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GABIT attendees thread

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    I'm not seeing a problem with it.

    If folks in here feel that it's exclusionary, then you could make a AT5 cocktail party thread to discuss details. Or perhaps, there could be a dedicated AT5 thread, like we did with MTM and SE, separate threads that co-existed with this one

    I think the only issue i've had with anything appearing 'exclusionary' is people planning 'invite only' events, that they are discussing in public. So for an event that's part of the con and - theoretically - open to all, I have no issue with discussion and planning. The same if there's something like 'let's meet up in the lobby at this time for dinner' or the like

    But if it's a 'the six of us are going to go out to dinner, and only the six of us are allowed to attend'...that's the stuff I think is best discussed in private.

    So, in public, events that anyone can attend, or has the ability to attend, but private events with a limited number of attendees or welcome participants, that's best discussed via E-mail or on your live journal or the like.

    ETA: clarification
    Last edited by Skydiver; 06 October 2010, 06:51 PM.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      Third time seemed to be the charm for me so I can only relate what I know about the CP second-hand at the moment, if that would suffice?

      The Cocktail Party is limited in number which is why it's so sought after (for the most part) and the chance to play dress up, eat a very nice meal with friends and with the added bonus of AT chatting at your table for a few minutes afterward is pretty special. You also get a group pic of Amanda and everyone else at your table which is included in the ticket price.

      If I'm not mistaken, I do believe you can choose who you would like to sit with at your table as well. I'll wait confirmation on this from the G4 though as I sort of waiting myself. If so, then you will definitely know your seatmates if that makes you feel more comfortable.

      Hope this helps with your decision!
      Thanks for the information. I´ll definitely thik about it


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        the cocktail party is 'smart attire'. no jeans, no sweats, no shorts, no tennies/trainers.
        Business casual/professional at the minimum. and you can get as fancy as you want. some wear their evening attire, suits, gowns, etc.

        Making up the times here, you'll gt into the room at 645ish. you'll have a drink ticket for 1 cocktail/alcoholic beverage or two soft drinks. there will also be water at the table. You will have assigned seating. At each place is a charm specially made just for you. There will also be a centerpiece of some sort, also hand made.

        Horsdourves will be served, which are often just as good as a meal (might even be a meal)

        You'll have time to eat, likely 45 minutes to an hour or so. Then amanda will come in. She'll make a few comments, she'll circulate through the room, spending about 10 minutes at each table (or more as Julia struggles not to break out her silk cattle prod )

        You'll get a group shot of amanda with all of you. then she'll move on.

        Once she's visited at each table, she'll leave and you can leave or stay, most leave (and they do only have the room for so long)

        As long as she's in the room, people are asked to not wander around....meaning if you're at table 4 and she's at table 5, don't go lurking around and adding to the chaos and being a distraction.

        Also, if she's at your table, you are asked to NOT take photos. She's got abouot 10 minutes to chat with you guys, and that's what she wants to do, chat. It's not fair for one person to 'hog' the time getting photos or blinding everyone with flash bulbs.

        and that is the cocktail party, in a nutshell.

        Disclaimer: this is based on experience from the past, this one might be like this, might be less like, might be different...but will likely follow the same basic outline
        Thank yoy very much. Exactly what I needed!


          OK, here are all lists and I added one for the cocktailparty, I would like to know who is going
          Feel free to add yourself to any list.

          AT5 attendees
          SamJackShipLover (Annelies) + Flow + possibly Nubbin- Holland
          Celandine/Brenda - USA
          LeeFraser - Alison - UK
          2Shy/Sanna - Sweden (But really �land)
          EH-T- land of moose and beaver
          Scythe - Jen - UK
          antoa - land of unemployment (for now)
          Hannah (Tittamiire) - UK and my own planet
          Julia (samcarterrules) - Scotland
          Donna (Julia's carer) - Scotland
          Doris (Julia's carer) - Scotland
          PengYn - land of shiny hair and hug-me eyes
          Andrea (Andy) - Germany
          Laurie (llp) - Pacific North West
          ames / bluejelloqueen - Crazy Canuck (like there's really any other kind, eh? LOL)
          Chloe aka Prelsey_carter (Australia, but will be in Vancouver at that time)
          elephantgirl - weird Belgian that used to call Chicago home
          Donamac/Dona - another Pacific Northwester (love that rainy weather)
          Claire (clairec007) - Scotland
          Fresh Horse - Eureka!
          Wendy - m_wendy_r -- UK!
          Tesla_Twin / Cynthia - Switzerland (country of chocolates and mountains and lake!)
          ShimmeringStar - US
          Nat - halfbloodme - + Kazzie + Kerry - UK
          Isabelle (Oris) - France (AT.... ♥)
          CJM - New Zealand
          Suse (suse2301 or suse_germany) - Germany
          Franny - Ireland / Germany
          Susanne - Germany
          Neep/Eileen - New Zealand
          XFchemist (Silvia) - Italy
          Devilish Me (Irena) - Serbia
          Jumble - UK
          Josiane - UK
          Sarai - UK
          Cags - UK
          MoB- Brooklyn
          lame moose (mocha)-chicagoland-land of chicago bears, but no moose
          trindajae - oregon
          Len - Canada (Land of Gentle Giants?)

