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    Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
    Gee you have good hearing TJ!!!

    Actually I have "swayed" over twice today at work and nearly fell flat on my face - seriously - inner ear infection/labyrinthitis which didn't respond to the medication given to me last week and is so bad now that I am on antibiotics and sea sickness pills!!!! (Yeah Becky, it's still there!!! Argh)

    Gulp on the AT15! I'd be heading for 70 then!!
    You guys certainly plan ahead!! LOL!

    No clues on colours or anything else AT4 related. The name is all you get!

    Hope you feel better; ear infections can be nasty.
    My hubby is only now starting to get over his ear infection that started just before AT3, after 3 different types of antibiotics, he hasn’t fallen on his face, yet!

    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
    Are you kidding?? It's all about the bars!!!
    How far from London is Stone Henge?? I have to try to make the most of this's one-ser for me! ...unless...I'm gonna try for AT6 or AT7...that's ages away so not as noticeable...I'll just have to devise a way to convince the hubby that I'm needed in London in a few years or so!
    It's about 73 miles (117K) from the Renaissance hotel.

    The nearest train station to Stonehenge is Salisbury about 9.5 miles away.

    From London the trains depart from Waterloo Station to Salisbury.
    The trains depart approximately every hour. The journey takes about an hour and a half. Local buses or a cab can take you to the stones.


      but look into it because, from what i understand, even with the bus taking you to the stones, it's a bit of a hike and walk to get to them.

      I understand that it's a whole day trip, thanks to the duration of the train/bus rides and schedules
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        If I was a tourist and wanted to see Stonehenge, I would take a guided tour From London, and take in Windsor Castle and Salisbury because to be honest, there's not much there in the way of facilities at the moment.

        More info


          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
          BAR? There was a BAR? *hands on hips*

          I am SO not getting all my memos.
          Wait! Before I manage to get y'all confused some more - I only meant the bar at the hotel, not going out clubbing sort of thing! (This is *me* we're talking about, after all!)

          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
          It's pretty sad when I'm in Europe and all I wanna see are the bars.


          Well, we did our "London" tour last time. Next time will be Stone Henge. WOOT.

          See...I knew it wouldn't be my last time in London, so I didn't worry about the fact that all I did was Gabit and the tour before we headed to other countries.


          Seems I knew what I was talking about. *dances*
          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          Are you kidding?? It's all about the bars!!!
          How far from London is Stone Henge?? I have to try to make the most of this's one-ser for me! ...unless...I'm gonna try for AT6 or AT7...that's ages away so not as noticeable...I'll just have to devise a way to convince the hubby that I'm needed in London in a few years or so!
          My mates and I did a really cool Stonehenge bus tour day about 2 years ago. We were picked up at one of the hotels in London, went to Bath for a quick tour through the Roman baths, then did lunch in Lacock (which is pretty on its own, but is also of interest to any HP fans out there, as that's where some of the movies were shot...), then timed our visit to Stonehenge for sunset -- and we had permission to actually go INSIDE. (You don't get to do that if you just go on your own to the stones - they have big security guards who throw you out if you try...) I have *touched* the stones - it was a bit ... mind-boggling. (I have pics, if anyone would like - just lemme know.) Then the bus took us back to London - it made for a long day, but definitely not one I'll forget anytime soon! (Note: it was a bit on the pricey side, looking at it from a North American exchange rate view, but totally worth it. I felt the Bath portion of the trip was rather rushed, but that did mean more time at Stonehenge, so yeah - how often do you get the chance to literally touch history?)
          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
          ames on facebook
          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


            I used to pop up to Stonehenge after work.

            (Until about 8 weeks ago, I worked in Salisbury)
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
              Gee you have good hearing TJ!!!

              Actually I have "swayed" over twice today at work and nearly fell flat on my face - seriously - inner ear infection/labyrinthitis which didn't respond to the medication given to me last week and is so bad now that I am on antibiotics and sea sickness pills!!!! (Yeah Becky, it's still there!!! Argh)

              Gulp on the AT15! I'd be heading for 70 then!!
              You guys certainly plan ahead!! LOL!

              No clues on colours or anything else AT4 related. The name is all you get!

              Aww Julia ((((((((Julia))))))))) hope you feel better soon

              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                Originally posted by donamac View Post
                Oh, Julia, I know what you're going through. All my life I've been plagued by bouts of vertigo and it isn't from infections in my case. All I have to do at times is turn my head quick. I tried using the little wrist bands that utilize pressure points (they are for sea sickness) and they work as well as meclizine which which makes me sleepy. Also, a friend recommended yoga for relaxation--the breathing really helps.

