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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    I will do it again, if everyone is happy with that? I will sort out a little plan, lay down a few (loose) rules and such.
    I vote yes
    If you need to bring stuff, but can't because you're travelling, let me know and I'll bring it!

    It wasn't an official event at all, but I think Julia scheduled it for us (not on the official schedule though). And in my mind it was in the afternoon ... lol ... weird how soon you forget these things.


      Yay for more chocolate! Not sure how much I'll be able to bring on top of the 57 boxes I'm bringing for EH-T... or was that 58?

      There was so much chocolate last year! My favorite part was the goodie bags we made and brought home, it lasted quite a while. Nom!
      I don't remember which day the party was, probably Saturday, and it was during the same time as the Hearing Dogs wee having their demonstration on stage.

      I kinda wanna bring up an issue that I think need to be addressed. Exactly who is invited to this chocolate party?
      I've talked to some peeps from last year (that are not on GW) and some felt before the event everybody was talking about the chocolate party everywhere online, but it was also made very clear they were not be bothered with it since they were not on here. While at the same time other non-GWers were told to just contact someone on GW and it'll be fine. And I guess some just showed up anyway.
      (And personally as the newbie I was back then, and not very active on here I wasn't sure if I was invited. And I had no idea what to answer when people outside GW asked about it)

      My point is I would hate for someone to feel left out. If this were just as small private thing where a few ppl decide to get together it would be different, but now even though it's not official official it was still announced in the mail hall. Plus a table and area had been assigned for us in the bar (graciously provided by GABIT) and we even had our own sign!

      I do understand that all the 250+ attendees can't attend this party and everybody may not even want to. (Plus it would probably give Julia another scheduling nightmare) But I do feel that to exclude ppl just because they don't hang at a specific forum online is wrong.

      (I don't believe it was anyone intention to exclude anyone last year, it just wasn't made very clear who was invited that caused some confusion, I believe.)

      I know this doesn't have an easy answer, hence I'm bringing it up for discussion.

      So, discuss!


        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
        I vote yes
        If you need to bring stuff, but can't because you're travelling, let me know and I'll bring it!

        It wasn't an official event at all, but I think Julia scheduled it for us (not on the official schedule though). And in my mind it was in the afternoon ... lol ... weird how soon you forget these things.
        Yes, I went back to look at my pictures for Saturday and it was more in the late afternoon that we did this as my pictures are relatively in order and I have more of AT in a panel after the chocolate party. Don't know why I thought evening. *shrug*

        I can help with the 'bringing' as well, it help is needed.

        As to the Chocolate Party being an open invite or not, I certainly thought it was. Open, I mean. I know it was discussed here for the most part, so I can see how some might have felt excluded. But I think that was because it wasn't an official event and we didnt really have any idea how big and popular it would actually turn out.

        I think if we were to do it again, we should unofficially open it up to everyone so nobody feels excluded, but in doing so, we'll need a much bigger space to host this. We were all pretty cramped sitting on the floor and on any available seat in the little nook of the bar area that Gabit was able to save for us. We were overflowing to be exact, but we made it work. Having the number from last year potentially doubled or more, the bar nook just wouldnt suffice I think. This is where it might get tricky. What available space would we have left in the Ren that would accomodate up to 40-50 people... or even more?


          My intentions were, when it started at AT3, no one would be turned away...but we never did announce it beyond GW. My personal opinion is any event discussed on the forum in public should be open to anyone reading. And even if people not on GW found out and wanted to come, they were welcome. no one is ever turned away.

          If 5 friends want to plan a private dinner...then they need to do it via PM or off forum.

          One thing Ames did at TSE was taht she had it in conjunction with the Abnormal's ball. Plenty of space, just n eeded a couple of tables (one for nutted, one for nutless.....boy chocolate/girl chocolate)

          so large space already in existence, just needed a couple of tables, energy to dance....two events merged into one with a minimum of fuss.

          Just an idea to accommodate the numbers without causing any trouble beyond a 5 minute phone call to the hotel to set up a couple of tables.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            The only problem I saw with having it at SE was that the numbers weren't there like they were at AT4. We made extra jello in anticipation and those that did attend brought plenty of chocolate, but most didnt touch it. Not sure if it was the walking up to the table and sorting through the different varieties thing and the intimidation with it or what, but I know there was quite a bit of chocolate left over and no goodie bags went home with anyone. Definitely was a different atmosphere in comparison to AT4.

            Maybe if the goodie bags were provided it might be better and the space in the hall would definitely be bigger and less hassles, but I'm still unsure.


              So, with the Jack the Ripper walk, what time were you all thinking of leaving the hotel? I know the walk starts at 7:30, but will there be a dinner stop before? After?


                Mmm ... this is a little difficult.

                Personally (and this may sound a little selfish) I would like to keep it a Samandan-event as much as possible, mostly because of the number of people who would be there if everyone would be invited (not everyone would show up, but a lot more people would). With a lot more people there, it would be really different.

                But, I wouldn't want us to be exclusive and making people feel like they're not welcome. Especially since we're are talking about it in a public forum, it does feel wrong to want to keep it small.

                I do think, if we decide like Cel suggests: unoffially open it up to everyone, we need to do that in a structured way (like, people needing to sign up with Neep) so we know what to expect and find a time and space accordingly. In that case Skys suggestion to do it during the disco sounds smart, then we wouldn't be causing a lot of extra trouble or work.


