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    Becky's obviously not been around for the past few days or she would have been answering the PB queries. She absolutely hates the stuff - mind you it does make her sick. She's not allergic to peanuts but they do upset her. But she loves to shell them for her big bro' ! Go figure!

    He's a lover of Skippy which I get at Costco's. I recently landed well in the dog-house when, through a whole series of circumstances beyond my control, I accidentally left his latest just-opened jar at my sister's. We stood in the aisle at Tesco's for several minutes last Friday, arguing over which brand to buy a small jar of, to keep him going until the Skippy can be retrieved from the other side of the Thames!

    'Tis obviously a very serious subject to the connoseur!

    Kay aka Mumsey
    (known to pinch a teaspoonful every now and then, but not keen on PB sarnies.)
    For details of AT10 go to


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
      Oh really?
      yes to me But then a friend of mine from the UK was shocked we ate raw meat so I guess it is all a habit on how we eat

      I mean I was complaining food was cooked to much and to much grease, but then our food probably also has issues


        You guys totally have me craving a peanut butter and banana sammich now.

        I do have a banana sitting next to me on my desk... I think it will have to come home with me where there is peanut butter and bread...


          Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
          You guys totally have me craving a peanut butter and banana sammich now.

          I do have a banana sitting next to me on my desk... I think it will have to come home with me where there is peanut butter and bread...
          Glad we could help

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            Hmm, could I offer up my roommate to be auctioned off...that could be fun
            Originally posted by ames View Post
            Awwww - I'll jump it to a fiver for my opening bid... that should buy you a box of the decent ones {band aids}
            Sneaking in to see what trouble Mandy is getting herself into... auctioning off your roommate ... I'm thinking you will need more than just band aids... I'm guessing casts may be need lol


              142 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


                Feli mentioned that we should discuss the merits of various European chocolates.

                For a start, I would like to point out that under EU law, Cadburys are not allowed to label their products as "Milk Chocolate" outside of the UK, because there is not a high enough milk to chocolate ratio and the vegetable fat content is too high. In most countries (I remember this was definitely the case in Greece), Dairy Milk is called "Family Chocolate" instead.

                Now, everyone's heard of "Kinder" (as in Kinder Surprise), the milky German chocolate, but they have a couple of other brands. Ritter (the square shaped chocolate) is good, but Milka takes the prize for the best German chocolate! Every season they bring out these new flavours and they are heavenly! I remember the Christmas I was there, they had gingerbread flavours, and in summer they had raspberry and cream.

                In France, my favourite chocolate wasn't anything particularly special, it was an own-brand from the supermarket chain "Casino". It was milk chocolate with grains of crispy rice and was delightful. I didn't eat much chocolate there, though, because I was only there during the summer months (even I struggle to eat chocolate in 45 degree heat).

                Belgian chocolate.... now that's an art form. In terms of eating the little treats from Belgium, I'm not that fussed (just like I'm not particularly a Thorntons fan in this country), but I love the whole chocolatiere tradition, with the little shops and the handmade treats, and the little white gloves. It is, overall, an art form rather than a food substance.

                Holland.... never tried chocolate there, just "Stroopwaffel" which are caramel waffles that go all gooey and yum when you heat them over your coffee cup.

                What else have I got to cover? Swiss chocolate of course. The rich honey and almond tones of Toblerone, how could I forget? And these days they even have fruit and nut Toblerone!

                I couldn't eat the chocolate treats in Spain, I found them too bitter and strange for my taste. But I'm sure a Spaniard would disagree!

                So there we go, Feli... hope that fulfils the requirements.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  i like peanut butter, but it doesn't like me. so i only eat it when i can stand to have the burpies for a few hours...which isn't often.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                    Becky's obviously not been around for the past few days or she would have been answering the PB queries. She absolutely hates the stuff - mind you it does make her sick. She's not allergic to peanuts but they do upset her. But she loves to shell them for her big bro' ! Go figure!

