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GABIT attendees thread

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    Hmmmm, is it too early to get my hair done?

    my fanfic


      183 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


        182 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


          181 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


            Amusing story:

            Last weekend I headed over to Milton Keynes for Collectormania 12 with Tracy (Tracy Jane) and Pam (a Cdn friend who has yet to venture into Gateworld ... and the person responsible for getting me hooked on Stargate in the first place!). Two of the seriously awesome list of guests there were Michael Shanks and Chris Judge (don't worry -- this'll become relevant in a sec, I promise!)...

            I had gotten MS to sign a copy of the "Thor's Angels" pic already, and was asking CJ to sign it as well...

            Me: We're going to be seeing Amanda in May so I can get her sig too! (To complete the set of sigs on the pic ... yes, I was a bit bouncy at this point.)
            CJ: Oh? What's she going to be at?
            Me: GABIT!
            CJ: *blank look*
            Me: It's just Amanda... (thinking perhaps that's why he wasn't familiar with it)
            CJ: Wait -- just Amanda? Won't that be ... boring?
            Me: Uh ... I can't imagine a weekend with any of you guys constituting boring! (Rather diplomatic of me, I thought...)
            CJ: *grins*
            Me: Thanks so much! It was great to meet you
            *has a pic taken with CJ at the table and start to walk away, thinking the exchange was over -- silly me!*
            CJ: (hollering over at MS, interrupting the signing he was in the middle of) Hey, Michael! Michael!! (I've stopped in my tracks and turned around ... along with pretty much everyone else in both CJ and MS' queues.)
            MS: Yeah?
            CJ: These girls are going to spend a weekend in May with only Amanda -- isn't that just the most boring way to spend a weekend you can think of???
            MS: *bemused look*
            Pam (who unfortunately won't be able to attend GABIT): Oh no! The girls said that they get to do all sorts of things -- there's no way for the weekend to get boring! (The girls being myself and Tracy, who had gone ahead of me in queue so missed this entire exchange...)
            CJ and MS: *exchange looks while raising their eyebrows towards the ceiling*
            CJ: Oh really? *grins suggestively* And what exactly are the girls getting up to on their weekend with Amanda to keep from getting bored???
            Me: *turning bright red, which of course causes both to start laughing*

            Sigh ... but the cheek on those *ahem* gentlemen!!!
            I mean -- a weekend with Amanda (and all the other GABIT attendees, of course) getting boring??? Is that even theoretically possible?! *shakes head*
            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
            ames on facebook
            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


              lol that's fantastic, gotta love MS and CJ.
              I wonder if they'll ask Amanda about it Let her tell them how "boring" it is!
              *decides that MS and CJ are officially evil*

              Hope you had a great time meeting them *jealous*, did you meet Jewel?

              My mom has decided it is time for me to seek a dress for the coctailparty lol The only time I ever wore a dress was at my 9th birthday party.. so we'll see about that!!


                Originally posted by sofie View Post
                lol that's fantastic, gotta love MS and CJ.
                I wonder if they'll ask Amanda about it Let her tell them how "boring" it is!
                *decides that MS and CJ are officially evil*

                Hope you had a great time meeting them *jealous*, did you meet Jewel?

                My mom has decided it is time for me to seek a dress for the coctailparty lol The only time I ever wore a dress was at my 9th birthday party.. so we'll see about that!!
                Yup! Jewel was the first sig I got
                I also had an offical photo taken with her (although we got unoffical photos with everyone who's signature we got ... between the three of us, we met Jewel, Michael, Chris, Erick Avari -- who gave me a hug!, Marina Sirtis, George Takei, Walter Koenig, Robert Picardo, and Tom Baker). There's pics up at my facebook account -- if y'all want to see them, just PM and I'll pass on the addy. I think Tracy's put some of them up on her photobucket too...

                Luckily I already have a dress -- I just need to make sure it still fits properly in May!!! And figure out shoes ... hmmmmmm.
                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                ames on facebook
                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  Amusing story:

                  Last weekend I headed over to Milton Keynes for Collectormania 12 with Tracy (Tracy Jane) and Pam (a Cdn friend who has yet to venture into Gateworld ... and the person responsible for getting me hooked on Stargate in the first place!). Two of the seriously awesome list of guests there were Michael Shanks and Chris Judge (don't worry -- this'll become relevant in a sec, I promise!)...

                  I had gotten MS to sign a copy of the "Thor's Angels" pic already, and was asking CJ to sign it as well...

