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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    77 days???

    *happy dance*

    Guys, re the badges. I'll wait a bit to see if more people want one, now there's only a few and of that few Cel makes her own, EH-T doesn't mind using her old badge. So it seems silly to make one just for 2 or 3 persons. If you're on Sam_Daily you can request a badge here.
    That link doesn't work.

    I'd like a badge please, if that's okay.


      Hey everyone

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      amanda's part of the awards will be nov 14

      if it's laid out like the oscars, about 80 of the 99 awards will be given out in october, and they'll be the costume design, cgi, special effects, etc awards. all the behind the scenes stuff

      then on nov 14 will be the glitzy and glamour awards, best actor, best show, etc

      most of sancutary's noms are in the nov 14 categories.

      and i don't see her cancelling at4 for the sake of an awards show. there's too much money etc involved
      Wow congrats to Amanda!! We could all help her celebrate. Hehe! I hope she gets everything and by that I mean the award and attending AT4!

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
        Let me ask this question, who would rather Amanda go to the award ceremony than AT4? Wait, let me rephrase that, who wouldn't mind if AT4 was postponed a little bit so Amanda could go? Then everyone who made the arrangements to go, would go.
        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
        It's definitely not a case of any of us (I hope) not wanting AT to attend the Gemini's and it would be wonderful if she took home her award because she absolutely deserves a win and the recognition for all of her hard work. Trying my best to keep the cart still firmly attached to the back of the horse here because what will be will be and we've all read the fineprint that all cons are subject to work commitments, but most airfares are non-refundable and non-changeable or they carry a hefty fee if you do want to change. So whereas we'll support Amanda ce la vie and respect her decision, your question is a bit of an impossible one to answer. No one would want to keep Amanda from the Gemini's, but no one would choose to lose an international airfare either. I guess all we can do is wait and see what happens.
        I have to agree with you here PengYn.
        Amanda has canceled her Armageddon tour. Got the news today...this morning actually. I'm pretty bummed about it but unlike some of my friends and other fans, I have AT4 to look forward to. So the idea of her not attending AT4 right now would be a very bitter pill for me to swallow.
        While some may be able to cancel/postpone their trip and attend AT4 at a later date if that be the case, for me I would not be able to do that. You see, I have 2 reasons to travel overseas...AT4 and to take my dad home to Germany. I can't just change my flight for AT4. I would still have to go. Therefore, any cancellation or postponement of AT4 would mean a total loss for me. While I don't want to sound sorry for myself, this is something I have been saving up for and dreaming about attending for 3 years now.
        So Rocky...would I mind if she postponed it...honestly??? Yes. I would never begrudge her anything. If she really wanted to attend the Gemini's over attending AT4 then I would never begrudge her that...but on the same token...yes, I would mind. Sorry, but that's my truly honest answer. Am I wrong to feel that way? I don't know. I really don't know.
        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        Need instructions?
        Yep...can't figure out anything in this house right now. On the upside, hubby bought home a second hand stereo...we haven't had one for about 2 years now...and the cd player was broken but he fixed it...he did a Sam Carter and fixed my doohickey!!! And he fixed the second hand washing machine that's been sitting on the back verandah for the last 6 months. Came home from work to a working stereo and washing machine!!! Is cool yes!!??? Now to just figure out the damn VCR!
        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
        77 days???
        *happy dance*
        Guys, re the badges. I'll wait a bit to see if more people want one, now there's only a few and of that few Cel makes her own, EH-T doesn't mind using her old badge. So it seems silly to make one just for 2 or 3 persons. If you're on Sam_Daily you can request a badge here.
        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
        That link doesn't work.
        I'd like a badge please, if that's okay.
        Yeah...that link didn't work for me either...would it be ok to add my name to that ist please???
        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        if i have the file somewhere, i can make them for folks, but i can't print, nor can i laminate, etc.
        i can make and e-mail but that's about it.
        I can print now....thanks to Tal...and I can if I can help in any way...let me know!!
        Originally posted by Shirt'n'Tie View Post
        And in reponse to the VCR discussion:
        Ya mean there's something better than Beta-Max????
        Oh don't get me started on that debate....Beta are/were so much better than VHS. One of dad's old videos is Beta and we can't watch it coz we don't have a Beta player.
        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        Woo! Gadget geeks unite!
        I've never laminated my badges. I'd simply print the badge out on good quality paper (even photo paper sometimes if I wanted it to have that 'shine') and slipped it into a plastic badge holder and then attached a lanyard, all of which is readily accessible at any office supply store.
        As to Amanda postponing AT4 to attend the Gemini's...? I know my airfare is non-refundable for sure though I'd have to find out if its transferable to another date. That I'm not quite sure about. One thing that might be tricky would be work as I already took certain days off and they were officially approved last month. To try and move those days to another weekend might be difficult when there are over 1000 employees vying for days off, and that's just in the department that I'm in. I was fortunate to get all that I requested now and wouldnt want to push my luck and try and move it to a later date.
        So like everyone else has stated here, I'd love to see Amanda receive her first Gemini, but I'd hope she'd not have to post-pone AT4 in any capacity to do so.
        I keep all my passes together and they are laminated before I get for badges...I only have the one from last years Armageddon and I laminated that one!!!
        And again with the rescheduling of AT4...even though I have insurance on my ticket to cancel or postpone my flight, I'm traveling with mum and the boys so I couldn't even if I wanted to. And my holidays are all booked in at work and things are in place for a subby to fill in.
        But can I say this before I go and have my cup of tea...I have to take my hat off to the organizers of these events. I can't imagine the stress they must be under to organize these things and keep things on track and hope it all runs smoothly without any problems. So...
        G4 and guys rock!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

