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    It's funny, but I guess I've toured through the UK so much over the last 40 years that when I go now, I only go to visit with friends, eat at Anderson's (would be great) and go to AT events! Oh and drink wine with Jumble!


      Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
      It's probably a good idea to eat a couple of times in the slightly more than 8 months before dinner.

      On a slightly off-topic note, I'm going to be in London again in two weeks. I still haven't heard one way or the other if I've been accepted to the university I applied to, so I don't really have an itinerary. (If I get accepted, I'll be spending some quality time in Portsmouth to start getting acquainted with the geography.) I've done some of the major touristing in London and I'd like to get away from the city a bit. Anybody who has started their AT6 touristing research have any suggestions for day trips from London? Especially any recommendations for tour companies.

      Oh, and anyone who is a day-trip away from London who wants to meet up for lunch, that's as much fun as touristing any day.
      Right, let me just make a note of that...

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        Oh, I've been to the cathedrals in Canterbury.
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          TRIN, so far i've found 8 castles and 2 abbeys all within ~40 miles of cardiff. so that means that if you plan to climb on any of them(which may result in imprisonment or fines) you will have to do "speed climbing". to save time on your descent, you could just fall...i mean jump down. the ground will break your fall. but warn us when you do that so we can catch it on video.


            Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
            if you plan to climb on any of them(which may result in imprisonment or fines) you will have to do "speed climbing". to save time on your descent, you could just fall...i mean jump down. the ground will break your fall. but warn us when you do that so we can catch it on video.
            I feel so loved and appreciated here! People are willing to document my heroic deeds!

            Seriously, though, thank you everyone for the suggestions. They've all been jotted down. Now if only the university could hurry up and reject me already so I can plan my vacation...

            In other news, I heard a funny story on the radio tonight. One of the local radio stations has an annual wedding party. They take 13 married couples who all had something horrendous (usually horrendously funny, at least after the fact) happen at their wedding, they have a lavish party, and everyone renews vows in an attempt to have a wedding ceremony that doesn't suck wet dog fur. One of the callers earlier tonight got accepted immediately...

            She and her husband were both young and in the Navy. Their ship happened to be stationed in Scotland for long enough that her then-fiancé and his buddies had a tradition. Every time they went drinking, on their way back to the ship, they'd stop at this random house that had a boat in the driveway. They'd climb into the boat, loudly sing the theme song to Gilligan's Island, and then leave. It went on for two years without incident. Then on the night before their wedding, he gets caught and arrested. Of course, she knows nothing except that he didn't come home on time. When he finally comes dragging in several hours late, he's soaked clear through and freezing (walking home in the middle of the night in October in Scotland without a jacket is apparently a good way to get hypothermia). He's too miserable for her to spend much energy being angry with him, so they call it good enough. The next afternoon at their wedding, most of the guests didn't show up (turns out something had happened on the ship and a bunch of leaves got cancelled), so the "Maid of Honor" was a friend of the groom, and the stand-in for Best Man was wearing holey jeans and a Metallica t-shirt. To top off the whole event, the minister had an accent that the groom couldn't understand but the bride could. So the bride has no idea why the groom is mumbling through his lines when the minister starts the "repeat after me" bit until he's about 3 lines in, his eyes are huge and terrified, and he turns to the minister and blurts out that he has no idea what she's saying. They followed this whole debacle up with a court appearance (during which the groom only barely managed not to laugh at the powdered wigs because, well, being the defendant makes it easier to not laugh), where he was told he needed to pay a £50 fine and buy a potted plant for the boat owners. (I assume they damaged one or something, because otherwise that's the most random penalty I've heard of for being convicted of Drunk While Stupid.)

            In summary, the radio station is including them in the people invited to the swanky party because "arrested in a foreign country for singing the theme song to Gilligan's Island in a boat in a driveway and then not being able to understand the minister during the ceremony that most of the guests could not attend" is both a fantastically funny story and a ceremony that really begs to be redone.


              283 days til AT6 Ripples!

              OMG, can you believe it...only 283 days...that seems really close.
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                282 days 21hours 24 min till the cocktail party(if it starts at 6pm)


                  Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                  282 days 21hours 24 min till the cocktail party(if it starts at 6pm)
                  Is that the normal time that it starts?


                    Originally posted by llp View Post
                    Is that the normal time that it starts?
                    Can't recall, it has been a few years since I was at a CP.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      pretty sure it started at 6pm last time, but wouldn't bet any money on that since i really have a poor memory.


                        6 sounds about right to me, but 5:30 or 6:30 sound reasonable, too. So somewhere around the general region of 6-ish.


                          Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                          6 sounds about right to me, but 5:30 or 6:30 sound reasonable, too. So somewhere around the general region of 6-ish.

                          Doors open 6pm, food 6.45 and Amanda usually comes in as coffee is being served. She spends time chatting on each table, and then John takes a group photo of each table with her. Everyone gets a copy of that.

                          Kay G4
                          For details of AT10 go to


                            We love you, Mumsey.


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Can't recall, it has been a few years since I was at a CP.
                              maybe the nubbins keep eating your entry into the lottery. Om nom.
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                wow, going thru some old papers on my desk and found the AT5 schedule. may be different, but this was the last schedule
                                registration - 1:30-4:30,
                                amanda's fans not alone meeting-1pm
                                registration opens 8am-4:30,
                                doors to main hall open at 8:15am-be seated by 8:30
                                8:35 - opening ceremonies,
                                9am - amanda's Q+A 1-9am.
                                12:05-1:05-lunch(starbucks) break.
                                12:50 doors open, be seated by 1:10
                                1:30 amanda's Q+A 2
                                2:25-4:20 = misc stuff
                                4:45 charity auction
                                9pm - 12 abnormals ball
                                8:10am doors open, be seated by 8:30
                                8:45 amanda's Q+A 3
                                9:45 1:10 = misc. stuff
                                1:10-2:10 lunch
                                1:50 doors open be seated by 2:10
                                2:25 amanda's Q+A 4
                                3:20-5:45 =misc stuff
                                6:15 -7pm - closing ceremonies, bring kleenex

                                photo sessions are on sat and autograph sessions are on sunday. coffee w/amanda is 11:05 sunday.
                                so that's what it was last time. the misc stuff is unknown by us till the actual schedule comes out. some times may be different, but julia usually has the scheduled things down to the minute and some times the minutes get confused, but they're pretty good with keeping on schedule.
                                i should clean my desk more often, but they say that a clean desk is a sign of a sick mind.

