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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by babancat View Post
    Hello everyone *waves*

    This is my first post to this board... I do believe I have a ticket to AT4. It will be my first AT event, though not first convention (that was Gatecon ).

    I do believe I recognise a few names from S/J Ship family (that's usually where I lurk...) and it was in fact SamJackShipLover who told me to come introduce myself

    I look forward to getting to know you all, and meeting some of you in November...

    Bye for now *waves*
    Welcome! Congrats on getting a ticket! It's gonna be great!
    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
    *passes Julia the pea-shooter*
    LOL, *passes my pea-shooter over too* its designed for plexiglas

    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

      LOL, *passes my pea-shooter over too* its designed for plexiglas
      Trinium enhanced?


        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
        Trinium enhanced?

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          GABIT Chaos Central:


            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

            She's armed and dangerous!!!
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              Originally posted by No1_sonuk View Post
              She does if she wants it to be her voice that comes out of the speakers when she uses a mic at the event.

              Did you not see the tech desk screens at AT3? They're pea-proof Plexiglas.

              Am still working on keeping complete control over Tech. They have more bad things they can do to me than the rest of the staff....but am working on it...

              And get back down into that Reg pile. Who told you you could come up for air!!!

              He he he.....
              To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                Hm, one would think you guys would be submerged in registration emails or whatever it was you were doing yesterday. Instead you hang out here and annoy the populace at large. What's up with that?
                Here I was thinking that we had you busy for at least another week but our hard work seemed to have been for naught.
                Ah but popping our heads in here is the only still keeps us tied to the desks and computers but provides a small welcome break.

                And while Tim and Kay are emersed in Reg sheets at Gabit Chaos Central, Becks and I have decided to install a red hot telephone line between our two houses since we've been tele-conferencing and discussing Reg related stuff a good part of the last 24 hours in between email sending.
                To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                  Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                  Am still working on keeping complete control over Tech. They have more bad things they can do to me than the rest of the staff....but am working on it...
                  That's all part of our cunning plan - The illusion that you're getting somewhere...


                    Originally posted by No1_sonuk View Post
                    That's all part of our cunning plan - The illusion that you're getting somewhere...

                    Ah but part of my cunning plan is letting you think that you've deluded me into thinking I'm getting somewhere, when in actual fact, I'm so subtle that I actually am!!........

                    Needs a brain rest......
                    To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                      Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                      Ah but part of my cunning plan is letting you think that you've deluded me into thinking I'm getting somewhere, when in actual fact, I'm so subtle that I actually am!!........

                      Needs a brain rest......
                      Sorry I need the communal brain cell to pack. you can have it back tomorrow.


                        Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                        Ah but part of my cunning plan is letting you think that you've deluded me into thinking I'm getting somewhere, when in actual fact, I'm so subtle that I actually am!!........
                        I told you our plan was working...


                          Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                          Ah but part of my cunning plan is letting you think that you've deluded me into thinking I'm getting somewhere, when in actual fact, I'm so subtle that I actually am!!........
                          ROFL ... what?


                            Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                            Sorry I need the communal brain cell to pack. you can have it back tomorrow.
                            Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                            Ah but part of my cunning plan is letting you think that you've deluded me into thinking I'm getting somewhere, when in actual fact, I'm so subtle that I actually am!!........

                            Needs a brain rest......
                            Will someone please get Mumsey another, stronger, cuppa tea??! (or a pillow?)



                              Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
                              Will someone please get Mumsey another, stronger, cuppa tea??! (or a pillow?)
                              I think she needs something else then tea... how about beer? or wine?? or maybe she needs even more stronger... who knows.


                                OK...pages behind....

                                I have read summink about AT4 and nekkid folk, packing, cunning and devious plans, and getting Mumsey drunk. Do I have that down? And in the right order?

