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    Originally posted by antoa View Post
    I am so jealous! *pout* and I ate my last mini stroopwaffle just the other day
    Ohhh ... don't be jealous. There's always room for you in my house Hopefully there will be a chance around AT5! You never know. If you need a fresh supply of stroopwaffles, I will send you some! (though they might not be so fresh anymore when they get there lol)


      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      I saw some big hot ones being made in Prague but decided to wait till I got here

      I'm working my way through AT4 chocolate and Christmas market candy... I think I'm working on sympathy morning sickness
      *adds getting stroopwaffle to do list* looks like we're going to be busy.

      And Neep is so nice, helping me get rid of my chocolate. Prevents the hubby from eating too much anyway ... lol.


        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
        Must set that straight in Amsterdam
        When in Rome!
        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
        William Shakespeare

        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          What?! I'm away for 1 day and suddenly my room is let to all gabit attendees?
          You should know better than to leave us alone for any length of time. Mumsey will tell you we'll get up to all kinds of mischief.

          (BTW, I reintroduced myself to Mumsey at AT4 as we'd only met briefly at AT3 and I didn't expect her to remember. She did remember me and said "certain people stand out". To clarify, I asked her if I stood out "in a good way or a bad way". I'll leave it to you to guess which she said )

          Neep has arrived! She does look a bit tired, but is still very bouncy She's eating my chocolate!
          Bouncy Neep and sugar high, now that's a good idea.

          Thank you EH-T for your present, we opened it together, literally. I will be using mine very soon, lol
          Good to hear, wasn't sure if it was cold enough there.

          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          I'm in the Netherlands and I'm not smoking a joint.
          Good girl, keep that up.

          Arrived to a parcel from Aunty Eh-T, something very sensible and warm
          Just like me!

          Thanks bro! My mother might forgive you for encouraging me to talk to strangers (worked out well in Salzburg, I have a new Aussie friend ) Lies and I carefully opened it exactly half each.
          To clarify, in case your mother is reading. I told you not to talk to strangers. That only works for old women like me.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
            What?! I'm away for 1 day and suddenly my room is let to all gabit attendees? Lol ... feel free to stop by Though the room won't be available for sleepovers much longer! Hehe.
            Or, think of it like this: you’ll soon have an endless supply of babysitters coming your way, lol!

            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

            Heee! Very happy. Wish I could visit everyone! Very sorry for those I just don't have time to travel to- a big soz bro to Sanna and Julia.
            You'll just have to come back again to visit everyone you've missed *nod nod*
            Exactly, what she said *points at Titta*. You heard her Neep, and I’m gonna keep you too it!

            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            I saw some big hot ones being made in Prague but decided to wait till I got here

            I'm working my way through AT4 chocolate and Christmas market candy... I think I'm working on sympathy morning sickness
            Ah yes, there’s no other way to eat chocolate than “the I’m voluntarily inducing sympathy morning sickness” – way.

            Had my bff over yesterday, hadn’t seen her since I got back from AT4 and I actually managed to explain somewhat coherently what the deal with Amanda is and what going to these events is really about. Unfortunately she isn’t into Sci-fi at all (hears the collective gasp of the entire GW ) so she’ll never get into this kind of community. Which is a bit sad because I know she would get along with you all so splendidly. Which means she’s just a crazy as the rest if you!


              Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
              Had my bff over yesterday, hadn’t seen her since I got back from AT4 and I actually managed to explain somewhat coherently what the deal with Amanda is and what going to these events is really about. Unfortunately she isn’t into Sci-fi at all (hears the collective gasp of the entire GW ) so she’ll never get into this kind of community. Which is a bit sad because I know she would get along with you all so splendidly. Which means she’s just a crazy as the rest if you!
              Care to share how you explained the bolded part?

              I've been trying to articulate this very thing and have failed miserably.


