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GABIT attendees thread

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    That's stunning, SamFan.

    I'm so jealous of all of you GABITeers. One day, maybe. Until then, I live vicariously, so thank you for your reports!


      Originally posted by Samfan13 View Post
      Hi all!

      I just wanted to express my gratitude again for your kindness and support during AT7. The event was extremely emotional to me, not just because I finally got to meet Amanda after waiting for 15 years but also because that weekend was the anniversary of my baby niece's passing You've all been there for me and giving me lots of strength! I finally feel that I can move on and start healing. I've never experienced so much love and kindness in my entire life and I'm so very grateful to have been there and to have been part of this. So thank you!

      Oooh Sharon! I so didn't realize you are EH-T It was so lovely to meet you! And thank you so much for buying my cross stitch (made in honour of my niece) and then giving it to Eileen. Your gesture truly moved me deeply! And it makes me so happy to see the joy on Man Kumari's face when she received the cross stitch From the bottom of my heart thank you both so much!

      Oooh that is just awesome! Your creations are just so beautiful! I can't wait to get my S4K plaques

      On another note: for those who want to see my cross stitch, here's a few pictures of the work in progress. Also I'm planning on making a new one for AT8. It only will take me the whole year to make it LOL[/IMG][/IMG][/IMG]
      OK, glad I wasn't the only one. Confusing with real and online names.

      You are welcome but, as you know, I am honoured to have played a small part in such a beautiful chain of events. I am going to repeat what I have said to others. There is a beautiful commercial for Care Canada that shows a series of women and girls from different countries, religions, and ethnic backgrounds joining hands to form a chain. The idea is that no one is in a better position to help and understand a woman in a developing country than another woman. What happened at AT7 was the embodiment of that commercial. The chain starts with Man Kumari, who is this wonderful child who cares for the other children at NOH. She touched Amanda, who we all know is wonderful, and Amanda features the picture with her on her twitter page. Your niece is the next in the chain. She inspires you to help other girls in her memory. You then spend 9 months making this incredible cross stitch, every stitch of which is made with love. Next is Neep, who has the beautiful idea to buy the picture so she can take it with her to Nepal to give to Man Kumari. She came to me to ask that I not bid up the price because her budget was limited. I honoured my promise but, lucky for me, other generous souls did bid up the price. That allowed me to become a link in the chain, win the cross stitch and give it to Eileen so she could give it to Man Kumari. My actions are also guided by the memory of my great-niece, another link in the chain. This incredible chain, every link full of love, is now complete.

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        EH-T That's beautiful. The chain concept is very clever - I'll have to see if I can find that commercial online.

        Current W.I.P - AT7 Hug Sandwich update

        Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
        If you want something in life, you have to work for it

        Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          OK, glad I wasn't the only one. Confusing with real and online names.

          You are welcome but, as you know, I am honoured to have played a small part in such a beautiful chain of events. I am going to repeat what I have said to others. There is a beautiful commercial for Care Canada that shows a series of women and girls from different countries, religions, and ethnic backgrounds joining hands to form a chain. The idea is that no one is in a better position to help and understand a woman in a developing country than another woman. What happened at AT7 was the embodiment of that commercial. The chain starts with Man Kumari, who is this wonderful child who cares for the other children at NOH. She touched Amanda, who we all know is wonderful, and Amanda features the picture with her on her twitter page. Your niece is the next in the chain. She inspires you to help other girls in her memory. You then spend 9 months making this incredible cross stitch, every stitch of which is made with love. Next is Neep, who has the beautiful idea to buy the picture so she can take it with her to Nepal to give to Man Kumari. She came to me to ask that I not bid up the price because her budget was limited. I honoured my promise but, lucky for me, other generous souls did bid up the price. That allowed me to become a link in the chain, win the cross stitch and give it to Eileen so she could give it to Man Kumari. My actions are also guided by the memory of my great-niece, another link in the chain. This incredible chain, every link full of love, is now complete.
          That brought tears to my eyes Sharon, just beautiful and oh so true. GABIT certainly is a friendship factory -- I'm thankful I got to spend that amazing weekend with you all! Roll on next year!
          Sweet lavender sky ~ pastels parading slowly ~ twilight slowly falls