                Good luck! I went to the Midlands after the AT3 and discovered a nasty allergen--rapeseed fields in full bloom. Never sneezed so much in my life!! That got the old vertigo going again...

                Thanks so much for a wonderful time--you guys are so well organized!
                Glad to see you made it home OK. Was wondering where you were. Nice meeting you at AT3.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  *raises hand* I was there you know
                  *wibble* We didn't get to spend much time together.

                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  Wait! Before I manage to get y'all confused some more - I only meant the bar at the hotel, not going out clubbing sort of thing! (This is *me* we're talking about, after all!)
                  I know that. I haven't been to a club in years.

                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                  How far from London is Stone Henge??
                  You should make sure to do this tour AND the "Total London Experience."

                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  My mates and I did a really cool Stonehenge bus tour day about 2 years ago. We were picked up at one of the hotels in London, went to Bath for a quick tour through the Roman baths, then did lunch in Lacock (which is pretty on its own, but is also of interest to any HP fans out there, as that's where some of the movies were shot...), then timed our visit to Stonehenge for sunset -- and we had permission to actually go INSIDE.
                  That's exactly the tour we'll be taking. We were going to do it this year but had to cut our England trip short a day to make more room for the other countries we visited.


                    Gah, so much catching up to do

                    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                    Whoah. Wait! What am I being roped into?

                    Though really, no coercion is necessary to get me to dance
                    Lol...I usually need alcohol to dance...I don't know what had gotten into me when I performed that dance with you guys.

                    Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                    Okay to put you all out of your misery and to prevent "dictionary finger" from occurring to anyone.......

                    AT4 - Reflections

                    YES! Though I was being swayed by 'pwnage' the reflections is a great title...I can't wait!

                    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                    Seems she was taking several angles. Brilliant

                    Oh, and I have pics to share! Only about 400.


                    The misc album contains various pics from the pub and cocktail party. Let me know if you want me to take one down.

                    *edit* the link would be helpful
                    YAY! Pictures *ferrets link away to admire later* thanks for sharing!

                    Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                    Very fitting.

                    I love it.


                    *pokes and whispers conspiratorially* Good idea! The check will follow...

                    2 was pink!? Thank goodness I couldn't go to the con!

                    Well, not that I went to the disco this time. Too dang tired.
                    Heh...I loved the disco...cheesy music and cheesy dancing...I showed off my mispent youth lol.

                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Disco suggestion: how about tartan?
                    I second that one...our house has several kilts in it that I could borrow...and do often every time I need a quick fancy dress costume (William Wallace lol)

                    Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                    Gee you have good hearing TJ!!!

                    Actually I have "swayed" over twice today at work and nearly fell flat on my face - seriously - inner ear infection/labyrinthitis which didn't respond to the medication given to me last week and is so bad now that I am on antibiotics and sea sickness pills!!!! (Yeah Becky, it's still there!!! Argh)

                    Gulp on the AT15! I'd be heading for 70 then!!
                    You guys certainly plan ahead!! LOL!

                    No clues on colours or anything else AT4 related. The name is all you get!

                    Ooer...good luck getting that infection shifted. I used to get ear infections and they're real at the sea sickness pills though.

                    Originally posted by donamac View Post
                    Oh, Julia, I know what you're going through. All my life I've been plagued by bouts of vertigo and it isn't from infections in my case. All I have to do at times is turn my head quick. I tried using the little wrist bands that utilize pressure points (they are for sea sickness) and they work as well as meclizine which which makes me sleepy. Also, a friend recommended yoga for relaxation--the breathing really helps.

                    Good luck! I went to the Midlands after the AT3 and discovered a nasty allergen--rapeseed fields in full bloom. Never sneezed so much in my life!! That got the old vertigo going again...

                    Thanks so much for a wonderful time--you guys are so well organized!
                    I've had a few bouts of vertigo over the years and I sympathise wit just how unpleasent they are...I'm glad you found that the wrist bands worked for you, much better than drugs.
                    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                    My Fanfic~My Femslash


