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    Originally posted by penjab View Post
    I have a Packing List AND and a To Do List that I just print out before every trip.....
    Oh, can you send me a copy? Haha!

    Yeah, about the packing... I have narrowed it down to 4 (or 5) scarves. Haven't even thought about anything else. That's a lie... on the hottest day of the year I bought some woolen tights. The sales assistant looked at them on the counter and looked up at me with big wide eyes. The idea of actually wearing them made me feel a bit sick Shorts and a singlet were too hot for that day.

    10 days until I leave! And I have a miserable snotty cold, so hopefully I won't get sick when I'm there like last time.

    ETA: Seriously, if I try and pin down an action plan it would go something like this:
    -find my various merino sweaters to wear under things for warmth.
    -do laundry
    -pack electrical adapters for UK and Europe... buy one for America?
    - would a small dog be ok smuggled in a backpack?
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
      I had to remove my name.....
      Oh noes! Hope everything is okay and you definitely will be missed! *hugs*

      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      10 days until I leave! And I have a miserable snotty cold, so hopefully I won't get sick when I'm there like last time.
      You're miserable snotty cold better not rub off on me.

      I went out shopping today and found some colorful woolen socks for the trip. They made me happy.

      I've started my list and aim to pack lightly this time. For real. My bag will include everything from thermals, sweaters and long-sleeved shirts to shorts and t-shirts since we'll be hitting Calif. first before heading to London. Makes packing soo much fun.


        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        I've started my list and aim to pack lightly this time. For real. My bag will include everything from thermals, sweaters and long-sleeved shirts to shorts and t-shirts since we'll be hitting Calif. first before heading to London. Makes packing soo much fun.
        A tip on the weather here - it can be anywhere from 70-80+ F during the day (sometimes even in the 60s). The temp will drop when the sun goes down (which is about 5-6pm now) to the mid 40s (ish) for the low. Also, it is significantly cooler as you get closer to the ocean (sometimes 15 degrees or more). And then there is the wind (if there is any). I am generally comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt (and hoodie), but then I never wear shorts.

        Also, all this can change in the week and a half before you get here

        (Too tired to convert to C)


          Originally posted by antoa View Post
          A tip on the weather here - it can be anywhere from 70-80+ F during the day (sometimes even in the 60s). The temp will drop when the sun goes down (which is about 5-6pm now) to the mid 40s (ish) for the low. Also, it is significantly cooler as you get closer to the ocean (sometimes 15 degrees or more). And then there is the wind (if there is any). I am generally comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt (and hoodie), but then I never wear shorts.

          Also, all this can change in the week and a half before you get here

          (Too tired to convert to C)
          Our high today was 6F. One day last week we had 35F high and I thought it was spring-like. Low's in the 40's for L.A. will be marvelous, trust me! Can't wait to shed the heavy winter least for a week.

          Thanks for the tips, though! I'll probably only pack a pair of shorts or capri's for the beach and the long-haul 7 hr bike ride we booked. They'll roll up nicely and tuck into a corner of my bag.


            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            Our high today was 6F. One day last week we had 35F high and I thought it was spring-like. Low's in the 40's for L.A. will be marvelous, trust me! Can't wait to shed the heavy winter least for a week.

            Thanks for the tips, though! I'll probably only pack a pair of shorts or capri's for the beach and the long-haul 7 hr bike ride we booked. They'll roll up nicely and tuck into a corner of my bag.
            Yeah, the temps don't seem low, but when you have a big drop when the sun goes down, then it's a bit different (IMHO). And if the wind is blowing it gets chilly! But I am a big wuss to the cold now. I've lived in the desert too long. I am good as long as I layer and have warm hands.

            Definitely shorts for the bike ride And capris are a good option too. You will be instantly labeled as 'tourist' if you are wearing shorts here in January, unless of course you are wearing short shorts and ugg boots :rollseyes:


