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    I didn't see this. I'll do something now. Hope you feel better soon Becky


      Originally posted by becky_preen
      I took the oppotunity to stock up on fresh ribena, vic vapour rub that isn't a century old and anothe couple of boxes of tissues.
      Not a great lover of Ribena, Chucked out a pot of Vic vapour rub that had a 1995 use by date on it, and opened a new box of tissues.
      Originally posted by becky_preen
      "I was restocking my bookshelf..."
      Make that medicine cabinet...
      OSMOSIS! (That's a Sekh's Party joke)
      Originally posted by becky_preen
      So now I am dosed up and warmed up (stuffed up etc.) But having switched from sweatners to sugar in my tea I think my blood sugar has recovered too.

      Anyway thanks for all the good wishes and virtual meds, I now have my act together enought to access the real ones.

      Loved the song


      My spelling hasn't improved any has it.....
      Yes, I'd like to add my thanks to Julia and Becky's. I also loved the song (until I laughed so much it started me off coughing!)

      And yes Becky your spelling still suffers. Never mind. It doesn't cramp your style any, and we love you just the way you are!

      (((Hugs to all)))

      For details of AT10 go to


        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        Hi chums. I'm reposting Julia's begging letter ( ) as it seem your answers at the moment are .
        Now, I know that you guys can talk (some more than others!), and I know that everyone that met Amanda at Gabit 1 had a wonderful time and had nothing but great things to say about her. Julia needs you to put your thoughts into a couple of lines only, not a 1500 word dissertation, so, lets get it together and start typing!

        That was a public information announcement on behalf of the patrons of the Infectious Diseases Ward at Gabit Central.
        I am sorry. *hangs head in shame* I shall do it now and be late starting for work. Hey, was that blabby crack aimed at me? I can be very quiet.


          Originally posted by Kliggins
          I am sorry. *hangs head in shame* I shall do it now and be late starting for work. Hey, was that blabby crack aimed at me? I can be very quiet.
          Hey, all I'm saying is...if the cap fits....

          Now, stop moaning and get writing!


            Hope you all at G4 start feeling better soon


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              Hey, all I'm saying is...if the cap fits....

              Now, stop moaning and get writing!
              I do not moan and it it is done. So there. *sticks out tongue*


                Originally posted by J.R.
                Hope you all at G4 start feeling better soon
                I'll second that. Glad to hear you're all on the mend.


                  Originally posted by Kliggins
                  I do not moan and it it is done. So there. *sticks out tongue*


                    Originally posted by JuliaR
                    I need it in just a couple of sentences - you know, when you met her what impression she gave you as a person, or what your impression was of her, seeing her at the convention. It's to give people who haven't met her an idea of what Amanda is like.

                    (hoping Amanda's fans, especially the Gabiteers, can get typing quickly!)
                    Roger to all that Julia !

                    The hard part will be keeping it to "just" a couple of sentences.

                    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG
                    This is one little devil of a bug! It's got all but three of us that were there. (Still waiting for news of them). It's laid us out good and proper!

                    Thanks for the virtual care packages. Much appreciated.

                    Taking myself off to bed early again tonight.
                    Get well soon !
                    (Found my own "Round tuit" at last,btw .Same inscription as yours. )
                    Originally posted by becky_preen
                    I went to the cupboard for the ribena and found an open bottle that was off... no problem found a fresh one... well fresh as in unopened. It was seven months out of date but hey I tried....
                    At least the contents didn't ferment.The last time I left bottled fruit juice past it's use-by date,the resulting explosion was *cough* picuresque.Nobody got hurt,but good grief...the mess !
                    You tried to drink it too.You brave lady ! *Shudders*

                    Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL)
                    Everyone who knows me might notice something <intresting and new</b> about me in November! Well thats my hope
                    Intriguing..I'll look forward to the surprise ! (((((((((((((Mal))))))))))))

                    Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL)
                    Going to book my time off today for the con. i'm going to take a whole week off, because I have another convention the weekend before Gabit2.
                    Good thinking.Then you can relax properly and enjoy yourself,without work worries.
                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                    To the tune of 'Amazing Grace', accompaniment (of course) by HSG...

