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'Inquisition' (513) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
    It would perhaps have been interesting if the show had hired a real defense attorney and prosecuter, have them look at the last four and a half seasons and then set forth their arguments. I bet more than a few attorneys would get a kick out of it.
    The writers could then have used these arguments and based a good script on them.
    'Cause I can see legitimate arguments on both sides, and it would have been good to see a serious examination of the consequences of the Atlantis expedition's effect on the Pegasus galaxy inhabitants.
    I see what you're saying, Lythisrose. That would've been interesting.

    "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

    "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

    WALLACE: And if I don't?
    O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


      Originally posted by Jill_Ion View Post
      It really wasn't anything like Q v. Picard.
      Same premise. Cause and effect.


        Originally posted by theheartsofatlantis View Post
        Do we have any Lawyers on the forum? It's be nice to have them give some input. Could they really be blamed for Waking the wraith? When Shepperd killed the queen he didn't know that killing the queen meant waking thousands of wraiths,

        Oh and the lady who played one of the judges, I saw her in a movie on lifetime today (It looked and sounded like her).
        This wasn't a fair trial and wasn't meant to be. That's reflected in the title, Inquisition. The new coalition was looking for someone to blame for what they percieve as everything having gone wrong in the last 5 years, probably to appease their member planets, and the Atlantis Expedition, being outsiders, was a convenient scapegoat. They were blamed but that was not weighed against their efforts to fight the Wraith and fix problems they and others (Ancients, Hoffans) created. If they'd wanted to be fair they could have called in some Travelers, or people from planets Atlantis has helped to testify.


          What a load of (*&!&#!!! A bunch of tree huggers form an Alliance to serve their own interests and have the audacity to try and remove the only capable group in the war against the Wraith & co.

          I am not defending the episode, far from it, but I cracked up when I saw the accusations and who was passing judgment.

          Act 1

          Judge : It is your fault you woke the Wraith!!!! DIIIEEEE!!!
          Shep: Well, it is a bit more complicated. I just found out I have the ancient gene and Teyla had a bracelet. I was being a gentleman and I picked it up from the mud. How was I supposed to know it was a rigged device to signal the Wraith if the Ancients have returned. You know, in order to use all that Ancient tech you need to have a gene.

          Judge: *blank stare, asking for an aspirin*....There is a new race that kills humans...DIEEEE for that!!!!!!!

          Shep: They are called replicators and were built by the Ancients. They got pissed with their creators and tried to kill them. We activated the "kill the Wraith button" and they chose a logical course of attack: weaken the wraith by killing people. We had no idea that was gonna happen. But, did you notice that they aren't killing anyone and the Wraith diminished their attacks?

          Judge: Well, in the cave I live, we only get MTV so, sorry, I cannot see the results of your actions. So you must DIIIIEEE!!!!! ***where is that aspirin!!!!***

          *****technical difficulties****


            Act 2:

            Judge Judy:The Replicators killed my loved ones. I have been seeking Revenge ever since. You must DIIIIEEEEE for that. I am biased and I am a judge, in yo face .

            Woolsey: ***drum roll*** Well, there have been casualties on both sides. It is not our fault. We simply wanted to destroy the Wraith.

            Judge: If I put a detonator, and the detonator makes chitty chitty bang bang, is it my fault or the detonator's?

            Woolsey: The detonator's of course. Following that logic, you must hold the Ancients reponsible for the replicators, the Wraith, etc.

            Judge: The ancients are not here to answer. You will answer and DIIIIIEEEE!!!!!!! You must be responsible for everything!!!!! The Genii gave us cookies so we need to make them numero uno!!!!

            THE END .


              And you wondered why I hated it.

              Are TPTB trying to say that's the best they could come up with?


                Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                Same premise. Cause and effect.
                Isn't that that almost all episdoes of most TV shows
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  I loved Cause and Effect on TNG. I loved how the Enterprise kept blowing up over and over. Data Rocked in that episode!
                  Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Isn't that that almost all episdoes of most TV shows
                    You'd think so, wouldn't you. But while most shows are very good at illustrating the causes, the effect part of that dichotomy is sorely lacking.

