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    Got my ticket, too!

    In memory of Deejay.
    May we all be so well loved.


      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post

      WHOO HOO! (Double WhooHoo! (on roomie’s behalf!) Two charmed passes coming right up! (Now all I have to do is start planning the Scotland part of my May holiday… any suggestions, Bev?)
      Woohoo! You come up to Edinburgh to check out the guys in kilts.

      But OMG…. Right after I got to the end of the registration payment part and had finished printing the two pages – my ‘Net connection died! (That truck a few miles up the road must not have been phone company then!) I’d have died if it’d been 2 minutes earlier!! It’s been spotty ever since, but I did manage to get back in and print the e-mail confirms that were sent. Well, guess it’s trying to tell me get back to work, huh?!

      Congrats to everyone! ((((ALL))))
      My PC died on me this morning. It can't find Windows! *kicks pc in its CPU*
      I had to run around in a panic trying to connect my laptop to my broadband. I had to phone the tech. guys for help, but we eventually got it up and running. Phew!

      Glad your connection held out just in time.



        I got tickets!! I got tickets!! I think I even got a charmed pass at least that's what the automated e-mail said I hope its right *worries*
        Ooooh *Bounces Again*

        Sorry I'm a little excited

        Thank You so so much to the G4

        I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in May

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          *Watches significant quantity of cash sail into the nether*... yay!

          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          Got stuck on the countries because I was booking for someone else too and Germany wasn't in the right alphabetical spot lol.
          lol I had that trouble too. It insisted on migrating one of my people across the Atlantic and I couldn't budge it, but I think that's a minor thing that I can sort when the dust settles. The rest of her address in-put ok.

          Charmed pass!!!
          *blissful sigh*


            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
            Woohoo! You come up to Edinburgh to check out the guys in kilts.
            Hmmmm... men in kilts on a windy day..... Hmmmmmmm...

            My PC died on me this morning. It can't find Windows! *kicks pc in its CPU*
            I had to run around in a panic trying to connect my laptop to my broadband. I had to phone the tech. guys for help, but we eventually got it up and running. Phew!

            Glad your connection held out just in time.
            LOL! Thanks! I was surfing while I ate lunch and the connection was fine (even though the memory of the guy sitting next to his truck under an umbrella with all kinds of cable in front of him 3 miles up the road was lurking in the back of my mind...) But oh... if it had given me the "Cannot find server" screen of death in the middle of registering.... I betcha you'd've heard me screaming even over on that side of the big pond!

            But all's well that ends well.

            (And sorry to hear about your PC... ) (Good thing about the lappie though. 'Cause then it probably would've been me hearing your screams!)
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by scarimor View Post
              *Watches significant quantity of cash sail into the nether*... yay!

              lol I had that trouble too. It insisted on migrating one of my people across the Atlantic and I couldn't budge it, but I think that's a minor thing that I can sort when the dust settles. The rest of her address in-put ok.

              Wow, not only do I get to see Amanda and all my buddies again,but it appears I'm moving to the UK, too!!

              *blissful sigh*
              Last edited by ForeverSg1; 14 August 2007, 09:17 AM.


                I got my ticket!!!!!!! I think I am really scaring my co-workers... but that's ok.... I already scare em.


                *collapses and works on plan to swim to London if need be*
                Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                  Gabit thread minutes after registration = bunnies on acid


                    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                    Gabit thread minutes after registration = bunnies on acid

                    errrrr yes kind of


                      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                      PengYn put those flyers down!
                      How did you know!? lol



                        Don't they have to sort through the orders to confirm Charmed passes? And after the limit is reached everyone else is on a waiting list? Don't want to get my hope up too much if that's the case.
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          you mean HYPER bunnies on acid
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            Don't they have to sort through the orders to confirm Charmed passes? And after the limit is reached everyone else is on a waiting list? Don't want to get my hope up too much if that's the case.
                            From what I understood, once the preset limit was reached, the option wouldn't be available, so if you were confirmed for Charmed, then you got charmed. But they also had the online limit lower than the actual limit in case of technical difficulties, so some who didn't get a confirmed charmed pass right away would be put on a waiting list and still might get one.

                            Did that make any sense?


                              Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                              From what I understood, once the preset limit was reached, the option wouldn't be available, so if you were confirmed for Charmed, then you got charmed.
                              And charged for it, so that makes sense. It says first come first served for Charmed.


                                bacially....OK, I'M MAKING UP NUMBERS HERE

                                Let's say there were 100 charmed passes. Online, it'd only sell, let's say 90, holding a few in reserve until after the dust clears.

                                ANd remember, there is also a 7 day grace period for cancellations. So if two people, say Fred and Ted are each ordering, but fred doesn't realize that ted is ordering for him and ted doesn't realize that fred ordered for him, once those two talk, one of them can cancel thier order within 7 days adn face no penalty, thus freeing up 2 more tickets

                                So, if folks that wanted a charmed pass didn't get one, don't despair. You've got 6+ months of dust settling, people cancelling and the like to free up some
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


