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    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
    Arntee - Spelled Auntie

    'Cos I'm a Brit!

    Well, me Dad is a Brit and he says "Ant-ee". Then again, he's from up Preston way.
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Well, I'm a Scot and I say "Ant-ee" spelt auntie

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        ANTie spelled Auntie.

        Out here only certain peeps pronounce it the other way.


          Whether I say ant or ont depends on whom I'm talking to. My extended family is all from upstate New York, so the relatives all get ant, but I've been in the south long enough that I usually say ont to every one else. I'm nobody's oht but am an ant to a few youngsters, the number of which will increase by another little boy at the end of the summer. (Yay!)

          So how'd we get onto this topic anyway?

          In memory of Deejay.
          May we all be so well loved.


            Good question! HEE


              Who says auntie? I just say Aunt (ant).


                Well...that's true. I say Aunt (ant.) I don't add the ie anyway. LOL


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  now, if we could come up with a way to deal with my boss's control freak assistant, things would be golden
                  ...good luck with that one Sky!!
                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Actually we also seem to spell it both ways.
                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  i go for auntie
                  Originally posted by antoa View Post
                  Me too and I do not pronounce it like the bug because there is a 'u' in it *sigh*
                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  it's ohntie
                  not antee
                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  no it's antee
                  (spelled auntie)
                  Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                  spelt auntie
                  but that's cos I'm a northerner...we do funny things to words and vowels in particular.
                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  Well, I'm a Scot and I say "Ant-ee" spelt auntie
                  Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                  ANTie spelled Auntie.
                  Out here only certain peeps pronounce it the other way.
                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                  Who says auntie? I just say Aunt (ant).
                  Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                  Well...that's true. I say Aunt (ant.) I don't add the ie anyway. LOL
                  Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                  Arntee - Spelled Auntie
                  'Cos I'm a Brit!
                  Oh wow!! Yay!! Well you're all wrong...except for Mumsey..Yay!!...*high five Mumsey*'s Auntie as in arntee...even though I was only asking about the spelling of the word...interesting to see how you pronounce it...the Collins English dictionary has it spelled both know it's gonna be awesome when I finally get to meet you all at AT4...I'm gonna love hearing all of you for real and all your funny little accents!!!! I can't wait!!!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    A'Lies!!!!! You rock, my friend !!! And rock right around the intricacies of the pic-shoppie softwareprogram as well!!!! I happen to be your artwork's #1 fan. Amazing collage you formulated for us there.
                    Now could you please PM me with the specifics on the 'brushes and stuff'?!? I need a tutorial so badly to instantly cure my withdrawal!

                    Thankies too to MajorSamFan for the cutie and HQ-pics.

                    -a counting 4 now < @ Cel>, Flow.


                      *sneaks in quietly*
                      Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                      I'm.... Speachless guys... FCOL, what the .....

                      Okay... Please can anyone who had a problem e-mail me. and let us know.

                      I am shocked, disturbed and furious... [hugs pengyn] I am so sorry it took so long to sort out.

                      I will be phoning the hotel on Monday when our event Manger is back and having some stern (make that VERY STERN) words.

                      It's Completely unacceptable to get it that wrong.

                      [gives everyone a group hug]

                      Methinks as others have said that it was that one newish woman behind the front desk. Though as with anything, you're only as good as the peeps you have working for you, and she's someone who might not last so long with or without our complaints about her, but if she's still there they probably do need notified about her. LOL! I know I was lucky enough to be up near our room when the maids were going through - they just never seemed to understand that there were two of us in the room and that we needed the full set of of bathtowels, handtowels, wash cloths.... I'd go scurrying down the hallway to find one to get the right number!

                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
             a quick question before I go to do you spell auntie??
                      As you can see, I spell it like this: Auntie...but a lot of my family and friends spell it thus: Aunty...I think it depends on who teaches you...but weird as it is...I was taught how to spell at the same time my sister in law was and we both spell it differently...same as with the word colour...I spell it with a "u" but later on they started teaching us to spell it without the "u"...either way is accepted as correct...well it used to be...but gets confusing...teachers are accepting phonetically spelled words rather than correctly spelled words...boggles the mind!!!
                      In school/college (Mid-Atlantic, eastern U.S. seaboard) was always taught the spelling was "Aunt." Now as far as that pronunciation - that's where the beauty of regional accents come in... I'd always pronounced it as "ant" although as an adult I switch back and forth between that and "ahnt" because I know there're some who consider that the "proper" way to pronounce it. (But it's like the word route (as in a road) - some say "root," some saw "r-owt." And I use those interchangeably even more than the auntie thing.)

                      *slides back into ether to use last day of vacation to set about surfing for early August Toronto trip* *pokes Strix, scari, Julia, Mumsey, and a bunch of others*
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        My friend Flow had also something going wrong, I think she had the same check in person as MegYn did. Strange woman who didn't understand her, like she didn't even speak english very well. Flow got everything sorted out at the hotel itself though on monday I think.
                        My, I do believe anyone who suffered through inconsistencies at the hotel desk was blessfully helped by the same 'strange woman person' (to quote Lies )/clerk.

