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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by Strix varia
    Is the hotel likely to run out of rooms anytime soon?
    I booked last year in late September/October, I think, for the Nov event. There was no problem.


      Originally posted by Strix varia
      Is the hotel likely to run out of rooms anytime soon?
      I didn't book my room till September last year and I didn't have any issues getting a room. I wouldn't think it would fill up quickly. If I remember correctly Gabit is only selling 350 tickets and the hotel has 649 rooms so I would think unless they were having another convention that same weekend, you should be pretty safe to hold off for a little while.


        Originally posted by AmberMoon
        I love Katrina! Ray is cool but you'll always be Kat to me.

        P.S. My mom's name is Rita so she gets the teasing too.
        Originally posted by tracy jane
        Awww, honey. I suppose it's not so bad when you just use Kat all the time.
        Originally posted by kliggins
        Now that is kind of silly to me to ask if you were not going to use your first name; everybody's name has been or will be a hurricane name. I know mine has. I like Katrina and glad you keep using it.
        Originally posted by strix varia
        My name is on the hurricane name list, too.

        I think Katrina is a wonderful name, and just wait, in the future it will be associated with strength and strong women.
        Thanks for all the kind words, you really are very sweet. I've always had the nickname of Kat, so it's what I go by most of the time anyway, so it hasn't been too bad.


          Originally posted by AmberMoon
          LOL only if you don't have to write it a million times. When I joined the Air Force, I got a hand cramp from having to sign my "official payroll signature" to all that paperwork.
          Now that's where the British way of signing comes in handy. We usually only put the initials of our given names. Saves a lot of ink and cramp.

          For details of AT10 go to


            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG
            Now that's where the British way of signing comes in handy. We usually only put the initials of our given names. Saves a lot of ink and cramp.

            Yupp, initial it. How I love that. Although my name isn't all that long, anyway.

            You're up late, Mumsey!
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              (raises her hand)I have a many peeps are going to GABIT2 from the states? I'm just curious.....I am.
              On fighting:
              Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
              Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane

                You're up late, Mumsey!
                Yup! Night-owl, me. I don't do mornings.
                (Who also uses a shortened version of her second name - Looong story!)
                For details of AT10 go to


                  Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG
                  Yup! Night-owl, me. I don't do mornings.
                  (Who also uses a shortened version of her second name - Looong story!)
                  Same here. Funny you should say that... the mug in my hand says "I don't do mornings" (great minds and all). I tend to go to bed around 7am and get up at 10am.

                  As I just said on the Gabit forums, don't be ashamed of an accent when you speak French, everyone has one. The French tease me mercilessly for my "cute British twang".

                  Oh, and I have PLENTY of time for the long story.
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG
                    Now that's where the British way of signing comes in handy. We usually only put the initials of our given names. Saves a lot of ink and cramp.

                    I would have loved that! My name is twenty letters long, throw in the middle initial and it's carpal tunnel time!


                      Originally posted by Lida
                      (raises her hand)I have a many peeps are going to GABIT2 from the states? I'm just curious.....I am.
                      Another US person here.

                      Originally posted by Mumsey
                      Yup! Night-owl, me. I don't do mornings.
                      (Who also uses a shortened version of her second name - Looong story!)
                      Yeeeessssssss! Another night owl!

                      Originally posted by Ambermoon
                      I would have loved that! My name is twenty letters long, throw in the middle initial and it's carpal tunnel time!
                      Getting writer's cramp here just thinking about it.


                        Originally posted by Kliggins
                        Another US person here.

                        Yeeeessssssss! Another night owl!

                        Getting writer's cramp here just thinking about it.
                        Looks like it could be an interesting, nocturnal Gabit, then!
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Lida
                          (raises her hand)I have a many peeps are going to GABIT2 from the states? I'm just curious.....I am.
                          Born and raised in Boston but now a damn Yankee (that means I'm living in Texas now and only visiting New England for the iced coffee and clam chowder).


                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                            As I just said on the Gabit forums, don't be ashamed of an accent when you speak French, everyone has one. The French tease me mercilessly for my "cute British twang".
                            Bearing in mind my age and the fact that my French experience ended with my schooling, it's more likely to be lack of knowledge than an accent that's the problem. At least I tried and gave a few folk something to smile about.

                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                            Oh, and I have PLENTY of time for the long story.
                            You asked for it! I'll give you the shortened version. I was born 22 days after D Day. Dad was in Belgium by the time the news of my arrival reached him. I wasn't well, and they had to baptise me fairly swiftly, and they had only decided on boys names. Mum liked a song that was popular at the time.... so I (and quite a lot of baby girls at the time) was called Sylvia. He HATED it! She also gave me Kathleen as a second name. He didn't like that either. So it got shortened to Kay and the rest is history. As a post-script to that little tale. I was 18months old before we met. Needless to say, I wasn't overly thrilled to have my cosy little life invaded by this strange man. Fortunately we grew to be very close.

                            (taking my ancient, achey bones to bed now - Nighty-night kids)
                            For details of AT10 go to


                              Originally posted by Lida
                              (raises her hand)I have a many peeps are going to GABIT2 from the states? I'm just curious.....I am.
                              Several of us… me, Kligs, Skydiver, ForeverSG1, AmberMoon...
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by Lida
                                (raises her hand)I have a many peeps are going to GABIT2 from the states? I'm just curious.....I am.
                                Just had a quick look at the register and there are 21 of you crossing the pond so far. Quite a few more than last time

                                (REALLY going to bed now!)
                                For details of AT10 go to