              Originally posted by antoa View Post
              a tip on the weather here - it can be anywhere from 70-80+ f during the day (sometimes even in the 60s). The temp will drop when the sun goes down (which is about 5-6pm now) to the mid 40s (ish) for the low. Also, it is significantly cooler as you get closer to the ocean (sometimes 15 degrees or more). And then there is the wind (if there is any). I am generally comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt (and hoodie), but then i never wear shorts.
              Also, all this can change in the week and a half before you get here
              (too tired to convert to c)
              15F = -9.4C
              40F = 4.5C
              50F = 10C
              60F = 15.5C
              70F = 21C
              80F = 26.6C
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by antoa View Post
                I am good as long as I layer and have warm hands.
                Layers are your friend! I can say from growing up somewhere as damp as England and having been to England a couple of times... Layers are a really good idea. For those who've never been and are worried about packing, my suggestion is:
                • Water & wind-resistant jacket
                • Scarf & gloves. If you don't have any, they're available everywhere in London and not expensive, if you realize you want some after you arrive.
                • T-shirts and warm things to wear over the t-shirts (and under the jacket) for after the sun goes down. This also makes it so you don't have to freeze if you're in a drafty spot in a restaurant, when it's maybe not cold enough to wear your jacket indoors.
                • An umbrella if you prefer one to wearing your jacket hood up. Like scarves & gloves, they're readily available in all sorts of little corner shops and it's easy to find cheap ones.


                  Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                  Layers are your friend!
                  Yes, layers - lets all be like onions!! Or parfait...parfait has layers too.
                  As for lists, I've always got a list running - but I never follow it.
                  Just wanting to wish everyone safe travels...not long now - can't wait to hear all about the fun.
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    i have to use lists because i have such a lousy memory. i know i'll forget something important or make myself crazy trying to think of what i'm forgetting so it's easier to just make a list.


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      Tis a long and drawn out, winding story....oh wait no, that the route she took home

                      Originally posted by suse View Post
                      Mandy *does* love to shovel...something.
                      LOL! (and true!)

                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      Sheesh, not I use a roof rake and Ma stands under it catching the snow
                      Poor Ma. I miss Ma!

                      Originally posted by xgfan View Post
                      Takes a tissue. Wow, that was... totally beautiful... =)

                      Time to say hello I've registered here some time ago and I've been reading in this thread and the "Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread" but I haven't written anything yet.I'm 23, Swiss and AT5 will be my first gabit event, first time to see Amanda, and my second convention. I'm looking forward to it

                      I'll arrive with a friend at the Luton airport. What's the easiest/cheapest way from there to the hotel?

                      Hello. Feel free to join in on the group events.

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      So the milk I bought yesterday expires 2 days after I leave the country. This is getting close, people!

                      So far my to do list looks like this:

                      #1 write a to do list.
                      LOL! Excellent start!

                      I have a bit of a list but it consists of the oddest things:

                      1) Bring blue jello
                      2) Bring Tim Tams
                      3) Bring curling shoes.

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      15F = -9.4C
                      40F = 4.5C
                      50F = 10C
                      60F = 15.5C
                      70F = 21C
                      80F = 26.6C
                      You forgot -40F = -40C. That's what it was for my walk to work today when you factor in the windchill. That's why I'm going to London, it's warmer!

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        layers are also a must if you're using pubic transit. outside in the mist and rain, down in the tubes where it's warm, etc.

                        i got around London quite fine a few years ago in november with running suits with long underwear underneath and then an insulated top under the jacket and then a windbreaker with a hood

                        not too bulky but layerable.

                        also have a small daypack to put your stuff in so you can carry it easily but not too big do make security nervous
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          You forgot -40F = -40C. That's what it was for my walk to work today when you factor in the windchill. That's why I'm going to London, it's warmer!
                          And everyone wonders why I don't want to visit Canada in the winter.

                          I do hope you bundled up young lady! I think those kinds of temperatures might justify using the car.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            And everyone wonders why I don't want to visit Canada in the winter.

                            I do hope you bundled up young lady! I think those kinds of temperatures might justify using the car.
                            Ah, but by Monday it will be a balmy -10C .

                            I was bundled up, I am nothing if not sensible . Still just wearing runners though, better for walking and as long as I keep moving and have a good pair of socks, my feet stay warm. Kind of forgot the other night that I was wearing a balaclava. Stopped into the 7-11 on the way home and gave the poor clerk a bit of a fright!

                            Beautiful sun dogs this morning because of the sun and the cold.

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Ah, but by Monday it will be a balmy -10C .

                              I was bundled up, I am nothing if not sensible . Still just wearing runners though, better for walking and as long as I keep moving and have a good pair of socks, my feet stay warm. Kind of forgot the other night that I was wearing a balaclava. Stopped into the 7-11 on the way home and gave the poor clerk a bit of a fright!

                              Beautiful sun dogs this morning because of the sun and the cold.
                              Be careful. I don't know if there would be time to bail you out of jail before you leave for AT5


                                Today is my lucky day!!!!

                                I was getting some things rounded up for the trip to the UK. I found the little wallet/passport holder thingy I used for AT4. It had over 40 pounds in it!!!


                                I'm rich

