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'Tracker' (509) General Discussion

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    I'm Not crazy about Tracker either, they must have been desperate for a Story, any Story. They could have found something better than Ronan, Rodney and Keller in the Woods. Rodney and Keller don't have any chemistry between them, they don't go good together. Ronan, Keller and Rodney, for all thei good acting just seem boring together. It doesn't seem funny, more desperate. All the other Episodes were a whole lot better. Did everybody run out of ideas, or did they need something fast andcheap to shoot? I'm going to see how Brain Storm is going to be, it is supp. to be Rodney and Keller. Not a good Idea.


      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
      An interesting ep. Not my favorite but not bad. I miss seeing the team together.

      Good stuff
      * out helping the people of the galaxy - I really like the idea of them lending a hand. Great power=great responsibility and all that
      * teleportation device - COOL! Loved the wriggly things when he put it back on. I'd like to meet the race he got that from
      * improved tracking devices - guess the Wraith learned something after Ronon escaped their clutches. Fusing to the spine and brain stem - yikes!
      * defibbing the device - I have no idea if it would really work, but it was an inventive idea
      * Kerik (?) sacrificing himself - OK, I saw it coming a mile away but it was still noble
      * Ronon saving the doll - big softie
      * Ronon and Rodney adventure - the true odd couple - they make me laugh. The bone in Rodney's soup that Ronon gnawed on - hee!
      * Keller - loved her here. Tough, protective, sure of what she was doing, the voice of reason

      Not so good
      * Team! Where'd the team go? No mention of Teyla? A cameo by Sheppard? Who's in charge of this expedition?
      * It irritates me when Rodney is written as the comic relief. He's been in the field 5 years now and he's still struggling to reload a 9 mil? The constant conversation with Ronon about how eventually Ronon will need his skills (which never happens in the ep except with the teleportation device).
      * While I found the ep moderately interesting, I wasn't drawn into the story. Lots of talking and running around in the woods.
      * I do love Ronon and Rodney adventures, but this one could have been better. Running around in the woods does not favor them. Escaping a hive ship did. Being trapped in an Ancient outpost with the Wraith/Genii/new enemy of the week hunting them would. But watching Ronon track while McKay asks questions is not the best use of their rather unique relationship.

      Jury's still out
      * I will admit it - I'm a closet McKay/Keller fan. The little scene in the infirmary when Jennifer is impressed with Ronon - the look on Rodney's face was heartbreaking. I do admire that he had the guts to talk to Ronon about it although it's obvious (to me) he doesn't think he has a chance. Romance is a part of everyday life, and I'm not opposed to seeing it (minimally) on SGA, but I wish they'd not left it hanging. It's not something I want to see every week. And I was wondering if Ronon was serious at the end or if he was just teasing McKay....

      Overall, not a bad ep. Better than Whispers but not as gripping as most of the other eps have been this season.

      Stealing your post as I agree with most of it. Thanks.

      The only difference is I am not a fan of the romance. Funny because I've always been a bit of a Sam/Jack shipper but maybe because I liked the fact they couldn't act on it so it was not overt. Or maybe there's just too much romance with McKay on Atlantis. First with Katie and now Keller and I really don't like the idea of a love triangle.

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        Just an FYI:

        Carl Binder came on to JM's blog and answered questions/talked about TRACKER

        for details


          Originally posted by prion View Post
          Just an FYI:

          Carl Binder came on to JM's blog and answered questions/talked about TRACKER

          for details
          Yeah... I read it and liked his answers! I liked Tracker. The Rodney and loading gun thing was a bit hinky! But over all I thought it was a good episode!

          Patricia Lee


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            better than the last few. some detail and depth into things

            my biggest beef? unrequited geek 'wuv' is painful

            i liked keller fighting (sparring lessons) and there was no whining.

            i enjoyed it, as opposed to th queen which i found boring and whispers that was just bad
            Wait the Queen was boring? Not from my perspective but.... As to the love triangle I quite like it it adds tension between Ronon and Rodney.
            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
              I think that after a year of sparring with Ronon, she would have a lot more skills than just basic self defense. But she'll never be as good as Ronon or Teyla. She knows her skills are limited. That's why she was screaming for Rodney to hurry and shoot the Wraith.

              I don't want to see Rodney become Rambo, but I don't buy that he's still that clutzy loading a weapon. Can't you see Sheppard shouting at him at the firing range to reload, practicing it until Rodney can empty a clip and reload blindfolded? Even in S1 (The Defiant One), he's got a Wraith advancing on him, Sheppard hurt, no one else around. He fires until he's out of bullets and asks what to do. Sheppard says reload. Rodney rapidly does it (without thinking or fumbling) and empties another clip. Four years later he can't do the same thing? Nope. Not buying it. Done for comic relief and it irritates me. Now, the tavern scene with the soup - perfect. Funny and true to both characters.
              I disagree. Rodney will always be Rodney and he cracks under pressure. It's not OOC or simple comic relief he just isn't as calm as Ronon or Shep when in combat.

              Inconsistency in characterization annoys me to no end - Sheppard not knowing who's on a team (don't get me started on the fist bump),
              Well I think I'll poke the beast here. Shepard is Military commander yes but Teldy just recently put her team together andShep hadn't yet met them. Not a huge issue IMO.
              Teyla suddenly unable to fight,
              UM since when? If you mean the big guy in The Queen he was a male soldier Wraith at least twice as strong as her and she had her guard down.
              Ronon beating the crap out of Kyrik while knowing Wraith are nearby, Rodney unable to reload a gun. Grrrr.... I'm not saying I expect perfect characters. I adore their quirks and flaws. But don't rewrite their abilities/personalities to fit the ep.
              Since when is realistic emotions and reactions a bad thing? He was pissed and wanted him dead. Sounds like Ronon to me.
              I found Rodney running away from the Wraith to be perfectly in character (and completely sensible). I wasn't expecting him to wallop the Wraith with a log or set a trap or snap its neck. His aim was great, and he's either ambidextrous or he's been taught how to aim with either hand because he was shooting with his left in The Queen. I appreciate that. So don't let him look stupid by not being able to reload.

              In the Queen his judgment wasn't clouded over fear of loosing someone he loves.
              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                I disagree. Rodney will always be Rodney and he cracks under pressure. It's not OOC or simple comic relief he just isn't as calm as Ronon or Shep when in combat.
                I wasn't expecting Rodney to calmly battle the Wraith. But why can he easily reload in The Defiant One and 4 YEARS later can't in Tracker? I found him running from the Wraith screaming for help to be perfectly in character. But Rodney does not crack under pressure. That's when he's at his best.

                Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                Well I think I'll poke the beast here. Shepard is Military commander yes but Teldy just recently put her team together andShep hadn't yet met them. Not a huge issue IMO.
                Poke away. In every ep we've seen Shep interact with the soldiers under his command, he's known every name and what their capabilities are. I find it completely unbelievable that he wouldn't take the time to at least review the makeup of a team especially when the commander of the team is new to Pegasus.

                Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                UM since when? If you mean the big guy in The Queen he was a male soldier Wraith at least twice as strong as her and she had her guard down.
                Teyla had her guard down. In the middle of a Wraith ship. You don't see anything slightly off with that idea?

                Who is their right mind would not be buzzing with adrenaline the entire time? She can hold her own with Ronon and yet hardly puts up any kind of fight with this Wraith. Supposedly she's fighting for her life and to make sure her son doesn't grow up without a mother.

                Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                Since when is realistic emotions and reactions a bad thing? He was pissed and wanted him dead. Sounds like Ronon to me.
                Any other time I would agree. But Ronon didn't survive 7 years running from the Wraith by letting his emotions have free reign. He's smarter than that. To pick a fight with Kyrik while the Wraith are hunting them is the height of stupidity. Not only are they making TONS of noise, they aren't watching for the Wraith.

                Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                In the Queen his judgment wasn't clouded over fear of loosing someone he loves.
                No one other than himself and Ronon and Teyla and Sheppard. And it had nothing to do with cloudy judgment. His judgment wasn't impaired. He was suddenly incapable of loading a gun. Once it's reloaded, he's able to fire flawlessly at the Wraith without hitting Keller. I would have more easily believed his hands were shaking and his aim was bad than him trying to load the mag in backward.
                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                  I caved in and watched tracker....Wasn't as bad as i was expecting.....Runner guys was hot Keller wasn't whiny....Rodney was a bit though

                  Could have so done without the preening at the beginning and the scene in the gateroom Still don't like Keller though

                  They should stop shoving this McKellOn down ours throats though...

                  And please tell them to stop with this McKeller crap For a ship to work the character sfirst need to have chemistry together...Something that Rodney and Keller so do not have (IMHO ) Felt sorry for the poor runner sacrificing himdself like that to draw the wraith away I hope he's still alive out there somewhere..