          AT5 cocktailparty attendees
          Celandine / Brenda
          Neep / Eileen
          MoB / Jennifer
          SamJackShipLover / Annelies (still undecided)

          Musical! Thursday 10th February

          Dinner @ Anderson's, Surrey
          Monday 14th February
          MoB(can do either date)
          Laurie (LLP) either day
          lame moose(mocha)possibly

          Wednesday 9th February preferred


            OK, here are all lists and I added one for the cocktail party, I would like to know who is going
            Feel free to add yourself to any list.

            AT5 attendees
            SamJackShipLover (Annelies) + Flow + possibly Nubbin- Holland
            Celandine/Brenda - USA
            LeeFraser - Alison - UK
            2Shy/Sanna - Sweden (But really �land)
            EH-T- land of moose and beaver
            Scythe - Jen - UK
            antoa - land of unemployment (for now)
            Hannah (Tittamiire) - UK and my own planet
            Julia (samcarterrules) - Scotland
            Donna (Julia's carer) - Scotland
            Doris (Julia's carer) - Scotland
            PengYn - land of shiny hair and hug-me eyes
            Andrea (Andy) - Germany
            Laurie (llp) - Pacific North West
            ames / bluejelloqueen - Crazy Canuck (like there's really any other kind, eh? LOL)
            Chloe aka Prelsey_carter (Australia, but will be in Vancouver at that time)
            elephantgirl - weird Belgian that used to call Chicago home
            Donamac/Dona - another Pacific Northwester (love that rainy weather)
            Claire (clairec007) - Scotland
            Fresh Horse - Eureka!
            Wendy - m_wendy_r -- UK!
            Tesla_Twin / Cynthia - Switzerland (country of chocolates and mountains and lake!)
            ShimmeringStar - US
            Nat - halfbloodme - + Kazzie + Kerry - UK
            Isabelle (Oris) - France (AT.... ♥)
            CJM - New Zealand
            Suse (suse2301 or suse_germany) - Germany
            Franny - Ireland / Germany
            Susanne - Germany
            Neep/Eileen - New Zealand
            XFchemist (Silvia) - Italy
            Devilish Me (Irena) - Serbia
            Jumble - UK
            Josiane - UK
            Sarai - UK
            Cags - UK
            MoB- Brooklyn
            lame moose (mocha)-chicagoland-land of chicago bears, but no moose
            trindajae - oregon
            Len - Canada (Land of Gentle Giants?)

            AT5 cocktail party attendees
            Celandine / Brenda
            Neep / Eileen
            MoB / Jennifer
            SamJackShipLover / Annelies (still undecided)

            Musical! Thursday 10th February

            Dinner @ Anderson's, Surrey
            Monday 14th February
            MoB(can do either date)
            Laurie (LLP) either day
            lame moose(mocha)possibly

            Wednesday 9th February preferred

            I got left off. By the way, would anyone be interested in doing dinner Thursday night if you aren't going to be attending the musical theatre?


              Hi everyone,

              Loving all the baby talk, Lies, Milou looks beautiful! And I loved her little gabit bib, so cute!

              All this talk makes me want a baby LOL. I have a niece who is 8 years old, and a nephew who is 1 ½ I remember the first time I looked after them both together, it was hard because the little one wasn't used to being away from his Mum and when he cried I couldn't pick him up and my carer had to do it for me. But I know this won't last long as little ones very quickly learn to climb up on my feet to reach me for cuddles and things. One really cool thing he has done since he was about a year old without ever been encouraged or asked to do is, if I drop something on the floor he will automatically come over pick it up and give it back to me. It's like that he understands even at his age there are some things his aunty can't do.

