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'Vegas' (519) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by prion View Post
    Hmm, a Bob, a Todd, a Steve. Don't think there was a George yet
    D'oh! Got him confused with Greg the Wraith (the fan name for the Defiant One Wraith). Ok. George works, but I'm sticking with Neil The Wraith.
    Rush rocks.


      I really, really liked this episode. In fact, it would be great as a spinoff of Atlantis. I don't watch CSI (or any of it's incarnations), but I know this probably resembled it. But as far as I can tell, it wasn't as cheesy as I imagine CSI can be at times.

      The specifics of the plot aside, why can't the writers ALWAYS create such a tightly-written, compelling episode? Is it just the surroundings in which they set it, which may have altered the way they wrote? Regardless, I think it was a really great episode, and should lead to a wild-ride of a finale.

      Two tidbits I found interesting: the wraith seemed to like hard rock/heavy metal music, and played it loudly. And also, who recognized the desert 'facility' where they took Sheppard as the place in which "Brainstorm" took place? I guess they got their money's worth out of renting that location.

      spoiler space:
      I was hoping that at the end, when Shep was lying in the dust, either he or we would hear the sounds of a chopper coming his way, leaving us hope. In all probability, he found his redemption in his last act. (Altho it wasn't the brightest act in the world... his military training obviously didn't 'take' in this reality!)


        Originally posted by Infernorhythm View Post
        They mentioned that he was involved with the medic. So, it looks like things changed before the Afghanistan mission. "Our" Sheppard went to rescue his fellow pilot, was shot down, but no one died from the crash. But he was unable to rescue his friend. "Alt" Sheppard went to rescue his lover, a medic, but was shot down and killed civilians in the crash. It also looks like our Sheppard was married to Nancy prior to Afghanistan, due to the time frame between that and his time in Antarctica. So, Alt Sheppard never married her, still went to Afghanistan, then things really went down hill.

        By the way, does anyone know the name of the Johnny Cash song? I really want to get that for my iPod.

        True, you have a point. But I really got into him on Blade, so I was hoping for some more great dialogue and the like. He definitely gave the Wraith a presence (does he have a name? Should we call him Neil the Wraith?), but I was bummed that he got shortchanged on dialogue while Todd got the best lines. Still cool performance though.
        I almost wish that the medic he went back for would have been Janet (a medic instead of a doctor in this reality), but I guess that would have been like losing Janet all over again. Walter was a nice SG1 callback though.

        Not a bad episode, but not exactly my new favorite. I do like the way it ties to the finale, and it is nice that it isn't our SGA's fault that the wraith find earth.


          Ok i love the fact that they had 2 guys from the Sopranos. that was awsome
          Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


            This show did have a CSI feel to it. I use to love CSI and Law and Order but they had some many different ones, I kinda of got burned out on both. I wouldn't hate this eps so much if it wasn't one of the last two. I just feel like it was a waste and no one really cares because as far as they are concern they have already move on to SGU. I guess if I am not doing anything I will watch SGU from time to time. But I will not get wrap up in SGU because it is obvious that the producers and writers couldn't care less what we the fans want or don't want. So therefore, I couldn't care less if SGU make it or not. I hope next week we get to see the team working together again. I think that is where they went wrong on SGA, having too many eps without team interaction. It didn't help that they got rid of Weir, Carson and Ford. When you get rid of characters that was there from the beginning it is always risky and usually turn out badly. The Keller character was never a good fit IMO and then the relationship with Rodney made it even worst. They could have spent those eps on Teyla, Ronon, Weir or any other team member but instead we got that nonsense. Thanks for nothing TPTB. If I wanted to watch people fall in love then I would be watching Life Time for women channel NOT SCIFI.


              I liked it! I don't watch CSI so I don't get those references, but it had a little Miami Vice feel.

              The visuals on the big screen HD were outstanding and the small inside jokes were funny. Especially the line on Star Trek: The Experience being closed from Woolsey.

              I'll miss Atlantis.