          it's a VCR *hugs my vcr, which will record the gemini's*

          at least EH-T understands me

          *If people aren't nice to us luddites...the tape may disappear*
          Yes I do and that scares me a little.

          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

          *Ooops maybe I'm calling the wrong person*
          Always willing to help.

          Originally posted by rderoch View Post

          Feeling a little surrounded by gadget geeks? Let's see, I have a VCR, a DVR, a DVD recorder and a tv tuner in my computer. Now, if only I could receive the channel that shows the Geminis. Can they move them to CBC? I get that channel!

          Hey, I also have a DVD player (just not a recorder nor a cellphone nor an ipod nor ....)

          Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
          *popping in to wave hello*

          Trying to catch up with everything that got away during Chicago... photo editing and such...
          Just had to share this... finally got to meet Amanda this past weekend in Chicago, and afterwards talked to a friend. They asked: "Are you still excited to meet her in London?" To which I answered, "even more so now".
          I knew from listening to stories that you've all told about meeting her what a doll she was, however, actually meeting her, she was that and even more...

          *back to catching up*
          Can't wait to meet her again, as well as the friends that were made in Chicago who are also going to this, and all of the people that haven't been met yet
          Hello, welcome back.

          Glad you had such a wonderful time.

          I've met AT on 3 different occasions and I'm not tired of meeting her yet.

          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          I have to agree with you here PengYn.
          Amanda has canceled her Armageddon tour. Got the news today...this morning actually. I'm pretty bummed about it but unlike some of my friends and other fans, I have AT4 to look forward to. So the idea of her not attending AT4 right now would be a very bitter pill for me to swallow.
          While some may be able to cancel/postpone their trip and attend AT4 at a later date if that be the case, for me I would not be able to do that. You see, I have 2 reasons to travel overseas...AT4 and to take my dad home to Germany. I can't just change my flight for AT4. I would still have to go. Therefore, any cancellation or postponement of AT4 would mean a total loss for me. While I don't want to sound sorry for myself, this is something I have been saving up for and dreaming about attending for 3 years now.
          So Rocky...would I mind if she postponed it...honestly??? Yes. I would never begrudge her anything. If she really wanted to attend the Gemini's over attending AT4 then I would never begrudge her that...but on the same token...yes, I would mind. Sorry, but that's my truly honest answer. Am I wrong to feel that way? I don't know. I really don't know.
          Of course it's not wrong. We'd all feel disappointed but as Sky said, let's not assume anything. Sorry I even mentioned it.

