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    Isn't it just the shadow from her own hand?

    *edit* Or you know... Eh-T smacked her one for the auction incident.
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Picked up my tickets, a new carry-on bag, my very bright bag to put over the backpack (to keep the straps from getting caught on the conveyors), and new shoes

      Then went to my sister's, helped dress up my 13.5 month old nephew, took them both to a family dinner, brought them home again - managing to figure out both the new car seat *and* how to dress/undress a squirming child who's got one heck of a kick and has learned how to walk

      I'd say, all in all, a fairly successful day!

      9 days to go!
      ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

      SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
      ames on facebook
      ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


        i had a real surprise tonight. i was paying bills and noticed on my one credit card site that i had earned 30900 points(didn't know it did that) so i called the number for redeeming the points and to see what stupid magazine subscription they were pushing and to my surprise the points add up to dollars and in my case it was $300+. what they do is deduct that much from your bill if you've charged something having to do with travel on it. so i get my flight to ireland and back free with over $100 to spare. that will be $100 off my hotel bill. what a pleasant surprise. and i picked up my GBPS and EUROS at the bank today. it was cheaper than getting it thru the atm in england or at the airport exchange places. it was a very small fee. finally making some progress with my exceptionally long "to do" list.


          Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
          ok.....booked the flights and the hotel. I'm arriving Feb 9 and leaving Feb 13..yes on Sunday.. I have an exam early Monday morning, so I must return to Phoenix early.
          Hey! That's great. Glad you decided to come (go?) as it really is too good to miss.

          See you soon")


            ok, here's another question about dialing. i'm getting a loaned global phone from my phone company here in the us. it will have my regular mobile number. now, how does someone here in the states dial that number when i get to the uk? do they just dial the regular number or do they have to add the 011 44 like when i call the uk from here? and when i make a call using that phone to someplace in the uk, do i still have to dial 011 44 first? and if i make a call in the uk from this phone do i have to dial 011 44? i hope this phone comes with instructions. i had one for AT4 but i just can't remember how it worked. i don't have that good a memory. get this, i'm trying to teach my 82 year old mother how to text. wish me luck.


              Originally posted by donamac View Post
              I got mine too. B19. Not too long now and I haven't even started to get ready.

              See ya all soon.
              Yay, you're sitting next to me then. Instead of being roommates we're seatingmates this time

              And nice sig EH-T! But the question still goes unanswered: Are you still bitter?


                Oh darn. Just taught my mum to do a tim tam slam... forgot to tell her to eat it fast and she spilled boiling hot tea down her front. Burns.

                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Oh, you are irreplaceable . I do not have enough eyes to keep an eye on all the people I need to keep an eye on!
                  If it's any comfort, my mother won't be coming this trip, so I won't be whispering a hurried reminder that she's bidding in GBP when she forgets to do the math in her head for how much she really just bid, and she won't be getting caught up in the excitement of a bidding war.

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  In a way I am spending my weekend with a bunch of nieces too (as many attendees are much younger than I). They are from the abnormal side of my family.
                  You have a non-abnormal side of your family???

                  Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                  how does someone here in the states dial that number when i get to the uk?
                  I'd double-check with the phone company, but my completely uneducated guess would be that it would be dialed exactly like it normally is, but if someone in the UK wanted to call it, it would be long-distance for them. Sort of like cell phone area codes currently are, where my friend who moved from NY was able to keep her NY cell phone number, but it's long distance if I dial it from my home phone. But again, I'm just guessing, so ask the phone company.
                  Last edited by Trindajae; 28 January 2011, 12:26 AM.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Hey look, new sig! Picture courtesy of PengYn, sig courtesy of SamJackShipLover! Thanks.

                    Mull over the B & W version and in a couple of days we'll try the colour one and see what you think.
                    Hehe! That's beautiful EH-T!

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Update on tim tam burns.. .all the redness and swelling has gone down and she's off to bed.

                      I am the worst daughter ever. o_0
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        I was wondering... at what time does the London tube close in the evening?

                        And I found this useful map to use free buses to go to the Ren:

                        My vids Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                          I was wondering... at what time does the London tube close in the evening?

                          And I found this useful map to use free buses to go to the Ren:

                          And where exactly is the Ren located in comparison to the map????


                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            And where exactly is the Ren located in comparison to the map????

                            busses 423, 105, 140, 111, 285, 555 from T 1-3
                            My vids Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              No, no, no, you are supposed to obey the badge! Not defy, obey!
                              Oh yeah, Neep and I are all over that one. Defy, not obey. We got it.

                              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                              I was wondering... at what time does the London tube close in the evening?
                              It honestly depends on the tube line (in this case the Picadilly line) - each one has slightly different times. That said, they still run well past midnight. I think the last train to arrive back at Heathrow is just after 1am. And then it starts up again around 5am. You just have to ensure that if you intend staying out late in the city that you catch the train back, in time - which would probably mean leaving around 12.30am at the latest.


                                or it'll be a very expensive taxi ride
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


