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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    Oooh... what if the Nubbin grows up to be one of those people who just can't stand sci fi?

    Just putting it out there.

    Ooooh! Don't even think such things....!


      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      Oooh... what if the Nubbin grows up to be one of those people who just can't stand sci fi?

      Just putting it out there.

      *covers babys ears* (errr ... not sure how though ... )

      With the amount of SG I'm watching these days, that's practically impossible. I mean ... Nubbins don't have a mind of their own right?? Hehe.

      Mocha .. I'm SamJackShipLover everywhere!! Easy Except on Twtiter, cause you know ... RL people follow me there lol.

      TSE is the first official Sanctuary Con, but there has been a "Sanctuary" con before. At Haven one there were Robin, Emilie, Chris and Chuck. But obviously with Amanda and Damiand and Martin this one is official and more Sanctuarian. It will be super cool!


        Originally posted by SG7 View Post
        I have a few from GateCon '08 that I can send ya! Does it matter if there are other guests in the picture or would you want them photoshopped out? And I have Photoshop and could "tile" them if I knew what that meant! LOL! As I am assuming that you would want them cropped to a certian size? Or I could just send them to you and let you do as you want with them.

        Always happy to share for Charity. Especially for Amanda!
        Thank you so much for wanting to participate! I’d be wonderful and much appreciated if you could and would make tiles. You’ll find the ‘how to’ in the spoiler tag – and if you want to know more just read the rest of the info >>here<<.

        Anyone familiarly with making icons/user pics for live journal and such will know what this is all about. However there are a few guidelines to be followed:
        • The tiles must be made out of your own photographs (If you want to make tiles out of someone else’s photographs you have to have their express permission to do so.)
        • The size of a tile has to be 100x100 pixels.
        • They can only feature Amanda Tapping.
        • They have to be in grayscale/black & white (don’t be discourage by this though, there’s still plenty of things to play around with; size, cropping, contrast, structure etc.)
        • No text.

        Remember! You can not make any tiles from any copyrighted images that you have not been given the express permission to use from the copyright holder. This includes screen captions, promotion pictures, event photographs, official behind the scenes photos, posters etc. (If you're unsure if you can use a photo or not, just ask!)

        Send the finished tiles to [email protected]. Please include your full name (and screen name) in the mail.

        The amount of creative work you put into them are up to you, it can be everything from just resizing and converting to grayscale to very advanced and detailed photoshopping. We’re going to need all kinds of variations of tiles, the more variety the better.

        FAQ (some of it)
        Can I make tiles with more persons in it other than Amanda?
        The short answer is no. The aim of this mosaic is to have only pictures of Amanda. But if we’re talking about people in the background or people that are unidentifiable I can make a judgment call, ask me if you’re not sure and I’ll decide from case to case.

        Can I make tiles out of photos with Amanda and animals (dogs for example)?

        Can I upload my tiles in a gallery (like Photobucket) and just send you the link?
        Preferably I would like it if the tiles were send directly to me. With the thousands of files I’ll be handling, it’ll be much less work for me that way.

        Can I make more than one tile out of the same photo?
        Yes. Each photo provides almost an indefinite number of possible variations when it comes to cropping, resizing and texturing.

        What file format should I make the tiles?
        I would prefer high quality jpg. But I can accept just about any file type.

        Why does the tiles have to be in grayscale?
        It’ll be less work for me not having to worry about color and in the end I believe it’ll be a much cooler looking mosaic as a grayscale.

        Originally posted by Suse_germany View Post
        Sounds like a brilliant idea to me...
        how long do you plan to take pictures? I got some pretty good close ups from AT4... but I think I won't manage to send them out before middle of July... as I am moving into a new flat and the portable harddrive is in some box but don't ask me which :-(
        The deadline is September 1st, so no worries there’s plenty of time for submissions.

        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Not able to quote anything due to the nubbins.

        good on you for doing this for the charity auction. Sorry I have no pictures to contribute (not that I would know how to deal with them even if I had them) but perhaps I can contribute by bidding on it at the auction.
        My thoughts exactly!
        No worries, just knowing that people are supporting this project and cheering from the sidelines goes a long way

        Originally posted by lame moose View Post
        i've got several pix from the 4 times i saw amanda last year. i'll have to figure out how to send them for the project. the last time i sent anyone a picture it almost crashed their site. it was to gabit and i had no idea that it was a big file. i've learned how to send smaller pictures now. thanks to the wonderful people who work at the apple store. so i'll start working on that tomorrow. ok, just wanted to say hi to everyone.

        susan (mocha on gabit forum)
        Looking forward to your photos! If you have any problem sending them just send me a mail at [email protected] and I’m sure we can figure something out.