          Very sorry to hear about the Armageddon tour. ((Chelle)) I'm sorry for you, the other fans and AT (who could have used a vacation I'm sure). I know how excited you were to have dinner with AT. On the bright side, now we will get to see your initial reaction to seeing AT in person for the first time at AT4.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            On the bright side, now we will get to see your initial reaction to seeing AT in person for the first time at AT4.
            Holy cow!!! I was thinking the same thing fact I messaged that to Bev a few hours ago when I first got online tonight.
            I remember when I first said I was going to meet Amanda in Melbourne before AT4 and you said that it was a pity you couldn't see my face when I first get to meet her...well looks like you will now!! Not sure if that's such a good thing though!!! D'oH!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              75 DAYS to go until AT4!!!!!

              Days to go until The Sanctuary Experience!!!!!!!

              Days to go until Meet the Man!!!!!!!!!!!

              I hope these numbers are correct.


                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                Holy cow!!! I was thinking the same thing fact I messaged that to Bev a few hours ago when I first got online tonight.
                I remember when I first said I was going to meet Amanda in Melbourne before AT4 and you said that it was a pity you couldn't see my face when I first get to meet her...well looks like you will now!! Not sure if that's such a good thing though!!! D'oH!
                I'll have my camera at the ready to catch the moment!


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Holy cow!!! I was thinking the same thing fact I messaged that to Bev a few hours ago when I first got online tonight.
                  I remember when I first said I was going to meet Amanda in Melbourne before AT4 and you said that it was a pity you couldn't see my face when I first get to meet her...well looks like you will now!! Not sure if that's such a good thing though!!! D'oH!
                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                  I'll have my camera at the ready to catch the moment!
                  And I'll have the smelling salts.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                    I'll have my camera at the ready to catch the moment!
                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    And I'll have the smelling salts.
                    And I'll be ready with a big hug.

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Also Chelle, even though you miss out on the dinner with AT you can still buy raffle tickets to have tea with her at AT4. The money all goes to the charity so added bonus.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                        I'll have my camera at the ready to catch the moment!
                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        And I'll have the smelling salts.
                        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                        And I'll be ready with a big hug.
                        Oh crap!! What have I got myself into??
                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Also Chelle, even though you miss out on the dinner with AT you can still buy raffle tickets to have tea with her at AT4. The money all goes to the charity so added bonus.
                        Knowing my luck...well lets see...I have very little of that today so I'll be happy to donate but I seriously doubt my lucky numbers would come up!
                        I am seriously not even going to think about that now.

                        EH-T...empty your inbox...I couldn't send you a PM...with regard to your message...I will get on to it this week.
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                          Holy cow!!! I was thinking the same thing fact I messaged that to Bev a few hours ago when I first got online tonight.
                          I remember when I first said I was going to meet Amanda in Melbourne before AT4 and you said that it was a pity you couldn't see my face when I first get to meet her...well looks like you will now!! Not sure if that's such a good thing though!!! D'oH!
                          Sweeet! I so want to be behind you in line when you go for your first photo-ops with Amanda! Or maybe in front so I can take a quick pic of your face when Amanda turns and gives you one of her winning smiles of hers...hmm.

                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Also Chelle, even though you miss out on the dinner with AT you can still buy raffle tickets to have tea with her at AT4. The money all goes to the charity so added bonus.
                          Thats a very good idea! I wasnt lucky enough to swing a dinner ticket so the option of having tea with Amanda whilst benefiting charity sounds like an awesome idea. There's no limit on how many tickets you can purchase is there?

                          I've been saving like a good little girl and am really looking forward to the auction this year as well. In Chicago, I tried to bid on a humongous banner of Amanda, but sadly I was outbid by a mere $25. Gah! Hey, I was an auction newbie though. That experience I think wizened me up on the hesitation factor in an auction. If I really like something, figure out what my personal limit on the thing might be before I head into the bidding.

                          The AT4 auction has proceeds going to wonderful charities so I'll feel doubly good when I do start my bidding on something as well. Better than lining an organizations pockets instead any day.


