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Did you figure it out?

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    I knew Kolya was a fake... too many plotholes as to how he got to the mainland so without a gate or ship or both. It never clicked with Zelenka though, it's not the first time Zelenka has admitted that McKay was better then he was (remember back in The Seige with the ancient defence satellite?) so that got me there, as for Luthor. I had suspicions, why would Earth be dialling IN for an update? I figured Atlantis had to dial out for direct contact.

    I actually though Vanessa was an IOA agent after i saw the way Shou was spying on Woolsey at the balcony.


      I figured Koyla was a fake right away. Conrad took me a little longer, and the Zelenka one threw my for a loop. I didn't get it until the end, and even then I thought they were messing with Rodney at first.


        eh i knew something was up when kolya appeard and then when
        he cut of shepperds hand

        when i read the spoilers before watching this episode, at first thought maybe the new/old/dead alien race ressurected kolya but then i changed my mind when he
        cut of shepperds hand
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        Life is Strange


          Originally posted by Count View Post
          I actually though Vanessa was an IOA agent after i saw the way Shou was spying on Woolsey at the balcony.
          Yeah, that's what I thought at first. I was surprised when she turned out to be an AI.


            I knew Vanessa Conrad wasn't real or not really there since the moment i saw Shou on the window. I just thought "why would it be important?" then i thought "We haven't seen Conrad talking to anyone else but Mr. Woolsey " and that reminded me of the movie Beautiful Mind in which something similar happens. After that i started thinking and thought maybe Kolya was also a hallucination, but the hand cutting kind of trew me off because i though no physical things could happen threfore maybe he wasn't one... Zelenka seemed weird but not really payed much attention to him (exept for the comment that he made to Mckay but never imagined he wasn't real).
            Luthor was never in my mind...


              For me i kinda knew that something wasn't right when every time Mckay And Zelenka would talk Zelenka would be working his reverse psychology on him to work on the device. Very out of character for Zelenka.

              Vanessa Conrad (Go Aussies) again i thought there was something fishing going on as someone as pretty as she was going after woosley, no offense to Woosley.i thought at first she was an IOA agent there to get under his skin and report back to Shou, but i didnt get this one untill the end.

              Kolya i knew straight away something was wrong, firstly how would he be able to get onto the mainland without Atlantis being able to detect re-entry from a ship of some kind. Secondly whether it was just to messy to bother with i dont know but after Shep got his hand cut off.. Wheres all the blood?

              Overall i loved the episode, not only to see Australia's First Aussie that i know of on Atlantis, but again to see another Advanced race wanting our help.

              Don S. Davis: 1942-2008
              He will be missed.


                I didn't manage to figure it out, it was a complete surprise to me.
                I actually thought Vanessa was perhaps some mind device that the IOA lady brought with her to mess with Woolsey's head so that she could get control of Atlantis, but obviously I was wrong.

                I was pleasantly surprised when
                it turned out Vanessa was the AI for the Sakari seeder device, along with being the other hallucinations.

                It's just a shame we won't get to see the actual species develop in some future episode.
                If they had interstellar ships and powerful enough weapons they could have become a great ally in the fight against the Wraith, even if they don't it would be good to have some cool technological friends that we can help and get to know.
                I suppose a future Atlantis movie could explore some of their story.

                In my opinion it was an episode TPTB should have done a long time ago.


                  I thought that something was wrong when Sheppard escaped and had a handgun with him let alone the fact that the Genii repaired to Puddlejumper-hell they could'nt even fix my internet conection?????. Zelenka being polite to Rodney also was a bit of a giveaway


                    Yeah I had no idea for a long time. I guess when we first realised no one else could see her was when I thought the machine was involved.
                    It is a pity that we won't see her again. Originally I thought she was a plant by the IOA aswell.
                    I didn't realise about Kolya either until midway through his speech. I thought he used his "ancient device" to speed heal himself and Sheppherd's hand. I thought he had become a good guy and was helping this race (or at least keeping it away from Earth's hands). It was good seeing Kolya again though
                    Radick-he was acting weird all episode and I thought it was fishy to just start searchig the water. But I didn't even think of it until the end when McKay found out.

                    The Luther guy-personally I spotted this a mile away. It was the easiest of them all (actually surprised this was missed by you guys who figured what seemed like harder ones). The emphasis on the environment iniative was particularly smacking of poetic justice. Plus they wanted Woolsey's help so what better way to do that then secure his job.
                    I would have been surprised if this wasn't a trick.


                      While waiting for her return to Earth with Woolsey's bad appraisal in hand would have been standard, these are the same IOA people who thought that replicators eating Ori technology was a good thing. They're stooopid.
                      More fun @ Spoofgate!


                        ...and the scene with John vs Kolya where the camera spins around and around and around a la 'Alice in Wonderland' down the rabbit hole... Dead give away. Age old technique to show that something's a dream sequence, like 'Wizard of Oz' and the tornado. By that point, they were ready to reveal the hallucination anyway, so it worked.
                        More fun @ Spoofgate!


                          I knew something stargatey was up after Shepard got his hand cut off.
                          Not only do we not have a way of putting a hand back on him (and the conclusion it's not real) but the whole "I'm in the middle of the woods with bad guys and now I have a clean bandage on" tipped me off even more.

                          Did I figure out some crazy AI was in their minds? NOPE haha.

                          I was thinking Cloned Kolya's and some kind of mind trick.


                            I did figure out something was off. I had to watch the episode twice that night. The first I was doing some other things, but things did not seem right. The second time it made sense to me.

                            Venessa Conrad-->I was kind of thinking along the ancient line, but the AI angle was great.

                            Radak-->I knew it was not Radek because he did not get in his typical Czech swearing mood, because of being annoyed by Rodney.

                            Kolya-->I knew something was not right when John had the bandage on his cut of hand and it was not bleeding profusely.

                            This episode got me thinking about thing like the episode of This Mortial Coil of last season.
                            All of the above statments are merely my own opinion unless otherwise stated.


                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              ...and the scene with John vs Kolya where the camera spins around and around and around a la 'Alice in Wonderland' down the rabbit hole... Dead give away. Age old technique to show that something's a dream sequence, like 'Wizard of Oz' and the tornado. By that point, they were ready to reveal the hallucination anyway, so it worked.
                              ... now that's a great connection that I didn't make. Huh. When I rewatch this episode I'm going to watch for that.


                                I figured Kolya and the whole "hand slicing" thing was a ruse. I honestly didn't think Kolya was real because we already know the real Kolya is dead. He was killed by Sheppard in the Season 3 episode IRRESPONSIBLE.

