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    Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
    Gee you have good hearing TJ!!!

    Actually I have "swayed" over twice today at work and nearly fell flat on my face - seriously - inner ear infection/labyrinthitis which didn't respond to the medication given to me last week and is so bad now that I am on antibiotics and sea sickness pills!!!! (Yeah Becky, it's still there!!! Argh)

    Gulp on the AT15! I'd be heading for 70 then!!
    You guys certainly plan ahead!! LOL!

    No clues on colours or anything else AT4 related. The name is all you get!

    Sorry to hear that (although I must admit a little chuckle at the fact you are on sea sickness pills, how close is the nearest sea? ) Good thing you were not sick at AT3 or Amanda would still be visiting. Hope you are better soon and we resolve to stop bugging you about the next event until you are better (then all bets are off ).

    By the by, Vikitty where are you and your pictures? I was behind you looking AROUND the camera so I know you have a bunch. Would love to see them.

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
      Gee you have good hearing TJ!!!

      Actually I have "swayed" over twice today at work and nearly fell flat on my face - seriously - inner ear infection/labyrinthitis which didn't respond to the medication given to me last week and is so bad now that I am on antibiotics and sea sickness pills!!!! (Yeah Becky, it's still there!!! Argh)

      Ouch! Hope the drugs kick in soon!


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        nope. came back in from dinner, walked by, 'oh yeah, the disco is going on' and kept going to the elevators.

        discos aren't big here in the us, and i don't dance, don't care that much about music and usually end up thinking 'dang, it's too noisy in here'

        i stopped in the pink disco, for about 10 minutes, then retreated to the lobby where it was quieter and hung out with folks for a while. but since the lobby was torn up, there wasn't anywhere to hang this year, so i just went up and went to bed.

        I'm just not a dancer at all and not much of a partier.
        I know discos aren't popular here and the con dances are all a bit new to me too as it's definitely not the kind I see when I go club hopping around here. Mostly what I see is a bit of the 'grind' for lack of a better word. I did try though as I knew 'Star Trekking' a bit, but even with the mistakes I know for certain I made it was still lots of fun.

        Me and Chelle are gonna corner you and drag you into the disco next year Sky. Ya gotta go! Your not in retirement years yet so don't tell me it's noisy or your sleepy! If you do I'm gonna make you show me your dentures or whatever.

        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
        I only went to the disco for about an hour, I was so tired and a little overwhelmed by everything that had happened so far that I need time. I was feeling kinda ill that day too, but the hour at the disco was fun

        Julia is proof of one person I found hanging out in the lobby and 'persuaded' to join us in the disco. I knew you weren't feeling well, but I couldn't let you sit out. Glad you did have fun hon.

        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
        Ohhh, the French girls. They were soo much fun. And the "delicacies" haha, that was fun

        I don't like blue ... purple would be very good for me, I have lots of purple clothes I like orange and pink too .... maybe again at AT15, when they've run out of colours
        I loved the French girls! They were very awesome! I have one vid of them doing some crazy mini-me rendition or whatever you call it. Very funny! The sweets they brought were very good too...500% sugar I do believe. Maybe why that's why they were so excited all the time.

        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
        *listens to the sound of Julia hitting the floor*
        Hehe, eleven years from now I wonder what the theme will be...

        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Disco suggestion: how about tartan?
        hehe...I know of at least one Samandan who actually owns and has worn a tartan before.

        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
        How about BDU's

        Ooh yes! I actually have bdu's so this is one theme I wouldnt have a problem with. lol

        Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
        Gee you have good hearing TJ!!!

        Actually I have "swayed" over twice today at work and nearly fell flat on my face - seriously - inner ear infection/labyrinthitis which didn't respond to the medication given to me last week and is so bad now that I am on antibiotics and sea sickness pills!!!! (Yeah Becky, it's still there!!! Argh)

        Gulp on the AT15! I'd be heading for 70 then!!
        You guys certainly plan ahead!! LOL!

        No clues on colours or anything else AT4 related. The name is all you get!

        Awe! I've had a massive ear infection before so I know how dangerous and painful those things are. Hope ya feel better soon Julia!

        ETA: The fridge is locked tight Sky so I couldnt green ya but... *sputter* No fair!! You're coming to Gatecon though arent you? *plots*
        Last edited by Celandine; 22 May 2008, 03:29 PM.


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          I'm just not a dancer at all and not much of a partier.
          Huh!!! You think you can't dance...just take a look at my dancing skills..."So You Think You Can Dance"...I know I can't!!

          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
          How about BDU's
          Oooh...sounds like fun...but I have none so I need it to be civilian clothing!!!
          Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
          Gee you have good hearing TJ!!!
          Actually I have "swayed" over twice today at work and nearly fell flat on my face - seriously - inner ear infection/labyrinthitis which didn't respond to the medication given to me last week and is so bad now that I am on antibiotics and sea sickness pills!!!! (Yeah Becky, it's still there!!! Argh)
          Gulp on the AT15! I'd be heading for 70 then!!
          You guys certainly plan ahead!! LOL!
          No clues on colours or anything else AT4 related. The name is all you get!
          (((Julia)))...take it easy hon! You've probably run yourself down and could be more susceptible to the slightest cold or what not. Don't make me have to come over now and kick your tush to bed!
          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
          Me and Chelle are gonna corner you and drag you into the disco next year Sky. Ya gotta go! Your not in retirement years yet so don't tell me it's noisy or your sleepy! If you do I'm gonna make you show me your dentures or whatever.
 she knows our secret plot to get her to the disco...bugger!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            You both should have done the disco as it was awesome fun! ... Awe, I do hope your able to go next year! Darn budgeting stinks ain't it? You don't think putting even the tiniest amount away bi-weekly would help? In a year's time it could really add up I'd think.
            I will do it next year if I go. My issue was being tired and the fact that the friends I was hanging around with were not going. Not one of them.

   just had to call Springboard Consumer Services to do a consolidation. Apparently we bring in less than we pay out every month. Gee, no kidding...

