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GABIT attendees thread

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    Speaking of small mammals, this is one being fed mushrooms.

    This is him missing Eh-T.

    I want to go back to the Ren, right now
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      me too. but i did go back there 2 times after at5 . it was my base for all my train trips, but it just wasn't the same without everyone from at5 being there. but i did feel more comfortable being there.


        Creepy, it would be like going back to summer camp with no one there. I have done that before because we were using their hall for a music performance... and it's *weird*.
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          Kinda like hitting a roo...lesson learned, never swerve to miss an animal...especially a roo. We almost ended up in an accident coz we swerved to miss a kangaroo that decided that jumping out in front of our car while we were travelling at 100km p/h was fun...not so much for us inside the car. We missed that big grey by millimeters. Hubby pulled over so we could catch our breathe, then it was back on the road again.

          I'm sure Amada had a atle to tell about her time in the Arctic and about a bear coming close to the camp...I think.
          As for Aussie rules, we call it footy is just soccer, then we have the rugby. Do the Canadians learn about cricket? As in the game not the little bug.

          We have an owl called a Tawny Frog Mouth and it's camouflage is so brilliant that we walked right up to one before we realised it wasn't part of the fence...only when it took off suddenly did we see it. Amazing creature.
          We also have a lot of frogs in our yard....a sign of a healthy environment apparently. Hubby said the there was a green frog on my car the other week...would have loved to have seen that one. One night I heard this squeaking noise and went to investigate. Outside the back door, the dog was playing with something. Upon closer inspection I saw it was a frog so bought the dog inside hoping the poor little bugger would be able to go off unharmed. He hopped onto the glass window and climbed up to where the bugs were being caught in the spider webs...nature is so cool.

          Love hearing about the wildlife where everyone lives...even if this is the Gabit thread its kinda fun...something we can all elaborate more on at AT6!!
          I found this picture in google images. Had to look it up it was such a funny name.



            Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
            i admit i'm one of the bambi crowd, but definitely don't like to see any animal suffer. i think hunting is ok as long as the animals meat is used as food. if you hunt just because you want to hang the head of a big buck on your wall and don't use the meat, that's just wrong. the food pantry where i used to volunteer gave venison away to those who needed meat. hunters should at least be responsible to get the meat to people in need.
            the moose out in new england, and i'm sure in canada(although i have yet to see a moose in the many times i have been to canada)are a real danger to vehicles. the moose have very long legs and when they are hit by a car, their huge bodies and heads tend to go flying thru the windshield and into the passenger area of the car. if they have antlers it can do even more damage to the passengers if they thrash around. since moose can weigh over 1000 pounds(454kg) a collision with a moose is much more deadly than a collision with a deer. most moose/car collisions are fatal to both. i tend to drive very slow when in new england, especially since there are so many winding roads where you can't see that far ahead. i've seen moose on roads many times...fortunately without the danger of a collision with me. i did have a BIG bull moose run out across the road right in front of my car, but fortunately i stopped in time. when they're in rut, they are crazy they will run without thinking and they will attack your car or fight with a stop sign or any other thing that they think is keeping them from finding a female moose. they are very dangerous in rut. but they're cute.i like moose. i like highland cows too and finally got to see one at a petting farm place in england, near york, after at5. couldn't pet them. they were all laying in a very muddy field. don't know if they are petable. i think cows are pretty docile, but don't know about this breed. they have REALLY big horns. but they're cute.
            go to and look up elk calf playing in the puddle it is soooo cute!


              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              I want to go back to the Ren, right now
              Me too. Can't wait for the date to be announced...I love having a goal to reach for. My savings tin is filling ever so slowly but I'm only putting in gold coins and a few shrapnel this time round. Should make saving a lot better.
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                I have a job. W00t. My first 2 weeks of pay (minus train ticket) will go toward credit card, then I can start saving again
                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  I have a job. W00t. My first 2 weeks of pay (minus train ticket) will go toward credit card, then I can start saving again
                  ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                  SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                  ames on facebook
                  ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    I have a job. W00t. My first 2 weeks of pay (minus train ticket) will go toward credit card, then I can start saving again
                    Yay! My tax rebate went to my credit card. A couple more months should have it entirely paid off. I'm very excited. I put house renovations on it, and the upgrades to bring it into compliance with earthquake code weren't cheap, so it's been something I've been paying off for aaaaages. But earthquakes scare me like bears scare CJ, so I figure the peace of mind is worth it. Then I'll really be able to save for AT6/TSE2, and yeah, my plans to move to England for a postgrad degree. Silly visa people expect me to having living expenses on hand before applying for a student visa, as if I'm going to need to spend money on food and necessities.


