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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    I just about fell over when I saw the question from you! Good one. Even AT said it was a good question. Some fans have posted the show on You Tube. If you haven't seen it yet, I'll find the link.
    Yes, I’ve seen it, and yes she did didn’t she

    I remember how the days leading up to AT4 went so slowly, and now I can’t believe it’s already been a week since it all went down. Time is a really weird thing. But maybe this will mean that AT5 will be here in no time at all!
    *hears the collective *headdesk* of the GABIT’s*

    Still nags me though that I changed my mind about bringing the Fazer Mints to the chocolate party in the last minute, if I had only known EH-T...


      I, too, can't believe it's been a week since AT4 and apologize for the lateness of this post .

      A sincere Thank You to GABIT for a fantastic event!!! From everything I had read, I knew it would be a wonderful weekend and it was everything and more than I had expected. Your dedication, hard work and attention to detail showed everywhere you looked and especially in the happiness in everyone's faces. How you, your staff and stewards could be so helpful, friendly and patient (especially with a newbie like me) from Friday afternoon through Sunday night is amazing. All of you are without equal .

      Sn'T - It was great to meet and chat with the charming and witty man behind the entertaining posts. I hope our paths cross again .

      "Sarah"(Dana) - Thanks for making a great weekend even more special. You are a lovely young woman, both inside and out, and it was a joy to spend time with you. Kyle was quite upset with me because I wouldn't let him wait in the lobby to say goodbye to you. No one can take Amanda's place in his heart but I think you might be a close 2nd .

      Thank you to the other attendees as well . The friendliness and smiles were most appreciated by this "first-timer". To those of you I met on Sunday evening, I only wish we had met on Friday. I've promised myself, that if I'm lucky enough to attend another GABIT event, I'm going to get the courage up to introduce myself on the first day instead of the last .
      Thanks to x stargatergirl x for the perfect sig!


        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
        Hey guys

        My con report is still pending. I'm so sorry for the delay but I've barely had a minute to myself this past week. I did, however, manage to catalogue almost all of my photos. So... the entire album is here but I've linked them individually too.

        Q&A 1
        Q&A 2
        Q&A 3
        Q&A 4
        Closing Ceremony

        General Con Madness Friday
        General Con Madness Saturday
        General Con Madness Sunday
        The Abnormal's Ball

        If you do like any of the Amanda pics and want to use them for your artisitc endevors that's absolutely fine, just please credit me as the photographer and please do not repost the actual photographs on any websites without my knowledge.

        For any attendees who want to snurch some of the con madness ones, please do. My camera was very trigger happy and there are some lovely shots

        Hey thx for sharing your photos they are loveley. I didn't have the chance to attend at4 this is why I'm really looking forward to your report


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          Told AT's joke at a partners' meeting the day I got back. Only got one laugh. No sense of humour these people, I thought it was hilarious.
          Maybe you would have gotten a chuckle if you had not made the joke in the fourth quarter. I know at my firm everyone knows we are in the home stretch for associates to make their required hours and everyone also knows that we are in the last couple of weeks to generate the hours that determine capital/equity partner compensation.


            Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
            Yes, I’ve seen it, and yes she did didn’t she

            I remember how the days leading up to AT4 went so slowly, and now I can’t believe it’s already been a week since it all went down. Time is a really weird thing. But maybe this will mean that AT5 will be here in no time at all!
            *hears the collective *headdesk* of the GABIT’s*

            Still nags me though that I changed my mind about bringing the Fazer Mints to the chocolate party in the last minute, if I had only known EH-T...
            That's OK. It gives me something extra to look forward to at AT5!

            Originally posted by sabrina_lane03 View Post
            Maybe you would have gotten a chuckle if you had not made the joke in the fourth quarter. I know at my firm everyone knows we are in the home stretch for associates to make their required hours and everyone also knows that we are in the last couple of weeks to generate the hours that determine capital/equity partner compensation.
            Actually, our firm does not work that way so it wasn't that. Maybe I just don't tell it as well as AT.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              You know, when I was in England I had to try out authentic fish and chips and did have my fair share to the point that I couldnt stand greasy food after awhile. Funny how I miss it though now. Even the mushy peas which don't make no sense at all to me. Baby food extraordinaire.

              Miss everyone and wish I could buy everyone a ticket for SE so we could do it all again, but with a different, though beautiful view of lovely Vangroovy in every direction.


                Mmm .. mushy peas ... I loved them!! And maybe should get used to them .. hehe.

                Sanna and myself are working on writing all questions from the Q&A's. Sanna remembered a lot!! We were planning on writing down at least the questions after each session, but were too lazy so only did so after the first one ... lol. But we remembered 50 questions so far, so I think we got most of them. Hope to post here soon


                  Things were a bit hectic on my return so I have been delinquent in posting some thoughts on AT4. So here it goes.

                  I explained to a few people that things were more complicated this time around than at AT3. At my first event I didn't know anyone so it was rather easy to just wander over and start chatting to people. At AT4 I already knew people from previous events or knew them from online so it was more complicated (in a good way) trying to spend time with those I know and still meet the new folks. It was wonderful to see the familiar faces again and great to meet so many of you for the first time. Those of you who know how much I enjoy talking to strangers (remember Neep, it is only old people who can get away with that your mother would not want you talking to strangers) I was still meeting new folks right up to the time I left the hotel.