                  So not impressed with them turning Keller into kung fu Keller

                  What, the week before Teyla gets thrown about like a ragdoll and the week after Keller can fend of a wraith.....Have they switched bodies or something

                  And then the end bit with Ronon and McKay

                  "let her decide?" Well i wish she would just choose already and stop shoving it down our throats

                  "may the best man win?" What...Are we in the 19th century again or something What the hell was that......Stupid....

                  And what happened to their "main characters will not be involved romantically" scenario.....What...Keller comes and it's out the window now

                  Oh no wait...."main characters will not be involved romantically" unless your McKay and Keller


                    Oh and p.s. I'm still pretty pissed that Teyla was missing in two of the last three eps


                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      I wasn't expecting Rodney to calmly battle the Wraith. But why can he easily reload in The Defiant One and 4 YEARS later can't in Tracker? I found him running from the Wraith screaming for help to be perfectly in character. But Rodney does not crack under pressure. That's when he's at his best.
                      Re The bolded part: Are we talking about the same Rodney? He rarely is calm under pressure and the only reason he didn't crack in Defiant One is because Shep was there telling him what to do and that was one Wraith and his judgment wasn't clouded.

                      Poke away. In every ep we've seen Shep interact with the soldiers under his command, he's known every name and what their capabilities are. I find it completely unbelievable that he wouldn't take the time to at least review the makeup of a team especially when the commander of the team is new to Pegasus.
                      I disagree. Shep is much like Oneill in the fact that he does not read his memos and skimps on the paperwork and we are talking about the military here and often times things are said and done before you even see the paperwork.

                      Teyla had her guard down. In the middle of a Wraith ship. You don't see anything slightly off with that idea?
                      Considering that this was a very unique situation and her not knowing how to act no I don't.

                      Who is their right mind would not be buzzing with adrenaline the entire time? She can hold her own with Ronon and yet hardly puts up any kind of fight with this Wraith. Supposedly she's fighting for her life and to make sure her son doesn't grow up without a mother.
                      She did put up a fight but she was not match for him one on one with no weapons at all.

                      Any other time I would agree. But Ronon didn't survive 7 years running from the Wraith by letting his emotions have free reign. He's smarter than that. To pick a fight with Kyrik while the Wraith are hunting them is the height of stupidity. Not only are they making TONS of noise, they aren't watching for the Wraith.
                      I disagree. For seven years he was alone and couldn't make ties with anyone for fear of them being destroyed now he is part of our team and has feelings for Keller and he let his emotions get in the way of reason.

                      No one other than himself and Ronon and Teyla and Sheppard. And it had nothing to do with cloudy judgment. His judgment wasn't impaired. He was suddenly incapable of loading a gun. Once it's reloaded, he's able to fire flawlessly at the Wraith without hitting Keller. I would have more easily believed his hands were shaking and his aim was bad than him trying to load the mag in backward.
                      I disagree.
                      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                        I fell asleep during this episode. Granted I had just finished a busy bar shift at a night club...but was quite boring.


                          Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                          Re The bolded part: Are we talking about the same Rodney? He rarely is calm under pressure and the only reason he didn't crack in Defiant One is because Shep was there telling him what to do and that was one Wraith and his judgment wasn't clouded.
                          Yep. The same Rodney. You said he cracked under pressure originally. I disagree with that.

                          From Inferno:

                          McKAY: Oh, maybe I can fix it. Place the pressure squarely on my shoulders for a change!

                          SHEPPARD: Well, I've discovered you're pretty good under the threat of impending death!
                          You will never hear me say calm and Rodney in the same sentence. Rodney isn't calm in any situation least of all when he thinks his life is threatened. However, he does do his best work in those situations.

                          As for Sheppard telling him what to do in The Defiant One, Sheppard said reload which Rodney did. At least Rodney's learned to reload. He just suddenly lost the ability to do so in Tracker.

                          What cloudy judgment? What decision did he make that was clouded by Keller being threatened?

                          Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                          I disagree. Shep is much like Oneill in the fact that he does not read his memos and skimps on the paperwork and we are talking about the military here and often times things are said and done before you even see the paperwork.
                          Point me to the ep where Shep hasn't read his memo or skimps on his paperwork.

                          Regardless, I wasn't intending that I thought Shep had the paperwork filled out in triplicate. I simply don't buy that he doesn't know the makeup of the teams he is responsible for. Especially when they are commanded by someone who just arrived in Pegasus.

                          Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                          Considering that this was a very unique situation and her not knowing how to act no I don't.
                          I agree this was a unique situation. All the more reason to keep her guard up. The Wraith are her mortal enemies, and she is without her people, her team, her weapons - anything she would normally rely on. No way she lets down her guard.

