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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    Well...I did have an influence on one of them
    And yet, despite the fact it was YOU representing all Canadians, JanSam still wanted to be one. What does that say about Jan?

    Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
    The question is, did they survive the Canadians they brought together?

    Hey, you sort of knew me!
    Yes, they survived both Canada and the Canadians!

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Hmmm, well.... my Mum has decided that she's definitely coming to a Collectormania event with me. She's always wanted to do a con, but never had anyone to go with / the money to do it. Collectormania is a nice easy way in for her... free entrance etc.

      I'd love to get her to a Gabit event, she already worships the ground Becky, John and Julia walk on (Mumsey.... your time will come soon!). John for the photos (she now has the one from AT2 framed in the living room!), Becky for giving her a copy of said photo, and Julia for organising the interview (you should have heard her when she listened to the interview, LOL).

      But she knows my Dad would never let her go away for the weekend like that. He'd also really not approve of the cost.

      My mum really brought me up on sci-fi. She missed the final episode of V on the day that I was born and never let me live it down (I bought her the series as a gift when it was released on DVD, hehe). I watched Star Trek all the time as a kid. Way too often, in fact. And I even had a toy "tribble" as a kid.


      As for the introvert / extrovert thing...

      I swing from one to the other. I really, really like my alone time. I feel quite awkward around other people and joke quite a lot about my neglected and under developed social skills. I'm much happier in a corner with a book than around people. I find it very difficult to talk about some things. Hit a sore point and you'll see me hunch my shoulders, the hands go in the pocket and I shuffle around on my feet. Or scratch my arms. I get very, very awkward and shy, and the bottled up "stuff" manifests itself in weird physical quirks. I'm really not naturally good with people.

      On the other hand, if something is happening, I really HAVE to be there. I'm so curious and I feel like I've missed out if I'm not present. I also have times when I need to be around people. Like tonight, for example. I just want to be in an environment where other people are around, so I'm hitting the pub with a good book. I'm also good at putting on the act. If you put me in a situation where there's lots of people I don't know, I'll put on a smile and mingle and make nice. In fact, you won't know until afterwards that I thoroughly resent you for doing it.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by Fresh_Horse
        Originally Posted by Fresh_Horse
        The question is, did they survive the Canadians they brought together?

        Hey, you sort of knew me!
        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        Oh yea and now I'll never be able to forget you
        then my work here is done! *rubshands and tries to leave then realizes that you can't leave if you've ever posted here*


          Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
          then my work here is done! *rubshands and tries to leave then realizes that you can't leave if you've ever posted here*
          Resistance is futile. Muahahahahaha!!!


            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            On the topic of not knowing anyone at AT3, (I did go with a friend from GW, JanSam) but I found it funny how a group of women wearing "I survived Canada" T-shirts brought many Canadians together
            What women?
            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
            William Shakespeare

            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

              As for the introvert / extrovert thing...

              I swing from one to the other. I really, really like my alone time. I feel quite awkward around other people and joke quite a lot about my neglected and under developed social skills. I'm much happier in a corner with a book than around people. I find it very difficult to talk about some things. Hit a sore point and you'll see me hunch my shoulders, the hands go in the pocket and I shuffle around on my feet. Or scratch my arms. I get very, very awkward and shy, and the bottled up "stuff" manifests itself in weird physical quirks. I'm really not naturally good with people.

              On the other hand, if something is happening, I really HAVE to be there. I'm so curious and I feel like I've missed out if I'm not present. I also have times when I need to be around people. Like tonight, for example. I just want to be in an environment where other people are around, so I'm hitting the pub with a good book. I'm also good at putting on the act. If you put me in a situation where there's lots of people I don't know, I'll put on a smile and mingle and make nice. In fact, you won't know until afterwards that I thoroughly resent you for doing it.
              Tracy I really relate to that, I'm the same I hate social situations and I will do anything to avoid them, I'd rather stay home at my PC (I know its sad eh) but yeah, I hate missing out on something too. I do the 'put an act on' thing too when I'm uncomfortable with something but people never know, even I don't know sometimes.

              That's why I like coming to GW and the Sanctuary forums so much and meeting up with you all at AT3, b/c I can just be myself and no one will judge me for it.

              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                Hmmm, well.... my Mum has decided that she's definitely coming to a Collectormania event with me. She's always wanted to do a con, but never had anyone to go with / the money to do it. Collectormania is a nice easy way in for her... free entrance etc.

                I'd love to get her to a Gabit event, she already worships the ground Becky, John and Julia walk on (Mumsey.... your time will come soon!). John for the photos (she now has the one from AT2 framed in the living room!), Becky for giving her a copy of said photo, and Julia for organising the interview (you should have heard her when she listened to the interview, LOL).

                But she knows my Dad would never let her go away for the weekend like that. He'd also really not approve of the cost.

                My mum really brought me up on sci-fi. She missed the final episode of V on the day that I was born and never let me live it down (I bought her the series as a gift when it was released on DVD, hehe). I watched Star Trek all the time as a kid. Way too often, in fact. And I even had a toy "tribble" as a kid.


                As for the introvert / extrovert thing...

                I swing from one to the other. I really, really like my alone time. I feel quite awkward around other people and joke quite a lot about my neglected and under developed social skills. I'm much happier in a corner with a book than around people. I find it very difficult to talk about some things. Hit a sore point and you'll see me hunch my shoulders, the hands go in the pocket and I shuffle around on my feet. Or scratch my arms. I get very, very awkward and shy, and the bottled up "stuff" manifests itself in weird physical quirks. I'm really not naturally good with people.