            Originally posted by murrinholi View Post
            That brought tears to my eyes Sharon, just beautiful and oh so true. GABIT certainly is a friendship factory -- I'm thankful I got to spend that amazing weekend with you all! Roll on next year!
            You remind me that I was remiss in forgetting a very important link in the chain, that of the women of Gabit (and John ) who have provided the format to allow all of this to happen.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Sharon - as always your heart is as full of love as your generousity to share it.


                Originally posted by llp View Post
                Sharon - as always your heart is as full of love as your generousity to share it.
                Awww, thanks. High praise coming from someone as generous as you.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  I see there Sharon goes, again... forcing me to dig another tissue out dagnabbit...

                  So happy to hear that those of you who made such wonderful things for AT7 are able to continue fundraising in aid of S4K, that's amazing. And looking forward to seeing all of the work as it's finishing.

                  I've been thinking more and more... since AT8 (God-willing) will be my 7th gabit event that I'd like to give back a little more and make something for the auction. I've been inspired by so many beautiful people and I would be here all night if I had to sit and list all the things that my fellow gabiteer friends have done for me. They have been there for me during some of the toughest time in my life and I feel as if I've never been able to give back as much as I've been given. But because they've helped me through and I'm in a fantastic place right now, in a job I love and will be starting my teaching degree in September, I feel as if now is that time where - little by little - I can make my own ripples.



                    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                    I see there Sharon goes, again... forcing me to dig another tissue out dagnabbit...

                    So happy to hear that those of you who made such wonderful things for AT7 are able to continue fundraising in aid of S4K, that's amazing. And looking forward to seeing all of the work as it's finishing.

                    I've been thinking more and more... since AT8 (God-willing) will be my 7th gabit event that I'd like to give back a little more and make something for the auction. I've been inspired by so many beautiful people and I would be here all night if I had to sit and list all the things that my fellow gabiteer friends have done for me. They have been there for me during some of the toughest time in my life and I feel as if I've never been able to give back as much as I've been given. But because they've helped me through and I'm in a fantastic place right now, in a job I love and will be starting my teaching degree in September, I feel as if now is that time where - little by little - I can make my own ripples.

                    Hands PengYn a tissue.

                    That is a lovely idea (making something to donate) but you underestimate what you have given already. The gift of friendship is the greatest gift of all. You have given that to so many, me included (pull out tissue here). Everyone has times in their life when they need some help, that's what friends are for. Even on a practical level you have contributed in many ways. Remember Amanda's speech, even giving 1 GBP gives someone self-esteem. It is great that you want to contribute more as you are able, that is the continuing ripple effect of what you have received.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Can anyone provide a direct link to the ebay auction for Sanctuary for Kids; it's not on the S4K website auction page. I can't seem to hit the right combination of words to search it on the site.



                        TRY THIS


                          Thanks Mocha


                            I just wanted to say how great Denny and Ken are. On Monday morning they gave away the AT books left!
                            As I promised them, I made a drawing:

                            My vids Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                              I just wanted to say how great Denny and Ken are. On Monday morning they gave away the AT books left!
                              As I promised them, I made a drawing:


                              I agree, super nice guys. For those who don't know, they came around Monday morning to ask if I knew of anyone who would like an AT book but couldn't afford to buy one because they wanted to give away books to those who couldn't afford one. I think they also posted on twitter about this.

                              Had lovely chats with both guys. Not easy to find a moment to talk to them when they weren't surrounded by fangirls! Both very kind, intelligent and compassionate men. Had some very nice things to say about Amanda, how passionate they are about wanting to help her foundation, and how blown away they are by the kindness and generosity of her fandom.

                              Finally got the chance to read your report BTW, great job! I would add on the David Duchovney story that Amanda said he was all chatty with her until he found out she was married!

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Hehehe a beautiful woman would have that effect! Fortunately for her hubby

