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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post

    (Not panicking - really....)
    Well I boxed a bag of stamps I was bringing - now here's hoping I can find it before I come to the UK....moving is such a pain sometimes!


      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post

      (Not panicking - really....)

      You called? Oh wait
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Little off topic is anyone going to the Stargate con in Chicago this week end I need a favor


          Originally posted by starsong101 View Post
          Little off topic is anyone going to the Stargate con in Chicago this week end I need a favor
          I think Mocha is going. And I actually thought with you!?


            Yes, I'm going to meet her with the new addition to her family we're just going to meet for coffee and catch up. I don't want to stay overnight or drive back to Chicago on Sunday but I have a special photo I would like autographed by Michael.

            We'll just have to see if I can find someone I know who will do it.


              i decided the money should go for more training for the little monster puppy rather than sitting in the back of an auditorium and not being able to actually hear what any of the guests are saying. funny how priorities change when there's a new addition to the family. oh my gosh...i'm actually thinking maturely. i hope that will stop as soon as the dog gets better trained. don't want to live with that for too long. being immature is so much more fun, right?
              but don't think it would be a good idea to take Bubba to starbucks. he definitely doesn't need to get any caffeine and it's an expensive habit to form. why pay for that when you can get perfectly tasty garden hose water free at home. if he was better behaved in public i would gladly bring him to meet you pat, but i think the whole thing would be a little too stressful for him. we're just starting to introduce him to people one at a time so as not to overwhelm him. and definitely no kids yet. he has met a few dogs thru the fence. doesn't seem dog aggressive thank God. i will have pictures on my iphone for you to see however-humor me. oh, and i'll have my photo book from last years Dragon Con. that was a blast. especially with keely, jenn and krystal there. we had a really good time.
              have to go hide somewhere now. it's time for Bubba to have his nightly "zoomies".


                82 days til AT6 Ripples!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping



                  New parents are expected to bring out pictures of the new baby I am actually looking forward to seeing them. See you soon; heading out now.


                    Good news: I was offered (and accepted) a new job! Same general department, but I'm moving back to my weekend shift (Fri-Sun), and will be in a higher pay bracket. I start in two weeks - woohoo! I'll miss my friends from this shift, but I'm glad to be back in wiring, which is the job I really enjoy there

                    How this relates to GABIT: (LOL I feel like I'm writing a report ... but continuing merrily along...) I'm a bit annoyed. I lost out on the awesome price to fly to England by two days, because I had to wait for my manager to approve an extra day off from work. So I was advised to go ahead and grab the good price that was on offer at that point - $130 more than the awesome one, but still under $1000. So now that I'll be on a different shift, I could change my flight dates ... it'll cost me $250 plus any fee difference. I go to check what the going rate is on the new day I want to fly, and the entire flight is cheaper than the original awesome rate that I missed out on originally.
                    *massive headdesk...repeatedly*

                    I guess it's true that good things come to those who wait ... and I just didn't wait quite long enough.

                    On upside - new job! Yay!

                    Next debate: Amanda will be in Toronto next week ... do I spend the money on petrol, parking, admission, and the irksomely high price for a photo/auto ... plus chance the very high probability that I"ll see merch and the like that I'd really want to bring home with me ... or just wait until November? I did tell the girls that I'd go with them because they're really nervous about finally meeting her, but ... *feeling torn*
                    ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                    SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                    ames on facebook
                    ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                      Ames, you have the chance to go and see Amanda and are not sure of going!!!!

                      Do you know how many fans are wanting to go but can't

                      No one knows what tomorrow brings, so live today (but within a reasonable budget)...just think of the look on your friends faces when they meet Amanda for the first time...priceless!!

                      See you at AT6

                      sigpic Martin Rocks!!


                        Very OT..
                        Are there any Castle fans out there in the UK? If so, has anyone bought the 3 season DVD set that came out recently? I need to know if they have any special features. The American ones do, but there's nothing about it on the UK sleeve.

                        For details of AT10 go to


                          So it's been an eventful week in the life of ames:
                          Monday - find out uncle has cancer again
                          Monday - sis informs me they've finally set a date again for the wedding, but not to tell anyone because she's breaking the news on Sat at the family dinner
                          Tuesday - sis informs me wedding is off again, and to forget she said anything
                          Thursday - offered new job
                          Thursday - bro-in-law has accident at work but comes home with all digits still fully attached, unlike the last work-related accident *shudders*...
                          Friday - sis informs me wedding is back on, she's buying the marriage certificate and telling her mom-in-law where to shove the wedding-money-with-stipulations.
                          Saturday - wedding date is set, dress is purchased

                          So ... yeah. I'm a bit wrung out. As much as I love my family, I would REALLY like to get through a couple days without emotional phone calls waking me (good OR bad news), because I don't know how many more I can handle when I've only had a few hours of sleep. (Granted, the job offer didn't involve any phone communication, however...I think my lament still stands!)

                          On the Amanda front, I agree that I'd likely regret giving up the chance to see Amanda again, especially to missing the girls' first reactions to her in person. And if the photo/auto prices were that high because the money was going to charity like at TSE, I wouldn't hesitate a nano-second. However ... the signs seem to be pointing me in the direction of spending my final free Saturday at FE, so I think I'll give in and go! With very little cash. And no credit card on my person. *nods*
                          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                          ames on facebook
                          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                            I've been wondering if there is going to be another chocolate party? Have you talked about this and I missed it?


                              Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                              I've been wondering if there is going to be another chocolate party? Have you talked about this and I missed it?

                              Best way to get one is let Gabit know you are interest, ask where a good room or place would be to have one (used an alcove in the bar one time) and a suggestion as when would be a good time - then advertise it out on this site, FB and the forum site on AT's site. Tell people how much or little to bring and set up a list. Although it is a little early (or not) you will get people willing to play!

                              I don't believe this is actually a "Gabit" function. But how about adding a little S4K or DfD in it and say anyone who wants to munch has to donate $1US or $1 Canadian or 1 lb UK or more - then you can raise money as well! It won't be expensive, anyone can afford that and then go for it. UK money can be donated to the Dogs for the Deaf and US/Can money can go to S4K! And I bet many will put in more then $1.

                              Now you have your chocolate & people won't feel guilty because they're donating to great causes!


                                and i believe i read somewhere on line(so you know it has to be the truth) that eating candy when there has been a charitable donation involved causes the candy to lose approximately 49.2% of it's calories. keep that in mind.

