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'Whispers' (507) General Discussion

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    I loved the episode, very creepy and different. I really liked how Sgt Dusty was channeling classic Jack Oneil..... as a hot chick


      Jack O'Neill would never have been that pathetic and childish, and irresponsible.

      "Five Rounds Rapid"



        Pretty ordinary and didn't really feel scared. We haven't really had that many Michael's monsters episodes but I got bored pretty quick. (But I have never been a fan of Michael)

        Wanted Dusty (she was just cool after starting off obnoxious) and Vega (I was sucked in by all the marketing) to survive.
        But it was really pixelated on viewing esp with the fog. The glow sticks had multiple layers. I guess I did not have as many colours on my TV as needed. It was actually very unbearable to watch (either watch it in pitch black where i only saw silhoettes, or with increased brightness were everything were pixels)

        Actually Dusty did remind me of O Neill. He did stick it to the man lots of times. Of course no one can replace Jack (definetly not Mitchell and his Sodanese fighting-the only one he knew as he would constantly repeat it)


          Originally posted by kymeric View Post
          I loved the episode, very creepy and different. I really liked how Sgt Dusty was channeling classic Jack Oneil..... as a hot chick
          As a Jack Fan I find that offensive.
          Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            one thing i noticed...fog looks like crap on digital tape. digital can't handle subtle shadings well, it usually pixelizes, which is just what it did. The quality was so poor at times you're like 'mmhm, are they suggesting that there are zombies in the mist? cause i can't see crud'
            It looked fine to me though I was watching in HD.
            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              This episode was beyond terrible. I thought the point of a horror story was to scare people not bore them out of their skulls. The transition was beyond terrible. I am at a lost for words on how some events happened. The female team was filled with tons of cliches and cringe moments. Not mention I could tell exactly what was going to happen and when the monsters were going to show up. The fog was such a lame plot device. I seriousy haven't seen an episode this bad since Irresponsible. I can't even stomach myself to right my normal reviews.
              I'll agree that it wasn't the best ep of the season and I guess it could be considered the worst ep of the season but terrible? No. It was still decent enough to be enjoyable. The only cringe moments for me was Dusty. I didn't care for her at all. It was still a decent fun ep but still the weakest of the season.
              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                Jack O'Neill would never have been that pathetic and childish, and irresponsible.
                I dont know hes been pretty juvenile and made bad decisions at time. Or is it cuz shes a GRRL and GRLZ shuldnt act like that? XD

                When i get my season 5 dvds next yr sometime i think im gonna sit down and watch all the michael episodes in order, see wut i think of them all together as one big story.


                  Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                  I dont know hes been pretty juvenile and made bad decisions at time. Or is it cuz shes a GRRL and GRLZ shuldnt act like that? XD

                  When i get my season 5 dvds next yr sometime i think im gonna sit down and watch all the michael episodes in order, see wut i think of them all together as one big story.
                  It's because her behaviour was childish. It's not so much the things she said, it was her attitude. As JM said, she was trash talking. O'Neill would never have talked about wanting to be in PG because that's where the bad guys were and the MW hasn't been the same since the Ori. I have no problem with some of the more sarcastic elements, but it was the way she was trying desperatly to appear butch and over compensate, it was unrealistic, and the chewing bubble gum thing whilst waiting for an ambush was pathetic. She was not a high calibre NCO. I personally can't decide whether TPTB just suck at writing women, OR they just suck at writing NCOs, because in their little world, Officers are the be all and end all of the military, which is simply not true.

                  "Five Rounds Rapid"



                    The more I think about it, the more I just want our team back.

                    There are so few episodes left of this show, and I want our team in it... that's the reason I watch.

                    Yes, I'm a whumper... yes, I like McKeller... but THE TEAM is why I tune in to watch, and that's what I'm going to miss.


                    The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                      In terms of engagement, it was the best of the season. This episode actually scared me. I didn't get to watch it until about 2am this morning so here I am, all alone and it's kind of dark and it worked. I jumped back and gave a little shriek.

                      I think it was more entertaining than almost all of the previous episodes.

                      Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                      It's because her behaviour was childish. It's not so much the things she said, it was her attitude.
                      She reminded me of a watered-down Vasquez from Aliens.


                        Oneil was ragingly inappropriate and snarky all the time. He was viscious and dismissive of types of aliens too. So really... is it cause shes a girl?


                          Really? NO.

                          It wasn't her snark that makes me dislike her. I don't have a problem with snark. Or dismissal of aliens.

                          I have a problem with a gung ho attitude. Particularly when it feels like its been put on badly in order to make the character less girly.

                          "Five Rounds Rapid"



                            Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                            Oneil was ragingly inappropriate and snarky all the time. He was viscious and dismissive of types of aliens too. So really... is it cause shes a girl?
                            The sexism card

                            When Irresponsible aired and all the Lucius hate came, nobody said "is it because you hate men?"

                            O'Neill had so much more depth than she had. I've said it before but she was one dimensional. There was nothing to her apart from "I'm big and macho lets go kill some bad guys". O'Neill was a much more interesting character, he joked, he fooled around, he also had a dark background and could be very serious at all the right moments. If anything else Jack was actually funny, she was
                            Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


                              Originally posted by JohnRico View Post
                              I think Carson is going to be kirking Allison
                              I agree, has no one started a thread about those two yet?
                              Last edited by Hawke1984; 07 September 2008, 01:15 PM. Reason: incorrectly spelled a word

                              made by krissie678


                                I don't know if this was answered, but where was Carson going? I know he wasn't going back to Earth. There is a part that was cut, that Joseph Mallozi put in his blog, and it seemed he was going to be staying in the Pegasus Galaxy, just not on Atlantis. Maybe I just missed it, darn it. Anyone?