        And finally: if anyone is interested in making tiles the lovely elephantgirl have given her permission for anyone willing to make tiles out of her photos.
        (Here you're free to use all the photos)
        (Please note that it’s only from the linked page you’re allowed to use the AT photos, there’s some of AT on a later page too but those are not from elephantgirl.)


          Just wanted to share ... totally off-topic. If you go here, set the slider to 30 weeks (where it sais 5 weken at one side and 40 weken at the other ... the site is in Dutch), you see how the baby in my tummy looks like right about now. It's really hard to believe I'm carrying that. But oh so wonderful


            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            Oooh... what if the Nubbin grows up to be one of those people who just can't stand sci fi?

            Just putting it out there.

            We will still love her/him. Some of my favourite people have no clue what Stargate/Sanctuary is all about.

            Originally posted by llp View Post
            Personally, I haven't learned how to do it but to edit and cut on my own. If there is another way, I don't know it....
            The problem is with the GW site. Sometimes I can't get the cursor to go where it is supposed to go.

            No kidding unless you own a MAC truck or something..... But that would be cool to see a moose up close and personal....they have such a fun looking body. I've seen bears, deer, and even wild turkeys, but never a moose.
            The shape of the moose is why they are so deadly on the road. A car hits the legs and the body flips up and either smashes through the windshield or lands on the roof crushing the driver. I believe at one point I heard the leading cause of highway accidents in Newfoundland was moose.

            Now that is a hardship I could learn to live with. You are lucky you have family that are going and are willing to have you come along - of course, why wouldn't they...
            Of course they are happy to have me come along, I'm a lot of fun!

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              *bounces in*
              Howdy to all the new thread-mates! *waves*

              On a semi-OT note, my new job is kicking my ... well, quite a few bits of my anatomy are currently sore, to be honest On the upside, there's open over-time, so not only are those much desired benefits creeping closer and closer, but the bank accounts are starting to look much more healthy (Hence it only being semi-OT, b/c the health of the bank accounts is directly related to my GABIT-related activities! *bounces again*)

              Yay to 2Shy for the new project! I'm not sure if I've got any pics that would work for your cause, but I'd be more than happy to share if they do ... have a looksee on my FB, and let me know if anything jumps out as being of appropriate quality

              Double yay to SJSL - not too much further now! Don't worry about the nubbin's choice of entertainment -- I'm with Eh-T's assessment that we'll love him/her regardless! My wee nephew Vince is very much into Harry Potter (big bright colours FTW ) and apparently the other night his dad tried Star Wars on him (he likes the glowing light sabers, laser guns ... y'know, bright colours! LOL) Then again, he also quite enjoys most of the shows on Treehouse. Actually, for a 5 month old, he's highly agreeable Speaking of which, the girl I was working with asked me the other night if I knew of Bob the Builder - I responded by singing the entire theme song. All together now!

              I am so looking forward to seeing everyone again -- or for the first time, that works too! Yes, I've begun to amass my blue jello stash once again... Feel free to join in with the anticipatory bouncing
              ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

              SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
              ames on facebook
              ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                Hi Mocha! And welcome back Suse!

                Sanna ... woo hoo ... can't wait for pics to come in to start some iconmaking!!
                hi, you're one of the few i recognize along with eh-t, mumsey, becky, julia and there was one other, can't remember now. the gabit forum is really dead right now, so i'm glad i found this thread. vancouver seems so long away until i balanced my check book(which i try not to do too often) now i almost wish it was longer. i'll have to go back to making minimum payments on bills for a couple months and cut back on the starbucks. that should help. you know, i just happened to think(which i also try not to do too often) about how much money i would have to save to buy all the film i used taking pictures on my trips and then the small fortune i paid to have it all developed afterwords. wow, what a difference it makes having a digital camera now. i don't need to lug around a second suitcase just for my film...i have a few little tiny flat flash cards and that's it. i can certainly use the money i save on that to play tourist for a couple days instead. i was in vancouver last spring for the creation con, but didn't get to see much of the area. we left the morning after the con and went to vanc. island. didn't get to see much of that either because my poor little diabetic dog got deathly ill and we spent our time at the vets with him. he was an overnight guest there. thank goodness he was ok after a few days and we got to spend a day in victoria, which is a neat place. i'll have to start searching the touristy info and plan. are there any moose near vancouver?