                Knowing she pops in here more often than I do...Neep - I need a time for when I am to pick you up from the airport...and a date and when you have to go back. PM me asap...please! And have a safe monkeying around with those hunky stewards!!
                While I'm in here...huge hugs to all Gabiteers who are never far from my thoughts.
                Cheers all. xxxx
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                  Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                  Had my bff over yesterday, hadn’t seen her since I got back from AT4 and I actually managed to explain somewhat coherently what the deal with Amanda is and what going to these events is really about.
                  Care to share how you explained the bolded part?

                  I've been trying to articulate this very thing and have failed miserably.
                  I know it’s not easy, but I’ve done it with a few people now and even though I can’t explain everything I think they get the gist of it.

                  First off I told her the reason I’m a Amanda Tapping fan is NOT because she’s a celebrity or and actress, the fact that she is in two of my favorite tv-shows just happen to be the way I know who she is. Then I explain the main reason I am a AT fan is because she has this way about her, where kindness, warmth and respect always comes first and that there’s never a reason not to treat people that way, and you can do that without compromising yourself. It’s not a weakness (as many seem to think) to be kind to people.
                  Of course there’s a whole lot more to say about her, but that’s usually what I focus on when I try to explain it to “outsiders”.

                  And when it comes to explaining what I did at AT4, I say it’s about hanging out with friends, meeting the ppl you’ve meet online and getting to know knew ones. It’s about taking to someone who’s done a tour in Afghanistan, or discussing cricket rules with someone from the UK, hearing about how you prepare yourself for a possible bushfire evacuation if you live in Australia or what you do if you get snowed-in in a cabin in Canada.
                  And then of course the charity aspect, I’m so proud of this part I always let people know how few we where and how much we raised and to what end. And explain that the money goes directly to the people who needs it the most. And that meeting Amanda is of course very nice, but it’s just sucha small piece of the whole experience.

                  I think that’s about it. (Boy, is it easier to articulate that in writing than actually have to think of actual words to say out loud on the spot, lol!)

                  Oh and on another note, I just ordered Julia’s book from Amazon, I so regret I didn’t pick one up at AT4, it was one of those ‘I’ll do it later, nah, I’ll do it later, it’s plenty of time left I can do it… *poff* …weekend over!’ kind of moments. But now it’s on it’s way, can’t wait to read it


                    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                    Ohhh ... don't be jealous. There's always room for you in my house Hopefully there will be a chance around AT5! You never know. If you need a fresh supply of stroopwaffles, I will send you some! (though they might not be so fresh anymore when they get there lol)
                    Oh me too! I had originally decided to hit the Continent before AT4, but plans didn't really come together. I won't make that mistake again. England was fun and I saw and did some wonderful things, but I'm leaning more and more on just doing a short stopover with a friend, before heading across the channel.

                    Besides, F has promised me some awesome bouldering if I can just get bum over there.

                    Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                    I know it’s not easy, but I’ve done it with a few people now and even though I can’t explain everything I think they get the gist of it.

                    First off I told her the reason I’m a Amanda Tapping fan is NOT because she’s a celebrity or and actress, the fact that she is in two of my favorite tv-shows just happen to be the way I know who she is. Then I explain the main reason I am a AT fan is because she has this way about her, where kindness, warmth and respect always comes first and that there’s never a reason not to treat people that way, and you can do that without compromising yourself. It’s not a weakness (as many seem to think) to be kind to people.
                    Of course there’s a whole lot more to say about her, but that’s usually what I focus on when I try to explain it to “outsiders”.

                    And when it comes to explaining what I did at AT4, I say it’s about hanging out with friends, meeting the ppl you’ve meet online and getting to know knew ones. It’s about taking to someone who’s done a tour in Afghanistan, or discussing cricket rules with someone from the UK, hearing about how you prepare yourself for a possible bushfire evacuation if you live in Australia or what you do if you get snowed-in in a cabin in Canada.
                    And then of course the charity aspect, I’m so proud of this part I always let people know how few we where and how much we raised and to what end. And explain that the money goes directly to the people who needs it the most. And that meeting Amanda is of course very nice, but it’s just sucha small piece of the whole experience.

