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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by Kelspook View Post
    Okay, now I feel left out- I either use a silverish/ kinda gunmetal grey case if I have stuff that's squishable or an olive green british army rucksack if there's nothing squashy and I have lots of trains and things to negotiate (rucksack means hands are free so can faff with personal stereo en route, lol).

    There is no way on god's green earth that I'd been seen with a pink case, I'm so not a girly type, LOL. I'm sure those that have met me IRL would heartily agree!
    I hear 'ya - not much of a pink fan myself. I do however have a bright orange saxophone case that I used when I would travel to Europe to play. It was easy to identify and hard to misplace as well. It is a custom made anvil case.
    My View From The Peanut Gallery


      Yeah, dinner was fun (despite my hobbling and complaints!). I can't wait for the next Gabit. Fingers crossed that I don't injure myself again (says the girl who has currently got a lot of blood and very little skin left on her left foot!)
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        I went to the disco, but I didn't know any of the dances lol, so I just sat there and talked to people lol
        I did love watching all those people dance (I didn't even know there was like a Trekkie dance,...) It was quit amusing


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          Yeah, dinner was fun (despite my hobbling and complaints!). I can't wait for the next Gabit. Fingers crossed that I don't injure myself again (says the girl who has currently got a lot of blood and very little skin left on her left foot!)
          well if you'd keep your shoes on your feet..................
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            well if you'd keep your shoes on your feet..................
            I knew that was going to come from someone.

            Actually, the injury came from HAVING shoes on my feet. I had a pretty new pair of shoes (my only decent pair of playtime flats - I usually wear heels) and I wore them last week. For some reason, and I can't work out why, it rubbed my left foot so much that the whole foot broke out in huge blisters. It actually looked like it was one huge blister. Anyway, the blisters broke and the skin came off to reveal a set of smaller bubbles and blisters and bits underneath! And now (almost a week later), I still have a foot that's swollen, red, raw and bleeding.

            And I can't understand why it's happened because it's only the one foot! It's bizarre!
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by sofie View Post
              I went to the disco, but I didn't know any of the dances lol, so I just sat there and talked to people lol
              I did love watching all those people dance (I didn't even know there was like a Trekkie dance,...) It was quit amusing
              Hee hee didn't I meet you in the elevator on the way down?

              I didn't know there was a Trek dance either. *Sigh* Now I know all the words. Just plain sad.

              *starrr-trekking across the univerrrse on the starship enterprise under captain kirrrk*


                Do they tell you in advance what the theme is, or do you have to improvise?

                I could do pretty much any color for a suitcase or a dance...except orange. I wore orange and blue every Friday for six school years, and orange is so not my color. Now that I work at another school, I've sworn it off.

                In memory of Deejay.
                May we all be so well loved.


                  they tell you in advance, so you know what to pack if you wish
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                    Don't worry, I'm not into pink either. My suitcase is black with colorful accessories to identify it quickly.

                    I think next year for AT3, I'll have a bunch of Sanctuary stickers made up and place them all over my bag.
                    My luggage, which is now a mismatched set since my big suitcase decided to burst upon arrival in Vancouver in March (and thank goodness for the 'belt' I'd put on it or everything would've been lost out of it!), is black. Whilst shopping at the humongous Sears in downtown Vancouver (near where RDA use to live while filming) I saw a good number of nice luggage sets in all kinds of pretty colors, but ended up buying another basic black big suitcase because I couldn't beat the half price deal that they had going on - paid $25Canadian for it I think. So, it should do me for the trip next year.

                    I put a knot of curling ribbon (shiny red/blue/silver) on it to identify my cases (and now the ugly, but contents-saving, checkered pink luggage 'belts!').

                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                    I think the disco idea was more of a eurodance crowd. Not really my scene either, actually I felt somewhat old when I walked in the door to peek at what it was like! LOL

                    I think a lot of the GW crowd hung out in the lobby also, and before hand we all went for dinner, that was huge fun. There were a whole lot of us, as I recall!

                    Yep, that was Saturday night, the night of our Chinese Food Adventure... Although during the long and brisk walk (brisk at least least for me and my walking partners) I had wonderful conversation. Remembers fondly *coughs* the prices, the service and the *huge* lazy susan in the middle of the table at the restaurant.... (((Mini)))
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                      I hear 'ya - not much of a pink fan myself. I do however have a bright orange saxophone case that I used when I would travel to Europe to play. It was easy to identify and hard to misplace as well. It is a custom made anvil case.
                      As I recall Nora came into the pink disco with me to "throw a few shapes" Admitedly these were beside the bar and were minimal (most shapes were in the form of lifting a pint!) But I think Nora found the con disco "enlightening/entertaining/educational" coming from a music background LOL



                        357 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


                          356 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


                            355 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


                              I've just started walking in preparation for all the walking I'll do touring London after AT3. How many of you are going to be in London for more than the weekend?

                              In memory of Deejay.
                              May we all be so well loved.


                                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                                I've just started walking in preparation for all the walking I'll do touring London after AT3. How many of you are going to be in London for more than the weekend?
                                I will probably go for a week or a bit more, because I wanna see more of London and maybe also other parts of the UK, depends on the fact if I can have leave for more then a week... But for sure, I will be sightseeing in London

