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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by Rune

    It's later this week, this week, this weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkk!!!
    Is it Friday yet????????? Is it???????


      Originally posted by flippy18
      I can't even begin to catch up on all these posts I've missed, so I'll just assume it was the usual hyper madness
      Badges are now finished for ALL of those whose names appear on Baggies list on pg63 as attending the convention - although I haven't done one for 'Mr Baggie', would he like one?
      I'm not sure how often I'll get in here this week to check arrangements and stuff, so if I say that I will sit with my little bag of badges in the foyer of the hotel from 5 - 5.30 on the Friday if people want to collect them from me then? For those of you who won't be around then, I can leave them with someone else or you could just look for me on the Saturday morning. Does that sound okay?

      Have fun with your packing
      (((((((((((((((flippy))))))))))))))) I can't wait to see the badges. Thank you for doing this. Is it Friday yet?


        Originally posted by ChopinGal
        HELP, UK Gabiteers! I just found out that my auto pickup from Heathrow on Thursday morning will not be coming - car troubles! So I have to go to Plan B and get myself from Terminal 4 to the hotel!
        HoppaBus 2 £3 fare from Heathrow Terminal 4 (No.20 on map) to Renaissance Hotel . (No 16 on map)

        Originally posted by ChopinGal
        Also, I would like to change my $$ to BSPs (did I do that right?) at Heathrow but use an ATM machine ... I assume there are ATMs at the airport?!
        There will be. Need to do a search though....
        ETA : See this link :
        Full map of Terminal 4 .ATM facilities etc all there .Barclays and Link ATMs by Thomas Cook Bureau de change.Bus departures etc ..all you need there .(Theoretically speaking. )
        Originally posted by ChopinGal
        This is freaking me out a bit as my daughter and her friend were just going to be waiting at the other side of customs and, plop, throw suitcases in car and proceed. NOT.
        ((((((((((CG)))))))))) Life throwing a loop..Oy !
        Originally posted by ChopinGal
        I know hotel is near the airport but, again, would really appreciate someone walking me through the bus routes once again and someone mentioned about "construction" earlier and how that affected the buses.
        Yipes.Hope Becks,Mal or someone else can plot this route for you,if there are still problems .
        Originally posted by ChopinGal
        CG (who is usually quite good at self mobility but a bit on overload with demands at school and home next 2-3 days) Great news about Kat!!
        Great news about Kat.Now we need to assist you ! Come all ye good people who know London better than I do...CG needs some advice.If I've missed something tell her .
        Last edited by Bagpuss; 24 October 2005, 08:04 AM.
        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


          Originally posted by ChopinGal
          HELP, UK Gabiteers! I just found out that my auto pickup from Heathrow on Thursday morning will not be coming - car troubles! So I have to go to Plan B and get myself from Terminal 4 to the hotel!

          I know we've posted about this but I don't have a printer on my home PC and much too busy next two days with packing and running errands and then back to students tomorrow into evening to even play with this ... can someone kindly remind me EXACTLY what transport I'm looking for and if it's a free line or if not, what's usual charge? Also, I would like to change my $$ to BSPs (did I do that right?) at Heathrow but use an ATM machine ... I assume there are ATMs at the airport?! This is freaking me out a bit as my daughter and her friend were just going to be waiting at the other side of customs and, plop, throw suitcases in car and proceed. NOT.

          I know hotel is near the airport but, again, would really appreciate someone walking me through the bus routes once again and someone mentioned about "construction" earlier and how that affected the buses.

          Okay ... I have to start some errands. Will wait to hear! Bless you!

          CG (who is usually quite good at self mobility but a bit on overload with demands at school and home next 2-3 days) Great news about Kat!!
          Don't panic!!!! Here's the info you need:
          When you arrive at Terminal 4 you will have to use the 'Heathrow Express' (free service) to take you to Terminal 1. From there you catch the Hoppa Bus number 'H2', which costs £3. This will take you directly to the hotel. I'm sure there will be ATM machines inside the airport for you to obtain money.
          I hope that helps.


            LOL! I see Baggie was quicker at posting all the information.

            Is it Friday yet?


              Yes..I was faster,but I'd forgotten the Heathrow Express free service,so she's been helped by us both so far,I think .Thanks Bev.

              Nope not Friday yet..and that's just as well,really.I've run into a few snags myself,but I'll cope.
              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                Just a quick note to say this is the last evening I'll be able to post on here until after the Event. I wish you all a safe and speedy journey from wherever in the world you are travelling from, and safe arrival here in dear old London. I look forward to meeting you all at some time during the weekend to put faces to those so familiar names.
                Take care all,
                To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                  Thanks Julia, and we'll see you on Friday.


                    Julia,you,Becky and the rest of the organisers have done a wonderful job ,and I hope to meet you all and thank you in person !

                    (Chocs may be involved ...)

                    Take care ,and thanks for everything you've all done to make this event possible .
                    Hope you get some time out to enjoy yourselves too.This can't have been a simple piece of cake to arrange !

                    See you soon .
                    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      Is it Friday yet????????? Is it???????
                      *groan* No .... but it's Monday evening so technically it's nearer Friday now than it was then and will be even closer soon - squeeee!


                        Thank you Bev and Baggie too
                        I now have a better idea of what to do
                        To find my way to our GABIT convention ...
                        Here's some flowers for your intervention!


                        Let's all remember to stop and smell the roses as we run around this week getting ready!


                          It's a pleasure to help you CG !
                          Ok.This calls for a suitable reply ....*Thinks*

                          From the UK to the US and every nation,
                          Gabit sent forth an invitation.
                          Four hundred plus fans to see Amanda Tapping,
                          Come hear her speak..don't stint the clapping !

                          The "Squeeees" were heard throughout each land,
                          "Let's salute Amanda,with our Happy Band ".
                          With help and input from each of us.
                          We're gathering at the Hotel Renaissance.

                          From Friday October 28,
                          We're going there to make a date.
                          To heck with RL,we just can't wait.
                          Come meet the leading Lady of StarGate !

                          *Reads poem...*
                          Ok's rotten cabbages and the stocks for me.
                          My scanning sucks ,says FHB !!!

                          *Hides *
                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                            Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                            It's a pleasure to help you CG !
                            Ok.This calls for a suitable reply ....*Thinks*

                            From the UK to the US and every nation,
                            Gabit sent forth an invitation.
                            Four hundred plus fans to see Amanda Tapping,
                            Come hear her speak..don't stint the clapping !

                            The "Squeeees" were heard throughout each land,
                            "Let's salute Amanda,with our Happy Band ".
                            With help and input from each of us.
                            We're gathering at the Hotel Renaissance.

                            From Friday October 28,
                            We're going there to make a date.
                            To heck with RL,we just can't wait.
                            Come meet the leading Lady of StarGate !

                            *Reads poem...*
                            Ok's rotten cabbages and the stocks for me.
                            My scanning sucks ,says FHB !!!

                            *Hides *
                            Bravo, Bravo!!!!!


                              Originally posted by ChopinGal
                              HELP, UK Gabiteers! I just found out that my auto pickup from Heathrow on Thursday morning will not be coming - car troubles! So I have to go to Plan B and get myself from Terminal 4 to the hotel!

                              I know we've posted about this but I don't have a printer on my home PC and much too busy next two days with packing and running errands and then back to students tomorrow into evening to even play with this ... can someone kindly remind me EXACTLY what transport I'm looking for and if it's a free line or if not, what's usual charge? Also, I would like to change my $$ to BSPs (did I do that right?) at Heathrow but use an ATM machine ... I assume there are ATMs at the airport?! This is freaking me out a bit as my daughter and her friend were just going to be waiting at the other side of customs and, plop, throw suitcases in car and proceed. NOT.

                              I know hotel is near the airport but, again, would really appreciate someone walking me through the bus routes once again and someone mentioned about "construction" earlier and how that affected the buses.

                              Okay ... I have to start some errands. Will wait to hear! Bless you!

                              CG (who is usually quite good at self mobility but a bit on overload with demands at school and home next 2-3 days) Great news about Kat!!
                              You will do fine CG.

                              I am taking it one step at a time. First get to London. Second, get them to let me enter the country. Third, get to hotel. Fourth, have a fantastic time!!!!!!



                                Originally posted by ChopinGal
                                HELP, UK Gabiteers! I just found out that my auto pickup from Heathrow on Thursday morning will not be coming - car troubles! So I have to go to Plan B and get myself from Terminal 4 to the hotel!
                                Fear not, CG. If you've still not made it to the hotel by the time we get there, we'll come a'lookin' for ya!!!