                  I did get the opportunity to thank the G4 individually for all their hard work but want to do so again publicly. Included in those thank yous are the Gabit staff and the stewards. AT was very gracious in saying that Sanctuary for Kids was made possible because of the fans but it, and all the good work of the Hearing Dogs, would not be possible without you having created this event for AT and the fans to get together. There was some wailing that went on while people were waiting to hear about whether or not they had tickets to AT4. At that time I thanked you for the opportunity you provided to us to meet AT. I will amend that slightly to say thank you for the opportunity you provide for us to meet with AT, with each other and to in some way contribute to improving others' lives through Hearing Dogs and S4K. I have always been a big supporter of charity but sometimes one feels like one is not making enough of an impact. You allow us, through our combined strength, to feel we do make a difference. That, to me, is the most important aspect of Gabit events. While meeting AT is cool and making wonderful new friends is great, there are other events and other means by which we can achieve those things but coming together and raising so much money for Hearing Dogs and S4K is why Gabit is so special to me. Hats off to you all!

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Well said EH-T!!

                    ...what she said....!!

                    Hats off again!

                    "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                    Sara O' Neill's father;
                    COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                      Mmm .. mushy peas ... I loved them!! And maybe should get used to them .. hehe.

                      Sanna and myself are working on writing all questions from the Q&A's. Sanna remembered a lot!! We were planning on writing down at least the questions after each session, but were too lazy so only did so after the first one ... lol. But we remembered 50 questions so far, so I think we got most of them. Hope to post here soon
                      Hehe...yes, cos soon you'll have it plastered over a happy lil' face.

                      Excellent on the tag-teaming too! Can't wait to reminisce when reading it later though some of her answers took about 15min to finish. Especially the hilarious antidote of her skydiving which I absolutely LOVED!!


                        OK, I need another break from work so here are some of my highlights from AT$ (is that a typo or a Freudian slip? ):

                        -reuniting with "the Four" and with familiar faces from AT3

                        -meeting folks from this and other threads who I had not yet had the pleasure of meeting

                        -talking to strangers

                        -actually seeing some things in London for a change

                        -adopting more nieces

                        -being the recipient of a beautiful piece of artwork from antoa (and the little bag ) At first I thought it was a picture of me but realised it was AT because of the long hair That girl's got talent.

                        -watching the look on Julia's face when her book raised so much money at the auction

                        -(I mentioned this to you privately) the pride I felt when samcarterrules got up the nerve to ask a question (and a great question it was too). Way to go girl!

                        -getting the PengYn eyes again

                        -the bad influence of LeeFraser, dipsofjazz, amanda_tapping_fan and the others in my row in encouraging me to make AT run

                        -offering Thomisina 10 English pounds to run in the lobby (and then running after her to hand it over and explaining to the security guy "its OK, I'm not crazy")

                        -all the nubbins popping up when the 2 new nubbins went up for auction and having the perfect vantage point to see antoa dissolve further and further into tears as the price continued to climb, in the end raising 800 English pounds for charity

                        -Neep going pantless to raise money for charity and raising close to 200 English pounds

                        -using the "That's quite enough of that!" button on my adopted nieces (a lot)

                        -competing with Flow at the auction. I welcome the rematch at SE!

                        -apologising to Mick over running up the bid on the framed picture he purchased only to find he didn't mind in the least and that he generously will likely donate it back to be re-auctioned at SE. Classy gentleman.

                        -having a joke dedicated to me

                        -the joy in having two friends, who are warm and kind and very generous, win coffee with AT. Couldn't have happened to two nicer people.

                        -finding my long lost Mum at (go figure) the Abnormal's Ball

                        -getting to know some of the guys like Shirt'n'Tie (who was not wearing a tie, very confusing) and Master Bray Tack. Kudos to the guys who were severely outnumbered.

                        -Titta's costume. A-maz-ing!

                        -AT's speech crediting the fans with making S4K possible. Classy gentle woman.

                        -the Remembrance Day service and the opportunity to place a little cross with a poppy on the grounds of Westminster Abbey in loving gratitude to my uncles.

                        Despite all that I'm still a wee bit bitter but I'm sure I'll get over it by SE (or AT5 at the latest).
                        Last edited by EH-T; 22 November 2009, 12:06 PM.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Well, AT tells it much better than I can type it but here's the gist.

                          A lawyer meets St. Peter at the pearly gates and tells St. Peter it can't be his time yet. St. Peter checks his list and confirms it's the lawyer's time. The lawyer says "But I'm only 55". St. Peter says "We have you down as 82". The lawyer asks how can that be and St. Peter says "we added up your billable hours".
                          Working with lawyers, I can definitely appreciate this joke.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Heee! Miss ya'll. What Eh-T said (really old people can be quite wise).

                            To see my welcome to Manchester, read about it here:


                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              Heee! Miss ya'll. What Eh-T said (really old people can be quite wise).

                              To see my welcome to Manchester, read about it here:


                              That's quite enough of that! I admit to being old but "really" old is pushing it young lady!

                              As for your welcome to Manchester, glad you took the Canuck/Kiwi way out. For future reference, do not punch people in the jaw.

                              Carry on.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                OK .

                                I am still off the Grid ... I will Explain Later . While I was in London I was chatting to a few people and was Encouraged that I should Compose a Short Poem ,, So , Some time at the end of This week I will do my best ,,

                                Gabit were Brilliant
                                They wore their magic Hats
                                And when their needed at a Con
                                They'll say " We'll do just That " ...

                                John was Behind the Lens
                                He took Amazining Snaps
                                And when he was Happy
                                He would Say " That is a Wrap " ...

                                I still have alot of work to do on this . But hopefully it will be done at the end of This week ... Thank you for your Patience .

                                Talk Soon , Padraig
                                Last edited by Master Bray Tack; 22 November 2009, 01:12 PM.
                                CRAZY IRISH GUY :

                                Puddle Jumper Pilot- Sheppard - Asmir
                                Scientist - McKay - Shirt n' Tie
                                Scientist - Zalenka- Bar
                                Cook and able body - Ronon - Master Bray Tack .
                                Crazy Irish Guy Was Here .

                                Are we Geeks or Nerds

