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GABIT attendees thread

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    Chelle, don't worry about feeling that way. I feel for the people who weren't at AT4 and didn't have the chance to prereg too. But like others pointed out, all systems are unfair to some and of course, personally I'm glad I had the chance to preregister.

    I think AT4 was sold out in the end, but there were tickets coming available for a long while, everyone I know who wanted to go, who at first were told they missed out, in the end all got a ticket.

    Also, I'm not worried about hearing a date (I think someone said, don't worry), just excited to know


      Even though it takes place in London, AT events receive quite an international crowd. The factors in this is not everyone will be able to attend every year. Though one might have signed the form, many things can happen in a year to prevent someone from returning.

      Also, though I personally wouldn't want to see it happen for the intimacy value of the event, might it be possible to expand the attendance capacity? This way, more people interested would be able to purchase a ticket, beyond those who signed the prereg form. Reason I ask is because MTM is quite similar in nature; one guest for the entire weekend; cocktail ball, etc.. I believe the attendance for this event exceeds the numbers of an AT event and if Gabit is able to design a weekend with this many people, is it possible to do the same for an AT event as well?

      Not questioning Gabit's decision or anything, just the random pondering of someone who is perpetually curious about everything.


        I was thinking about that too Cel. MtM is one day more than Amanda's events and like 100 more people? I don't think there would fit a lot more people in the Ren (in the mainhall I mean)?? Personally I wouldn't like it either, a smaller event feels more intimate. Though, on the other hand ... 3 days with Amanda sounds good ... lol.

        I really think that in the end, not a lot of people who want to go to AT5 will miss out. I'm pretty sure for AT4 at least not a lot of people did. Though Amanda and Gabit seem to be getting more and more popular!

        I'm sure the G4 have thought all options through and decided wisely


          Been reading all the posts and just want to reiterate that I adore the Gabit team...they are just the most wonderfully generous caring people and I have no doubt that what they do, they do for us - Amanda's fans.
          And may I add that Amanda's fans are just as wonderfully generous and caring as the Gabit team...for me, it makes the world a whole lot nicer. *hugs*
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Yeah, like I said, I wasn't questioning Gabit's decision in the least. They're the overseers in all this so whatever they determine to work for them at this point in time is fine. I'm not in any position to argue it anyway.

            Amanda and Gabit are definitely in the limelight more now than before, especially with Sanctuary and Gabit's recent expansion with their conventions. It's wonderfully brilliant for them, but with any gain there is sure to be the crusty edges to deal with as well. One of the drawbacks to any popularity, but totally inevitable.


              i thought that the numbers for MTM was right about the same as AT, around 300ish

              I didn't go to AT4, and AT5 isn't looking likely at the moment, but if i decided to go, i'd be in the ticket ralley just like everyone else.

              I do think, with the AT events, there's a rotating fanbase now. Not everyone goes every time, so, just making up numbers, you have about 500 people in 'competition' for an average of 300 tickets...and usually those that wanna go are able to get a ticket. doesn't always work perfectly i'm sure. but, for a lot of us, unless you're a brit or from europe, the air fare and exchange rate is just too expensive to handle on a yearly or every 18 months basis.

              for me it's 7-800 for the air fare, then about 100 a night for the hotel (sharing the room but with the close to 2:1 exchange rate) plus food, transportation, etc. And i know it's even more costly for the kiwi's and aussies. London is wonderful, but it's one of the most expensive places to visit.

              this contributes to the rotating fan attendance. we can 'take turns' as our personal finances allow.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                MTM is 350 tickets. AT4 was 260 or 280 I think? I'm unsure and can't find the info right now.

                I think you are right in that not all people who will want to go, can go. I think just about everyone at AT4 preregged, just because you could, doesn't mean everyone will be able to attend again.


                  No need to apologise Chelle. I'm sure no one takes it as criticism of Gabit. You and others who voiced a concern are, I think, just saying what we have all thought. I had the same thoughts as you when I filled out my form. While those of us at AT4 are thrilled to have the opportunity to pre-register, the fanbase is a very caring and compassionate group of people. Therefore I think we all feel for those who weren't at AT4 and therefore did not get the opportunity.

