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    Exactly. Though I've never stayed in a hostel myself, I did a bit of 'research' into some hostels cross the pond. For the most part, they seemed very well organized and managed. I was planning on using them myself this year till my plans were foiled, but I know next year when I do a bit of the touristy stuff before AT4 I won't hesitate to use them cos they seem quite safe and very kind on the pocket.

    Like you said though Sky. I did have in the back of my mind the security of the bits that I wouldnt want anyone to run off with such as my passport, money and lappy which I know I plan on bringing. I never found any info on hostels having lockers or anything either so this kinda was a concern to me.


      I've stayed in a lot of hostels in the UK and a few in other countries too and I have never had a problem with feeling unsafe or worrying about my posessions either while travelling by myself or with other people.

      Of course I take sensible precautions such as keeping my valuables with me when I go out. Many hostels have safe facilities so you can lock things away (though I've never bothered) and just be aware of what is going on around you. Check what room you're booked into so that you know what to expect, i.e. mixed or single sex room, dorm or quad etc.

      They are cheaper and can save pennies, though they are usually populated by young people having a good time, so being easy going and willing to put up with some noise and the occassionally icky toilet is essential. Ear plugs might be worthwhile investing in in case the hostel turns out to have that team of singing rugby players in that weekend or something.
      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
      My Fanfic~My Femslash


        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Hey Mal, belated BIRTHDAY GREETINGS from me.

        We'll have to meet this time. I don't think we got the chance last time. Was sure I would run into you somewhere, kept looking for the woman muttering 3 days to go until the end of AT3, 2 days to go until the end of AT3, etc.

        LOL!! thanx for the message. Yes we will need to try to meet up


          Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!


            Happy Belated Bday Mal =)
            Hope it was a great one!!!

            All these travelling plans make me so hyped to head back over there =) I'm planning on catching up with friends in various locations of England as well, but doing the touristy thing in London for a couple days def sounds like a plan too!!! So much to see and do, so (relatively) little time....

            On a slightly more down note:
            For those of you with whom I haven't spoken recently, an update on the life of ames: last weekend my work announced a major restructuring - as in they're dissolving our shift. For me, this means facing layoff. I've managed to squeak through the first axe -- one of only two temps in our department to do so -- but we have no idea when (or if) we will be cut as well. If enough permanent employees quit, I might have a chance of staying on ... but it's a slim sliver of hope. While many might say (and already have done so =P) this is a sign to get my butt in motion doing something else - like going back to teaching in a more traditional sense, for ex - all those plans (upgrading/retraining/relocating!) take fundage. So, along with quite a few things currently going on in my life, my being able to attend AT4 is now very dependant on how long I get to keep my job. I'll keep y'all updated on the likelihood of experiencing ames at the event as more details arise...

            Keep bouncin' excitedly everyone!!
            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
            ames on facebook
            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


              Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
              I've stayed in a lot of hostels in the UK and a few in other countries too and I have never had a problem with feeling unsafe or worrying about my posessions either while travelling by myself or with other people.

              Of course I take sensible precautions such as keeping my valuables with me when I go out. Many hostels have safe facilities so you can lock things away (though I've never bothered) and just be aware of what is going on around you. Check what room you're booked into so that you know what to expect, i.e. mixed or single sex room, dorm or quad etc.

              They are cheaper and can save pennies, though they are usually populated by young people having a good time, so being easy going and willing to put up with some noise and the occassionally icky toilet is essential. Ear plugs might be worthwhile investing in in case the hostel turns out to have that team of singing rugby players in that weekend or something.
              I like my bathrooms en suite. That alone has kept me out of the hostels.
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                3 of us got a triple room at the St. Giles Hotel, which was right in the busy section of London, not too far away from the British if you find someone(s) to split the cost of a room it's not so bad

                my fanfic


                  sometimes 'safeguarding' your stuff is nothing more than locking your lappy into your luggage. most thefts are impulse and easy stuff...and something locked away isnt easy.

                  also, if it's an off time, you can end up with a private room simply because there arent enough to double up
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    So, just out of expensive is the Ren??? I mean are we talking mega bucks or just higher than than a hostel??
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      If you book directly through the hotel it's about $170USD a night, double occupancy..with the convention discount.

