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'The Prodigal' (514) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by jenks View Post
    His head.
    Maybe but I don't think he's that nuts and he wouldn't have been able to cut off his head with just a knife.


      Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
      Good, I liked it. Well, I yelled few times at Teyla like "hit him with something!" or "Run!" but in the end, she was great and I am glad she kicked him down. "Don´t mess with super-mom" could you say. Nice.

      Car racing - awesome I love when Sheppard and McKay are like two little boys And the scene in the Jumper, how Rodney said good bye, it was a nice touch.

      Also good old Zelenka/Rodney banter, and how they together saved the day. Cool And it was nice to hear my mother tongue again

      Ronon got kicked his ass for a change, which is nice. His scenes with Woolsey were great, more of them, please!
      Her name is Amelia and she is a kung-fu technician
      But I missed Chuck

      Lorne was here and got stunned. Again. Seriously...

      I liked it more than Inquisiton, which I, well, practically hated, but this episode was cool.

      And as much as I like Michael (and Connor), I really hope he is dead now. It would completely destroyed the end of this episode, if he were still alive somehow.
      Yeah and he's dead: Joe Mallozi pretty much confirmed it in his blog as he said that they were wrapping up the Michael storyline.


        I think the thing I liked most about this ep is that they managed to get almost everyone involved in it.
        sigpic < Look what happens when you cancel stargate atlantis.

        Mirror Mirror is a great maybe a little complicated but great.


          Originally posted by kymeric View Post
          Good ep! I was suprised they actually killed Michael, kinda expected a big movie ending to him. The hand to hand fighting on the outside of the tower was epic. Didnt see Teyla coming out to finish him off, suprise! I suppose well have a million posts screaming MURDER MURDER GENOCIDE GENOCIDE now /eyeroll.

          Wonder wut they ment by someone taking his place? Think he cloned himself incase he died? Kinda the same problem with Baal, you never know if u really killed him.

          Edit: if you fall more than 5 stories you burst like a watermellon, if he hit the city he left a stain, if he hit the water he still popped, just his parts sank down to feed some spacefish.
          What I think they meant was someone was going to take his place as a threat them, that's all


            love the sheppard/michael fight and the toy car race Between sheppard and mckay.


              Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
              Well, after taking a break for a few episodes, coming back to this one was a real treat. This episode was practically perfect in every way. I say practically because I still think it would have been more impacting for the hand to hand fight on the tower to be between Teyla and Michael rather than John and Michael. Sorry Shep Whumpers. I think him being there to see Teyla's ruthlessness was a great touch, but the big fight should have been Teyla's IMO. That was the biggest disappointment of the episode for me. I've been looking forward to a good Teyla fight all season, and this looked like the best chance for it to happen.

              But other than that, I loved it. I've been so missing the John and Rodney interactions, and this was great for that. Loved the scenes with them playing cars bookending the episode, and loved Teyla having fun with the boys - I'm not sure I've ever seen her just hanging out with John and Rodney, and I loved it. Woolsey and Ronon - awesome. That was a great touch to pair those two together for scenes, and Woolsey helping Teyla escape, and Amelia's kickboxing - you go, girl! Could this be the new love interest for Ronon that JM made some vague hint about? I don't think I'd mind.

              Ronon's fight with Michael was great, and I gasped when he was thrown over the railing. I'm glad they didn't have him just get up and walk away from that. John and Rodney working together, and especially their scenes in the jumper, the acknowledgement that Shep's flown a few too many suicide missions, and Rodney's obvious reluctance to let it happen.

              I'm sure there's other things I liked that I've missed, but all in all, I think this is my favorite episode that I've seen of this season. I wouldn't change a thing except, as already noted, the tower fight. But Teyla standing there watching him fall - that was a great shot. You go, Teyla. This episode was practically a checklist of everything I wanted to see. Michael storyline ended - check. Teyla being the one to kill him - check (y'all will remember I've been campaigning for this for quite some time). Kanaan surviving - check. The baby not getting kidnapped - check. Teyla not playing damsel in distress - check. Shep and McKay goodness - check. And the Ronon/Woolsey/Amelia stuff and the Rodney/Shep/Teyla scene at the end were just awesome extras. I score it 9/10 - would be 10/10 if the tower fight had been Teyla's.

              As a quibble (not effecting my scoring of the episode), it would have been nice if they'd thrown in a line explaining just how Michael can fly the puddlejumpers. And I've kinda given up at this point on the Teyla's super Wraith powers storyline. Which is fine. If it was going to appear anywhere, I would have thought it would have been The Queen or this one. Since it didn't appear in either, I'm just going to conclude they must have abandoned that particular development. Oh, and one other quibble - Ronon's wig. It's becoming more and more annoying as time goes on. *headdesk* Curses on the network for making him keep that.
              Agreed. They haven't really had much time to develop the whole Teyla super-power thing because her charchter seems to be somewhat minimizied (probably due to Rachel Lutrell having a baby) and there haven't really been any big battles with the Wraith this season so she really hasn't had the chance to use them. In Spoils of War her baby was boosting her powers, so she won't be that powerful again.


