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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by LeeFraser View Post
    So, anyone want to start a list of who thinks they've got a weekend ticket?
    I really don't feel like it yet. Maybe we should wait till everything has been sorted out?


      i'm supposed to be going out to dinner in a couple of hours but all i wanna do is sit by the computer, refreshing my email account!
      Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
      Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
      Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


        Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
        Sorry for the general nature of this reply, we will respond individually shortly.
        Please note there was a HUGE demand for tickets and AT4 is now sold out.

        We are aware that several of you who ordered more than one ticket were only charged for one. The registrations will be held and we will contact you to arrange payment for the other tickets in due course.

        Please check you e-mail responses form us... in the ticket type field if this says weekend you have been allocated a ticket if it is BLANK and you were not transferred to HSBC, you have not at this time been allocated a ticket. We have your details and these will be placed on a waiting list.

        Please bear with us while we work through the registrations and answer your questions more fully

        Thank you for your support and understanding

        Registration Department
        Thanks for the heads-up.

        I guess that means I am sans ticket ATM.

        Ha, I guess I'll find something else to do in London that weekend.
        Must check RSC site for their schedule.


          Ok...I've been told to get to I'm off to bed!! Night night folks...thank you for the fun and excitement and the utter thrill of purchasing my first Gabit ticket!
          Good luck everyone...take care and have fun!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            okay, silver lining time...
            i have a ticket and have been assured i can pay for my mum's ticket soon so at least we get to go to the event.
            fingers crossed we'll get charmed passes. it's just one of those things, (and those of you who've been to the cocktail party will know) where once you've experienced it once, you HAVE to do it again! If i get charmed passes i'll be extatic, but if i don't, at least i can say i've been once and thats mroe than some people get in a lifetime!

            So off i toddle to get ready for dinner!

            Much love to the gabit team and i hope you can relax soon enough!
            Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
            Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
            Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


              Wow, just wow. What a tribute to Amanda that her event sold out this quickly!

              And kudos to the G4 who, as Sky said, are working their butts off right now with all the morning's activity!

              Let's hope many of us get to "greet and meet" this November in London!

              Chelle, I know how much this means to you and it will be terrific to finally meet in person!



                Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                Sorry for the general nature of this reply, we will respond individually shortly.
                Please note there was a HUGE demand for tickets and AT4 is now sold out.

                We are aware that several of you who ordered more than one ticket were only charged for one. The registrations will be held and we will contact you to arrange payment for the other tickets in due course.

                Please check you e-mail responses form us... in the ticket type field if this says weekend you have been allocated a ticket if it is BLANK and you were not transferred to HSBC, you have not at this time been allocated a ticket. We have your details and these will be placed on a waiting list.

                Please bear with us while we work through the registrations and answer your questions more fully

                Thank you for your support and understanding

                Registration Department

                Thanks for the info becky. ((((((((((((((((((G4)))))))))))))))))))))))


                  Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                  Please be patient people. As Becky said there is a lot to sort through and the Registration Department is working flat out right now. As you say, selling out as fast as we did, means we have an awful lot of work to do.


                  Thanks Julia.

                  Have e-mailed both Gabit addies re: even though I haven't gotten a GABIT confirm as I had in the past, my credit card company confirmed that they did pay the transaction to HSBC, so there's money there..... Will mosey off now to go find some more Kleenex tissues and antihistamine for this nasty sinus infection/head cold... and hope for the best for regarding tickets for roomie & myself.

                  *gentle hugs to all*
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    I am copying this from our own Gabit forum which Becky has just posted in response to several criticisms there from people who didn't get tickets.

                    We are seriously working as fast as we can folks to answer everyone's queries and keep our heads above water. I am sorry for those who have not got tickets. People were just so fast onto the site there would have been split seconds between people if that.

                    There have been criticisms elsewhere that the links did not go up on time but I can assure everyone that with three computers in front of me, all three pages were uploaded simultaneously and at 15.30 hrs precisely. We are not able to account for people's browsers or speed.

                    I think those that know us will know that we operate fairly across the board.

                    I think when you see the time frame for sell out you will understand why everything happened so fast.


                    "The system allowed people to progress through the reg system so that we could fairly collect peoples details for the waiting list. Sorry if this has caused any upset. We did however ensure that you were not charged.

                    If you were not able to pay AT ALL ie you did not get the red HSBC page it is likely you entered the reg system AFTER tickets had all been allocated. If that is the case you will be placed on the wiating list and contacted should tickets become available.

                    If you had a problem once you got to HSBC, we'll be in touch to arrange payment. Llikewise if you booked more than one ticket but were only charged for one we will be in touch.

                    We had over 500 requests for tickets in the first few minutes. yes over 500. The link did appear on both the pages at the time we said it would

                    We will contact people who have sent quesries to asktheg4 or registration addresses. personal e-mail addresses are not being responded to at the moment.

                    Thank you for your support and patience.
                    To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                      500 in a few minutes??? Way to go Amanda! And I'm sure everyone knows you all are doing your very best and are being fair.


                      EDIT: I saw the link on both computers right on time. After clicking it, it was really slow though, but with 500 requests I guess that makes sense


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        500 in a few minutes??? Way to go Amanda! And I'm sure everyone knows you all are doing your very best and are being fair.


                        EDIT: I saw the link on both computers right on time. After clicking it, it was really slow though, but with 500 requests I guess that makes sense
                        I too saw the reg link within 10 second after the time.

                        Hard refresh is your friend!!


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          500 in a few minutes??? Way to go Amanda! And I'm sure everyone knows you all are doing your very best and are being fair.


                          EDIT: I saw the link on both computers right on time. After clicking it, it was really slow though, but with 500 requests I guess that makes sense
                          Yeah, the link was up on time, everyone who says differently needs to check their watch and check
                          However, the page it linked to did not load. I tried it on two browsers. These things happen when several hundred people try to access the site at the same time. The whole registration process was *sloowwww* then again, understandably so, knowing how much traffic the site experienced.


                            I just got confirmation from GABIT that I do have 2 tickets! So Neep and I will be there!


                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              I just got confirmation from GABIT that I do have 2 tickets! So Neep and I will be there!
                              *happy dance*


                                There's an icky reality.

                                500+ requests for less than 300 tickets (give or take, i'm not sure how many are allocated in total)

                                It's not fun, but a cold reality of conventions...or even any event. Just think back to Gatecon and the massive interest after Rick announced he was coming. A LOT of people that wanted tickets didn't get them simply because 'want' outnumbered 'available' about 10 to 1

                                Stuff happens

                                Easier said than done, i know, but be happy for those that got them, be patient and hope for the best if you end up on the waiting list.. And if you end up at home, hey you'll be in good company
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


