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GABIT attendees thread

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    you can put me down for an orange juice for the drinks list. However, I have to ask. This isn't a round is it? If so can I opt out? It is just that I don't drink, and there's only so many soft drinks you can have, and it is a rather long list. Not sure I can drink that many OJ's!


      ForeverSg1 : Your poem is great,imo. Even if you don't win,Amanda will be presented with a folder /book containing all the contest entries at Gabit she'll definitely see your work !

      Uber SG-1 Fan : Pity you'll not be there. Look out for full "reports" though.Good luck with the vid contest.Seems you're well ahead atm...

      Originally posted by Rune
      Still chewing over the orange question myself here ... guess if worse comes to worse I can always dye my hair or turn up with a headdress made of Starburst wrappers & feathers (actually that's quite appealling) however I'm not quite that desperate ... not yet anyway
      Er,the "orange theme" was just for the Saturday Disco. However ,if you want to spend the entire w/e doing a fab impression of a traffic light or a Tango can,be our guest !
      Originally posted by Rune
      Shame my cat shoes are red not orange huh, Kliggs?
      Those shoes sound interesting...I'm assuming you mean they're normal shoes with a cat motif or similar decoration.

      MAL : Understood ! Best I make sure I sign into GW by 10 am tomorrow to do the countdown.Have a great time in Llyndan...

      Originally posted by GateGipsy
      you can put me down for an orange juice for the drinks list. However, I have to ask. This isn't a round is it? If so can I opt out? It is just that I don't drink, and there's only so many soft drinks you can have, and it is a rather long list. Not sure I can drink that many OJ's!
      ((((((((((Gipsy)))))))))) Panic not !
      The plan is separate bills at the Bistro for food/drinks,and at the bar later.
      However ,Kliggins wants to buy us each a drink at the bar,then we're under no obligations to buy rounds.
      (Just as well,or we'd either get waterlogged or so tipsy,the stewards wouldn't let us near the disco !)
      The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


        Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
        ,the "orange theme" was just for the Saturday Disco. However ,if you want to spend the entire w/e doing a fab impression of a traffic light or a Tango can,be our guest !

        Those shoes sound interesting...I'm assuming you mean they're normal shoes with a cat motif or similar decoration.
        Ohhhh absolution *phew* not that I really have any qualms about dressing up like Carmen Miranda but there again I can't say I'm not relieved

        And interesting is a polite way of describing the cat shoes, my husband calls them something else entirely


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
          Aww, now I know who my competition is! I was wondering who had the cool S/J poem. After I read it I didn't think I stood much of a chance. ROFL.

          It's so cool to look up at the contest submissions, because I've found out that I know so many of the other contestants. I'm still in awe that there is a possibility that Amanda may actually see some of my fanart. It makes me all tingly inside... tingly in a good way... not in a weird way. LOL
          We're not really in competition, but just friends who've submitted something that Amanda will, hopefully, see and enjoy.

          I love the site, and think every one of the submissions is great.


            Originally posted by Kliggins
            I am supposed to vote every day, for how long?
            For ever!!!!


              Originally posted by Rune
              Ohhhh absolution *phew* not that I really have any qualms about dressing up like Carmen Miranda but there again I can't say I'm not relieved
              *Adds big hat and bunches of bananas,grapes, a pineapple, and some strawbs to the (long !) Gabit w/e packing list*
              Oh,I don't intend to wear that lot..I just like to snack healthily !
              Should you decide on the Carmen persona ,though,I'll save you some fruit.
              Originally posted by Rune
              And interesting is a polite way of describing the cat shoes, my husband calls them something else entirely
              Good grief...has the man no soul ? Or are they more embarassing than I'd imagined ?

              I'll do you a deal.You bring the "cat shoes" and I'll bring my Bagpuss mascot.
              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              For ever!!!!
              Or until the closing date ! (Oct 6,I think ?)
              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                I'll do you a deal.You bring the "cat shoes" and I'll bring my Bagpuss mascot.
                Heheh, okay it's a deal!

                And yes, he has no soul!


                  Deal done ! I'll have to slip my mascot into my suitcase and hope Hubby doesn't throw a hissy.
                  *sigh* He has no "soul" either,you see.

                  I wasn't planning to take the real Baggie into the Con Hall anyway !
                  The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                    oh whew, relieved about the rounds thing!


                      LOL ! Me there are currently 13 of us on the Get-together list,it'd take all Sat night and most of Sunday just to get through those 13 rounds.
                      Not to mention the need to queue constantly for the toilets....
                      The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                        Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        For ever!!!!
                        Or until the closing date ! (Oct 6,I think ?)
                        Shhhh! Don't tell Kligs.


                          My friend RJ has had to drop out of the convention

                          Could someone edit the meal list please???


                            50 DAYS TO GO !!!!!!!!

                            Baggie i've done todays. Was going out this am. Not going now. Still going to Llyndan on Sunday though!!!



                              Originally posted by Rune
                              Still chewing over the orange question myself here ... guess if worse comes to worse I can always dye my hair or turn up with a headdress made of Starburst wrappers & feathers (actually that's quite appealling) however I'm not quite that desperate ... not yet anyway
                              I actually like the dying the hair orange; I am sure Amanda would appreciate it.

                              Originally posted by Rune
                              Shame my cat shoes are red not orange huh, Kliggs?
                              Oh yeah, big shame.


                                Originally posted by Rune
                                And interesting is a polite way of describing the cat shoes, my husband calls them something else entirely
                                Let me help; I just happen to have a picture of the cat shoe.

                                I'm sorry Rune, I couldn't resist.