                      It includes a breakfast.

                      Last time I just booked through Expedia.


                        Mal!! Clobber me with a brick why dont'cha? Sorry for missing it! Hope you had a fantastically wonderful Birthday!

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        sometimes 'safeguarding' your stuff is nothing more than locking your lappy into your luggage. most thefts are impulse and easy stuff...and something locked away isnt easy.

                        also, if it's an off time, you can end up with a private room simply because there arent enough to double up
                        Well if I'm going to be doing any walking/touring before the Con, I most likely will be taking my backpack out of convenience. Last time I checked, those things dont lock and a simple knife slash will empty it quickly.

                        I dont think I'll worry during the day as my lappy and other valuable bits will be close at hand. My only worry is when ol' sand woman comes a'calling. It's kinda hard to protect anything when your unconscious.

                        I believe November is considered off-season though. Good for getting prime rooms but bad for sightseeing. Alot of places are dictated by the season and close early. For example, there was some old Roman ruins I thought would be interesting to check out, but of course it closes from Nov-March...meh.

                        Ames *hugs* for your RL stuff. Dang about your work cos I know the feeling. Last year I was laid off as well when my position at my last job was cut in their anal attempts to save company money. Hope yours works out for you though cos I do hope to see you again next year!


                          Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!


                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            Well if I'm going to be doing any walking/touring before the Con, I most likely will be taking my backpack out of convenience. Last time I checked, those things dont lock and a simple knife slash will empty it quickly.

                            I dont think I'll worry during the day as my lappy and other valuable bits will be close at hand. My only worry is when ol' sand woman comes a'calling. It's kinda hard to protect anything when your unconscious.

                            I believe November is considered off-season though. Good for getting prime rooms but bad for sightseeing. Alot of places are dictated by the season and close early. For example, there was some old Roman ruins I thought would be interesting to check out, but of course it closes from Nov-March...meh.
                            Theft in hostels isn't like that. It isn't a knife to your backpack, it isn't someone going through your posessions when you're asleep (though a money belt or putting it under your pillow are both tried and tested methods against that) its opportunistic. Its someone walking off with your ipod after you left it on the table, that kind of thing. Generally things simply being out of sight is enough as any would be thieves are wandering through seeing what they can grab rather than casing the joint. There is a risk, but it is slight and there is always a risk doing anything.
                            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                            My Fanfic~My Femslash


                              Well I can be pretty anal about things normally so leaving my ipod randomly somewhere I just cant see happening. If that's all that I have to think about then I should be fine. No matter what might happen anyways, I was still gonna give the hostels a try. If anything, for at least a few nights there. I do think though that if you look and act like a 'victim' you will be one eventually. Erring on the side of caution is always a safe bet imo.

                              Thanks for the info.


                                And if it does come down to a hostel being your only option then you could also just ensure you get one that provides lockers in the rooms. I stayed at the Globetrotter Inn in London when I went to the london film and comic con in 2006 because at the time I lived a little outside London and I wanted to be closer to the con for those early morning starts. I chose a room that had an ensuite so I didn't have to use the communal bathrooms (but I did check them out and they were very clean) but I was also sharing with 5 strangers... all bouncy young American girls who were very excited that I spoke with an accent lol. There were lockers in the room, and whereas they're not going to fit your big suitcase, they're more than enough for the things you want locked behind steel.

                                One thing I recommend is when searching for a hostel - read the reviews! Don't go for the one that looks central and cheap just because it is central and cheap. The reviews will tell you about all the things you fear - safety, security, whether or not they change the sheets etc etc.

                                I doubt if I'll ever stay in a hostel again as the noise levels are enough to put me off - but I am that sort of person who wants relative peace and quiet and I can't sleep when others around me are giggling and talking. For those who want a little more upmarket or comfort than hostel but perhaps don't need the sanctuary of a 4 star hotel, I'd also look into staying at a Premiere Inn (former Travellodge)