                  I also think, as others have said, that there will still be a good number of tickets available as many people cannot attend everytime for a variety of reasons. Even if those who can pre-register all sign up, that doesn't mean they can all come. Once a date is announced some who signed the slip will be eliminated due to a conflict with other events in their lives while others won't be able to get holidays. No doubt payment will be reqiured well in advance of the date and those who pre-registered but can't afford to come will drop out. Gabit will still have a registration system with a waiting list so as the pre-registered people drop out others will fill those spots.

                  As antoa said, it is a common practice in conventions as well as other businesses to reward loyalty. Rderoch, however, has a point that many other conventions have much bigger crowds. As others have said there is no perfect system but Gabit are in the best position to know the numbers and they obviously think this is a system that can work. Nothing is cast in stone and I'm sure they will review the practice after AT5.

                  As for increasing the number at the event, that is always a possibility but beyond the fact that most fans like the slower pace of Gabit events, we have to think of the Gabit folk and AT herself. It is already a huge amount of work for the G4 and the Gabit staff. Adding people and days would add a tremendous amount of work for them. AT is already one the most generous people in giving time to her fans (not that I'm any expert on this as I'm not part of any other fandom but it seems to me she is probably the most generous). Can we really ask her to spend more time away from her friends and family?

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                    Even though it takes place in London, AT events receive quite an international crowd. The factors in this is not everyone will be able to attend every year. Though one might have signed the form, many things can happen in a year to prevent someone from returning.

                    Also, though I personally wouldn't want to see it happen for the intimacy value of the event, might it be possible to expand the attendance capacity? This way, more people interested would be able to purchase a ticket, beyond those who signed the prereg form. Reason I ask is because MTM is quite similar in nature; one guest for the entire weekend; cocktail ball, etc.. I believe the attendance for this event exceeds the numbers of an AT event and if Gabit is able to design a weekend with this many people, is it possible to do the same for an AT event as well?

                    Not questioning Gabit's decision or anything, just the random pondering of someone who is perpetually curious about everything.
                    I don't post very often and generally just lurk through the forums, but thought I would stick my 2 cents in on this particular thread. Obviously it's not my decisiion as I'm nothing to do with Gabit, nor am I one of the staff, but I have been a steward for them in the photo and auto session for all of the AT events.

                    One of the big things that people like about the size of this event is the intimacy and the fact that they are never rushed past Amanda, either at the photo or the auto stage. There is obviously a very tight schedule that Julia normally works very hard on so that everyone gets their chance to chat to Amanda, and we as stewards then have to try and keep to that schedule.

                    If the numbers were increased, it would restrict the amount of time people have with Amanda, and it would also lose that intimacy that people like so much. I also then think that people wouldn't enjoy the event as much as they do.

                    As mentioned in the next post from SamJackShipLover, one the reasons that Gabit have possibly been able to increase the numbers for MTM is because of the addition of 1 day - this means that things can be spread out more to accommodate a similar type of event.

                    Personally, I prefer the smaller events and the fact that we don't have to push people along by having a massive queue of people constantly at each other's heels wanting their 20 seconds with the guest. I have been to that type of event, even though I may have only paid to pick up their autograph, but I still feel cheated in some way and don't feel as though I can claim to have really "met" them.


                      there may also be venue considerations. the 'ballroom' so to speak at the ren is comfortably crowded...just big enough for hte people it has. I don't think the room could easily handle more, nor do i think they have a room that could handle more, without things getting way too crowded and uncomfortable.

                      the sheraton, on the other hand, quite handily handled a larger con adn room is not an issue. Another possible consideration for more attendees could be the cost of the facility. the sheraton may be more expensive thus requiring a larger number of attendees to pay for the event.

                      I do think, given how gatecon autos and photos went, they had right at the right number of tickets sold for the time. and the biggest delays i recall was when Sea Sheppard folks came in and he spent time with them during hte sessions. Beyond that there were photo or auto sessions (photo especially) when the time was about over and the people allocated that session had all come and gone and we actually had a few free minutes at the end.

                      as to preregging.....i personally think if 245 people pre-regged, about 150 of htem will actually follow through and get tickets. the date will eliminate some, real life issues will eliminate others. we've already had pregnancies and new jobs and new classes keeping people from attending AT4 or SE or MTM, and i'm sure AT5 will be the same.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        *waves to Kit Kat Lady* Glad you delurked!

                        I wasnt aware of the max attendance for MTM so new knowledge does put it into perspective. It's basically the same as an AT event then, with just the one added day. The intimacy won't be lost, even with 300 odd people roaming around the Wall Centre. It's a huge hotel and the ballrooms I'm sure will be more than adequate for the crowd going.

                        General question though. What was the reason, if there ever was one, for Amanda and the G4 deciding on a two day affair? I know the Ren wouldnt, couldnt possibly hold anymore people going by the vast numbers who were lounging all over the lobby between sessions. We were practically stepping over each other.

                        But what if it was moved to another location with a much bigger hotel, add another day, allow an extra 100 tickets and thus make it not only more available for those hoping to get a ticket, but also still keep it within the still 'intimate' range? Make it a similar animal to MTM, basically.

                        Again, this is just a general question I'm throwing out there. I'm sure there may be plenty of good reasons NOT to do this, but hearing them voiced does have a way of setting things a bit more firmly in place.


                          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                          *waves to Kit Kat Lady* Glad you delurked!

                          I wasnt aware of the max attendance for MTM so new knowledge does put it into perspective. It's basically the same as an AT event then, with just the one added day. The intimacy won't be lost, even with 300 odd people roaming around the Wall Centre. It's a huge hotel and the ballrooms I'm sure will be more than adequate for the crowd going.

                          General question though. What was the reason, if there ever was one, for Amanda and the G4 deciding on a two day affair? I know the Ren wouldnt, couldnt possibly hold anymore people going by the vast numbers who were lounging all over the lobby between sessions. We were practically stepping over each other.

                          But what if it was moved to another location with a much bigger hotel, add another day, allow an extra 100 tickets and thus make it not only more available for those hoping to get a ticket, but also still keep it within the still 'intimate' range? Make it a similar animal to MTM, basically.

                          Again, this is just a general question I'm throwing out there. I'm sure there may be plenty of good reasons NOT to do this, but hearing them voiced does have a way of setting things a bit more firmly in place.
                          I can only, as can anyone other than the G4, speculate on your question. However, one would assume London for ease of location for attendees - forget the expense side of it. For UK based people, anywhere would have likely been okay, except maybe Devon or Cornwall! Yes, there are other cities in the UK which have international airports, but they don't offer as many flexibilities for those flying in. As an attendee in July, and having booked my flights, Heathrow is the only UK airport which offers direct flights to Vancouver. Those people arriving by Eurostar come straight into London, therefore it makes sense London was the location, as well as the fact that's likely to be where Amanda flies into!

                          As for why the Ren was chosen, it could have come down quite simply to the fact it was available on the dates chosen for AT1 and they offered very good discounts for the hotel rooms. As an attendee at other cons in the Heathrow area, which have had larger audiences, the organiser/or hotel, very rarely offers any sort of discount.

                          After that, if you get a good service and the event has worked, why change? If people like the intimate setting, why change?

                          You also have to remember (if you were there) that AT1-AT3 weren't sold out events, each one got slightly bigger than the previous one, but until AT4 (forget Avalon as it was unique) Gabit hadn't sold out of all tickets before. Perhaps had this happened at AT1 there may have been a change of location to another hotel with a slight re-work of things.

                          Just speculation as I don't know the answers.


                            I keep reading preregging as pregging and wondering what you're all doing talking about pregnancy so much...
                            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                            My Fanfic~My Femslash


                              New Zealand would be just as inconvenient for *nearly* everyone. Sounds fair
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                New Zealand would be just as inconvenient for *nearly* everyone. Sounds fair
                                I'm with you on that one Neep...NZ and Australia are and will always be inconvenient...but not necessarily to everyone...certainly not for us anyways!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

