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Maybe a Rodney episode...BUT also a Keller episode!

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    Originally posted by ozziescum View Post
    She knew that her judgment had been influenced by her emotions, and that her motives for not letting them take Rodney to the shrine were partly selfish. Keller also gave up on Rodney when the rest of his team refused to.
    That is not true. She never gave up on him. And it was the rest of the team that was selfish, they wanted to go there to say goodbye not to save his life. Saving his life was NEVER the intention of the mission. And it was Keller the figured out that it was the radiation that made the bug thing retract. And it was Keller that saved his life.

    Originally posted by musicahumana View Post
    I think it's important to remember that Keller and McKay were both on the same side. She knew that he'd be horrified to become himself again and realize that he only had about a day left to live. I believe she said that giving him that time would be torture. And McKay reiterated that when they actually got him to the shrine.

    Also, because they're both scientists, they wouldn't put much faith in a "shrine." Not when they've got medical and scientific options to pursue, at least. They were both on the same page, there.

    And, sure, perhaps she was feeling personally attached to him. At the very least, it's been shown that the two are friends--something that doesn't seem to come easy by McKay. But she was willing to forego the shrine in order to stick with a) her professional beliefs and knowledge and b) what she knew her patient would want.

    But doctors can get it wrong to, and in this case, she did. Apparently the shrine did have some effect on the situation. But she figured it out quickly and solved the problem.

    I don't think that she was out of place disagreeing with the others. She was putting the life of her patient first. TPTB did a very nice job at presenting her on the wrong side of a moral dilemma, and then showing how she can maturely turn around and fix it when she realizes the truth.

    We've been looking for her to mature, and we've got a bit of that here. Great!
    Colonel Vlad Cole, USAF
    Stargate Gaming Clan - SGC

    SGC Video [ Hi-Res | Lo-Res ]


      I love that Jeanie showed up and put Keller in her place! She overstepped her boundaries with Rodney!

      Rodney was going to die anyway right?

      Jeanie is the next of kin! Period!
      Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


        Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
        I love that Jeanie showed up and put Keller in her place! She overstepped her boundaries with Rodney!

        Rodney was going to die anyway right?

        Jeanie is the next of kin! Period!
        I love to see Jeanie and Rodney work together. Blames the writers!


          Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
          I love that Jeanie showed up and put Keller in her place! She overstepped her boundaries with Rodney!

          Rodney was going to die anyway right?

          Jeanie is the next of kin! Period!
          I wouldn't say Jeanie put Keller in her place. Keller was the doctor and she did have the last say until Jeanie showed up. And Keller never gave up on Rodney.
          Colonel Vlad Cole, USAF
          Stargate Gaming Clan - SGC

          SGC Video [ Hi-Res | Lo-Res ]


            I understand that Keller is a scientist and she didn't believe in whatever power the Shrine had. But I saw her refusal to let Rodney go as being a little selfish - SHE wanted to be the one to save him. Even though she'd been unsuccessful for weeks and he was dying, she still thought she could do it. Thank God Jeannie showed up or Rodney would have died because of Keller's tunnel vision.


              Funny how some see Keller being selfish in not wanting to go to the shrine & other see the team as selfish for wanting to go to the shrine to say goodbye.

              I have to restate here that going to the shrine was never about saving Rodney's life. Keller was all about saving Rodney's life. What's the point of a last day if you know you're going to die. Rodney had already said his goodbyes (as he mentions when his wits are returned in the cave). If any selfishness were involved, I think it's the team wanting Rodney 'sane' for one more day. That being said, I'm not sure how selfish anyone really is here.

              And don't forget that in the end, both the team & Keller were needed to save Rodney. That was the point ~ "it takes a village", etc ~ cementing Keller as part of the team. Even the Ronon quarrel ended with them respecting the other's role in the chain of events.
              Oh, and Ronon using his gun ~ a mandatory piece of action


                I loved Keller in this episode. I agree with those of you who said she never gave up on Rodney. She believes in medical science and that science would provide the cure. Until Jeanie showed up, it was her decision and I think she made the right one.

                All of us looking from the outside knew that The Shrine of Talus would pan out, but for her, on the inside, it sounded like a superstition and it's wrong to blame her for that. I mean, how would any of us react if someone said a hole behind a waterfall would temporarily cure a loved one?

                She was a very impressive doctor in this episode. She stood her ground in the face of people she cares about and when she was outnumbered. That is a very hard thing to do. But she KNEW what Rodney would want and she was right. They were lucky that she and John figured out how to operate on him in the Shrine, otherwise, it would have been a very tragic end to Rodney.

                In any case, I like their little budding romance. Sure there are some doctor-patient improper issues, but this happened on DS9 one time. Julian just transfered the care of the patient to one of the other doctors, and voila, problem solved. How do we know that in the weeks between when they started their relationship to the time that he was diagnosed that Keller didn't transfer his care to one of the other doctors?

                Overall, very satisfied with that whole dynamic. Give me more!

                Oh, and does Rodney remember what he said? If not, what will he say when he sees the tapes? If he sees them, I suppose...
                Last edited by Amalthea; 23 August 2008, 11:01 AM.


                  Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                  I thought Ronon and Teyla were credible - they are native to Pegasus after all, unlike Sheppard and Woolsey. And with everything else the team has encountered, is a magical shrine really that much of a stretch?
                  I think it would have made sense for Sheppard to believe in the 'magical' shrine, and Woolsey to a certain extent because of his long involvement with the Stargate program. But compared to them Keller has seen far less 'magical' stuff, so I thought it made sense for her to put her trust in science and be skeptical about the shrine.

                  The way I saw it, Rodney was either going to die with honor and dignity at the shrine after getting a day to be normal again, or he was going to die in Atlantis with Keller trying everything medically possible to save him.

                  In the end, I think it was a team effort that eventually saved McKay.

                  It was Ronon and Teyla who helped convince Jeannie and Woolsey to let them take McKay to the shrine, and Woolsey who approved the mission. It was Keller who realized that the shrine gave off radiation that shrank the parasite, which would give her the chance she'd missed earlier to surgically remove it. It was Sheppard to help Keller figure out how to operate on McKay in the cave, and Jeannie who modified the life-signs detector. And finally it was Keller who drilled the hole and removed the parasite, and then Ronon who finally killed it.

                  I think everyone had a significant part to play in 'saving the day' and that's pretty tough to pull off with so many characters. Great writing on Brad Wright's part.

                  Originally posted by Amalthea View Post
                  Oh, and does Rodney remember what he said? If not, what will he say when he sees the tapes? If he sees them, I suppose...
                  Well he seemed to remember what he said and did when he was really far along in his memory loss after he temporarily recovered the in shrine, so I assume with the parasite removed he would still remember everything.



                    Originally posted by Kraft View Post
                    They were infact credible, just because he was 6 when he was there doesn't mean he wasn't telling the truth, and it clearly showed he and Teyla were right all along anyway. Why bring these people into the team if they're not going to trust them
                    You listen to their input, they don't get to be god like dictators where everybody has to listen to them - especially when what the talk about sounds like primitive superstition.


                      Originally posted by ozziescum View Post
                      Keller's character was a huge disappointment in this episode, primarily because she stood against Sheppard and Ronon and Teyla. She knew that her judgment had been influenced by her emotions, and that her motives for not letting them take Rodney to the shrine were partly selfish.
                      As opposed to everbody else who completely selfish.

                      Originally posted by ozziescum View Post
                      If Keller had had her way, Rodney would have died. That's not the sort of thing his character is in the habit of forgiving or forgetting.
                      Or she was the one who understands him better than anybody else and chose what he would have wanted.


                        Unless EVERYBODY wanted Rodney dead! then I guess it's a good thing Rodney went!

                        Ronon + Shrine = Smart

                        Jeanie + Next Of Kin = smarter

                        Keller - not listening to Teyla and Ronon = not so smart

                        In the end Rodney lived and that is the good part right???

                        Only to be met with the end of the series.
                        Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                          I never did like Keller because of the way she was written, this episode made me dislike her even more.

                          First of all you don't treat a patient you have romantic feelings for. Feelings tend to get in the way.
                          Second given all the Ancient tech in the Pegasus galaxy, how did it not occur to her or any of the cast that, maybe the shrine was a piece of Ancient tech.


                            i enjoyed the way in which both keller and mckay acted especially the ending.

                            I hope they do get together Rodney deserves some love


                              Originally posted by Pic-CollSwan View Post

                              I have to restate here that going to the shrine was never about saving Rodney's life. Keller was all about saving Rodney's life. ...
                              That is what I've been saying.
                              Originally posted by JohnDuh View Post
                              Or she was the one who understands him better than anybody else and chose what he would have wanted.

                              Originally posted by Hypochondriac View Post
                              I never did like Keller because of the way she was written, this episode made me dislike her even more.

                              First of all you don't treat a patient you have romantic feelings for. Feelings tend to get in the way.
                              Second given all the Ancient tech in the Pegasus galaxy, how did it not occur to her or any of the cast that, maybe the shrine was a piece of Ancient tech.
                              If not Keller then who? She is the best doctor in the galaxy.
                              Colonel Vlad Cole, USAF
                              Stargate Gaming Clan - SGC

                              SGC Video [ Hi-Res | Lo-Res ]


                                As a former McWeir shipper (still sniffling over that) I have been beginning to get behind the idea of the Ronan/Keller/McKay triangle thing that was looming on the horizon. So what I found interesting was how Keller really wasn't giving too much away about how she felt about McKay's declaration. He says, "I love you," but we don't see her jump in in with a response, one way or the other.

                                I'd kinda like to see how this plays out. Will she, won't she, which one will it be, and how will the guys' friendship weather the tempest...