              And of course my niece is brilliant and she still listens to me when she's being naughty even though she knows that if she was to disobey me there isn't an awful lot I can do about it. She does tests my rules at times but she is a good girl mostly. I love them both very much!

              Oooh and don't worry guys there is always an able bodied person with me when I babysit my niece and nephew.

              Oh dear and now I've hijacked the thread with baby and little one talk, please forgive me.

              Isn't there a convention going on somewhere soon?!

              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                Originally posted by penjab View Post
                I got left off. By the way, would anyone be interested in doing dinner Thursday night if you aren't going to be attending the musical theatre?
                Definitely interested!! But I'm still not making definite plans lol. There are a couple of pubs (one with an attached restaurant) and a McDonalds nearby and there's also the hotel restaurant, maybe we can just decide then where we want to go? But we can start a list, so we know how many people and who to wait for.

                Dinner! Thursday 10th February location to be decided then
                SamJackShipLover (Annelies) possibly

                Julia, love the story about your niece and nephew! That's so cute and nice of both of them.

                I have decided that in case my husband doesn't want to come along, I won't bring Milou. Because I'll be travelling all alone then (normally I travel with Flow, but she is going earlier together with her BF). And I don't think I can manage travelling alone with a 6 months old!
                Hubby is still undecided what he wants to do ...


                  OK, here are all lists and I added one for the cocktail party, I would like to know who is going
                  Feel free to add yourself to any list.

                  AT5 attendees
                  SamJackShipLover (Annelies) + Flow + possibly Nubbin- Holland
                  Celandine/Brenda - USA
                  LeeFraser - Alison - UK
                  2Shy/Sanna - Sweden (But really �land)
                  EH-T- land of moose and beaver
                  Scythe - Jen - UK
                  antoa - land of unemployment (for now)
                  Hannah (Tittamiire) - UK and my own planet
                  Julia (samcarterrules) - Scotland
                  Donna (Julia's carer) - Scotland
                  Doris (Julia's carer) - Scotland
                  PengYn - land of shiny hair and hug-me eyes
                  Andrea (Andy) - Germany
                  Laurie (llp) - Pacific North West
                  ames / bluejelloqueen - Crazy Canuck (like there's really any other kind, eh? LOL)
                  Chloe aka Prelsey_carter (Australia, but will be in Vancouver at that time)
                  elephantgirl - weird Belgian that used to call Chicago home
                  Donamac/Dona - another Pacific Northwester (love that rainy weather)
                  Claire (clairec007) - Scotland
                  Fresh Horse - Eureka!
                  Wendy - m_wendy_r -- UK!
                  Tesla_Twin / Cynthia - Switzerland (country of chocolates and mountains and lake!)
                  ShimmeringStar - US
                  Nat - halfbloodme - + Kazzie + Kerry - UK
                  Isabelle (Oris) - France (AT.... ♥)
                  CJM - New Zealand
                  Suse (suse2301 or suse_germany) - Germany
                  Franny - Ireland / Germany
                  Susanne - Germany
                  Neep/Eileen - New Zealand
                  XFchemist (Silvia) - Italy
                  Devilish Me (Irena) - Serbia
                  Jumble - UK
                  Josiane - UK
                  Sarai - UK
                  Cags - UK
                  MoB- Brooklyn
                  lame moose (mocha)-chicagoland-land of chicago bears, but no moose
                  trindajae - oregon
                  Len - Canada (Land of Gentle Giants?)

                  AT5 cocktail party attendees
                  Celandine / Brenda
                  Neep / Eileen
                  MoB / Jennifer
                  SamJackShipLover / Annelies (still undecided)
                  lame moose (mocha)

                  Musical! Thursday 10th February

                  Dinner @ Anderson's, Surrey
                  Monday 14th February
                  MoB(can do either date)
                  Laurie (LLP) either day

                  Wednesday 9th February preferred

                  had to take my name off the monday dinner list. i'll be day tripping by train each day and will be getting back to the ren late each night i think, so doubt i'll be able to go.


                    AT5 attendees
                    SamJackShipLover (Annelies) + Flow + possibly Nubbin- Holland
                    Celandine/Brenda - USA
                    LeeFraser - Alison - UK
                    2Shy/Sanna - Sweden (But really �land)
                    EH-T- land of moose and beaver
                    Scythe - Jen - UK
                    antoa - land of unemployment (for now)
                    Hannah (Tittamiire) - UK and my own planet
                    Julia (samcarterrules) - Scotland
                    Donna (Julia's carer) - Scotland
                    Doris (Julia's carer) - Scotland
                    PengYn - land of shiny hair and hug-me eyes
                    Andrea (Andy) - Germany
                    Laurie (llp) - Pacific North West
                    ames / bluejelloqueen - Crazy Canuck (like there's really any other kind, eh? LOL)
                    Chloe aka Prelsey_carter (Australia, but will be in Vancouver at that time)
                    elephantgirl - weird Belgian that used to call Chicago home
                    Donamac/Dona - another Pacific Northwester (love that rainy weather)
                    Claire (clairec007) - Scotland
                    Fresh Horse - Eureka!
                    Wendy - m_wendy_r -- UK!
                    Tesla_Twin / Cynthia - Switzerland (country of chocolates and mountains and lake!)
                    ShimmeringStar - US
                    Nat - halfbloodme - + Kazzie + Kerry - UK
                    Isabelle (Oris) - France (AT.... ♥)
                    CJM - New Zealand
                    Suse (suse2301 or suse_germany) - Germany
                    Franny - Ireland / Germany
                    Susanne - Germany
                    Neep/Eileen - New Zealand
                    XFchemist (Silvia) - Italy
                    Devilish Me (Irena) - Serbia
                    Jumble - UK
                    Josiane - UK
                    Sarai - UK
                    Cags - UK
                    MoB- Brooklyn
                    lame moose (mocha)-chicagoland-land of chicago bears, but no moose
                    trindajae - oregon
                    Len - Canada (Land of Gentle Giants?)

                    AT5 cocktail party attendees
                    Celandine / Brenda
                    Neep / Eileen
                    MoB / Jennifer
                    SamJackShipLover / Annelies (still undecided)
                    lame moose (mocha)

                    Musical! Thursday 10th February

                    Dinner! Thursday 10th February - location to be decided then
                    SamJackShipLover (Annelies) possibly

                    Dinner @ Anderson's, Surrey
                    Monday 14th February
                    MoB(can do either date)
                    Laurie (LLP) either day

                    Wednesday 9th February preferred

                    Thanks Lies for starting it and bringing the main list down, too. I've added your Thursday dinner out option to it as well so it won't get missed in the mass of posts.

                    All I might add to the baby talk, is that mother's will learn their babies own individual cry and what they mean. It might take a few days or weeks to distinguish, but some innate sense lets you know when baby is hungry, soiled or even fearful. The pitches are different. I even heard one study where mother's could pick their child's cry out of a few they listened to. It's just natural.

                    As to toddlers crying/tantrums... Well, that's mostly done for show. I say tough love wins out in all cases. Heeding their cries and bending to their wills makes them quite spoiled. If it's really something serious they're crying about, something life-threatening, a mother (or even father!) will be able to distinguish between the two. Developing boundaries of what you expect in different situations is also key and needs to start early.

                    Okay, enough.


                      The next Sanctuary For Kids auction will run from October 21-31 and will consist of props and costumes. No details yet on the exact items but will let you know.

                      BTW, no coktail party ticket for me but I am happy for those who did get one, especially the first timers. I have absolutely no problem with all attendees posting about the party on this thread. Happy to share in their joy (looking for it wherever I can find it these days).

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        The next Sanctuary For Kids auction will run from October 21-31 and will consist of props and costumes. No details yet on the exact items but will let you know.
                        BTW, no coktail party ticket for me but I am happy for those who did get one, especially the first timers. I have absolutely no problem with all attendees posting about the party on this thread. Happy to share in their joy (looking for it wherever I can find it these days).
                        It's good to see you back EH-T but I do wish circumstances were better for you. *hugs* Take care. xo
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          120 days till i leave!!!


                            Hugs Eh-T. Ma-hoosive hugs.
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              Hugs Eh-T. Ma-hoosive hugs.
                              I thought you were trying to say moose-ive hugs as in moose/massive hugs. But yeah, that'll work too.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                The next Sanctuary For Kids auction will run from October 21-31 and will consist of props and costumes. No details yet on the exact items but will let you know.

                                BTW, no coktail party ticket for me but I am happy for those who did get one, especially the first timers. I have absolutely no problem with all attendees posting about the party on this thread. Happy to share in their joy (looking for it wherever I can find it these days).
                                I have no problem with people posting about the cocktail party on this thread either, as EH-T says, happy to share in their joy.

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

