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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
    I'm going to be working with Jill on getting some of the S4K t-shirts available at AT5.

    Glad to hear it. Otherwise I'm sure all we TSE attendees would have been buying t-shirts to take to London in February.

    Originally posted by ames View Post

    ...and as for the curling commentary being shouted out as a distraction, I'd like to caution that breaking the tension/distracting Eh-T by spontaneously yelling "HARD!" while Amanda is running to a potential bidder is likely to cause some misunderstandings... Although, I can see how it might be highly amusing...
    *waits for Becks to don her health-and-safety hat and smack me upside the head ... remembers that I now own her hat ... hehehehe....*
    Hurry hard!!

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      Hurry hard!!
      Did I hear curling? Maybe not I miss curling.

      But, I LOOOOOVE frequent flier miles Nothing like a free trip across the ocean. Now I just hope the volcano doesn't go off again in February.


        Originally posted by babancat View Post
        Sadly, I won't be able to go to Canada anymore this summer. My DH was hit by a car on Sunday night and is now in hospital. I'll miss seeing you all there.
        Mumsy, I've sent an email to Gabit Central (ask the G4 one).
        (((babancat))) Hope all is ok. Take care and I'm sorry that you now can't make it to Vanctuary.
        Originally posted by ames View Post
        How could you forget your horns? We were the horny girls Hehehe....

        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Glad to hear it. Otherwise I'm sure all we TSE attendees would have been buying t-shirts to take to London in February.
        I already have one TSE attendee bringing a shirt to NZ for me...even though I live in Aus - we're meeting up there right after Vanctuary. Wish I could attend all events but such is life. I'm still aiming at AT6...hubby has already been notified and fully aware of my future travel plans.
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          Did I hear curling? Maybe not I miss curling.

          But, I LOOOOOVE frequent flier miles Nothing like a free trip across the ocean. Now I just hope the volcano doesn't go off again in February.
          Shhhhhhh! Don't even think it.

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            There's like 3 active/semi active volcanoes in the area plus vancouver does get earthquakes....don't tempt fate

            (mt ranier, mt st helens, yellowstone)
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              1 month from today it all starts!!!!!

              29 days till i take off.....and counting every minute...well, almost every minute-i have trouble counting that high!



                Hi guys!

                First time poster here and first time Gabiter. So very excited for Vanctuary in less than a month!!

                Cheers and beers,

                Lovebar made by natz099
                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                  Did I hear curling? Maybe not I miss curling.

                  But, I LOOOOOVE frequent flier miles Nothing like a free trip across the ocean. Now I just hope the volcano doesn't go off again in February.
                  Knew the curling comment would bring you out of lurkdom.

                  Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post

                  Hi guys!

                  First time poster here and first time Gabiter. So very excited for Vanctuary in less than a month!!

                  Cheers and beers,
                  Welcome to the thread and the wonderful world of Gabitdom. I'm sure you will have a blast.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    with only 26 days left till SE, it's awfully quiet here and over on the gabit forum. is everybody busy packing, etc.?


                      Originally posted by lame moose View Post
                      with only 26 days left till SE, it's awfully quiet here and over on the gabit forum. is everybody busy packing, etc.?
                      Trying to figure out what to take and what to leave behind! (I'm moving to Vancouver)

                      Lovebar made by natz099
                      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                        Busy working so I can get caught up a bit before I take off. Really looking forward to the break though.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
                          Trying to figure out what to take and what to leave behind! (I'm moving to Vancouver)
                          Take everything you might think maybe just maybe you might want. When I moved I went though everything I had (and there was a lot). I gave away some, tossed some and packed everything else and took it with me. Since then, I have given some more away, but found I was glad I took some stuff I didn't think I would need. Only time not to that is if you have parents willing to spend the cost of shipping things to you when you find you need them and you better not be in too much of a hurry! Sadly, I had no such person.


                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            Take everything you might think maybe just maybe you might want. When I moved I went though everything I had (and there was a lot). I gave away some, tossed some and packed everything else and took it with me. Since then, I have given some more away, but found I was glad I took some stuff I didn't think I would need. Only time not to that is if you have parents willing to spend the cost of shipping things to you when you find you need them and you better not be in too much of a hurry! Sadly, I had no such person.
                            Thanks for the tip!

                            Lovebar made by natz099
                            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                              what a horrible day. i really hate the 4th of july. my dog is going crazy-he's terrified of all the fire crackers and fireworks. he threw up way in the back of my closet,and now i have to watch him all night because he's diabetic and he already had his insulin. i have candy ready for an emergency(for him not me). as long as i have to stay up, i might as well shampoo the carpet in the closet. 24 days till take off. that's the only thing keeping me sane(well, as minimally sane as i usually am). i just have to keep thinking about vancouver. i really did enjoy the dark choc. s'more i had today, tho. haven't had one for a few years.

                              hope i see a moose there!!!
                              Last edited by lame moose (mocha); 04 July 2010, 08:17 PM. Reason: late thought


                                T minus 20 days till I land in Vangroovy ... eeep!
                                So in three weeks (almost to the hour, actually -- cool!), there'll be a highly zombified ames wandering about the city - LOL ;P

                                I've been working as much as possible to ensure I've got the funds avail to do fun stuff whilst I'm over there (and still pay those pesky bills back home) ... and to make sure I've got enough blue jello ... thankfully WestJet allows two checked bags... (Yes, I have arranged for some fridge space -- now to arrange logistics of making the copious amounts of bluey goodness ... and how to get them all to the ball safely in one piece!)

                                I've also had my fair share of lovely mini-migranes (seasonal weather patterns FTW! /sarcasm), lots of family stuff (made my version of a Dolly Varden cake for my dad's bday on Fri - seemed to have gone over fairly well, so apparently my baking skills are still fairly up to snuff ) ... my nephew is now 7 months old (and growing so fast!) and did I mention working like crazy? Yup, that's been my last few weeks

                                Plans are starting to come together a bit for Vancouver ... as previously mentioned, there's a meal happening between TSE and MTM ... In my case I'm also trying to arrange to meet up with a friend who teaches in the city (whom I haven't seen in 5 years! Gah!), hopefully confirm that I'm staying at another friend's place (also in the city), and coordinate with ppl arriving at all different hours and days to meet up at some point in there as well - oh and do the touristy stuff while I'm at it, of course Yay for logistics! (*takes cap off to Julia, our resident queen of logistical finaglings )

                                Sleep. Sleep is also good. So I hear. *blinks*
                                *takes deep breath*
                                So ... can't wait to see y'all again -- or meet you for the first time, whichever
                                If you haven't actually met me yet, just look for the bouncy girl talking very quickly with a slightly morphing accent, likely to be sporting blue jello
                                If you have already, be prepared for huggage! YAY! *bounces*
                                (ooooh - head spins ... I think I need to either increase the sleep or decrease the sugar consumption levels ... hmmmmm...)
                                *wanders off in search of more fluids to combat the lovely humidity up here*
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                                ames on facebook
                                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )

