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'The Lost Tribe' (511) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Daniela View Post
    I thought Daniel was going to die. It would have broken my heart if he did.
    And that would have pi**ed off a whole lot of other SG-1 fans too. TPTB were fully aware of that.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      Originally posted by Yodazilla View Post
      What about the evil Asguard? What do you guys think about that?

      Personally, I liked it. It came out of nowhere, and it seems to make sense. I'd like to know how their ships got blown up so easily--I mean, come on, they are still Asguard.
      but these Asgard as not as advanced and don't have the resources to build the fleet of war ships like the milky way tribe!/Solar_wind84


        Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
        And that would have pi**ed off a whole lot of other SG-1 fans too. TPTB were fully aware of that.
        and it wasn't really that dramatic if he had died!/Solar_wind84


          I enjoyed it, but personally, I think that when GW dropped the bomb with the Asgard showing up, it kinda ruined it, since I already knew it was coming.

          Seriously, why would they want to take one of the biggest spoilers of Season 5 and ruin for the fans without even airing the ep yet?!

          Other than that, loved Daniel and Rodney's interactions together, and I thought that two ships jumping through the same hyperspace window through a planet was pretty awesome!

          All in all, 8/10, simply because of the spoilers. ~Jess
          The Return of King Arthur
          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


            Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
            but these Asgard as not as advanced and don't have the resources to build the fleet of war ships like the milky way tribe
            That and, come on, we always get lucky.
            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


              I loved it! The best part were the space battles and the hyper-through-the-planet thing. I was bracing for Daedalus to be destroyed after being told weapons were gone and seeing the atmospheric heating effects in the commercials. I do wish Caldwell had gotten some time in this ep, I don't think we even saw him!
              When the time comes to utilize Earth's best weaponry against an ailen threat. The weapon that will ultimately prove to be Earth's best will be the Zatnikitel


                While a very enjoyable ep, it wasn't quite as good as I'd hoped. But I did have high hopes...

                Good stuff:
                * Sheppard barechested in the infirmary with glass being dug out of his back. Oh, this isn't the whump thread? My bad...

                * Todd slinging his arm around Woolsey's shoulders. Just when I think I can't love Todd anymore, he pulls a stunt like that. He really is the best "bad" guy EVER.

                * Ronon hanging upside down from the ceiling. Never underestimate a pissed off Satedan.

                * the love triangle ends (and we all rejoice)

                * Rodney gets the girl!

                * Keller telling Ronon - really. I thought it was handled well. And poor Ronon. I hurt for him.

                * Travelers - nice continuity and perfectly plausible for them to show up. And I know you thought it when you saw her so say it with me. "Kaylee!"

                * hard-hearted Asgard - really nice callback to Loki who wasn't as much an aberration as he seemed. I especially liked that they didn't get all soft and remorseful in the end.

                * Daniel whump! Oops, wrong thread again!

                * letting other characters in on the fun - I've seen lots of moaning about the "McKay and Sheppard Show". While I do not ascribe to that particular view, I do like how these episodes are allowing some of the other characters some air to breathe. Radek in particular shone here. I liked seeing Woolsey in a tight spot. Daniel got some great stuff. I really liked how taken aback Keller was at Ronon's solution to disabling the ship. (I could hear McKay in my head, "Of course. Shoot it is always your solution." All of Ronon's teammates would have said the same thing, but I think it was a defining moment for Jennifer.) It was good to see Chuck and Banks and Marie and Marks. Did I catch his first name to be Alex? (Teyla discussion is below)

                * I don't usually notice effects but the ships circling each other as they fired was COOL! As was the debris falling off Daedalus as it entered the atmosphere. Plus it followed through the hyperspace window.

                Not so good stuff:
                * What the hell happened to Caldwell? He's just suddenly gone with Marks and Woolsey running the ship. No explanation. Did you think we wouldn't notice the commander of the ship not on the bridge?

                * Teyla giving a token appearance. More about this later.

                * the Asgard as the alien race. Really, I was disappointed. *tries not to glare at poster on First Contact thread who spoiled that for me last week* With a blank canvas to invent an alien race to battle, and all you could find was the Asgard. Wow. The cool aliens from Daedalus Variations would have been good. The Furlings would have been a super choice. Hell, CREATE a new race. Find some originality.

                You can take one look at my avi and sig and figure out who my favorite character is. I'm all for Sheppard being the commander. And I agree that someone needed to stay on Atlantis to evacuate, whatever if Todd returned. Sheppard - that's YOU. Teyla and Lorne should be heading off to rescue Rodney and Daniel. Now, I know Sheppard is the lead, the go-to guy, the one who does the saving. But to relegate Teyla to overseeing Atlantis while the military commander (who has already been ordered to stay there and be in charge) goes galavanting off is an insult to my intelligence. It's been said to death (by me included) that Teyla is hideously underused. Here stands another example. Surely there has to be a way to include her in these eps. TRY HARDER. /rant

                As I said earlier, a fairly enjoyable ep. This one just happened to have a couple of faults that really pushed my buttons. I don't dislike it like I do some other eps. *coughTheTowerIrresistableIrresponsiblecough* But it could have been better.
                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                  I enjoyed it, but personally, I think that when GW dropped the bomb with the Asgard showing up, it kinda ruined it, since I already knew it was coming.

                  Seriously, why would they want to take one of the biggest spoilers of Season 5 and ruin for the fans without even airing the ep yet?!

                  Other than that, loved Daniel and Rodney's interactions together, and I thought that two ships jumping through the same hyperspace window through a planet was pretty awesome!

                  All in all, 8/10, simply because of the spoilers. ~Jess
                  Yeah GW has been known to spoiler the fans like this. They did this with the whole Carson returning mix up.

                  Anyway, this was a great episode! The whole Asgard thing was just very well done.


                    Jelgate’s Two Cents

                    In some ways I was impressed with the Lost Tribe and in other ways I was disappointed. I will say that it was a solid episode but I really don’t think it raised the bar then much then it’s previous. I’ve just gotten used to part two always being better then part one. Too me both episodes were on par with one another. Todd and Asgard, what more can you ask for?

                    I really did not expect the control room to be that damage I expected a level similar to the damage that we experienced in The Return. But in my opinion that control room was a lot worse this time. It looks almost everything was toast. I wonder what will be the excuse why the control room will instantly fixed in Outsiders.

                    Good old Todd is just as crafty as ever. But isn’t anyone else worried that he now knows the location of Atlantis not to mention he had access to our whole database. Who knows the repercussions of delicate information like that in the hands of the Wraith? Speaking of Todd, I have always loved how he will easily switch. It seems like just yesterday that the expedition and Todd were walking together and know he is threading to kill the crew of the Daedalus. I just loved him negotiating with Sheppard. He knew what he wanted and how he was going to get it. It’s just not something you would see from the average Wraith. The average Wraith would run in and start attacking Atlantis.

                    Excuse me while I take a stroll down memory lane. For it has been a long time since I have seen moral Daniel and one his huge rants. I find it refreshing to see him go on how wrong it for the evil Asgards to be killing humans. I know that’s kind of stating the obvious but it’s just nice to have a return to classic Stargate. The armored Asgard was so cold when he said they are acceptable losses. To me, that’s what makes or breaks. How cruel a person can. Any actor can read a line to say kill them all but the tone like in this episode really makes the villain seem like a threat. If it wasn’t all the people abusing the spoiler tags here I never would have seen the next scene coming. But it was still great to see those little gray guys.

                    An interesting backstory on the lost tribe of Asgard. You would think that the Ancients would have been aware of their presence during the war with the Wraith. They seemed a little arrogant when Daniel mentioned that all the other Asgard has been killed. Look we have made advancements in our genetic problems and we are still alive. I thought the protection suits were just for mobility and to disguise themselves from Daniel and McKay. I guess it would make sense but I find it odd that the Wraith wouldn’t be able to detect them in a poisonous atmosphere especially if the Wraith already knew about the Asgard’s existence.

                    I’m a little disappointed that TPTB chose to give Teyla the job of watching Atlantis while Sheppard and Zelenka got to go to the Asgard planet. She had so much potential in the beginning of the episode its a big disappoint that they chose to leave her behind while Sheppard and Zelenka got to play on a cool Traveler’s ship/ This has the most detailed look we have ever gotten from a Travelers ship. I have seen some pretty big pieces of junk in years but the Travelers ship takes the case. It reminds of my high school days when you see someone pull into the parking lot with those rusted cars with the loud motors. And I would always think to myself how it is even possible to be driving one of those things. That was my thought when I saw the ship so apparently I have the same mindset as Zelenka. But it was still awesome to see a ship that is vastly different then the ones we are use to in the Stargate universe

                    Ronon and Keller give me a headache but at the same time make an interesting duo. How unrealistic is it that he was able to open a bulkhead door. I'm sorry, I don't care how strong Ronon is but that is impossible. I did get a chuckle of Ronon randomly shooting control crystals to sabotage the Daedalus. Even though it was a stupid idea I was impressed on Keller turning herself in. The Keller of Missing never would have been brave enough to do that. On the other she should have been smart enough to listen to Ronon. I did think her rescue by Ronon was a good choreographed. How many times do we get to see a human hang from the ceiling?

                    The CGI battle was mildly disappointing. After seeing such a good CGI entrance by the Asgard in FC I was disappointed in this battle. It was hard at times to tell who the Travelers were and who were the Asgard.

                    Since Daniel and McKay were able to fit in the Asgard's body armor, I am wondering if maybe the evil Asgard didn't create the armor in first place. It’s not like we (the fans) have seen anything like it before. I wonder if the Ancients or some other advanced race created the suits. Speaking of the evil Asgard, I wonder if taking the Attero device's key with them will have any consequences with expedition in the near future. Why must Daniel always be the one who gets hurt? I thought it would have been better to see McKay tell Daniel what to do while he was in extreme pain

                    As said before Todd is still a crafty one but I wonder with him trying to destroy the Daedalus by ramming it into the Ancient outpost will turn him from a gray man into an enemy. However I thought the plan to save the Daedalus from a rather creative one. I didn't know you could extend to hyperdrive to include two ships. Things like that are rare blessings in Stargate.

                    Ah the conclusion scene. Nothing that was too shocking in here. I already guessed that the Daedalus would fetch a space gate and that their would be an unexplained way on how we can prevent the Asgard from bypassing the shield. The Ronon/Keller scene made me nauseous. We does Stargate continue to ship when it’s clearly not one of their strong points. The very end scene kind bring everything together for me Daniel and McKay started arguing in the start of FC and that’s how TLT ended.
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by Daniela View Post
                      The young girl working in engineering on the Traveller ship reminded me of Jewel's character on Firefly.
                      I noticed that too, it was probably an intentional homage.

                      Overall I enjoyed the episode, except for the last five minutes or so. Teyla was great in the opening sequences, taking charge of the situation, organizing the team to recover Sheppard and Zelenka. But I really wish they could have found some way to include her in the main action instead of leaving her in Atlantis. At the very least show Teyla and Sheppard discuss the clean-up of the control tower at the end instead of having him asking the Traveler women if Larrin ever talks about him.

                      I avoided the spoilers so the reveal of the Asgard as the new race was quite a surprise. I guess all that cloning has turned them evil, or just much more selfish than the Milky Way version. I hope there's some follow-up to them by the end of the season, otherwise it seems like a silly twist to pull on what has otherwise been shown to be a good-intentioned race.

                      I enjoyed the actions sequences, both on the Daedalus and between the Traveler's ship and the Asgard ships, and liked Sheppard's hyperspace trick to save the Daedalus. Any future interactions between the team and Todd should be interesting, considering he probably still thinks he was betrayed.

                      I liked seeing McKay figure out how to break out of the room and disable the Attero device, but I admit I just laughed when Daniel got hit by the lightning. Seriously, he's in a room full of bolts of lightning and while Rodney is crouching low to the ground, Daniel just stands in the open next to the device and expects to not get hit? I'd think 10+ years of Stargating experience would give him a bit more sense than that.

                      And I personally found Daniel to be wildly out of character in the closing infirmary scene with McKay. Instead of perhaps reflecting on the experience and the revelations about the Asgard, he thanks Rodney for almost saying that he respects Daniel? First he tries to score points with Mckay for finding Janus's lab and now he's fishing for compliments? Oy.



                        might as well throw in my half penny:

                        the good:

                        Todd rocked!
                        Loved the not-so-nice asgard.
                        Daniel's interaction with the asgard was okay...fruitless but okay.
                        DH and MS do have good comic timing. They would be great as the odd couple. Felix and Oscar! MS would be Felix and DH would be Oscar.

                        The bad:

                        Caldell sorta disappeared.
                        Sheppard ran around looking very constipated.
                        Teyla degraded to babysitter.
                        The travelers was an obvious plot device with no real impact.
                        Keller/Ronon was nauseating. Their acting seemed off on timing. Ronon seemed dumber than normal. Keller whined more than Rodney.

                        Ronon shooting up the control panel of the ship. Just stupid! More he-man, macho than anything else. Keller looking to ronon as if he knew how to turn off the systems was even worse. I heard the song "Oops I did it again" playing in my head during that scene.

                        Poor Zelenka! Nearly blown to kingdom come and then forced to work with a 15 year old who is apparently smarter than him.

                        The asgard suites and the fact Daniel and Rodney fit nicely into them was a bit of a stretch. Reminded me of storm troopers from starwars. I have expected Daniel to pull off his helmet after stumbling upon the asgard princess and state: "I'm Daniel Jackson and I'm here to rescue you."

                        Anyhow, the over all plot was predictable, Daniel near death bed scene predictable as well. Though, it would have been interesting if he died for the 15th time and then ascended again. LOL. Next stop...Ascension Cafe.

                        Over all I would rate this ep a 4 on a 1-10 scale.
                        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                          So we find out that the lost tribe are actually Pegasus Asgard, even though it was leaked a while ago. We also find out that these Asgard are like Loki, reckless and careless only caring for there own kind. But to the point come on they are suppose to be advanced and two of there ships got blown up from a traveler ship come on. This brings me back to Be All My Sins Remember'd when they attacked all the Asuran ships. To me this is crazy we even saw what a traveler ship looks like and it still could kick the Asgard's ass come on whats up with that?????


                            I don't know about you guys, but bringing back one of the old, more intelligent races just so we can kill them (again...) was a bad move. Not only do the Asgard not think like this, but they're really not the loners the bunch in these two episodes were. Somehow, it completely slipped that guy's mind that he could've had Atlantis, as well as the other significantly advanced races in the galaxy as allies (something Weir forgot just as easily with her bone-headed move to ice the other replicators). This episode was also outside of logic. Destroying the wraith is fine, and one could argue the human deaths are justified, but what about all the resources they'll be blowing up along with them? You know, the stuff they need to rebuild their own race and keep them alive? The Asgard are more like Starfleet than people realize; they're diplomats, and not stupid.

                            These guys were pretty stupid.


                              Originally posted by Biokinetica View Post
                              I don't know about you guys, but bringing back one of the old, more intelligent races just so we can kill them (again...) was a bad move. Not only do the Asgard not think like this, but they're really not the loners the bunch in these two episodes were. Somehow, it completely slipped that guy's mind that he could've had Atlantis, as well as the other significantly advanced races in the galaxy as allies (something Weir forgot just as easily with her bone-headed move to ice the other replicators). This episode was also outside of logic. Destroying the wraith is fine, and one could argue the human deaths are justified, but what about all the resources they'll be blowing up along with them? You know, the stuff they need to rebuild their own race and keep them alive? The Asgard are more like Starfleet than people realize; they're diplomats, and not stupid.

                              These guys were pretty stupid.
                              Um not all the Asgard died
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Wow! I SO did not see that coming!

                                I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                                Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:

