January 3, 2009 in GMT converts to
          07:30:00 Saturday January 3, 2009 in America/Los_Angeles
          That site keeps changing the time on me...I put in 3.30 London time and it calculates it at 2.18 London time...I'm lost!!!!!!!!!!
          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
          Daylight Savings puts us ahead one hour, not back...
          So how could we be 9 hours behind GMT right now, on DST?
          We fall back in November, here in the States...and by that theory we'd be GMT -10. And that isn't right.
          Which means that during DST we must be GMT -7.
          And I thought I was confused??? Oh wait...I am...still!!!
          Originally posted by AmberMoon View Post
          If you're using Firefox as your browser, I highly recommend downloading FoxClocks. Neat little add-on that you can tailor to your needs.
          Cool...thank you for that...I will install it before bed tonight!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
            That site keeps changing the time on me...I put in 3.30 London time and it calculates it at 2.18 London time...I'm lost!!!!!!!!!!
            Don't worry Chelle, I'm confused too...... and I live in London!

            But I think I've figured it out.

            Right now we're still in british summer time here and it's 13.42 pm. But in Greenwich it's still 12.42pm.

            Like so - here's me (I like diagrams)


            standing on the greenwich meridian. That faint horizontal red line you see rising above me is 0 degrees. The clock behind me (which I can read because I have the high res version of my photo) says it's 13.35 but I remember my watch being ahead that day... and we were also on BST.

            So my local timzone right now is GMT + 1:00

            But at the end of October the clocks in Europe go back one hour which means that during winter we are on GM time.

            So more importantly when the AT4 tickets go on sale at 15.30 GMT it will also be 15.30 in the UK

            Now of course this probably doesn't help anyone else but I'm glad I figured out where I am

            And I suppose it helps some of the Gabiteers in Europe because a lot of you are always one hour ahead of me. So that be 16.30 for you.

            Although... I will be in South Africa on the 3rd so it will actually be 17.30 there. And I've already told my mom that she shouldn't expect me to be very sociable that day!


              Maybe we should start another, separate countdown for the day when the tickets actually go on sale.


                The trick with the site I posted is that if you want to use another date (besides the current time), you have to make sure you select "Use The Following Date/Time:" otherwise it will default back to the current date and time even if you select a different one from the drop down. I did this at first too.

                So, change the radio button that is selected and you should be good to go.


                  All this talk about the time has me rofl It's very confusing.


                    Originally posted by antoa View Post
                    *does the math* Since we will be on Daylight savings time, the west coast will be at GMT -9, so that will be at 6:30am.

                    You know that some of us get up at that time on a regular basis, don't you?

                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.


                      Originally posted by AmberMoon View Post
                      If you're using Firefox as your browser, I highly recommend downloading FoxClocks. Neat little add-on that you can tailor to your needs.
                      Having just downloaded it, I too recommend downloading this if you use FireFox. Tis very helpful.


                        Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                        Do keep an eye on the website. We'll be adding things in the next few weeks to include photos and information on the two new Gabit hearing dogs from AT3 chosen by Amanda. They're amazingly cute! Wait til you see the photos.

                        And we finally got around to putting up the video footage of my closing speech to Amanda from AT3. I caved in after so many people emailed me asking for it. So only five months after the event, it's finally there.

                        You'll find it on a link just beneath the new photo of Amanda with the beautiful Spaniel Hearing Dog under the heading AT3.

                        Watch out for more items in the coming months.

                        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                        Thank you so much for sharing that speech! You have a way of telling Amanda what we all want to say.....Thank YOU.

                        *Sends more kudos for the wonderful photos*
                        Thank you so much Julia for posting your speech, it brings so many wonderful memories. I agree with JanSam too.

                        And I have never been so glad that I live in the UK all this time difference is so confusing.

                        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                          Originally posted by antoa View Post
                          Technically GMT never changes (since it's the atomic clock in Greenwich). So when the world goes on Day light savings time (which I was mistakenly thinking was in the fall and not summer, but corrected myself in my following post - and blamed the cold) technically London is no longer on GMT, but is actually on GMT -1. So while we always stay constant relative to other time zones (at least those that go on day light saving time), we do not stay constant to GMT:

                          02:12:44 Sunday October 12, 2008 in GMT converts to
                          03:12:44 Sunday October 12, 2008 in Europe/London

                          But whatever. Talking DST and timezones gives me a headache. That site I posted is wonderfully helpful since you can specify a date. Yay.
                          You're not the only one. Thanks for the link.

                          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                          Thank you Julia..and that speech was just wonder there were tears flowing...and so beautifully spoken on earth are you going to top that one?

                          I'll be working that weekend...dang...and I was hoping to take that day off but the other girl is on holidays so I'll be doing extra shifts...dang dang dang!
                          Not to worry..I'll figure it out...even it if kills me!! Not literally though, as I really wouldn't be any good showing up dead now would I?
                          If worst comes to worst, you can always get a ticket later in the day when you are home. I realize we'd all like to be as close as possible to the stage but I didn't buy my AT3 ticket until several days after they went on sale. I was on the outside aisle (which I really liked) and while I can't recall the row, I thought the seat was pretty good. Having said that, I will be ordering mine as soon as they go on sale this time. It may be the only time (except for rderoch ) I will be cursing my fellow Samandans and/or Gabiteers with whom I will be competing. Followed quickly by a "sorry" to all.

                          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                          Don't worry Chelle, I'm confused too...... and I live in London!

                          But I think I've figured it out.

                          Right now we're still in british summer time here and it's 13.42 pm. But in Greenwich it's still 12.42pm.

                          Like so - here's me (I like diagrams)


                          standing on the greenwich meridian. That faint horizontal red line you see rising above me is 0 degrees. The clock behind me (which I can read because I have the high res version of my photo) says it's 13.35 but I remember my watch being ahead that day... and we were also on BST.

                          So my local timzone right now is GMT + 1:00

                          But at the end of October the clocks in Europe go back one hour which means that during winter we are on GM time.

                          So more importantly when the AT4 tickets go on sale at 15.30 GMT it will also be 15.30 in the UK

                          Now of course this probably doesn't help anyone else but I'm glad I figured out where I am

                          And I suppose it helps some of the Gabiteers in Europe because a lot of you are always one hour ahead of me. So that be 16.30 for you.

                          Although... I will be in South Africa on the 3rd so it will actually be 17.30 there. And I've already told my mom that she shouldn't expect me to be very sociable that day!


                          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                          You know that some of us get up at that time on a regular basis, don't you?
                          Does that mean you are volunteering to go on line and buy our tickets so we can sleep in?

                          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                          Thank you so much Julia for posting your speech, it brings so many wonderful memories. I agree with JanSam too.

                          And I have never been so glad that I live in the UK all this time difference is so confusing.

                          Not to mention the fact that by living there it is much easier/cheaper for you to see Amanda on a regular basis at the best convention going. (Starts thinking of reasons to convince the G4 to immigrate to Canada, like the economy: our banks are better. Football: our balls are bigger. Weather: snow can be fun (no, really)).

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!

                            See you guys on Saturday!!


                              Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                              Tickets for AT4 will go on sale on Saturday 3rd January 2009.
                              Registration will open at 15.30 hours GMT.

                              Further information including ticket prices will be available in due course. Please keep an eye on the website.

                              Julia, Becky, Kay & John
                              The G4
                              Thanks Julia


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                                Oh no he's back