                    He's a lover of Skippy which I get at Costco's. I recently landed well in the dog-house when, through a whole series of circumstances beyond my control, I accidentally left his latest just-opened jar at my sister's. We stood in the aisle at Tesco's for several minutes last Friday, arguing over which brand to buy a small jar of, to keep him going until the Skippy can be retrieved from the other side of the Thames!

                    'Tis obviously a very serious subject to the connoseur!

                    Kay aka Mumsey
                    (known to pinch a teaspoonful every now and then, but not keen on PB sarnies.)

                    Mumsey, how could you!!! I feel for no1 son even though Skippy is not my fav.

                    It is a very serious subject for us connoseurs; my mom is allergic to PB, but she lets me keep a jar in the back of her fridge in case I need a fix while I am at her house.


                      141 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


                        I'm not a fan of PB (in sandwiches) myself but perversly make some wicked PB cookies that are absolutely delicious.


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          Feli mentioned that we should discuss the merits of various European chocolates.

                          For a start, I would like to point out that under EU law, Cadburys are not allowed to label their products as "Milk Chocolate" outside of the UK, because there is not a high enough milk to chocolate ratio and the vegetable fat content is too high. In most countries (I remember this was definitely the case in Greece), Dairy Milk is called "Family Chocolate" instead.

                          Now, everyone's heard of "Kinder" (as in Kinder Surprise), the milky German chocolate, but they have a couple of other brands. Ritter (the square shaped chocolate) is good, but Milka takes the prize for the best German chocolate! Every season they bring out these new flavours and they are heavenly! I remember the Christmas I was there, they had gingerbread flavours, and in summer they had raspberry and cream.

                          In France, my favourite chocolate wasn't anything particularly special, it was an own-brand from the supermarket chain "Casino". It was milk chocolate with grains of crispy rice and was delightful. I didn't eat much chocolate there, though, because I was only there during the summer months (even I struggle to eat chocolate in 45 degree heat).

                          Belgian chocolate.... now that's an art form. In terms of eating the little treats from Belgium, I'm not that fussed (just like I'm not particularly a Thorntons fan in this country), but I love the whole chocolatiere tradition, with the little shops and the handmade treats, and the little white gloves. It is, overall, an art form rather than a food substance.

                          Holland.... never tried chocolate there, just "Stroopwaffel" which are caramel waffles that go all gooey and yum when you heat them over your coffee cup.

                          What else have I got to cover? Swiss chocolate of course. The rich honey and almond tones of Toblerone, how could I forget? And these days they even have fruit and nut Toblerone!

                          I couldn't eat the chocolate treats in Spain, I found them too bitter and strange for my taste. But I'm sure a Spaniard would disagree!

                          So there we go, Feli... hope that fulfils the requirements.
                          Wow! That's quite an impressive dissertation - and I didn't even set any requirements...

                          Agree with you on everything. Milka is the best German chocolate, on par with the Swiss Lindt etc. And then of course there's Belgian chocolate, clearly in a league of its own. Other countries, IMHO, don't have anything to offer with regards to chocolate.


                            Weighing in on the peanut butter and chocolate debates...

                            Every morning, my breakfast is peanut and jelly on a whole wheat mini bagel (which was the regular size a decade ago). The peanut butter is Smuckers Naturals, creamy. The ingredient list is peanuts and salt. The jelly is All-Fruit. This stuff is coming with me to London. I'm not sharing with Mandy because she's so mean to JanSam.

                            And chocolate? Lindt all the way (although I'm also partial to Ritter). I think it's better than Godiva. It's not coming with me to London. Unlike the peanut butter, it's not vital.

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                              Am I the only person who doesn't like PB?

                              Nope, I'm with you. Tim loves it but YUK!

                              Besides I do have another excuse, I am very intollerant of anything with peanuts in it. I can't eat them. Make me really sick. not quie an anyphylatic reaction but pretty uncomfortable for me. I have to check the ingredients of any goodies for peanuts before risking comsumption of said treats. Wlanuts hazel nuts all okay... I LOVE Macedamia nuts, especially the thickly covered in chocolate ones... YUM YUM!!!

                              So any PB testing, Tims your guy... I'll be with Julia with the galaxy chocolate



                                Mmmmmm!! Chocolate now that I love

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