                      Originally posted by Terrah View Post
                      It's about 73 miles (117K) from the Renaissance hotel.
                      The nearest train station to Stonehenge is Salisbury about 9.5 miles away.
                      From London the trains depart from Waterloo Station to Salisbury.
                      The trains depart approximately every hour. The journey takes about an hour and a half. Local buses or a cab can take you to the stones.
                      Thank you Terrah...maybe I could hire a car and drive there myself...the Brits travel on the same side as we Aussies do so I think I can manage it!!
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      but look into it because, from what i understand, even with the bus taking you to the stones, it's a bit of a hike and walk to get to them.
                      I understand that it's a whole day trip, thanks to the duration of the train/bus rides and schedules
             liking the idea of hiring a car even more!! Thanks Sky!
                      Originally posted by Terrah View Post
                      If I was a tourist and wanted to see Stonehenge, I would take a guided tour From London, and take in Windsor Castle and Salisbury because to be honest, there's not much there in the way of facilities at the moment.
                      More info
                      Sounds interesting...have bookmarked it and out it in a new folder labeled "places to see and go"!!
                      Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                      You should make sure to do this tour AND the "Total London Experience."
                      I'm going into overdrive already...I have to be careful with the pennies and what not but I will check into all of it!!
                      Thanks everyone!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by ames View Post
                        Wait! Before I manage to get y'all confused some more - I only meant the bar at the hotel, not going out clubbing sort of thing! (This is *me* we're talking about, after all!)
                        No confusion here!!...I like those bars that you're talking about...I'm not a clubbing kinda gal...although I would go if tempted but I prefer the ones where you can just easily stagger back to your hotel room at the end of the night!!...not that I'm the type of girl that drinks a lot...not anymore that is!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                          YAY! Pictures *ferrets link away to admire later* thanks for sharing!

                          I've had a few bouts of vertigo over the years and I sympathise wit just how unpleasent they are...I'm glad you found that the wrist bands worked for you, much better than drugs.
                          I had to do a double take on the "ferret" thing. HEH

                          And vertigo...don't get me started. Luckily my last spell was when I was 18, at my parent's house (first time I EVER had a spell indoors...and it lasted for 1/2 hour. SO miserable.) I used to have about 5-6 per MONTH. And we're talking kneeling on the ground, holding my head as my entire head and body felt like it was spinning around. It was always promptly followed by nausea and generally feeling like I had the flu for the next couple of days. It kept me inside most of the time, scared to venture out.

                          Never DID find out what was wrong with me. All kinds of specialists from ENT's to Neurologists...heart monitor....MRI at 10. Nothing. I stopped trying around 16 when they told my parents my next test would be one where someone would have to drive me home afterward. thank you.

                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          I'm going into overdrive already...I have to be careful with the pennies and what not but I will check into all of it!!
                          Thanks everyone!!
                          We spent about $130 a person on the London tour...and it started at 8:45am and dropped us off at the London Eye at 6:30pm. It included everything I'd wanted to see and visit, and lunch at a pub.

                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          No confusion here!!...I like those bars that you're talking about...I'm not a clubbing kinda gal...although I would go if tempted but I prefer the ones where you can just easily stagger back to your hotel room at the end of the night!!...not that I'm the type of girl that drinks a lot...not anymore that is!!
                          Me neither, but every now and again...


                            Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                            It's very simple really.

                            As Amanda's fans you are all reflections of one another, and reflect Amanda's spirit, compassion and kindness in how you act towards each other and everyone you meet. At AT4 you will all also be reflecting on her career and what she has done in the past months since AT3 and reflecting on what you yourselves have done and achieved since you all met up.


                            aww I love it Great choice!!!



                              According to my tracking, the package made it to your country on the 21st. You should get it soon. If not, let me know and I'll track it again.
                              Last edited by EH-T; 25 May 2008, 01:13 PM.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                According to my tracking, the package made it to your country on the 21st. You should get it soon. If not, let me know and I'll track it again.
                                Are you kidding?? The 21st?? I got it today!!!
                                I have PM'ed you...I don't know what to say...I cannot possibly thank you enough so you had better be at AT4 next year so I can give you a huge hug!!!
                                To those of you who are wondering what the heck we are talking about...EH-T did the most wonderful thing for me while at AT3...she graciously gave up her personalized autograph opportunity to have a picture personalized by Amanda to me instead...the picture is has three images of Amanda on it...2 are RepliCarters and one is a promo of Sam in black BDU's...and Amanda wrote...
                                "To Chelle,
                                See you at AT4!
                                I can't wait.
                                (love heart) Amanda Tapping"
                                I feel absolutely blessed...I wish I could express in words how I feel at this's most difficult...I'm so totally stoked and over the moon...I'm giddy like a little school girl...I can't stop smiling...I was shaking and squeeing like a mad woman when I got the package this morning...I was nearly late for work...and I wouldn't have cared because you just cannot imagine how happy this made me.
                                And the letter from EH-T...oh man...I'm going to have that filed very carefully and kept for eternity.
                                I swear...couldn't you all hear me scream?? Around 10.30am EST...thank you so very much EH-T...from the bottom of my heart...I thank you so very much!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