                  Me: We're going to be seeing Amanda in May so I can get her sig too! (To complete the set of sigs on the pic ... yes, I was a bit bouncy at this point.)
                  CJ: Oh? What's she going to be at?
                  Me: GABIT!
                  CJ: *blank look*
                  Me: It's just Amanda... (thinking perhaps that's why he wasn't familiar with it)
                  CJ: Wait -- just Amanda? Won't that be ... boring?
                  Me: Uh ... I can't imagine a weekend with any of you guys constituting boring! (Rather diplomatic of me, I thought...)
                  CJ: *grins*
                  Me: Thanks so much! It was great to meet you
                  *has a pic taken with CJ at the table and start to walk away, thinking the exchange was over -- silly me!*
                  CJ: (hollering over at MS, interrupting the signing he was in the middle of) Hey, Michael! Michael!! (I've stopped in my tracks and turned around ... along with pretty much everyone else in both CJ and MS' queues.)
                  MS: Yeah?
                  CJ: These girls are going to spend a weekend in May with only Amanda -- isn't that just the most boring way to spend a weekend you can think of???
                  MS: *bemused look*
                  Pam (who unfortunately won't be able to attend GABIT): Oh no! The girls said that they get to do all sorts of things -- there's no way for the weekend to get boring! (The girls being myself and Tracy, who had gone ahead of me in queue so missed this entire exchange...)
                  CJ and MS: *exchange looks while raising their eyebrows towards the ceiling*
                  CJ: Oh really? *grins suggestively* And what exactly are the girls getting up to on their weekend with Amanda to keep from getting bored???
                  Me: *turning bright red, which of course causes both to start laughing*

                  Sigh ... but the cheek on those *ahem* gentlemen!!!
                  I mean -- a weekend with Amanda (and all the other GABIT attendees, of course) getting boring??? Is that even theoretically possible?! *shakes head*
                  GABIT boring?? Never!! LOL those cheeky boys Sounds like you girls had fun

                  And I haven't bought anything for the cocktail party yet, I can't decide on trousers/pants or a dress, what does everyone think?

                  Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                    GABIT boring?? Never!! LOL those cheeky boys Sounds like you girls had fun

                    And I haven't bought anything for the cocktail party yet, I can't decide on trousers/pants or a dress, what does everyone think?

                    I'll probably wear a dress Only cause i love dresses or maybe a skirt with a nice top... not sure yet

                    But I would go with a dress Julia unless you feel uncomfy with it and then go for trousers

                    I think it all depends on how comfy you are with wearing dresses and stuff


                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      GABIT boring?? Never!! LOL those cheeky boys Sounds like you girls had fun

                      And I haven't bought anything for the cocktail party yet, I can't decide on trousers/pants or a dress, what does everyone think?

                      Current thinking says I'm going for a dress.. purely because I always wear pants/jeans/etc. I don't remember the last time my legs saw the outside world and surely they are due some adventure?


                        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                        Current thinking says I'm going for a dress.. purely because I always wear pants/jeans/etc. I don't remember the last time my legs saw the outside world and surely they are due some adventure?

                        What do you wanna do on that cocktail party if they need some adventure

                        and you haven't wear any dresses/skirts this summer??? OMG

                        I have been wearing skirts a lot cause it isn't cold yet outside so it is fun


                          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                          Current thinking says I'm going for a dress.. purely because I always wear pants/jeans/etc. I don't remember the last time my legs saw the outside world and surely they are due some adventure?
                          lol! indeed
                          I'll most likely go for a skirt, like last year
                          Me and dresses don't go together


                            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                            Current thinking says I'm going for a dress.. purely because I always wear pants/jeans/etc. I don't remember the last time my legs saw the outside world and surely they are due some adventure?
                            That's so true for me too lol
                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            I'll probably wear a dress Only cause i love dresses or maybe a skirt with a nice top... not sure yet

                            But I would go with a dress Julia unless you feel uncomfy with it and then go for trousers

                            I think it all depends on how comfy you are with wearing dresses and stuff
                            I'd like to wear a dress too, but I'm kinda nervous about it b/c of sitting in my wheelchair but I think I'll be brave and go for it....Maybe!

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                              Current thinking says I'm going for a dress.. purely because I always wear pants/jeans/etc. I don't remember the last time my legs saw the outside world and surely they are due some adventure?
                              Are we going to need sunglasses for the unveiling

                              I'll be going with the pants, just have to find the right top for the occassion

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                                Current thinking says I'm going for a dress.. purely because I always wear pants/jeans/etc. I don't remember the last time my legs saw the outside world and surely they are due some adventure?
                                I'm with you -- although I do happen to remember the last time my legs saw daylight in the outside world That would have been Sam's wedding reception, which was March 31st!

                                However, when I was home at Xmas I bought two gorgeous new dresses (I was celebrating having lost a size or two since moving countries), and I obviously only got to wear one to Sam's reception, so need an excuse to wear the other one ... it's purple with shimmery silver ... very pretty! Of course, that's assuming I can still fit into it properly come May

                                (And no, I'm not one of those people who wear a skirt/dress for the heck of it. I'd live in my blue jeans pretty much year-round if I was given the option!!!)
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                                ames on facebook
                                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )

