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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    That definitely is true! I read some books and they say: listen to your baby, you will know what it needs. Right ... not me ... hehe. In the beginning you have to learn. Now it is easier and I usually know what she needs.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Kids are funny things. With my nieces we quickly learned that if they fell over and we all leaped up to check on them they would enjoy the attention and shed a few tears. If they fell over and we held back a reaction a few seconds, 9 times out of 10 they would pull themselves up and toddle off happy as.

      But baby cries, different again. When a newborn cries I can almost feel my ovaries ache Instinct is to wrap them up, hug them and hand them to their mum. I was holding a 2 month old for someone while they got their eyes tested at the optometrist I work in- she was fine with me but later on with a coworker the wails started and I found myself elbowing her aside, cuddling the wee girl and taking her straight to her mum.

      What happens when I have my own? Who do I hand them too? Lies... you are that mum. Wow. My mind is blown.

      *ETA* oh, and the wee baby had that nommy warm new baby smell.
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        me neice is in that 3.5 almost 4 year range, and she can toss a tantrum like nobody's business. she was particularly grumpy last night and refused to get in the tub to the point that she got put in time out, then when she was still grunting instead of talking (when she's tossing a fit you'll ask her something and instead of answering you she'll go 'eh' or make a noise.) so she got a swat on the butt.

        dunno why she was in such a bad mood.

        but there have been 'crying for attention' moments, and other 'honey, you're fine' attempts at crying when she falls and we just encourage her to get back up and keep going...and then there are those moments where she did hurt herself, or scare herself and she needs a good cuddle.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

          *ETA* oh, and the wee baby had that nommy warm new baby smell.
          Heehee. Best smell in the world.

          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
            That definitely is true! I read some books and they say: listen to your baby, you will know what it needs. Right ... not me ... hehe. In the beginning you have to learn. Now it is easier and I usually know what she needs.
            I think it's always trial and improvement until you've got to know your baby.

            We sometimes get very little humans at work and as much as I generally prefer the bigger adolescent humans, the very little ones are adorable.

            So little and squidgy and wrinkly.
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
              Until they poop - or puke!
              When our kids would fall over, instead of fussing over the child we would check the ground and make sure it wasn't damaged -
              "Uh oh, did you put that crack in the concrete"? They usually stop thinking about their tumble and go check the ground to see what they may have done. Distraction can be an art...I wish I got paid for distracting kids from crying.
              Lies, looking at those adorable pictures of little Milou, you are obviously a wonderful mummy and doing a superb job...keep it up. Can't wait to meet your little princess one day. xo
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                My way of dealing with a fallen tot was to ask "What are you doing down there?" They soon learned to respond, "Getting up!"

                Once you get the hang of it, it is really easy to know whether the baby is grizzling just because it is tired, or hollering 'cos it's mad about something (and they can do that at a very young age!), or just plain miserable (wet, sore etc). You get so good at it that you can even do it with somebody else's baby.

                (with nearly 40 years experience :0 )
                For details of AT10 go to


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  me neice is in that 3.5 almost 4 year range, and she can toss a tantrum like nobody's business. she was particularly grumpy last night and refused to get in the tub to the point that she got put in time out, then when she was still grunting instead of talking (when she's tossing a fit you'll ask her something and instead of answering you she'll go 'eh' or make a noise.) so she got a swat on the butt.

                  dunno why she was in such a bad mood.

                  but there have been 'crying for attention' moments, and other 'honey, you're fine' attempts at crying when she falls and we just encourage her to get back up and keep going...and then there are those moments where she did hurt herself, or scare herself and she needs a good cuddle.
                  My little cousin Ethan was a psycho baby, really, I've never seen a more crazy baby. He would cry because he wanted something, he would point to something on a table or counter, and we would hand him different things until he took what he wanted, and stop crying. Once, and him had McDonalds, and he'd start crying because my meal was bigger than his. I think those things helped us learn what he wanted, and by him crying we learned what it was he was asking for, but he would never cry when he had a dirty diper, only when he was hungry.


                    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                    I will be going. YAY. Aw, poor Milou. Yeah, at 2 weeks old babies are crying for a reason. I think figuring out all of a baby's cries in the beginning must be the hardest thing for a first time mum.
                    Hi. This may be the first time I got lucky EVER. I got a mail I got a cocktail ticket too. Can anyone elaborate a little? I mean, I´d love to go but what exactly is it all about? How many people go? Does everybody know each other in advance?

                    I promised myself I´d be more active in the thread but I´ve been so busy I simply couldn´t find enough time to come more frequently...and it´s a long thread. I can´t find time even for fan fiction. Can someone talk about previous GABITs experiences?

                    I offer my counsel as a pediatrician if needed as it seems there are a few moms and kids in this thread.


                      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                      My little cousin Ethan was a psycho baby, really, I've never seen a more crazy baby. He would cry because he wanted something, he would point to something on a table or counter, and we would hand him different things until he took what he wanted, and stop crying. Once, and him had McDonalds, and he'd start crying because my meal was bigger than his. I think those things helped us learn what he wanted, and by him crying we learned what it was he was asking for, but he would never cry when he had a dirty diper, only when he was hungry.
                      Love you banner. Amanda just improves with age.


                        Originally posted by DOIKECARTER View Post
                        Hi. This may be the first time I got lucky EVER. I got a mail I got a cocktail ticket too. Can anyone elaborate a little? I mean, I´d love to go but what exactly is it all about? How many people go? Does everybody know each other in advance?

                        I promised myself I´d be more active in the thread but I´ve been so busy I simply couldn´t find enough time to come more frequently...and it´s a long thread. I can´t find time even for fan fiction. Can someone talk about previous GABITs experiences?

                        I offer my counsel as a pediatrician if needed as it seems there are a few moms and kids in this thread.
                        Third time seemed to be the charm for me so I can only relate what I know about the CP second-hand at the moment, if that would suffice?

                        The Cocktail Party is limited in number which is why it's so sought after (for the most part) and the chance to play dress up, eat a very nice meal with friends and with the added bonus of AT chatting at your table for a few minutes afterward is pretty special. You also get a group pic of Amanda and everyone else at your table which is included in the ticket price.

                        If I'm not mistaken, I do believe you can choose who you would like to sit with at your table as well. I'll wait confirmation on this from the G4 though as I sort of waiting myself. If so, then you will definitely know your seatmates if that makes you feel more comfortable.

                        Hope this helps with your decision!


                          You can definitely choose who you sit with, but if you're not a group of 9, they can't guarantuee (sp?) it. But I think it usually works out. Often there will be plans made for a Samandan table

                          At least, this was how it was for AT4. I can't find anything about it on the FAQ for AT5, but I expect it will be the same.

                          I think at AT4 there were 90 people, 10 tables of 9 people (and 1 spot reserved for Amanda). For each attendee, Becky made a charm that represents you, so you have something to talk with Amanda about, or with the other people at your table. I think that´s why it´s called a charmed pass.

                          Oh, and the weird thing is, the cocktailparty doesn't actually involve cocktails


                            the cocktail party is 'smart attire'. no jeans, no sweats, no shorts, no tennies/trainers.
                            Business casual/professional at the minimum. and you can get as fancy as you want. some wear their evening attire, suits, gowns, etc.

                            Making up the times here, you'll gt into the room at 645ish. you'll have a drink ticket for 1 cocktail/alcoholic beverage or two soft drinks. there will also be water at the table. You will have assigned seating. At each place is a charm specially made just for you. There will also be a centerpiece of some sort, also hand made.

                            Horsdourves will be served, which are often just as good as a meal (might even be a meal)

                            You'll have time to eat, likely 45 minutes to an hour or so. Then amanda will come in. She'll make a few comments, she'll circulate through the room, spending about 10 minutes at each table (or more as Julia struggles not to break out her silk cattle prod )

                            You'll get a group shot of amanda with all of you. then she'll move on.

                            Once she's visited at each table, she'll leave and you can leave or stay, most leave (and they do only have the room for so long)

                            As long as she's in the room, people are asked to not wander around....meaning if you're at table 4 and she's at table 5, don't go lurking around and adding to the chaos and being a distraction.

                            Also, if she's at your table, you are asked to NOT take photos. She's got abouot 10 minutes to chat with you guys, and that's what she wants to do, chat. It's not fair for one person to 'hog' the time getting photos or blinding everyone with flash bulbs.

                            and that is the cocktail party, in a nutshell.

                            Disclaimer: this is based on experience from the past, this one might be like this, might be less like, might be different...but will likely follow the same basic outline
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Until they poop - or puke!
                              LOL. Well, the itty bitties in my family have all been breastfed, and that poop doesn't smell, I kid you not! But puke, well, that's a matter of having very washable clothing. Babies rock!

                              And back to Topic:

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              the cocktail party is 'smart attire'. no jeans, no sweats, no shorts, no tennies/trainers.
                              Business casual/professional at the minimum. and you can get as fancy as you want. some wear their evening attire, suits, gowns, etc.

                              Making up the times here, you'll gt into the room at 645ish. you'll have a drink ticket for 1 cocktail/alcoholic beverage or two soft drinks. there will also be water at the table. You will have assigned seating. At each place is a charm specially made just for you. There will also be a centerpiece of some sort, also hand made.

                              Horsdourves will be served, which are often just as good as a meal (might even be a meal)

                              You'll have time to eat, likely 45 minutes to an hour or so. Then amanda will come in. She'll make a few comments, she'll circulate through the room, spending about 10 minutes at each table (or more as Julia struggles not to break out her silk cattle prod )

                              You'll get a group shot of amanda with all of you. then she'll move on.

                              Once she's visited at each table, she'll leave and you can leave or stay, most leave (and they do only have the room for so long)

                              As long as she's in the room, people are asked to not wander around....meaning if you're at table 4 and she's at table 5, don't go lurking around and adding to the chaos and being a distraction.

                              Also, if she's at your table, you are asked to NOT take photos. She's got abouot 10 minutes to chat with you guys, and that's what she wants to do, chat. It's not fair for one person to 'hog' the time getting photos or blinding everyone with flash bulbs.

                              and that is the cocktail party, in a nutshell.

                              Disclaimer: this is based on experience from the past, this one might be like this, might be less like, might be different...but will likely follow the same basic outline
                              Thanks for sharing! I had no idea either. Sounds like so much fun.

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Thanks Sky for the more detailed account of the CP. I had a vague idea based one what others had told me and going on what other conventions do for similar 'special' dinners.

                                Is it safe to start a list of those going to the CP or would this exclusionary? I know a few with tickets are still deciding and I'd like to get an idea as to who is actually firm on going. I wouldn't want to make others feel badly though if they were hoping for a ticket and didn't get their name drawn in the lottery.