                    The Anti-Mini-Con-Crud Song

                    G4 met up to plan ahead,
                    To make sure we have fun
                    But they succumbed, are ill in bed
                    Mi-ni con crud had won!

                    We feed them soup and lots of tea
                    And make sure that they rest
                    We're sad they're ill because, you see,
                    We know they are the best!

                    Poor Becks, we know she couldn't wait
                    For hot Ribena to drink
                    But it was yuck! It's out of date
                    So it went down the sink!

                    Some comfort to them we will bring
                    To be well they do long
                    To help them we will gently sing
                    The Anti-Con-Crud Song!

                    *Shreds own effort*
                    *Applauds happily*
                    Most excellent adaptation,imo !
                    Originally posted by GateGipsy
                    LOL excellent! I look forward to singing that with you
                    She'll hold you to that promise,y'know !

                    Originally posted by GateGipsy
                    BTW Shameless plug time - I've started a blog! Link is in my sig. There are other staff blogs too - from Darren, David and Tame. Check them out on the Blogs page of the website.
                    Already read them all.Very cool,imo .
                    I went to the blogs link on the Homepage to check out Rainbow's latest,..and there they all were !
                    Originally posted by AmberMoon
                    That's the problem, I can't wait. November seems so far away.......but I'll try to be patient.
                    (((((((((AmberMoon))))))))) You'll be ok. It seems a long way off,but we'll get there !
                    Originally posted by becky_preen
                    My spelling hasn't improved any has it.....
                    LOL ! Typos,schmypos ! The only part of your post that I was concerned about was the bit about "sweatners" .I'm very glad you're now using sugar...
                    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      Hi chums. I'm reposting Julia's begging letter ( ) as it seem your answers at the moment are .
                      Now, I know that you guys can talk (some more than others!), and I know that everyone that met Amanda at Gabit 1 had a wonderful time and had nothing but great things to say about her. Julia needs you to put your thoughts into a couple of lines only, not a 1500 word dissertation, so, lets get it together and start typing!

                      That was a public information announcement on behalf of the patrons of the Infectious Diseases Ward at Gabit Central.
                      I'll get onto it asap. Though I dont have energy right now. I've also started with a bad cold! Also my right arm and wrist are aching due some bruises that I recived during my hospital visit on Thursday!

                      285 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        Doh! I've been on Gateworld for some time, lurking mainly but posting occasionly, but mooching around this morning only just found a control panel related to me with comments on it from all you lovely people! I didn't know it was there and I hadn't ever understood the "greening" comment you guys give sometimes, but was too tied up with Gabit organising to worry.

                        Now it's intriguing me. Sorry to those whose lovely comments I ignored (Chopin,Skydiver and Gypsy and everyone else who made them) - I didn't know they were there. Can Skydiver or Gypsy email me privately and talk me through the system please. Thanks!

                        To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                          Julia I have sent you a PM - private message. You can access those by clicking on the link in the top right hand corner, or through your control panel.


                            Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL)
                            I'll get onto it asap. Though I dont have energy right now. I've also started with a bad cold! Also my right arm and wrist are aching due some bruises that I recived during my hospital visit on Thursday!

                            285 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            Take care of that cold and don't let it get like the G4 illness nightmare that is.

                            To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                              Originally posted by Kliggins
                              I do not moan and it it is done. So there. *sticks out tongue*
                              You're much faster on-task than I am,lol ! Just sent my effort through.
                              Oh yes,and you don't moan.You just get even.....
                              *Stirs pot evilly*
                              Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL)
                              I'll get onto it asap. Though I dont have energy right now. I've also started with a bad cold! Also my right arm and wrist are aching due some bruises that I recived during my hospital visit on Thursday!
                              Ouch ! Get better soon,Mal. *sends hugs*
                              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                                Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                                You're much faster on-task than I am,lol ! Just sent my effort through.
                                Oh yes,and you don't moan.You just get even.....
                                *Stirs pot evilly*
                                I do not get even. I would never do that.