                  i can't remember if i read anything here about the award that amanda has been nominated for. it's on the gabit thread and has been on twitter. just in case anyone is not aware,she was nominated for YWCA Women of Distinction Award. and there is a "connecting the community" organization that gives 10,000 to the winner's charity of choice. you can vote once a day at <> there is a long list there, and amanda is one of the top 3 so far. they have a blue bar that shows the standings in the voting. amanda is asking us to vote for her, and to pass it on. i'm sure she wouldn't ask except for the money that will go to her charity. so go vote!! and if you already knew or if i missed someone else's post about this than just ignore it. and then go vote. voting ends 5/28


                    Originally posted by lame moose View Post
                    hi eh-t, i finally found my way over here to the gabit thread. didn't even know there was one here till a few days ago. i've read thru the last 50-60 pages and wow, i've missed a lot. i'm all set for vancouver, although i'm trying to talk the person who will be taking care of my mother and diabetic dog into staying with them for 2-3 more days so i can do a little sight seeing-maybe a whale watch trip. hopefully that will work out. we drove across canada(ontario to bc) last spring for the vancouver con and didn't see a single moose. so i'm beginning to doubt there are really any there. i really wanted to see some and was very disappointed. i did see some buffalo, but it just wasn't the same. very disappointing. so i will see you and trin and several others that i met at at4 and am looking forward to that. things are also set for at5. i went to iceland after at4. why couldn't the volcano erupt then?! that would have been soooo cool. all i saw were dormant ones(which were still pretty awesome when you think about it).
                    i've got several pix from the 4 times i saw amanda last year. i'll have to figure out how to send them for the project. the last time i sent anyone a picture it almost crashed their site. it was to gabit and i had no idea that it was a big file. i've learned how to send smaller pictures now. thanks to the wonderful people who work at the apple store. so i'll start working on that tomorrow. ok, just wanted to say hi to everyone.

                    susan (mocha on gabit forum)
                    When in 1964 a friend and I started driving from New York to Alberta, we were surprised to see our first moose in Northern Ontario! And I am sure our VW bug could have driven under it! It was enormous and right smack in the middle of the road. He stood there for a minute after I slammed on the brakes and turned and strolled slowly off into the woods. After that we were very careful each time we came to a curve--slowing down and stretching our necks to be sure no more moose showed up. Wish I had a picture but we were both in shock at the size of the beast. We never encountered any more moose until Alberta where we saw them (one at a time) wading around in swamps and lakes. They are awesome creatures.


                      Sadly one has to be living in the Netherlands in able to view this. I'd be facsinated to see it having never been pregnant. (And if I had been the technology would more than likely not have been around yet. LOL)

                      I think of you often over there swelling up day by day and thinking "better you than me"! Hope everything continues to go well and that you don't get too uncomfortable before the big day. Get plenty of sleep--to bad there's not a way to store up sleep for the months ahead.


                        I was doing the daily crossword today and there was the clue "North American deer."

                        The answer was moose.

                        As for the pregnancy- I looked at least 5 months after I came out of the laparoscopy, with all the gas they pumped into me Still feeling sore and bloated, but I'm going to try and go to university and work tomorrow.
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          As for the pregnancy- I looked at least 5 months after I came out of the laparoscopy, with all the gas they pumped into me Still feeling sore and bloated, but I'm going to try and go to university and work tomorrow.
                          Don't overdo it Neep! *hugs*


                            Oh, I won't. It's just 1 lecture and a 4 hours shift at work (which I will cut short if I need to). I will try to sleep on the train and will catch a bus both ways in the city- no walking great distances.
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Request: my computer got hit with a really bad malware and I had to wipe the drive and start over. I have lost all my bookmarks. Could anyone provide the links to the Gateworld forums for Sanctuary and Meet the Man. Thanks


                                Hi. I need advice. I´ve been Amanda´s fan for years and I´ve been on Gateworld forum for years too....but I´m not really too active. I don´t post a lot and this type of events seem a bit impressive. AT event seems really special but....Should I go by myself? Should I try to convince my sister to join me? Distance shouldn´t been a problem since Spain is embarrasingly near to England comparing to a few posts I´ve read so far and it´s once in a lifetime, so money shouldn´t be an excuse this time. I want to have fun...but sometimes it seems everyone already knows each other and it´s a little overwhelming.

                                Could anyone give some advice to a newbie? Thanks

