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'Tracker' (509) General Discussion

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    Good episode. Worth re-watching. I want the new Runner back, because Ronon needs a new guy to bond with and it could offer up more chances to grow Ronon's character. Sheppard is back in "stall" mode and, sure, McKay grows but he keeps regressing, so I don't put much stock in his twice- (or is it thrice?) yearly forays into existentialism. We might as well watch Ronon grow some more, now that season 5 Teyla is getting most of hers through the eternal and apparently universal struggle to balance life and work.

    My take on Ronon & Rodney's chat in the end is ... Ronon was joking until the third time he said, "Wait." In the end, he seemed to me as serious as Rodney.

    The only problem I have with the little subplot-- I think it might be romance --between two (three?) permanent characters is why it took this long. But that's me. I'm curious, though, as to why, after avoiding such "background" stories going on four+ years, the writers would hit 50% of the main cast in the same prickly net.

    Still, I did enjoy this ep.


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Once again I have to wonder if using a defiblirater to overload a device is medically sound. It seem like in reality (I have to stop going back to that place) that would have never worked. Maybe I am wrong but wouldn't have doing that fried Kir'yak's brain. Couldn't their have been a more medically sound way to disarm the device.
      From what I've learned, using a defibrillator on a person who's heart is beating normally causes them to go into V-fib, which can then quickly lead to their heart stopping. Keller placed the pads on his chest and back properly, so the electricity would have been directed to his heart, not his brain.

      So when Keller shocked Kir'yak, he likely went into V-fib, which was probably why Keller started doing chest compressions right afterward. Of course, she would have had to shock him again to get his heart beating properly again, instead of just injecting him with something, but hey, it's a TV show.

      Off the top of my head I can't think of anything Keller would have in her med kit besides the AED that would allow her to deliver a focused burst of electricity to the tracking device, and surgery was not an option, so it seems like shocking Kir'yak was the best way disarm the device.



        Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
        Nope, that's him alright.
        Thanks !

        He was also in SG1 as a russian colonel. I can see why they would use him... he was great (and great looking as well)!
        Oh really ? What episode ? I have to re watch it !


          Oh good grief.

          Have I mentioned how very very much I hate it when Rodney is shown as generally incompetant or used as comic relief? It's why I used to always loathe Rodney/Sam scenes with a passion. The scenes with him and Ronon in the woods were torturous. I kept saying "Just please shut up now, Rodney!"

          Keller on the other hand was generally awesome, and I really did like the scenes with her and the other Runner. And Ronon with the other runner was good. That part of the storyline was interesting.

          I just could have done without the whole Ronon/Rodney trek through the woods, and Rodney's general incompetance being emphasized at every turn. (He still can't load his gun after five years in the field?) I thought it would be more of a team up, where they both had to work together to find her, rather than Rodney trailing along like a useless yapping puppy behind big bad hero Ronon. Arghh.

          And was it just me, or was Sheppard not too happy about Rodney making the trip in the first place? I just thought he seemed a little annoyed in that first scene.
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            Shep is sad that McKay is taking away his kirking job
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              Shep is said that McKay is taking away his kirking job
              - Life after Stargate -
              Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
              Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                I liked this episode! I wasn't sure if I would from reading the spoilers, but I did.

                I loved the Ronon-McKay stuff. That scene where they're eating in the village while they wait for Jennifer to tend to that little boy was hysterical. Ronon is eating away voraciously and Rodney is picking at his food. Ronon asks Rodney, "Are you going to eat that?" and Rodney picks out something resembling a neckbone from his bowl and places it on the table, and Ronon eats it! HA! Shades of the episode where Ronon tries whatever is boiling away in the pots on a planet where the inhabitants are all hiding and Rodney is shocked and amazed....and then he wants to try some too. I also liked that scene where they dropped to the ground to avoid that hanging trap (with scary spikes!) and Ronon had to keep pushing McKay back down because Rodney was trying to see exactly what it was and trying to get up.

                I'm a bit disappointed that the writers do not allow Rodney to change/replace the clip in his gun better than was portrayed. I can't imagine that after 5 years, he has not mastered this better. I don't want to see Rodney "Sylvester Stallone" McKay suddenly appear with two guns blazing, but c'mon, he should be able to load his gun faster by now---John, Ronon and Teyla would've made sure of that by now. I was pleased that he shot at least (two?) wraith, so at least there's that.

                I think that Ronon and Rodney are used to Shep being there as the nucleus (has anyone ever see that Seinfeld episode about Jerry being the nucleus of the group? ) and this seemed to be the first time (at least that we viewers get to witness) where they have to interact with just each other over a long period of time. In my opinion, they both walked away with a deeper appreciation of the fact that they both need each other's skills---no matter what they may be-----scientific gadgets or the ability to track people/wraith. Also, I noticed that they really did listen to each other. Rodney was nervously chattering at times, but he listened to Ronon's theories about where the kidnapper had taken Jennifer. Ronon listened to Rodney's advice about he and Keryik (sp?) needing to work together against the wraith instead of against each other. Good stuff.

