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    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    With just about 3wks before I leave, I like to get my ducks all in a row well beforehand.
    Wow. I had chills reading that line. THREE WEEKS.

    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
    Well, last trip to Europe I did fry my camera battery charger, so I am paranoid. I have a voltage convertor that I bought for the last trip that I never used, so I am bringing that.

    Another tip is to bring a small power strip or surge protector so that you will only need one plug convertor and still be able to plug more than one thing in at a time.
    So prepared... I'm glad I'm travelling with you.

    San Diego Comic Con 2007 Attendee
    San Diego Comic Con 2008 Attendee


      Originally posted by Vikitty View Post
      Wow. I had chills reading that line. THREE WEEKS.

      So prepared... I'm glad I'm travelling with you.
      I'm really not. It's just a careful illusion I have created.

      I am really starting to freak out about getting everything done! The SO informs me that I was grinding my teeth a lot last night (so much so that he had to nudge me a few times to get me to stop so he could sleep). I guess I am a bit stressed!

      At least I now have a top for the cocktail party. Now I just need to make the skirt.

      And I need to file my state taxes.

      And go shopping for more trip essentials.

      And finish my drawing.

      And pack.

      The list goes on. *sigh*

      And there is a con this weekend and I am planning on driving to San Diego next weekend. At least I have next Friday off (Earth day!) so hopefully I'll be able to get some stuff done that day.


        Sigh... I *still* haven't made my dress for the cocktail party. I think I might end up just wearing my plain black one instead. Too much to do, not enough time.
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
          Everything you ever wanted to know about the Hoppa buses (and other stuff ) but were afraid to
          Great link, thanks Bev

          I'm excited, I'm going to write my packing list tonight *bounces*

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            Packing list, that sounds like a good idea

            Only 3 weeks and 1 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              oh brits

              i called my bank today about getting money and they said that the UK is all euros now, not pounds

              is that right?

              all they can get me is euros so will those be okay?

              I know at AT2 some places took euros but the preference was for the pound
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                oh brits

                i called my bank today about getting money and they said that the UK is all euros now, not pounds

                is that right?

                all they can get me is euros so will those be okay?

                I know at AT2 some places took euros but the preference was for the pound
                I can confirm that we still use pounds over here and not euros. Some places may take euros but i wouldn't bank on it.
                Last edited by raknor; 10 April 2008, 12:53 PM. Reason: correction
                I remember something. There was a man. He’s bald and wears a short sleeve shirt and somehow he’s very important to me. I think his name is Homer.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  oh brits

                  i called my bank today about getting money and they said that the UK is all euros now, not pounds

                  is that right?

                  all they can get me is euros so will those be okay?

                  I know at AT2 some places took euros but the preference was for the pound
                  Absolutely not! We are still pounds sterling. We do not use euros. (And may it always be so!) As for touristy places taking Euros, I can't say as I haven't been to those for many years. Southern Ireland uses Euros, but Northern Ireland is still part of the United Kingdom, and thus uses Pounds. Something for those who are planning visiting the Emerald Isle to think about.

                  For details of AT10 go to


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    oh brits

                    i called my bank today about getting money and they said that the UK is all euros now, not pounds

                    is that right?

                    all they can get me is euros so will those be okay?

                    I know at AT2 some places took euros but the preference was for the pound
                    Definately bring pounds... i don't think many shops stock euros in their tills... maybe in the London area, but i'd definately bring Pounds instead of Euros.

                    NOT LONG TO GO GUYS!!!!
                    Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                    Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                    Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      And a ATM in the Ren is just perfect. When I did a search, I was basically just looking for those associated with the PLUS network (Visa). This will work though and much more convenient.
                      The ATM at the Ren was fussy about which cards it took or it hated me. There was an ATM in the little market down the road too and it was not quite as fussy fortunately for me.


                        Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
                        The ATM at the Ren was fussy about which cards it took or it hated me. There was an ATM in the little market down the road too and it was not quite as fussy fortunately for me.
                        Yep I remember that the Ren would not take mine but the market did.
                        My View From The Peanut Gallery


                          That seems fairly random. I wonder which bank it's through ... or is it one of those dreaded ABMs instead? I dislike using those things ...
                          *wanders off again, muttering about excessive service charges*
                          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                          ames on facebook
                          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                            Originally posted by CapitaBlood View Post
                            Its definitely doable. At AT2 I had luggage for almost two weeks (AT2 + Avalon + little vacation) and it was not a problem for me. If you see one bus is too full for your luggage wait for the next one, it will be just a few minutes. At AT1 I just had a backpack, so no problem at all.
                            *sighs in relief* That sounds like it's gonna be my plan then. Any money saved is always a good thing with me. Thanks!

                            Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                            I'm really not. It's just a careful illusion I have created.

                            I am really starting to freak out about getting everything done! The SO informs me that I was grinding my teeth a lot last night (so much so that he had to nudge me a few times to get me to stop so he could sleep). I guess I am a bit stressed!

                            At least I now have a top for the cocktail party. Now I just need to make the skirt.

                            And I need to file my state taxes.

                            And go shopping for more trip essentials.

                            And finish my drawing.

                            And pack.

                            The list goes on. *sigh*

                            And there is a con this weekend and I am planning on driving to San Diego next weekend. At least I have next Friday off (Earth day!) so hopefully I'll be able to get some stuff done that day.
                            Yipes! Just reading this and my stress level went up a notch. I hope your able to get everything done in time and enjoy that weekend at the 'other' con.

                            I've begun making a list myself. I keep thinking of small little things that I need to do and decided writing them down was my best bet. Got a mind like a sieve these days.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            oh brits

                            i called my bank today about getting money and they said that the UK is all euros now, not pounds

                            is that right?

                            all they can get me is euros so will those be okay?

                            I know at AT2 some places took euros but the preference was for the pound
                            I know it's pounds for sure too. Every site I've been to and my travel book I bought for my backpacking trip to England states this as well.

                            Good luck with your bank and getting those pounds that you'll need.

                            Funny thing about my bank though. I called them today and asked about getting some of my dollars converted to pounds for the trip and they told me I had to go to Chicago to get it done. Gah. I don't have time or gas money to be taking a trip there just to convert my money. I think my best bet is the airport.

                            Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
                            The ATM at the Ren was fussy about which cards it took or it hated me. There was an ATM in the little market down the road too and it was not quite as fussy fortunately for me.
                            Thank you. *jots note* A very good thing to remember.


                              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                              Yipes! Just reading this and my stress level went up a notch. I hope your able to get everything done in time and enjoy that weekend at the 'other' con.

                              I've begun making a list myself. I keep thinking of small little things that I need to do and decided writing them down was my best bet. Got a mind like a sieve these days.
                              Tell me about it! Well, I just checked one thing off my list - state taxes are done!! Should be getting $328 in my account in about a week. yay! That will help pay part of the cost of my new lenses.

                              And as if I didn't need more stuff to deal with, I discovered a fraudulent charge on my debit card this morning *sigh* Strange thing is that it's still in my wallet. Well, the card has been canceled so I will be without one for a few days until my new ones comes in the mail.

                              The goal is to at least get a good start on the skirt tonight. If I have enough time I would like to make a second skirt for the disco, but we'll see.


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                oh brits

                                i called my bank today about getting money and they said that the UK is all euros now, not pounds

                                is that right?

                                all they can get me is euros so will those be okay?

                                I know at AT2 some places took euros but the preference was for the pound
                                I vote with everyone else. That's definitely not what my bank says.

                                In memory of Deejay.
                                May we all be so well loved.