                Originally posted by WarGrowlmon18 View Post
                He went to cut Ronon's throat and he hated Ronon, what else could he have wanted??? A lock of his hair!!!!!!????????
                I think what he really wanted was to take that damned wig and use it to terrorize the galaxy!


                  Originally posted by WarGrowlmon18 View Post
                  Maybe but I don't think he's that nuts and he wouldn't have been able to cut off his head with just a knife.
                  He managed it in The Last Man.


                    Originally posted by Mekarri View Post
                    Sae, you are correct. They did create Michael without regards as to how it would effect the worlds around them. And they why they don't seem to understand that they are responsible for the death on so many, is beyond me. Another thing, why Teyla and Ronon isn't more angry at the people of Atlantis is something else I don't quite get. Regardless, I love SGA and will be sorry to see it end.
                    The people in Inquistion did hold them responsible for that but they got found not guilty. I know one was due to Woolsey convincing him to do so, but the other one wouldn't have found them not guilty on all charges unless he truly believed they were innocent.


                      Wow... just wow! So far THE best ep in S5. Tons of action, awesome music really helped. Great moments between Ronon and Woolsey, especially the beginning and the end. Was good to see Teyla and her son. One thing will probably keep bugging me until it happens. One character is
                      going to die, but since we don't know yet who, I hold my breath every time someone gets hurt. Like Ronon, Shep... I was afraid it's gonna be one of them. For a sec I suspected even Teyla to die.
                      Must get it outta my head.

                      Overall, fantastic ep!


                        Being currently on FEX i was unable to watch this. I will also miss next weeks.. So i will have to wait till they either rerun it or they come out on DVD.


                          wow great ep! so much was happening, it's great to see that there can be an ep where all of the main characters have wonderful, character building moments, plus including the smaller characters plus the villian, too! seems like Binder has just became my new fave writer!

                          i don't have any problems with this ep, tho as a michael fan i would like to have him come back, prolly would make more sense if he came back as a clone, but for the storyline, his death makes sense. i'm glad it was teyla who killed him.
                          *throat punch*
                          My blog:
                          LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                            Really great episode.

                            Excellent writing, acting and directing.

                            Great balance of action, tension, humor and character moments.

                            Ingenious use of sets and outstanding musical score.

                            One of the really neat things about the episode was how we got to see so much of them running around the city. The control room, the jumper bay, the under water jumper bay, the far end of the city – I loved seeing so much of the city.

                            I thought the conclusion to the Michael arc was well done. I am satisfied that it was Teyla who brought an end to Michael. As a mother I do think her actions were very much justified. Never come between a mother and her baby. She gave Michael her compassion and understanding once and he repaid her by threatening her and her baby on several occasions - and was going to blow her, her baby and Atlantis up - and killed most of the Athosians; she ended his threat for good. I thought the choice of having her kick off his hands one by one made his death very personal for her and considering all they had been through, it made a very powerful impact.

                            Loved Sheppard!!!!!!!!!!
                            This episode really showed the many sides of Sheppard and as always Joe F did a great job portraying him. From the “little boy” having fun racing his cars to the military leader and to the willing to self sacrifice hero – it was all well done.

                            In the midst of the all the action and tension Binder still managed to find some really nice and poignant character moments. Teyla’s look of quiet desperation while hiding with her baby (well acted by RL), the handshake between Rodney & Sheppard as he was going off on the suicide mission, Zalenka & Rodney disagreeing on the term “stun bubble,” Woolsey & Ronon bonding a the end, and the car racing competition between Rodney and Sheppard. Binder really zeroed in on all the little things that make the SGA characters and their interaction so unique and enduring.

                            This episode will go down as one of my all time favorites


                              I think this episode was pretty good considering that most of the episodes lately have been rather boring.

                              My initial opinion of the episode was going to be the usual "this sucks", but as soon as I saw Teyla grab Michaels arm, beat him silly, then proceed to kick his hands off the ledge, I dropped what I was eating!

                              Finally after all this time, someone steps up an takes care of business. I really wasnt a big Teyla fan. I had nothing against the character, but was never really into her, but now she seems to have crossed over the bridge into hurtville, and im glad!


                                Teyla is back! (I gave 9 of 10)

                                Was it just me or has it not seemed that Teyla hasn't had much of a presence on SGA since the whole baby thing.

                                Getting near to the end of the series makes me worried that the writers are going to kill somebody off. I thought maybe Ronon was going to be SGA's version of Dr. Frasier.

                                Fast-paced, lot's of action, very entertaining. Everything seemed congruent, natural and in character. The wide variety of camera angles and movement throughout the city was great.
                                sigpic My Twit-name (@fwupow) is the same!

