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    Originally posted by ames View Post
    Hey Lies, are you going to start a baby countdown for us? *is curious*
    Countdown is in my signature

    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    We got the results of the twin zygosity test, we're identical.
    That's so cool!!!

    I just got back from the weekend with my sis. Awesome weekend. We chatted lots, laughed even more, went swimming in the pool, took a walk at the beach, went for lovely dinners and watched lots of movies. I'm all relaxed now

    As to AT5 registration. I think I read somewhere on the gabitforum that we were supposed to get a prereg link sent or something. Seems like a logical way to make sure only people who actually preregged will register at that point.
    We'll see how it all goes!



      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      As to AT5 registration. I think I read somewhere on the gabitforum that we were supposed to get a prereg link sent or something. Seems like a logical way to make sure only people who actually preregged will register at that point.
      We'll see how it all goes!

      Fear not little ones. As you say, we are making sure that only people who got priority pre-reg get to register on the day allocated to them. Anyway we know your all names and have a list of who pre-registered so anyone who attempted to sneak through would be turned back pretty quick..LOL!

      You will be getting an email to give you the link for registering on the set day. Only after the priority pre-reg people have had their allotted time to register will we put out a general link for registration for AT5. Just as it says on the box (or website).

      To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
        Hey Chelle, Maybe those of us staying at home could have a virtual Con while everyone else is in Vancouver?
        I'm all for that. And lucky for me, in December, I get to meet Amanda, Chuck and Ryan...and at this point another yet to be announced guest. Then we can play again!
        Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
        Fear not little ones. As you say, we are making sure that only people who got priority pre-reg get to register on the day allocated to them. Anyway we know your all names and have a list of who pre-registered so anyone who attempted to sneak through would be turned back pretty quick..LOL!
        You will be getting an email to give you the link for registering on the set day. Only after the priority pre-reg people have had their allotted time to register will we put out a general link for registration for AT5. Just as it says on the box (or website).

        Feel free to remove my name from the pre-reg list Julia. My seat can go to someone who isn't preregged...unfortunately February is just too soon for me to travel that far.
        I do however intend to be ready to travel to AT6.
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
          Fear not little ones. As you say, we are making sure that only people who got priority pre-reg get to register on the day allocated to them. Anyway we know your all names and have a list of who pre-registered so anyone who attempted to sneak through would be turned back pretty quick..LOL!

          You will be getting an email to give you the link for registering on the set day. Only after the priority pre-reg people have had their allotted time to register will we put out a general link for registration for AT5. Just as it says on the box (or website).

          Oh, hi there Julia. Why do I feel like I've just been caught swearing by my mum?
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Heh... I have just been playing around with the preview function so see what is blocked and what isn't. There are some pretty filthy words that haven't made it onto the filter list.

            B*llocks is blocked, however.
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
              Fear not little ones. As you say, we are making sure that only people who got priority pre-reg get to register on the day allocated to them. Anyway we know your all names and have a list of who pre-registered so anyone who attempted to sneak through would be turned back pretty quick..LOL!

              You will be getting an email to give you the link for registering on the set day. Only after the priority pre-reg people have had their allotted time to register will we put out a general link for registration for AT5. Just as it says on the box (or website).

              Ah, awesome! Perhaps another countdown is in order?

              T minus 4 days till AT5 Prereg begins!

              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
              I'm all for that. And lucky for me, in December, I get to meet Amanda, Chuck and Ryan...and at this point another yet to be announced guest. Then we can play again!

              Feel free to remove my name from the pre-reg list Julia. My seat can go to someone who isn't preregged...unfortunately February is just too soon for me to travel that far.
              I do however intend to be ready to travel to AT6.
              You'll be Very. Much. Missed. *squeezes*


                As I couldn't be at AT4 I hung out on twitter and we had the #AT4TwitterParty It was fun and i met lots of new fans

                I know a few twals who are already planning to have a VanctuaryTwitterParty

                I will likely be doing it again next year for AT5...Chelle I'm also now aiming for AT6!!