                          Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                          She did put up a fight but she was not match for him one on one with no weapons at all.
                          She stuck a knife in him then got backhanded and tossed across the room. Wasn't much of a fight. This isn't the first time she's fought Wraith hand-to-hand. This is just the first time she's failed so miserably at it. She just seemed to forget how to defend herself.

                          Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                          I disagree. For seven years he was alone and couldn't make ties with anyone for fear of them being destroyed now he is part of our team and has feelings for Keller and he let his emotions get in the way of reason.
                          Yeah, that sounds like Ronon.

                          I agree - he is part of the team. Whether he has romantic feelings for Keller or not aside, I do think he cares for her as a person and as a member of the expedition. All the more reason for him to be at his best instead of having a schoolyard fight in the middle of a Wraith hunt. Keller is screaming at the top of her lungs for them to stop. Nothing about that would draw the Wraith. Perfectly good plan.

                          Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                          I disagree.
                          Then we shall agree to disagree.
                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            Really enjoyed this epi. They just keep getting better and better. Happy that Ronin got more than 2 lines.

                            This has really been a great season, but it's painful watching the episodes knowing it's all going to end soon. The show has really come into its own this season. Arrrrrgh!

                            As far as Keller is concerned, I vote for the hunk over the geek.
                            Last edited by surfcity; 25 September 2008, 12:50 AM.


                              OH MY FREKING GOSH!! Atlantis is NOT a SOAP OPERA!!!! *bangs head against wall*
                              I hate love triangles in sci-fi! *fumes*


                              That said... moving on.

                              This episode was watchable, not outstanding, but not boring either. Loved that we got to meet another Runner! I really liked this character for some reason. He struck me as a guy who isn't a warrior at heart (like Ronon) but a down to earth family man who has been forced into living the life of a fugitive by the wraith. I was sad that he sacrificed himself... I was oh so desperately hoping that the gate would come back on and he'd come running though, having lost the wraith on the other side.

                              Aside from that... it was an ok episode. Rodney cracks me up... but at the same time, I've noticed this interesting trend lately of the writers doing comic relief with pauses on just one character (seen mostly with woolsey), not sure how to explain it though.

                              Anyway... I enjoyed it. Could have been better *cough*no love triangles*cough*, but overall I'd give it a 3 out of 5 (just because I like the runner character--cannot spell his name for the life of me--ok, ok, I admit... he was pretty damn good looking ).

                              Did I mention that I really hate soapy love triangles? They have their place... and in OTHER SHOWS that they are suited for I like them. I will ship... in fanfic, but ugh, this whole Rodney loves Keller (I keep noticing how I refuse to use her first name, even when I think about her) is getting way overdone... and now Ronon in the mix? *gags*

                              Ok... I'll stop ranting. If you haven't guessed... I'm incredibly anti-keller

                              Proudly Supporting Team USA


                                Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                                OH MY FREKING GOSH!! Atlantis is NOT a SOAP OPERA!!!! *bangs head against wall*
                                I hate love triangles in sci-fi! *fumes*


                                That said... moving on.

                                This episode was watchable, not outstanding, but not boring either. Loved that we got to meet another Runner! I really liked this character for some reason. He struck me as a guy who isn't a warrior at heart (like Ronon) but a down to earth family man who has been forced into living the life of a fugitive by the wraith. I was sad that he sacrificed himself... I was oh so desperately hoping that the gate would come back on and he'd come running though, having lost the wraith on the other side.

                                Aside from that... it was an ok episode. Rodney cracks me up... but at the same time, I've noticed this interesting trend lately of the writers doing comic relief with pauses on just one character (seen mostly with woolsey), not sure how to explain it though.

                                Anyway... I enjoyed it. Could have been better *cough*no love triangles*cough*, but overall I'd give it a 3 out of 5 (just because I like the runner character--cannot spell his name for the life of me--ok, ok, I admit... he was pretty damn good looking ).

                                Did I mention that I really hate soapy love triangles? They have their place... and in OTHER SHOWS that they are suited for I like them. I will ship... in fanfic, but ugh, this whole Rodney loves Keller (I keep noticing how I refuse to use her first name, even when I think about her) is getting way overdone... and now Ronon in the mix? *gags*

                                Ok... I'll stop ranting. If you haven't guessed... I'm incredibly anti-keller
                                Me too
                                It's Keller and nothing else, and she is not part of The TEAM!

                                Always feel welcome over to the anti Keller thread
                                We have so much fun!