                  If Neep wants to be in charge, then she can think on it and discuss ideas with Julia and see what they work out.

                  I know at TSE a lot of people, not on GW, didn't know what it was, but also there was a table outside the main hall all day sunday to get rid of the chocolate and to make a few bucks (Amy had a 'donate to charity' bowl and anyone that wanted chocolate could give a free will donation if they wanted to)
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    I heard chocolate and came running. I'd definitely love for there to be another chocolate party.

                    The only "problem" I forsee having it during the disco is that the ballroom is always very dark and loud - I always find it difficult to have a conversation - mostly because I'm too busy dancing LOL but that is another factor, chocolate and dancing don't really mix well. It could also just be a personal preference for me but - part of the fun of the Abby Ball was in the 'getting' ready before hand with a group of gals so that we could all aid and assist one another. I wouldn't want to do the chocolate party sitting around in my outfit or on the other hand, being in my civvies and then having to race back up to the room to get dressed. I don't know, maybe I'm just over-thinking it. I think the afternoon really worked well because we all had time to relax in between sessions and photo's - and that made it a real bonding moment. It also means that we can still go off to dinner later and not worry about missing out on the party because we needed some protein LOL


                      Woah, wait till I go to sleep and all this talk! You've raised some good points though, and ones I will be discussing with GABIT.
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by antoa View Post
                        So, with the Jack the Ripper walk, what time were you all thinking of leaving the hotel? I know the walk starts at 7:30, but will there be a dinner stop before? After?
                        I think the best thing would be to meet at one of the tube stations as I know not everyone will be staying at the Ren on Wednesday night and able to travel together. We did this last year and it worked well. We arrived early at the Tower Hill tube and found a nice little restaurant down the road to have a quick dinner before the Walk.

                        Eating before was definitely in our plans though to be honest, a time was never discussed. We perhaps could safely meet around 5:30 (17:30) and go to a pub for a good warm dinner that night. I looked and found this place, Counting House which is a refurbished old bank and would have your normal pub food (meatpies, fish, veggies) for around 7.50-8.00 quid/person and is right across from the Bank tube station and not far from Tower Hill.

                        We can always just do something random of course or if someone knows a better place, input is welcome!


                          Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                          Yay for more chocolate! Not sure how much I'll be able to bring on top of the 57 boxes I'm bringing for EH-T... or was that 58? There was so much chocolate last year! My favorite part was the goodie bags we made and brought home, it lasted quite a while. Nom!
                          I don't remember which day the party was, probably Saturday, and it was during the same time as the Hearing Dogs wee having their demonstration on stage.

                          I kinda wanna bring up an issue that I think need to be addressed. Exactly who is invited to this chocolate party?
                          I've talked to some peeps from last year (that are not on GW) and some felt before the event everybody was talking about the chocolate party everywhere online, but it was also made very clear they were not be bothered with it since they were not on here. While at the same time other non-GWers were told to just contact someone on GW and it'll be fine. And I guess some just showed up anyway.
                          (And personally as the newbie I was back then, and not very active on here I wasn't sure if I was invited. And I had no idea what to answer when people outside GW asked about it)

                          My point is I would hate for someone to feel left out. If this were just as small private thing where a few ppl decide to get together it would be different, but now even though it's not official official it was still announced in the mail hall. Plus a table and area had been assigned for us in the bar (graciously provided by GABIT) and we even had our own sign!

                          I do understand that all the 250+ attendees can't attend this party and everybody may not even want to. (Plus it would probably give Julia another scheduling nightmare) But I do feel that to exclude ppl just because they don't hang at a specific forum online is wrong.

                          (I don't believe it was anyone intention to exclude anyone last year, it just wasn't made very clear who was invited that caused some confusion, I believe.)

                          I know this doesn't have an easy answer, hence I'm bringing it up for discussion.

                          So, discuss!
                          Please, let's not exaggerate, it was 52 boxes, 53 tops.

                          I am all for another chocolate party (will not be sharing my Faser Mints though I will bring chocolate from home). I am also in favour of Neep organising the party (although I do worry that will mean bring chocolate but not pants )

                          As for invitees, there have been some excellent points raised. While we absolutely want to be inclusive, the reality is that not everyone can be present because the only rooms big enough to hold everyone are where the Q & As and the disco take place. Not fair to Gabit to make them schedule the party. I also agree with the comments about holding it with the disco.

                          My view is that if we have a separate lunch room like at AT3 then we can hold it there like we did that year. There was plenty of room and as people come in we can let them know they are welcome to join us. If there is no separate lunch room then I would prefer we get a corner of the bar area like at AT4, even if we have to squish in. At least it allowed a visit.

                          Seems to me that we have become the victims of our own success, mention chocolate and everyone comes running! There certainly is more than enough to share and I would like folks to know they are welcome but I'm not sure advertising it everywhere is the answer.
                          Last edited by EH-T; 12 December 2010, 02:07 PM.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Julia and Mumsey - just a little question - is it alright for me to bring something to AT6 to be auctioned for S4K? I had Amanda sign the mouse she used on the set of Atlantis - it comes with a certificate of authenticity - I hope you guys will be able to accept it. Will post a picture later.
                            Cheers. xo
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping



                              YOu might get a faster response if you e-mail them. I know becks is skiing and i don't know how much time Julia has to be on the forum.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Thanks Sky - will do...though I'm sure I have plenty of time seeings how AT5 hasn't even happened yet!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

