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'Tracker' (509) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Landers View Post
    SG1 had something like that. You went outta phase and could move around. Its just copying SG1 again.
    The Sodan Cloak made you invisible while in this episode the armband allowed the user to teleport short distances.
    Although i agree that Atlantis does reuse a lot of SG1 ideas but lets not just say that everything Atlantis does is a rip off of SG1 when they didn't.


      I thought this was a great episode. Keller showing more strength. McKay and Ronon Having to work together as they viv for Keller.
      I know keller always gets kidnaped in the woods. but i think its working for
      As for the end i loved it when McKay asked Ronon if he was interested in Keller. that was priceless.
      For not having the whole team this was much better then Trio.


        Rodney and Keller kicked ass! Each taking out 2 wraith! Wicked!

        All in all...
        much better than The Queen which is not really my type of ep
        ...I can't wait to see it again! week.
        Sig by ME.


          Originally posted by OakRidge View Post
          It was a good introduction to the new species that will show up in the next episode.
          Are you sure? I haven't seen anything that says they tie into the new species in the next episode and the wrist band does not really fit with the look of the new species.

          I figured the wrist band came from one of the more advanced human civilizations we will meet in Inquisition. I figure just like Ronon's gun was from the Travelers and maybe all the Runners end up getting Advanced Tech to help avoiding the Wraith.


            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            Rodney and Keller kicked ass! Each taking out 2 wraith! Wicked!

            All in all...
            much better than The Queen which is not really my type of ep
            ...I can't wait to see it again! week.
            the tracker episode come on again in less then 30mins


              A lot better than I thought it was going to be, the McKay-Ronon banter was actually pretty good in this episode, it's normally just Ronon taking the piss out of McKay and Rodney just being made to look like a ****. I'd of preferred it if it had been Teyla giving Keller sparring lessons, but I suppose they went with Ronon for the ship thing, overall I enjoyed it, much better than The Queen IMO.


                Runner meets Missing. I was right.

                Oh yeah, I'm sick and tired of those ****ing trees :'(


                  Yeah, I definitely enjoyed this episode way more than I thought I would. I don't know, from the preview for it, I wasn't too impressed. I was glad to be proven wrong.

                  Really great Ronon/McKay interactions in this one.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    Ok, first the teaser trailer...the whole "one will live, one will die" line, so who died exactly? The runner? We don't know he died. For all we know he dialed an address where he's set up a bunch of traps. The teaser was a complete waste.

                    The episode was pretty good, could have been better. It would have been more interesting if it'd been one super hard to kill wraith instead of a bunch of wraith wimps.

                    The episode does seem to be filled with plot points from a variety of other eps.

                    I didn't like the whole reason why they were off-world. First, even if Rodney was trying to spend more time with her, why would she be the only medical person to go?

                    I like the whole transportation device thing, it would have been cool, if he had given keller or rodney the GATE ADDRESS to where he got the device from!

                    Keller wasn't nearly as annoying as usual, although I laughed when the runner threatened to stun her if she didn't stop whining asking questions...That should have been done a long time ago! Another thing about keller is, a "few sparring sessions" is enough to take out a wraith hunter? Not believable at all.

                    I have to admit, I was hoping they'd kill her off in this ep and bring back Carson. THAT would have made it a good episode. Since the show is ending anyway, why not?


                      Surprisingly, this was a good episode. i say that because the idea of Keller being abducted, in the woods, again, was not what I cared to see, but Carl Binder actually matured her a bit in this episode. She wasn't so whiny, knew her medicine (or at least didn't botch anything too horribly) and was able to fight back.

                      And Ronon and Rodney in the woods was fun. I think that made a difference.

                      Alas, I wouldn't mind seeing that runner return, but darn, the show got cancelled.


                        It was a pretty good ep.
                        My least favorite of the season so far, but then I've pretty much liked everything.

                        I just don't enjoy the episodes without the entire Team as much as others. Although, one of the reasons I was enjoying watching this one was that I know we are one day closer to next weeks offering.

                        Keller was fine, wish this would have been how they portrayed her for the past year and a half. I like her when she's doing the doc thing.

                        The Wraith sure are getting easier to stomp, that TV Guide review said "pale and pesky..." and I agree, they got swatted like flies!

                        I don't like ships in Stargate, but I think after watching this one, I'm rooting for Ronon/Keller, cause' I'll feel bad if Jen ever ditches Rodney. I think Ronon would get over it easier.

                        In fact, if anything I think I am now shipping Rodney and Ronon, they make a good bickering couple...


                          Originally posted by Sue_Jackson View Post
                          So....who's gonna win Jennifer's heart?

                          Ronon or Rodney??

                          Loved the ending! I thought that was the best part of the whole episode. A little love triangle. As a shipper, I'm loving this. I think I want to see Ronon end up with Jennifer.

                          Thought the rest of the episode was pretty dull. Though, I did love seeing Jennifer get tough, and stronger. When she killed that Wraith that almost fed on the girl, I was like WTG Jennifer! And....I was quite impressed with her hand-to-hand combat.
                          Me too! Way impressed! I love how her character's developing and coming into her own skin.

                          It was also very nice to see the Ronon/Rodney dynamic. It's nice to see that under all that toughness (and even with McKay's technobabble), Ronon really seems to think of Rodney as a friend. I loved the last scene between them. They respect each other enough not to let the situation destroy their friendship, even though they know that they both have feelings (and intentions ) for Jennifer. Thought that was really nice to see!
                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            The episode was exciting enough... but the Wraith body count was beyond ridiculous. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a Wraith fan. You have about two dozen or more Wraith up against 4 adult humans and an unconscious child. Do the math.
                            But 2 of those were Runners and there was also a lot of catching them off guard
                            || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                              I am going to stick with my guns and say Ronon was teasing Mckay.
                              that's what I thought.
                              || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                                I was a bit apprehensive about this episode but I have to say I really enjoyed it!

                                Ronon and McKay were great together. I wasn't sure that would work but I loved the two of them together!

                                And I have been a bit on the fence about Keller but I really liked her in this episode.

                                A bit of a love triangle - even that was done well, it wasn't forced and was not the focus of the epsiode.

                                The story was well written. I wouldn't say it was fast paced but it was evenly paced and flowed very well.

                                (I like that runner guy too)