                        Without the kidding. I happened into some confuzzlement over the hotel bill and charges too.
                        - On Friday, my roommate arrived at the airport and thus hotel before me... and understandably checked in first... And I who had made the hotel reservations in the first place and thus in my name, with my CC as a back up... later.
                        So she was asked to swipe her CC as well, otherwise she couldn't get in before me... who would pay the entire bill (as we had agreed upon . We split the costs of the room, but she'd pay me in cash there and then).
                        - I specifically told the 'strange woman person' of our arrangement and to *only* charge me and my CC.
                        - Then the bill I/we received underneath the door the night/morning before check out, apparently only charged half costs for our entire 3-nights' stay.
                        But this also made me/us doubt the hotel wouldn't charge my roomie on her CC additionally too (maybe even on a reversal-whim later on!).
                        - So we checked at the desk to make sure this wasn't the case.
                        And I expressly checked with one of the other clerks, whom I was certain shares my nationality , which enabled me to speak my native tongue and explain and understand everthing fully.

                        You see... one does grow rather paranoid with 'strange woman person' peeps in charge of billing at a hotel desk, when they don't seem to understand a word of the ESL-English you're sure 'real' English speaking folks from the US as well as the UK and South Africa *do* get the meaning of... well seemingly most of the times... . As was the case with this clerk. How very perceptive of Lies to have noticed this clerk rubbed me the wrong way with any reply she gave me to any of my sentences.

                        - He assured me no charges were made to my roomie's CC <sigh of relief>... but that I had been charged wrongly for the stay indeed...
                        - And so he made up a new bill... and made me pay the right amount; full charge that is.
                        Even though the initial bill wasn't made up correctly, the second one was. They would have easily charged my card for the additional 'lost charge', because they had my CC verified to begin with of course anyways.

                        So in the end... if we hadn't been savvy enough to double check , my roomie and I would have been charged half price, through me. But... honesty makes for good people, right?

                        And Lies is soooooo right, Becky. No one in their right mind would even remotely consider blaming you when all the above (and the thread) mentioned dynamics are in play!

                        -a high on Sunday afternoon's life, Flow.


                          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                          Whether I say ant or ont depends on whom I'm talking to. My extended family is all from upstate New York, so the relatives all get ant, but I've been in the south long enough that I usually say ont to every one else. I'm nobody's oht but am an ant to a few youngsters, the number of which will increase by another little boy at the end of the summer. (Yay!)

                          So how'd we get onto this topic anyway?
                          Chelle started it!

                          Have researched this matter thoroughly since yesterday and auntie is the preferred version. Personally, I use aunt but it seems the next generation, my nieces and nephews, use auntie. By the way, we pronounce it ANTie. (Wonders where in the heck Mumsey sees the "r" which she uses in her pronunciation )

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                            In school/college (Mid-Atlantic, eastern U.S. seaboard) was always taught the spelling was "Aunt." Now as far as that pronunciation - that's where the beauty of regional accents come in... I'd always pronounced it as "ant" although as an adult I switch back and forth between that and "ahnt" because I know there're some who consider that the "proper" way to pronounce it. (But it's like the word route (as in a road) - some say "root," some saw "r-owt." And I use those interchangeably even more than the auntie thing.)

                            *slides back into ether to use last day of vacation to set about surfing for early August Toronto trip* *pokes Strix, scari, Julia, Mumsey, and a bunch of others*
                            I was thinking about routes when the auntie topic came up. I use both pronunciations also, but unlike with aunt, I can't figure out the rhyme or reason to when I use which pronunciation.

                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            Chelle started it!
                            I should have known it was Chelle's fault!

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              ...I'm gonna love hearing all of you for real and all your funny little accents!!!! I can't wait!!!!
                              Funny little accents! *pokes* Who you callin' funny, hunny!? HEE

                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Chelle started it!

                              Have researched this matter thoroughly since yesterday and auntie is the preferred version. Personally, I use aunt but it seems the next generation, my nieces and nephews, use auntie. By the way, we pronounce it ANTie. (Wonders where in the heck Mumsey sees the "r" which she uses in her pronunciation )
                              See? It's all Chelle's fault. Falt. *snort*


                                Sorry guys, been away for the weekend to come back to see some of you had less than perfect service from the check in staff at the Renaissance.

                                As Becky said, it's important we know about this and exactly what went wrong so that we can talk to our Event manager about it and avoid it happening again. It's the first time we've had these sorts of problems so it's very important to stamp on them now!

                                Oh and on a side note....
                                It's pronounced Arntee - well it is here in good old London Town!

                                And Becky might like macadamias, but sling me any chocolate covered confection with soft caramel centres and I look one very happy G4 indeed.....LOL!!

                                To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic

