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GABIT attendees thread

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    Gipsy,before you give up on the Cocktail Party,I'd like to offer my services as babysitter .
    I know you've only met me and Hubby once at Pages,so I won't be offended if you say no,but I'd really hate you to miss out .

    I know the rule is "no mobiles" at the Panels,but you could have yours set to "vibrate",rather than ring.(Best to get the ok from Becks and Co first,obviously !))

    If they ok that,I could ring your mobile when/if Junior needs feeding,then you could slip out ,see to him,then return to the Cocktail Party.
    Likewise,you could nip out,call me up and I could bring him down to you immediately,if you just want to make sure he's really ok.)

    (Just spoken to Hubby and he's fine with that arrangement,if it's possible and permitted.We weren't planning to do more on the Con Friday than have a drink/chat in the bar with some of the Gabiteers.We can chat with them in our room instead,and fuss over babe ! )

    Up to you ,(and Becks and Julia et al) of course . (((((((((((Gipsy))))))))))))
    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


      We have absolutely no problem whatsoever with GateGipsy having her mobile on vibrate when she is in the Cocktail Party. (You probably wouldn't hear it if it were set to ring ordinarily anyway with all the different conversations going on.) That would allow you to nip out to see junior if needed. The bar/foyer seating area is *very* close to the Marlborough Suite anyway and on the same level so it would only take you a second to leave the room and reach baby.

      To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


        ((((((((((((Julia ))))))))))) That sounds good and very fair to me !

        Up to Gipsy to decide what she'll do,with regards to the CT Party,but thanks from me,for taking time (as usual) to help us Gwrs out of a spot and offer options.

        *Sends VR Bouquet to you and the others of Gabit4 *
        (Well, the real ones won't fit through the computer wiring ! )
        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


          10 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Julia Thanks for the help! ((((((((hugs)))))))


            Thanks you guys, and cheers for the info Julia. I'm already bringing a big bag of minstrals for Becky, I'll bring one for you too (or perhaps a bag of Haribo if that's your poison!).

            FHB it sounds like a good option to me. Baby is usually fast asleep around 7pm. I may have to miss the beginning bit of the cocktail party but that's OK. If the bar is in the foyer area then it's not going to be too smoky, and if it isn't too noisy (no blasting music) then he'll sleep OK in his pram. If he stirs then just a bit of a push back and forth soothes him down.

            Unfortunately hubs has to work that weekend, otherwise I could have come along footloose and fancy free


              Originally posted by GateGipsy
              Unfortunately hubs has to work that weekend, otherwise I could have come along footloose and fancy free
              But then we'd not have seen Baby gipsy! Glad you took FHB's offer.



                Originally posted by flippy18
                My ticket successfully arrived at one of my email addy's this morning so Am on Row K.
                Woohoo Flippy! I am in row K too!

                Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I leave in one week for Gabit!!!!!


                  Originally posted by GateGipsy
                  FHB it sounds like a good option to me. Baby is usually fast asleep around 7pm. I may have to miss the beginning bit of the cocktail party but that's OK. If the bar is in the foyer area then it's not going to be too smoky, and if it isn't too noisy (no blasting music) then he'll sleep OK in his pram. If he stirs then just a bit of a push back and forth soothes him down.
                  No worries Gipsy. I'll make sure I follow your advice,and I'm sure babe'll be fine.I'm very used to babies and tots....just in case of emergencies,though, I'll pack my Sooty and Sweep Glove puppets,and some other tools of ye babysitting trade.

                  (((((((((((Gipsy))))))))))) He'll be our little star..can you tell that I love looking after babies ,lol !

                  I'm so glad you'll be able to go to the cocktail party now,and I'm really happy to be able to help you out !

                  *Emits small Squeeee of joy*

                  Originally posted by GateGipsy
                  Unfortunately hubs has to work that weekend, otherwise I could have come along footloose and fancy free
                  Pity he can't join in the fun...but you'll be able to give him all the details on your return.
                  ETA :
                  Argh ! Catch-up time..I meant to reply to these posts yesterday,but got a little distracted .Sorry Bev and the mere mention of babysitting I wandered off to check on my "Entertain babies " selection of goodies and kind of didn't come back !
                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  I think the band's back together!
                  Yep ! We need some happy lullabies though for the Friday night now....know any good arrangements for banjo ?
                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Isn't 'magnets' the answer to everything?
                  Mostly ! My answer to everything is usually "What ?" a la Jack though.

                  Originally posted by Rune
                  I haven't any cool thoughts left at all! Still got stuff to organise before NEXT WEEK *squee*but seem to be mostly procrastinating and getting wound up about it rather than doing anything.
                  (((((((((((Rune))))))))) It'll all be done in plenty of time ..relax,make lists and sip on your coffee.Then go into a frantic dash on Thursday or Friday next...set deadlines are like that,I find !
                  About the herbal teas,I can't drink that echinacea stuff at all.Camomile is supposed to be "soothing" but tastes like soap.Fennel's rather nice,imo.I bought it years ago for my daughter on the advice of our Health Visitor.Daughter loathed it,(natch !)so I tried it ,liked it and treat myself now and again.
                  (Chinese green tea's good too.)

                  I think there'll be plenty coffee available at the'll get tea/coffee making facilities in your room as standard,if I remember correctly.If you run out,I'm bringing some Nescafé.

                  Edit again :
                  Originally posted by Kliggins

                  Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I leave in one week for Gabit!!!!!
                  Your "Orange Dust Bunnies" are waiting for you, Kliggins !
                  Last edited by Bagpuss; 19 October 2005, 01:48 AM.
                  The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                    Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                    About the herbal teas,I can't drink that echinacea stuff at all.Camomile is supposed to be "soothing" but tastes like soap.Fennel's rather nice,imo.I bought it years ago for my daughter on the advice of our Health Visitor.Daughter loathed it,(natch !)so I tried it ,liked it and treat myself now and again.
                    Ohhh that fennel stuff sort of reminds me of gripe water (continuing with the baby theme)

                    I just looked in the cupboard and i have about 6 assorted boxes of herbal tea that always seem like a good idea at the time of buying, get sniffed at once and then consigned to the back shelf.

                    *back on topic* yep I will probably pull my act together sometime around Friday afternoon, nothing like having your nose on a deadline to make you shift up a gear ^^

                    Ohh, not wanting to be a pain Baggie, but flipping back I think you said something about dress code for the bistro? Just wondering if smart jeans are okay (being smart/casual) or an absolute no no ... will have to go add a new pair of trousers to my list of to-dos if not, if you don't know don't worry about finding out, I'll take a chance and bring a spare set of togs

                    [EDIT] note to self - do not forget the cat shoes!!!


                      Originally posted by Kliggins
                      Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I leave in one week for Gabit!!!!!



                        Originally posted by Rune
                        Ohh, not wanting to be a pain Baggie, but flipping back I think you said something about dress code for the bistro? Just wondering if smart jeans are okay (being smart/casual) or an absolute no no ... will have to go add a new pair of trousers to my list of to-dos if not, if you don't know don't worry about finding out, I'll take a chance and bring a spare set of togs
                        (((((((Rune)))))) You aren't being a "pain" at all.
                        I haven't had a reply back yet,so I think I'll have to brave phoning the hotel Switchboard instead.
                        I just rang Hubby to check who he'd spoken to when he last contacted the Hotel.He said he wrote it down somewhere.
                        That's Husband talk for "Well I won't go looking through all the piles of paperwork...but you can, and good luck because I probably chucked the note in the recycling bag,or the fire.".

                        So I'll just ring and speak to whoever answers and get some clarification on the dress code and the other queries we had !

                        Back later,with details.I hope !

                        Originally posted by Rune
                        [EDIT] note to self - do not forget the cat shoes!!!
                        Yep ! The Cat shoes are an absolute must-see !

                        Originally posted by Rune
                        Ohhh that fennel stuff sort of reminds me of gripe water (continuing with the baby theme)
                        LOL ! Must be why I like it...I've always liked Woodwards' gripewater.
                        (Not that I'd go round robbing babies for a sip ,but somehow I always seemed to get the last few drops in every bottle when the kids were small...)
                        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                          Ok Gabit-Goers .
                          I went,I rang and I got the answers required !

                          From the Renaissance Hotel Events section staff member I spoke to (very nice lady and very efficient,but I didn't catch her name at all !):

                          No specific dress code for any diners at the Bistro.Males don't need ties,and females don't need to worry about too much formality.Smart jeans are fine.

                          The Menu : The cost of all dishes depends on whether the foods we choose are from the Buffet or A la Carte Menus,but there will be clear prices on the menus at table.

                          Baggie translation : We won't be turning up looking like something the cat dragged in anyway,so dress how you prefer.Definition of smart or casual is up to you all.

                          I stated in an earlier post that the table bill will be paid by Hubby as the "Host"...then we can work out what each of us has to repay him after we've eaten.

                          That's still the case,and probably the best arrangement ,as then nobody should be overcharged for food and drinks they haven't actually had.

                          Pity we can't get a photocopy of the menus,really,...but we can pop along a little early and check it out ?
                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                            Woohoo! Thanks for doing that Baggie. I'm glad that they'll accept me wearing my disco sequined cat suit!
                            Is it the 28th yet???? Is it????


                              You'll look wonderful ,I'm sure !

                              Sequinned catsuits are very "In" y'know....but you're going to wear yourself and hyper-smily guy out before the 28th at this rate,lol !
                              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                                Thought for the Day

                                At a recent sci-fi con, Amanda was asked how she continues to stay in shape and look so good even though so many seasons have already gone by ... the fan complimented AT, implying that she hasn't really grown older onscreen, seems to stay the same. Amanda kidded around at first but then said: "I'm freakin' happy ... and I know that I'm so lucky" alluding to the fact that she loves to go to work and has a supportive family, etc. I think also that she's always willing to push herself to take on new challenges, like directing last year. (Finally!)

                                Today, I came across the following quote by William Bennett and I thought of Amanda:

                                Happiness is like a cat. If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you. It will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing against your legs and jumping into your lap. So forget pursuing happiness. Pin your hopes on work, on family, on learning, on knowing, on loving. Forget pursuing happiness, pursue these other things, and with luck happiness will come.

                                Not a bad piece of advice to follow once the GABIT excitement has passed. It seems to work for Amanda. Perhaps we should try to follow the same formula!
                                Last edited by ChopinGal; 19 October 2005, 07:13 AM.