                            Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                            Well said, though, nowadays, its fairly easy to change the date of an airline ticket. Depending on the airline, its even relatively inexpensive. Even better if you bought insurance when you bought the ticket - which I do now on any international travel tickets.

                            Hopefully, whatever choice Amanda makes regarding the Con and the awards show, it will be respected. I read somewhere that the last time she canceled or postponed a Con people got furious. Which is just ridiculous.
                            I agree, whatever Amanda decides to do, we'll respect her choice . I also remember reading when she had to cancel her con appearances back in 05 because she was pregnant, and some people still got mad at her . Most fans understood why she couldn't go, but I still can't believe some people could get mad at her for not wanting to risk her pregnancy.

                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            As to Amanda postponing AT4 to attend the Gemini's...? I know my airfare is non-refundable for sure though I'd have to find out if its transferable to another date. That I'm not quite sure about. One thing that might be tricky would be work as I already took certain days off and they were officially approved last month. To try and move those days to another weekend might be difficult when there are over 1000 employees vying for days off, and that's just in the department that I'm in. I was fortunate to get all that I requested now and wouldnt want to push my luck and try and move it to a later date.

                            So like everyone else has stated here, I'd love to see Amanda receive her first Gemini, but I'd hope she'd not have to post-pone AT4 in any capacity to do so.
                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            I have to agree with you here PengYn.
                            Amanda has canceled her Armageddon tour. Got the news today...this morning actually. I'm pretty bummed about it but unlike some of my friends and other fans, I have AT4 to look forward to. So the idea of her not attending AT4 right now would be a very bitter pill for me to swallow.
                            While some may be able to cancel/postpone their trip and attend AT4 at a later date if that be the case, for me I would not be able to do that. You see, I have 2 reasons to travel overseas...AT4 and to take my dad home to Germany. I can't just change my flight for AT4. I would still have to go. Therefore, any cancellation or postponement of AT4 would mean a total loss for me. While I don't want to sound sorry for myself, this is something I have been saving up for and dreaming about attending for 3 years now.
                            So Rocky...would I mind if she postponed it...honestly??? Yes. I would never begrudge her anything. If she really wanted to attend the Gemini's over attending AT4 then I would never begrudge her that...but on the same token...yes, I would mind. Sorry, but that's my truly honest answer. Am I wrong to feel that way? I don't know. I really don't know.
                            I really, really want you guys to go to AT4, because you all deserve it, and I don't want Amanda to postpone it either, but I at the same time I actually want to see her win the award. But, my main hope for you all is to go AT4 and enjoy yourselves, I should have worded the question better.

                            I was talking to friend, and they said, what if Amanda does go to AT4, on time, no postponing, but during the weekend, she leaves to go back to... wherever the Gemini's are taken place, then comes back to Gabit? I don't know how it would work, it'd be lots of flying.

                            Yep...can't figure out anything in this house right now. On the upside, hubby bought home a second hand stereo...we haven't had one for about 2 years now...and the cd player was broken but he fixed it...he did a Sam Carter and fixed my doohickey!!! And he fixed the second hand washing machine that's been sitting on the back verandah for the last 6 months. Came home from work to a working stereo and washing machine!!! Is cool yes!!??? Now to just figure out the damn VCR!
                            Chelle, I learned how to program a VCR before I learned the alphabet . But don't worry, I'll tape the Gemini's and post it for y'all .


                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                              I was talking to friend, and they said, what if Amanda does go to AT4, on time, no postponing, but during the weekend, she leaves to go back to... wherever the Gemini's are taken place, then comes back to Gabit? I don't know how it would work, it'd be lots of flying.
                              Considering it is 10 hours direct flight Vancouver to London one way

                              And think about the carbon footprint... there, back again, there, back again
                              It would be more sensible to do a video link

                              This is where Asgard transport beams would come in handy


                                you can't physically do 2 transatlantic/transcontinental flights in a weekend. that's 40 hours of flying out of a 48 hour weekend, and that's not counting to and from the air port and time waiting to board

                                and i'm not even going to touch how sick you'll get from jet lag
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