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Feel free to remove my name from the pre-reg list Julia. My seat can go to someone who isn't preregged...unfortunately February is just too soon for me to travel that far. I do however intend to be ready to travel to AT6.
                  I think they are going to send it out to everyone on the list anyhow and if someone doesn't respond they'll sadly remove them from the list. Sorry to hear you won't make it to AT5. Start saving up for AT6.


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    Heh... I have just been playing around with the preview function so see what is blocked and what isn't. There are some pretty filthy words that haven't made it onto the filter list.

                    B*llocks is blocked, however.
                    So, where's the list of unacceptable words.....


                      Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                      Fear not little ones. As you say, we are making sure that only people who got priority pre-reg get to register on the day allocated to them. Anyway we know your all names and have a list of who pre-registered so anyone who attempted to sneak through would be turned back pretty quick..LOL!

                      You will be getting an email to give you the link for registering on the set day. Only after the priority pre-reg people have had their allotted time to register will we put out a general link for registration for AT5. Just as it says on the box (or website).

                      Heehee. Looooong time since I've been called a "little one".

                      Nice to know I'm on a list for a good reason for a change.

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      I'm all for that. And lucky for me, in December, I get to meet Amanda, Chuck and Ryan...and at this point another yet to be announced guest. Then we can play again!

                      Feel free to remove my name from the pre-reg list Julia. My seat can go to someone who isn't preregged...unfortunately February is just too soon for me to travel that far.
                      I do however intend to be ready to travel to AT6.
                      Sorry you are officially out of the running for AT5. On the bright side, you do get a December visit and look how fast AT5 came up. It will be (G4, please look away now) AT6 before you know it.

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Heh... I have just been playing around with the preview function so see what is blocked and what isn't. There are some pretty filthy words that haven't made it onto the filter list.

                      B*llocks is blocked, however.
                      Ok, time for the badge. "That's quite enough of that".

                      Originally posted by PaganX View Post
                      As I couldn't be at AT4 I hung out on twitter and we had the #AT4TwitterParty It was fun and i met lots of new fans

                      I know a few twals who are already planning to have a VanctuaryTwitterParty

                      I will likely be doing it again next year for AT5...Chelle I'm also now aiming for AT6!!
                      Get enough Aussies and Kiwis and come as a tour group!

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Oh, hi there Julia. Why do I feel like I've just been caught swearing by my mum?
                        Because you're the same age as my daughter Becka.


                        And you? Swear? No! Pants drop? Yes!
                        To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                          Originally posted by llp View Post
                          I think they are going to send it out to everyone on the list anyhow and if someone doesn't respond they'll sadly remove them from the list.
                          Correct. We'll send everyone who pre-regged a link for AT5. If they don't register within the time limit given then they don't end up with a ticket anyway, because the general link will then be launched for the rest of the tickets.

                          But it will be sad that you'all can't make it!

                          To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


                            quite obviously, the list isn't published

                            but if it's something you'd not say in front of a nun, probably a word that shouldn't be used here
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              quite obviously, the list isn't published

                              but if it's something you'd not say in front of a nun, probably a word that shouldn't be used here
                              You're assuming nuns don't cuss. However, years ago (when in college - better make that decades ago) I worked on an inner city project with a nun. She could let out a few choice words at times, but then always asked for forgiveness afterwards. She use to laugh and say one day she would have holly hell to pay for. Than she would laugh.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post

                                Ok, time for the badge. "That's quite enough of that".
                                Uh oh... does the sad face mean I've actually gone too far!? Soz, bro!

                                Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                                Because you're the same age as my daughter Becka.


                                And you? Swear? No! Pants drop? Yes!
                                Yay! Just never tell my dog. I don't want him thinking of his mum like that.

                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                quite obviously, the list isn't published

                                but if it's something you'd not say in front of a nun, probably a word that shouldn't be used here
                                I have done tequila shots with a nun. OK... an ex-nun. She said "Jesus, Mary and Joseph! You girls do this for fun!?" In an Irish accent. It was awesome.
                                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!