                      I agree, the meat needs to be used. You know, in alaska, it's actually a crime to waste meat.

                      the deer can do the same thing as moose, either antlers can go through the windshield doing damage, or the hooves...and we've had people killed when the deer go through the windshield. In one wreck, an east bound truck hit the deer, throwing it into the west bound lane and through the windshield of another car. it decapitated the driver. And that was a little one.

                      bambi can be a menace. And we have tons of them. When i was a kid it was quite the feat to see them. Late last year i made a cross state trip, and in that 700 mile round trip i saw about 25 live deer and the remains of 15 or so.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Was on the rig working last week and on our way back to the station when we passed Bambi and his Momma on the road. Accident just happened apparently and the driver was there as well as a few squad cars. Not sure they made it, cos if they were just hurt and not dead, more than likely Animal Control came in and ended their suffering.

                        Still think about it. It was a busy intersection in town with lots of businesses around too so I have no idea even what woods they came out of.


                          Thanks for the job congrats and green guys I'm not jumping around on face book talking about it, because of the humiliating way I lost the last one. Chatting to a lawyer friend (no, another one ) the other day and they were saying I would probably have a case against my old boss because he gave me no warning, but I really can't be bothered if it means I have to deal with those guys ever again.

                          Anyway, the details of my new job I will be working in the Specimen Reception department at the main medical laboratory in town, with the opportunity to train as a lab technician. It's a full time job and while my hours neatly skip rush hour traffic, I won't be getting home at midnight like my last job based in town. So yay!

                          *ETA* Oh, by "town" I mean our capital city, about 40 mins commute each way. I have no idea why we call it "town."
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Congrats Neep. And we call it town too...either town or city depending on what you prefer.
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              Speaking of small mammals, this is one being fed mushrooms.


                              This is him missing Eh-T.


                              I want to go back to the Ren, right now
                              LOL! My morning laugh.

                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              I have a job. W00t. My first 2 weeks of pay (minus train ticket) will go toward credit card, then I can start saving again

                              Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                              Yay! My tax rebate went to my credit card. A couple more months should have it entirely paid off. I'm very excited. I put house renovations on it, and the upgrades to bring it into compliance with earthquake code weren't cheap, so it's been something I've been paying off for aaaaages. But earthquakes scare me like bears scare CJ, so I figure the peace of mind is worth it. Then I'll really be able to save for AT6/TSE2, and yeah, my plans to move to England for a postgrad degree. Silly visa people expect me to having living expenses on hand before applying for a student visa, as if I'm going to need to spend money on food and necessities.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                                I have literally seen one run out of the brush and hit a car

                                unfortunately, we have people that die each year in deer/car crashes.

                                we also have seagulls (in kansas no less), tons of geese, ducks and some falcons downtown

                                usually people and animals peacefully co-exist.
                                We have lots of feathered friends here too. Just saw a little finch in my tree a couple days ago. And a mating pair of ducks have moved into the yard behind me. (don't know if my neighbor is aware he has tenants yet ) Now I'm just waiting to see my first robin of spring. And hopefully a cardinal, cause they're just soooo pretty.

                                We have a lot of the larger birds as well: falcons, hawks, crows, geese, seagulls and on RARE occasions a bald eagle.

                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                the worst deer time is May and November....they're so busy 'lookin for love' that they don't look for cars.

                                when i was younger, getting a deer hunting permit was highly sought and they even had to have a lottery because the permits were limited in you can have several if you want. There are some that are 'you can't kill bambi', i respond 'well, this ain't bambi, this is a 300 pound menace that can kill you, and honestly do you wnat them so overpopulated that they start to die of disease and starvation?'

                                I don't hunt, but I have no issue with those that do...just please finish the kill and don't leave the animal to suffer.
                                As long as people eat what they hunt, I have no problem with it, though I can't do it myself. I like my food unrecognizable.
                                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                                William Shakespeare

                                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.