                On the other hand, if something is happening, I really HAVE to be there. I'm so curious and I feel like I've missed out if I'm not present. I also have times when I need to be around people. Like tonight, for example. I just want to be in an environment where other people are around, so I'm hitting the pub with a good book. I'm also good at putting on the act. If you put me in a situation where there's lots of people I don't know, I'll put on a smile and mingle and make nice. In fact, you won't know until afterwards that I thoroughly resent you for doing it.
                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Tracy I really relate to that, I'm the same I hate social situations and I will do anything to avoid them, I'd rather stay home at my PC (I know its sad eh) but yeah, I hate missing out on something too. I do the 'put an act on' thing too when I'm uncomfortable with something but people never know, even I don't know sometimes.

                That's why I like coming to GW and the Sanctuary forums so much and meeting up with you all at AT3, b/c I can just be myself and no one will judge me for it.


                So what we need for AT4 is one of those Tollan devices that shows blue or red, not to show you have a Goa'uld (although I wonder about TJ ), but to show blue when you want company and red when we should leave you alone.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  On Fandom: My mother is wonderful about it. She still gets her moments where she thinks I spend too much time on the computer, but on the whole she is very accepting. She always asks me about people and how they're doing or she asks what we've been talking about on Samanda (and yeah she uses that term). She'll also send me a text or email and address it to PengYn lol. I'm really blessed to have her. She gets so happy when someone sends me a card or a box of jello and she was so impressed last year when I told her that THREE different people wanted to get Stuck for me when they knew I just didn't have the money to get it on my own. Again that incredible Samandan spirit.

                  The only thing she will never really live down is taping over my Smurfs tape when I was five. Lucky for her she taped over it with Star Wars and pretty much cemented me in a life of SciFi. I got chicken pox when I was 7 and discovered ST TNG while I was off school. Aww my first ship was born from that series!! And now look at me, keeper of the shippy goo and all that. Seriously though, my mother is excellent and she understands why I want to go to conventions.

                  There are other members in my family, like my dad, who don't get it at all. I just don't talk about it with them anymore because it puts my BP up - which would come in handy right now seeing as I'm having issues with it lol - they just don't understand how I can have a better relationship with people I talk to online than people I see physically. Meh.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    So what we need for AT4 is one of those Tollan devices that shows blue or red, not to show you have a Goa'uld (although I wonder about TJ ), but to show blue when you want company and red when we should leave you alone.
                    I can't green ya for it but that's a great idea!!!! Ha!



                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      So what we need for AT4 is one of those Tollan devices that shows blue or red, not to show you have a Goa'uld (although I wonder about TJ ), but to show blue when you want company and red when we should leave you alone.
                      I have a saying that fits this thread of the conversation...

                      Solitude is a rare luxury.

                      It sums up my adult life. That first trip on the train was the first time I had totally to myself for as long as I can remember. It was bitter-sweet, but much needed me time.

                      For details of AT10 go to


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I'm massively introverted, unless I'm on a mission. If i need to make contact with someone to make something happen, sure. But just walking up to strangers and chatting? no.
                        I would have never described you that way, probably because you're so front and center here and everyone looks to you to get the ball rolling at the unofficial functions at cons. Which you do well, BTW. Now that I read your description of yourself, I can see how spot on it is. (Like you wouldn't know!) I think we were both more comfortable at dinner than we were at the chocolate tasting. Not that we weren't having fun, but I know being in a crowd isn't my most comfortable mode to operate in.

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        It actually makes you understand why the actors need to go off on their own every once in a while. They need to 'turn off' and just relax for a bit. That's why they have green rooms and sanctuaries for them, 'safe' places where they can chill.
                        I'm amazed at Amanda's ability to be "on" for an entire weekend. Not once did she appear to be tired or cranky or put upon. I never got any sense other than the sense that she was exactly where she wanted to be the entire time she was at the con. She's such a tactile person too, not to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of people she hugged. The woman is definitely an extrovert. Or damned good at playing one.

                        In memory of Deejay.
                        May we all be so well loved.


                          Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                          It's very simple really.

                          As Amanda's fans you are all reflections of one another, and reflect Amanda's spirit, compassion and kindness in how you act towards each other and everyone you meet. At AT4 you will all also be reflecting on her career and what she has done in the past months since AT3 and reflecting on what you yourselves have done and achieved since you all met up.


                          Now that's profound and very sweet. Shall we bring mirrors?

                          Chelle, just do it, gal! Those chocolate penguins should be delivered in person next time!

                          Kudos to TJ and buddies for an absolutely marvelous and revealing Sanctuary interview! Amanda tied up the loose ends and I think she was thrilled that you gave her the opportunity to speak freely to her fans. Great job!

                          Gabiteers, eat, drink, be merry, and dream big!


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            Ohhh, there's another one! Sky: honourary Canadian!
                            Sky an honorary Canadian...along with Sokar, Anubis and a Prior?

                            Run, Sky, run!

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              i's a canadian!!!!


                              guess that means i need to start liking hockey and take up curling
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                i's a canadian!!!!


                                guess that means i need to start liking hockey and take up curling
                                now we have to show her the secret handshake!

                                my fanfic

