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    Mumsey, I have a stamp question for you. Received mail today that has a stamp printed on the envelope (not like a business postal stamp, this looks like a real stamp). Should I save that along with all my other stamps?

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      Mumsey, I have a stamp question for you. Received mail today that has a stamp printed on the envelope (not like a business postal stamp, this looks like a real stamp). Should I save that along with all my other stamps?
      I don't think so. I think that they need to be able to release the stamps from the envelopes so that folk can put them into their albums. That couldn't be done with a stamp that was printed directly on the cover.

      For details of AT10 go to


        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
        I don't think so. I think that they need to be able to release the stamps from the envelopes so that folk can put them into their albums. That couldn't be done with a stamp that was printed directly on the cover.

        OK. Thanks.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Eh-T, your timing never ceases to amaze (and slightly frighten) me. I was just planning to ask that same question. I put a box for stamp collecting in the break room at work and the janitor left me a plastic shopping bag completely full of every kind of postmark used. He was so completely pleased with himself and I was so completely blown away by the gesture that I didn't tell him the business mail meter marks probably didn't count as stamps. But there were some useful ones in the bag, too, so he still totally gets the credit.

          In other news, for the couple of people who worried about me dropping out of existence for a bit... My eye is healing nicely. I've been avoiding spending too much time on the computer for the past month after I managed to scrape my eye with an unusually dangerous bag of cat food. After a nerve-wracking couple of weeks where the cornea specialist kept using intimidating words like "surgical scraping" and "permanent scarring", it's finally healing properly. I'm still not allowed to wear my contact lens in that eye for probably another month, but the world is no longer so blurry that reading computer screens is bad for me. As a slightly awesome side-effect (I love my brain!), my weaker but uninjured left eye seems to be working more efficiently with my stronger right eye. My prescription didn't improve at all, but it's like my weaker eye is being ignored less often. It's meant that, aside from two weeks where I couldn't handle the unbelievably dry HVAC-circulated air at work combined with staring at computer, I'm currently able to work and drive. (Though I'll admit that I generally avoid driving at night right now cuz judging distance of cars based on headlights isn't easy when the cars are blurry.)

          And I have learned valuable lessons. Added to the precept that soda should not be inhaled, I now know that foreign objects and my eyes will never be friends and I should stop trying to introduce them.

          Last big exciting news is that my aunt who lives a couple hours away has decided to move back at the same time that I'll be headed to England to become a postgraduate student, so she's going to rent my house and take care of my cats. Best of all possible solutions. I bought my plane ticket for London in September with the return leg in late October to visit my mom for her birthday & mine, then back again in time for AT6. Happy times.


            Happy to hear you are on the mend Trin. xo
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Wow! Scary times for you. Having had eye surgery (cateracts) I know how debilitating it can be to have problems with your sight. I'm glad that all is well now. I trust that you now use safety glasses when feeding the felines!

              For details of AT10 go to


                Eye surgery can definitely be a scary proposition! (I've had Lasik done twice on the left and once on the right, thus far...long story that I'll not get into here for the sake of the more squeamish readers on the thread ) I'm glad to hear you're healing up nicely!

                Great timing on your aunt, it's amazing how sometimes things just work out that way! Congrats on getting a decentish price on your flights - can't wait to hear what sort of a funky hybrid accent you'll have by the time AT6 around! lol *hugs*
                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                ames on facebook
                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                  Erm ... anyone know what the new status names refer to this time around? I'm "Jokey" and I see chelle is "Feathers" - but I'm currently drawing a blank on the connection!
                  ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                  SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                  ames on facebook
                  ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                    Originally posted by ames View Post
                    Erm ... anyone know what the new status names refer to this time around? I'm "Jokey" and I see chelle is "Feathers" - but I'm currently drawing a blank on the connection!
                    It's Smurf Weekend on Gateworld.


                      Ooh, glad the eye is doing better trim. Ionce had a bit of molten metal sear into my eye, where it sat scratching up my eyelid with each blink. Argh. I have also had 3 eye surgeries, one was finished of while I was awake so I could tell the surgeon what I could see. At 12 I was the youngest the surgeon had ever done that to, something he only told us 10 years later when my twin had the same surgery.
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by ames View Post
                        can't wait to hear what sort of a funky hybrid accent you'll have by the time AT6 around! lol *hugs*
                        Oh, don't remind me! I'm already pegged as Canadian half of the time when I leave the Pacific NW. A year in England is only going to make the confusion worse! Oooooh.... unless I can learn to turn it on and off. Then I can do it just to freak people out. That would be fun...

                        Neep, I've only had eye surgery once before, laser surgery to repair a detached retina. (Same eye, actually.) I was awake for the whole 20 minutes and the surgeon said I was holding unbelievably still for the entire time. I had trouble believing him that everyone else usually fidgets a little. I pointed out that he was shooting a laser at my retina and flinching could burn something that didn't need burning. Motivation to hold very, very still. Definitely an odd sensation, though. It's the first time I experience the truth that the eye has to move in order to see. With the assistance of some medication, I held my eye so still that the world went black until each time he told me to take a break and move my eye around. It reminded me of science class discussing how frogs can see flies well enough to catch them.



                          Who would have thought that feeding the cats was so dangerous. glad you areon the mend!


                            181 days til AT6 Ripples!!

                            I think my countdown app has a glitch as the days are not being consistant - bugger.
                            Last edited by Chelle DB; 12 May 2012, 12:52 AM.
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Trin, not Trim! Sorry, was typing with my phone.

                              Yeah, my surgeries were the scapel kind, not laser. Heh.

                              So I just spent the day in a quilting class with EhT's sister! She walked in wearing her jeans, sneakers, glasses and the same hair. I immediately thought, "oooh a Kiwi Eh-T!" Then she spoke and I heard the accent... a Canadian Eh-T! I immediately pounced and worked out exactly how far from Eh-T she was from... what's 2 days drive? Switched at birth I say.
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                It is amazing how fast one can pick up an accent though. I spent just one semester at the University of London and a couple of months in my husband would laugh at me on the phone because according to him, I sounded like a Brit!