                This might sound strange but the lighting. The Lighting was good.
                Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


                  I really did enjoy this episode. Not only did it give us the Sheppard-centric episode that "some" of us having been waiting for, but we got to see McKay in an interesting new light.
                  I am also a CSI fan, so the similarities were, to me, a fun and interesting part of the show. The AU Sheppard's prickly, maverick style may have been a little cliche, but I think Joe Flanigan handled the role very well. His soft-spoken style was very appropriate for a detective that has spent a great deal of his time trying to make good.
                  The ending left me wondering several things. Rodney and Zelenka's concerns about how much of the message got through the rift makes me wonder if this is the end of the story. And Sheppard's resignation to his death left a lot of questions, at least in my mind.
                  Just wish we had been given more thought-provoking episodes like this before Atlantis comes to an end.


                    Originally posted by prion View Post
                    This is definitely gonna be a love/hate episode, and I really really liked it. Don't know if I loved it but definitely liked it a lot.
                    It seems there was much more love than hate for this ep. Even on SCI FI it is getting a lot of praise. I just think people want something different than the 2nd to last ep of the entire series. Well blame MGM for canning the show, lol.

                    I love those dark and suspenseful eps. The bit about the alterntate realities was pretty interesting as well. I can see how this will set up for the finale.


                      Throughout the series, we've been told by writers, fans, and even Elizabeth Weir that if not for Sheppard, Atlantis wouldn't even still be standing.

                      Yet here we are in a world where Sheppard never even saw a Stargate, and Atlantis seems to have held up just fine. Thoughts?


                        I love this episode more than pretty much any episode this season, save for perhaps First Contact. This definitely ranks in my top five favourite SGA episodes.

                        I was kind of bored at the beginning with the cheesy poker game, but starting after the chase scene with him and the Wraith, it was simply fantastic. I love the turning point for Shepperd, when it's shown that he got several people killed in Afghanistan, was a mediocre detective and had no money thanks to gambling, and was running out of Vegas with the money that he captured from the Wraith. Then he figures out how to find the Wraith, slams on the brakes, and high tails it back to Vegas.

                        Ugh, I absolutely loved this episode. Though, you would think they would have beamed people in using the Daedalus which was clearly in orbit and assisting in the operation. That way they would have got there immediately and could have stopped the Wraith and saved Shepperd.

                        Still though, I'm not complaining. This was great.


                          <mod snip>

                          Please, don't confuse the two.

                          One thing that did amaze me, this would have been the perfect episode to have Weir in, even if I don't like Weir I could have seen her better in this then Keller.

                          If they couldn't have had Torri then they could have had Jessica! Hell even Rainbow in this would have been something, like a full circle thing?

                          Last edited by TameFarrar; 02 January 2009, 10:09 PM. Reason: quoted portion of post removed


                            I liked it, didn't love it but I would say its one of the better season five episodes. It kept me entertained throughout which is more than I can say for some of the other episodes this season.

                            The CSI homage was clever. It felt like a completely different show, from the music to the camera angles and editing. Very little SGA in it at all. It was a creative risk that for the most part paid off.

                            I understand being upset since with only one episode left we get an episode that bared no resemblence to the show we tune in each week to watch. No Teyla and Ronon.

                            I loved seeing Todd. I also really liked the actor who played the Wraith. He was very good despite having no real lines. He had a great physical presence in the role.

                            I also liked seeing David Hewlitt get to play a different Rodney. He did a great job.

                            Joe Flanigan was fantastic. Great portrayal of a broken man.

                            All in all entertaining and unique to the series.


                              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                              Now, now just because you loved it doesn't mean it was complicated or intelligent.

                              Please, don't confuse the two.

                              One thing that did amaze me, this would have been the perfect episode to have Weir in, even if I don't like Weir I could have seen her better in this then Keller.

                              If they couldn't have had Torri then they could have had Jessica! Hell even Rainbow in this would have been something, like a full circle thing?

                              The "Full Circle" comes next week


                                Rats. In my last post I applauded the possible illusion to slashiness with Sheppard and a possibly male medic. Unfortunately I was wrong. I just re-watched the episode. This time I was paying more attention and McKay clearly said "her" in reference to the medic. Bummer. Oh well, it was still a fantastic episode!

