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    Hahaha, save your ass off is right!

    I keep flip-flopping between going an not going and have till January to decide. I can easily afford it and am thinking of bringing my gf with me. She even told me she'd pay her own way, which in light of recent events, is quite refreshing to hear. Makes me love her all the more. She's never left the country, let alone the area she was born in, so this will be a whole new adventure for the both of us. With much better memories to make.

    Can't wait to see most of you!


      soo....them pesky personal issues....are just that, PERSONAL

      Let's aim for a snark free zone please, and keep your baggage to yourself
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        97 days til the tickets must be paid for!
        400 days til AT6 Ripples!
        Last edited by Chelle DB; 04 October 2011, 11:49 PM.
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Damnit! Hate going away for the week and missing all the fun! Aw well, just filled in my pre-reg form- fingers crossed. Well done to everyone whose already got theirs!!


            Originally posted by aerogoddess View Post
            Damnit! Hate going away for the week and missing all the fun! Aw well, just filled in my pre-reg form- fingers crossed. Well done to everyone whose already got theirs!!
            So did you get your confirmation yet? I doubt all the tickets are sold out yet so I imagine you should be fine. Bought mine about 4 days after the pre-reg started and received confirmation later that afternoon. Fourth AT event in a row! Yikes.


              I won't do the countdown every day but when we reach the magic one year mark, maybe then I will...just to keep you all on your toes.
              But I might have to do the ticket payment reminder more long as it doesn't get on anybody's nerves.
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                I won't do the countdown every day but when we reach the magic one year mark, maybe then I will...just to keep you all on your toes.
                But I might have to do the ticket payment reminder more long as it doesn't get on anybody's nerves.
                Hard to read these posts when I'm jumping up and down!


                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                  So did you get your confirmation yet? I doubt all the tickets are sold out yet so I imagine you should be fine. Bought mine about 4 days after the pre-reg started and received confirmation later that afternoon. Fourth AT event in a row! Yikes.
                  Phew! Yes I did, within the hour of sending of my request! Thanks very much guys! *biggrin

                  Wow, fourth event?? Nice one!! Whats been the best bit of all the others so far???


                    Originally posted by aerogoddess View Post
                    Phew! Yes I did, within the hour of sending of my request! Thanks very much guys! *biggrin

                    Wow, fourth event?? Nice one!! Whats been the best bit of all the others so far???
                    The best bits? Hmm, I can name a few but perhaps others might like to join in and add what stood out for them?

                    -First time meeting Amanda at AT3. I wasn't scared or freaking out but very calm which I was surprised at considering how so many were reacting just the opposite around me. Must of been the jet lag. I do fondly remember going up for the photo op thinking it would be a quick 'Hello' then turn and smile for the camera. Instead, Amanda turned to me and asked me about my accent and where I lived. After telling her I was from the States, she smiled and thanked me for coming so far to see her. I'll never forget that.

                    -I always love the con dances. Music and all your friends together just having fun and geeking out to Dr. Who, Star Trekking, and even the Macarena. Who thought I'd still be doing *that* dance?

                    -I do remember our very first jello party at AT3. Before it became such an event or semi-official part of all AT events later down the road. Oh, and our first peanut butter party! That one didn't go off very well, but it was fun. The chocolate party we do now is always amazing there is always a goodie bag everyone takes home afterward. Bonus!

                    Every year there is always something different and special to take home from an AT event which when compared, are different to what others might think as a highlight. For me, the first and last hugs from friends and the Gabit staff and the staying up late till the wee hours of the morning Sunday into Monday so the con doesnt officially end I can add as well. So many good memories!


                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      The chocolate party we do now is always amazing there is always a goodie bag everyone takes home afterward. Bonus!
                      If it weren't for the chocolate party and the attendant conversations, I wouldn't currently be addicted to Tim Tams and this particular Aussie brand of ginger beer. And I wouldn't know what kind of outrageous shipping prices I've paid to support said addiction.

                      Didn't Amanda use the phrase "chocolate smuggling ring" about us at one point?


                        Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                        If it weren't for the chocolate party and the attendant conversations, I wouldn't currently be addicted to Tim Tams and this particular Aussie brand of ginger beer. And I wouldn't know what kind of outrageous shipping prices I've paid to support said addiction.

                        Didn't Amanda use the phrase "chocolate smuggling ring" about us at one point?
                        It was the international blue jello smuggling ring, IIRC.

                        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                          It was the international blue jello smuggling ring, IIRC.
                          I may just possibly have had something to do with that ...
                          If memory serves, it was Becks who informed Amanda about the smuggling ring

                          Which reminds me, I need to start thinking again about how to get copious amounts of the bluey goodness x the atlantic without costing *anyone* random appendages. In the 'aftermath' of AT5, there were some comments put forth about how we'd have to step it up for the next event as it's become a bit of a tradition. Ah well, I've another 13 months to figure out logistics, eh? LOL!

                          Hope everyone is keeping relatively well! *hugs thread*
                          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                          ames on facebook
                          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                            Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                            If it weren't for the chocolate party and the attendant conversations, I wouldn't currently be addicted to Tim Tams and this particular Aussie brand of ginger beer. And I wouldn't know what kind of outrageous shipping prices I've paid to support said addiction.
                            Didn't Amanda use the phrase "chocolate smuggling ring" about us at one point?
                            Amanda called me the Aussie chocolate pusher on twitter a couple of months ago when she finally recieved her care package of Tim Tams...we have a new flavour by the way - honeycomb - and they is yummy!! I've said it before, I'm more than happy to send a few pkts out if you would like...just let me really is no problem.
                            Originally posted by ames View Post
                            Which reminds me, I need to start thinking again about how to get copious amounts of the bluey goodness x the atlantic without costing *anyone* random appendages. In the 'aftermath' of AT5, there were some comments put forth about how we'd have to step it up for the next event as it's become a bit of a tradition. Ah well, I've another 13 months to figure out logistics, eh? LOL!

                            Hope everyone is keeping relatively well! *hugs thread*
                            If you want, I can bring some blue jelly over from here...we have two different blue jellies tho...maybe I should send you a sample of each & you can let me know if I need to pack some. Anything to help out. xo

                            I'm doing much better now btw....more physio today with dry needling but with fingers crossed I shall be back to full duty by next Tuesday if I get cleared by the doc on Monday. I've been on light duties since August which means I've had a pay cut for all that time but still have had to work the same hours. Got lots of saving to make up for for AT6.

                            94 days til payment of AT6 tickets are due!

                            398 days til AT6 Ripples!!
                            Last edited by Chelle DB; 07 October 2011, 03:47 AM.
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by ames View Post
                              Which reminds me, I need to start thinking again about how to get copious amounts of the bluey goodness x the atlantic without costing *anyone* random appendages. In the 'aftermath' of AT5, there were some comments put forth about how we'd have to step it up for the next event as it's become a bit of a tradition. Ah well, I've another 13 months to figure out logistics, eh? LOL!
                              Perhaps sending boxes of the stuff over early through the mail to one of the G4? Not sure how many I'll be able to fit in my luggage but I'm sure I can squeeze in a few boxes.

                              Question for the G4: Payment is in 94/95 days (depending on where you live), but I was wondering when would the earliest date to pay be? I'd love to pay this thing off before Christmas if possible so I have one less thing to worry about. Thanks.


                                Ames, a lot of airlines are good if you call them and will give you extra weight allowance to transport stuff if you say it's for charitable purposes.

                                We've done it before to get stuff to India and to South America?