                    I think that’s about it. (Boy, is it easier to articulate that in writing than actually have to think of actual words to say out loud on the spot, lol!)

                    Oh and on another note, I just ordered Julia’s book from Amazon, I so regret I didn’t pick one up at AT4, it was one of those ‘I’ll do it later, nah, I’ll do it later, it’s plenty of time left I can do it… *poff* …weekend over!’ kind of moments. But now it’s on it’s way, can’t wait to read it
                    Very nicely said.


                      Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                      I think that’s about it. (Boy, is it easier to articulate that in writing than actually have to think of actual words to say out loud on the spot, lol!)
                      And you have articulated it very nicely

                      Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                      Oh and on another note, I just ordered Julia’s book from Amazon, I so regret I didn’t pick one up at AT4, it was one of those ‘I’ll do it later, nah, I’ll do it later, it’s plenty of time left I can do it… *poff* …weekend over!’ kind of moments. But now it’s on it’s way, can’t wait to read it
                      Sweet Good book, that.

                      So I'm helping Lies and Mr Lies put up the tree and decorations, with Christmas music. Do you think they will notice if I just don't leave? I can get a bike. And take my dog on public transport. And stock up on Christmas market food to eat all year.
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        So I'm helping Lies and Mr Lies put up the tree and decorations, with Christmas music. Do you think they will notice if I just don't leave? I can get a bike. And take my dog on public transport. And stock up on Christmas market food to eat all year.
                        Hehe ... if you stay in your room most of the time, we might not notice

                        It was an easy day today, we're both so tired lol (though for different reasons ). Neep was a great help with the decorating ... our house is now all sparkly. Ice skating this evening ... I think Neep is looking forward most to the gluhwine .. lol.

                        I love how AT4 doesn't feel over, cause she is here! If someone comes to stay here every weekend, it will be AT5 before I know it


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          Hehe ... if you stay in your room most of the time, we might not notice

                          It was an easy day today, we're both so tired lol (though for different reasons ). Neep was a great help with the decorating ... our house is now all sparkly. Ice skating this evening ... I think Neep is looking forward most to the gluhwine .. lol.

                          I love how AT4 doesn't feel over, cause she is here! If someone comes to stay here every weekend, it will be AT5 before I know it
                          Gluhwine... love it.
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            I have just been informed that we need lots and lots of Christmas balls.

                            And before, Lies pointed out the tool in Mr Lies' pocket.

                            How am I going to survive this weekend? (Eh-T, it was Lies! I was being good!)
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              I have just been informed that we need lots and lots of Christmas balls.

                              And before, Lies pointed out the tool in Mr Lies' pocket.

                              How am I going to survive this weekend? (Eh-T, it was Lies! I was being good!)

                              OK, next person to stay here, will sign a non-disclosure form before stepping foot in my house

                              *can't deny anything *


                                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                                Hehe ... if you stay in your room most of the time, we might not notice

                                It was an easy day today, we're both so tired lol (though for different reasons ). Neep was a great help with the decorating ... our house is now all sparkly. Ice skating this evening ... I think Neep is looking forward most to the gluhwine .. lol.

                                I love how AT4 doesn't feel over, cause she is here! If someone comes to stay here every weekend, it will be AT5 before I know it
                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Gluhwine... love it.
                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                I have just been informed that we need lots and lots of Christmas balls.

                                And before, Lies pointed out the tool in Mr Lies' pocket.

                                How am I going to survive this weekend? (Eh-T, it was Lies! I was being good!)
                                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post

                                OK, next person to stay here, will sign a non-disclosure form before stepping foot in my house

                                *can't deny anything *
                                Me thinks you've already been in the gluhwine!

                                And.. just for the heck of it...that's quite enough of that!

                                (just practicing for this weekend when I have the nieces and nephews out shopping for our Christmas Cheer Board hamper)

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