                I'm in the camp that thinks Ronon was yanking McKay's chain at the end of the episode about Jennifer....that grin on his face just said "I'm gonna mess with him....."

                I missed seeing John and Teyla (I want my team together!) but that tiny scene in the beginning of the episode with John just strutting into Rodney's room without even knocking and catching him preening in front of the mirror was priceless. John could see right through Rodney within seconds of stepping through the door.



                  Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                  what team? Shep was in Atlantis
                  Well maybe they want a new team now...Team Keller...Keller,Ronon and Rodney!

                  of course he is. Shep saved the day in S&R, The Seed, Whispers and he played an important part in BT, DV and The Shrine
                  Sure it started off in S5 as Shep the lead...Now it's turning into the Keller show!

                  Teyla was most likely taking care of her kid
                  Oh yes...Now TPTB have an excuse to shove Teyla so much into the background we don't even see her anymore......I bet they're very happy people now


                    So this episode is the first S5 episode that I noticed that features the "ancient" 10 second intro. Guess TPB have decided to milk Atlantis of its commercial capabilities as much as they can.

                    I thought this episode was quite entertaining to a certain extent. It had some little boring moments it wasn't too bad. I can note one thing and that is, the tracker (Kir'yak) was hunky-licious!


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Well maybe they want a new team now...Team Keller...Keller,Ronon and Rodney!
                      nope they don't

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Sure it started off in S5 as Shep the lead...Now it's turning into the Keller show!
                      how so? the only eps where Keller played a significant role were The Seed, The Shrine and this one. that's 3/9

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Oh yes...Now TPTB have an excuse to shove Teyla so much into the background we don't even see her anymore......
                      Joe said
                      Will Teyla come back for a full season? I understand that the writers gave her character a short/limited appearance on SGA because of her pregnancy. – cyr1988

                      Mallozzi: We’ll definitely be seeing more of Teyla in Season 5 as she attempts to balance motherhood and her off-world wraith-killing commitments.

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      I bet they're very happy people now
                      why would they be happy?
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                        nope they don't
                        Could have fooled me!

                        how so? the only eps where Keller played a significant role were The Seed, The Shrine and this one. that's 3/9
                        And Teyla's played a significant role in one ep....Wasn't Teyla supposed to be leading female And Shep hasn't even had gis centric ep yet!

                        Well if he meant standing around looking pretty then he's spot on.....So missing in 2 out of the last 3 eps is seeing more of Teyla then

                        Well i guess if she misses one less ep than last season we will see more of her!

                        why would they be happy?
                        That they won't have to actually you know......write for her!


                          too bad they don't have zats in the peggy galaxy

                          i wonder if it could have messed up the tracking device

                          after all, it worked on the nishta in Ryac and to short out other things
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Could have fooled me!
                            Shep wasn't there either

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            And Teyla's played a significant role in one ep....Wasn't Teyla supposed to be leading female And Shep hasn't even had gis centric ep yet!
                            why only one ep? I'd say S&R, DV (it was a team ep, everybody contributed) and The Queen

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Well if he meant standing around looking pretty then he's spot on.....So missing in 2 out of the last 3 eps is seeing more of Teyla then
                            or... missing 2/9

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Well i guess if she misses one less ep than last season we will see more of her!
                            relax, Teyla will kick some Wraith butt in the mid-season two-parter

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            That they won't have to actually you know......write for her!
                            why do you assume that TBTB don't want to write for her?
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                              guys, i think what you're seeing is what many sg1 fans saw in its later seasons....a splitting up of hte cast to tape multiple episodes at once.

                              for example, sam had a whole 30 seconds in enemy mine so she could be off taping Death Knell. When shanks was going to direct double jeopardy, 'daniel' was busy and robot daniel got killed off so MS could be free to direct.

                              and there are tons of other examples.

                              What i think i'm seeing iwth atlantis is a budgetary thing where they have multiple units going on at once, taping 2-3 episodes at once, so they can have a shorter taping season, thus save a few bucks/do things more efficiently.

                              I'm getting the idea that whispers, the queen and tracker were all taped in a 1-2 week time span, so while joe and paul were doing whispers, rachel was doing the queen, david and ...umm, ronon and Jewel were doing tracker.

                              Stuff like splitting up the actors or writing someone out of an eps also happens when the actors have real life stuff going on. maybe someone needed time off or had another project going on.

                              It's nothing deliberate beyond schedule juggling

                              now on a mod note....the topic is 'the tracker' a minute by minute comparison of who is/isn't getting enough air time
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                                or... missing 2/9
                                So far......She'll be missing in more come the end of the season!

                                relax, Teyla will kick some Wraith butt in the mid-season two-parter
                                I have my doubts about that

                                why do you assume that TBTB don't want to write for her?
                                Because they never want to write for her...As soon as they give her her token ep of the season they basically ignore her after that!