            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
            I don't like blue ... purple would be very good for me, I have lots of purple clothes
            I knew I liked you.

            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Disco suggestion: how about tartan?
            That'd be cool!

            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
            How about BDU's
            Even better!


              Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
              You're no fun, no more guessing. I guess we could start guessing what color the disco theme will be.
              You don't think Julia'll fold that easily, do you Kliggins?
              Although personally I'm hoping for a blue or purple
              Maybe something more off the wall, like silver? That'd be pretty ... although difficult to shop for ... hmmmmm.

              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
     doesn't matter...the fact that it's already named AT4 is kinda cool enough for's gonna be cool to see when the statement comes in the mail...Michelle M DeBoer AT4 Account Summary....hehe!!!
              chelle, that just made me *grin* - thank you!

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              nope. came back in from dinner, walked by, 'oh yeah, the disco is going on' and kept going to the elevators.


              I'm just not a dancer at all and not much of a partier.
              But we had fun at dinner too, eh? I managed to just about walk into the disco to see who was there, then was grabbed *ahem* invited to hit the bar, and never made it back to the disco! The ppl there looked like they were having fun though

              Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
              Gee you have good hearing TJ!!!

              Actually I have "swayed" over twice today at work and nearly fell flat on my face - seriously - inner ear infection/labyrinthitis which didn't respond to the medication given to me last week and is so bad now that I am on antibiotics and sea sickness pills!!!! (Yeah Becky, it's still there!!! Argh)

              Gulp on the AT15! I'd be heading for 70 then!!
              You guys certainly plan ahead!! LOL!

              No clues on colours or anything else AT4 related. The name is all you get!

              Oh, ***hugs*** to Julia - I do hope you feel better soon!!!
              Now Julia, you told us we'd get no hints at all. Then we started guessing titles for what, a few days, and you gave that to us (and again, a totally awesome and meaningful name/theme it is!!!) ... so how long d'ya figure you can hold out on the colour? Soon the colour, next the date!!!
              Seriously though - recover first, then worry about teasing us with hints again...
              Last edited by ames; 22 May 2008, 07:43 PM. Reason: grammar mistake
              ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

              SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
              ames on facebook
              ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                Originally posted by ames View Post
                chelle, that just made me *grin* - thank you!
       kinda scare's actually gonna's awesome...but terrifyingly so!!!...all in a good way though!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  But we had fun at dinner too, eh? I managed to just about walk into the disco to see who was there, then was grabbed *ahem* invited to hit the bar, and never made it back to the disco! The ppl there looked like they were having fun though

                  BAR? There was a BAR? *hands on hips*

                  I am SO not getting all my memos.


                    Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                    BAR? There was a BAR? *hands on hips*

                    I am SO not getting all my memos.
                    We're gonna have to make another list...places to go and bars and all!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      It's pretty sad when I'm in Europe and all I wanna see are the bars.


                      Well, we did our "London" tour last time. Next time will be Stone Henge. WOOT.

                      See...I knew it wouldn't be my last time in London, so I didn't worry about the fact that all I did was Gabit and the tour before we headed to other countries.


                      Seems I knew what I was talking about. *dances*


                        Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                        Gee you have good hearing TJ!!!

                        Actually I have "swayed" over twice today at work and nearly fell flat on my face - seriously - inner ear infection/labyrinthitis which didn't respond to the medication given to me last week and is so bad now that I am on antibiotics and sea sickness pills!!!! (Yeah Becky, it's still there!!! Argh)

                        Gulp on the AT15! I'd be heading for 70 then!!
                        You guys certainly plan ahead!! LOL!

                        No clues on colours or anything else AT4 related. The name is all you get!

                        Oh, Julia, I know what you're going through. All my life I've been plagued by bouts of vertigo and it isn't from infections in my case. All I have to do at times is turn my head quick. I tried using the little wrist bands that utilize pressure points (they are for sea sickness) and they work as well as meclizine which which makes me sleepy. Also, a friend recommended yoga for relaxation--the breathing really helps.

                        Good luck! I went to the Midlands after the AT3 and discovered a nasty allergen--rapeseed fields in full bloom. Never sneezed so much in my life!! That got the old vertigo going again...

                        Thanks so much for a wonderful time--you guys are so well organized!


                          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                          I will do it next year if I go. My issue was being tired and the fact that the friends I was hanging around with were not going. Not one of them.
                          *raises hand* I was there you know

                          And Dona is back!!!!! *waves* I'm going to send you our pic!! It turned out great!!


                            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                            It's pretty sad when I'm in Europe and all I wanna see are the bars.

                            Well, we did our "London" tour last time. Next time will be Stone Henge. WOOT.
                            Are you kidding?? It's all about the bars!!!
                            How far from London is Stone Henge?? I have to try to make the most of this's one-ser for me! ...unless...I'm gonna try for AT6 or AT7...that's ages away so not as noticeable...I'll just have to devise a way to convince the hubby that I'm needed in London in a few years or so!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping



                              Well, we did our "London" tour last time. Next time will be Stone Henge. WOOT.


                              If it's still there!




                                Good luck! I went to the Midlands after the AT3 and discovered a nasty allergen--rapeseed fields in full bloom. Never sneezed so much in my life!! That got the old vertigo going again...

                                As an extreme hayfever sufferer I feel for you. Glad you are back safe and I hope you had a good time apart from all the sneezing.