                    I exaggerate, yes I know, but there are times when things happen and TPTB just forget about it later on.


                      Originally posted by ddc View Post
                      This wasn't a fair trial and wasn't meant to be. That's reflected in the title, Inquisition. The new coalition was looking for someone to blame for what they percieve as everything having gone wrong in the last 5 years, probably to appease their member planets, and the Atlantis Expedition, being outsiders, was a convenient scapegoat. They were blamed but that was not weighed against their efforts to fight the Wraith and fix problems they and others (Ancients, Hoffans) created. If they'd wanted to be fair they could have called in some Travelers, or people from planets Atlantis has helped to testify.
                      I agree. The Coalition wanted planets to join and was trying to appease those who had suffered the most from the Replicators and Wraith and wanted revenge. Since the Ancients, the Replicators and some of the Wraith are gone/destroyed, some of the Coalition members tried to take it out on Atlantis.

                      Has there been some iffy actions or unforeseen consequences by Atlantis? Yes, but marooning the Team was not the correct punishment.

                      "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

                      "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

                      WALLACE: And if I don't?
                      O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                        *Looks around and finds it interesting that he hasn't heard any complaints about Shep and Woolsey drinking and smoking in this episode.*

                        Then again, for a show with brain parasites and people shot in the head...
                        More fun @ Spoofgate!


                          Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                          It was a Trek remake . Q judged Picard...yadda yadda yadda .
                          No it wasn't! You can't compare Encounter at Farpoint with Inquisition! Sacrilege!=O

                          To be serious: Q's accusations were that humanity, throughout their whole history, caused a lot of pain, evil, are selfish, dangerous, etc. He's a higher power judging us lower beings. So he has all the information. The Genii don't.

                          And Picard admitted that Q's accusations were correct and didn't try to whitewash humanity's bad side. That humanity did do all that stuff and that they will still do bad stuff. But even though they did bad stuff, humanity also has done some good, and that they were still capable of goodness. Most importantly, they are trying to be better. The people of Atlantis aren't, and also the "trial" was a joke.

                          Lastly, Q's trial was a test.

                          ... and now I'm sad that I donated my Encounter at Farpoint novelization to the library.


                            Felt the same about this episode that I did about Family Ties on SG1. Why in H%%l are they wasting a precious final episode?????!!!!??? A clip show?

                            I did like seeing 'Darrell' again though. He's cute!


                              Originally posted by Jill_Ion View Post
                              I agree. The Coalition wanted planets to join and was trying to appease those who had suffered the most from the Replicators and Wraith and wanted revenge. Since the Ancients, the Replicators and some of the Wraith are gone/destroyed, some of the Coalition members tried to take it out on Atlantis.

                              Has there been some iffy actions or unforeseen consequences by Atlantis? Yes, but marooning the Team was not the correct punishment.
                              But nevertheless, the Coalition had a very good point. Members of the Atlantis expedition (especially Sheppard) have acted recklessly and got countless people killed. My vote would be guilt with a softer punishment for the actions of the Wraith and guilty with full punishment on Michael.


                                Law and Order: Pegasus

                                I hope SGU builds itself upon a better foundation than Atlantis. I mean, one of the biggest problems with SGA is that it's based in a galaxy where there is one, big, technologically advanced enemy and everyone else is sitting on a medieval privy or drinking ye ale of old. As such, there are only so many stories you can tell before the formula gets boring.

                                I found the 'victory' scene between Sheppard and Woolsey extremely inappropriate, and having these two as the only speakers during the trial was pure character snobbery.

                                More to the point, I firmly believe that David Hewlett is the only actor in the show with any actual talent. <snip>... At least with SG-1 I can confidently say that all four original actors were both proficient and, at times, exceptional.
                                Last edited by Skydiver; 29 October 2008, 06:40 AM.

